Ubuntu Networking :: No Smaba Shares On Wireless ?

Feb 3, 2010

Samba works fine over ethernet but over wireless i get nothing, i cannot even browse to smb://stargazer/ manually.

smbtree gives me this:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access LAN Shares While Over Wireless?

May 5, 2010

My university has a central leased line that is split into wired and wireless. While plugged into the wired network i can access all the windows shares. However when on the wireless network, i cant access the wired shares. Windows laptops can however access them, but directly entering the share name ( \share-name)

I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

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Networking :: Can't View List Of Shares In Nautilus But Can Browse Shares Directly?

Dec 11, 2008

I run opensuse 11 at work. I'm trying to see the list of shares on a "server" that is running windows server 2000. If I try smb://server, it doesn't show any shares, but I can browse directly to it such as smb://server/share1. If I use smbclient, it returns the list of shares correctly. I guess I just don't understand why smbclient shows the list of shared folders, but nautilus cannot.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Smaba To Work With Vista?

Apr 3, 2010

I've not used ubuntu in a while and am having a bit of difficulty connecting to my laptop which i use as a mule for downloading i currently dual boot my desktop with xp so know that i can access it in that but for some reason it doesn't seem to want to let me connect through linux.Here's my smb.conf file

; General server settings
netbios name = watersa8-desktop
server string = watersa8-desktop
workgroup = HOME
announce version = 5.0


but still to no avail is there specific issues surrounding vista im not aware of as ive only ever set up a home network between ubuntu and xp

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General :: Administration - Managing SAMBA Shares And Giving User Specific Access For The Shares

Jul 28, 2010

I am working as a Linux administrator in a very small data centre with 5 servers with following routine tasks.

1. Managing SAMBA shares and giving user specific access for the shares.
2. Scheduling backup of some mount points with rsycn to store data in remote hard disk
3. User and group administration, with sudo access.
4. Creating and Managing Xen Virtual machines and giving access to other project teams.
5. Automating some tasks with Shell Scripting.
6. Managing FTP server for user uploads.

I have practiced a lot in my home laptop without RHEL training, Cleared RHCE and LPIC1. I want to do some advanced system admin tasks, but do not have option in my current data centre. With Above skills is it possible to get a job ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't See Shares Between Two Computers?

Mar 21, 2010

both are running 9.04i have samba installed on both, each computer can ping the other, they each have a folder that is being shared, and they each can see a third computer that has windowsxp on it. however, they cannot see each other.not really sure what is going on.went to places/network and nothing shows up except the windowsorkgroup/computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows Cannot See Shares ?

Aug 1, 2010

Simply share a printer in a small, secure home network spread over 5 or 6 machines running mostly windows (98 through Win7) but using the UBUNTU box as the host for the printer.

The network has basic connectivity. I have no problem pinging any box from any box. Or surfing from any box.

From UBUNTU box, can see and browse Windows Workgroup no problem.

Windows machines see the announcement of UBUNPRIN but cannot connect. Cannot seem to authenticate. I'm thinking that I have the share set up with NO security.

security = SHARE


map to guest = Bad User

Adding some terminal output and the smb.conf file...

Clip from log.nmbd:

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Ubuntu Networking :: SMB Shares From Server?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm having a bit of an issue. I have 7 HDD's shared over Samba from a Ubuntu 9.10 server. I'm having trouble getting access to them on all my pc's except for 2(out of the 4). On all the pc"s I get this when I type this command smbtree,

\UNIVERSE universe server (Samba, Ubuntu)
cli_start_connection: failed to connect to UNIVERSE<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Write To Windows Shares

Jan 31, 2010

I've recently switched to Ubuntu from debian, and I'm now running a fresh install of 9.04 32 bit. I have a Windows XP media computer which I would like to be able to browse using smb://. This worked fine on my debian system, but I cannot get it to work on ubuntu. The windows XP machine has a couple of shares, e.g Music. I can access the Music share via smb://, but I cannot write to it. Nautilus just says "Permission denied". I can also see the default shares, e.g. E$, but if I try to open them I am prompted with a password, but no matter what I enter it seems to have no effect. How to proceed?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Use Network Shares From 9.10 Machine

Feb 1, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10. I am hooked into my home network with several windows machines attached. On a daily basis I browse the network and use network shares. Today, I can't. Today I can't see any other machines from ubuntu. I haven't changed any settings in Ubuntu, and nothing has been changed on the network, but yesterday it worked fine and today it doesn't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Shares From 9.10?

Feb 16, 2010

i have 3 ubuntu machines running 9.10. All of them are running SMB so that the Windows machines can access the shares on the Ubuntu machines, but the ubuntu machines can not access shares on the Windows machines. When I click to connect to a windows machine ( all of them running XP), it says "connecting to COMPUTERNAME.." It never opens the computer, and it always comes back with an error saying that it failed to connect. I haven't been using ubuntu for very long, so im not as savvy with it as I am on windows. All windows machines can see all ubuntu shares, just not the other way around and I'd like it to be both.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't See Shares On 9.10 Samba Server?

May 10, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 Samba file server. I have set up Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix in a home network which also has Windows XP home and Vista computers already present in the network. The XP and Vista machines have no problem accessing the file shares.

The server is running mhddfs with FlexRaid. The security is set to share level access. I have a hosts allow line in the smb.conf file to permit access to certain IP addresses and have added the 10.04 netbook remix IP address to this hosts allow line.

I cannot access shares from the 10.04netbook remix machine if the hosts allow line is active, but have no problem from the windows machines. If i comment out the hosts allow line, all machines can access the share, including the netbook remix machine. I am fairly new to Linux and would appreciate any help in solving this problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Where Is The Mount Point For Smb Shares

May 11, 2010

Where are the mount points for smb shares connected via "Places -> Connect to Server"? I assumed them in one of the usual places like


but these folders are both empty. There are a couple of applications which are not capable of accessing my shares because i can't navigate to the right location...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Win 7 Shares From Lucid

Aug 4, 2010

I am trying to access a shared printer connected to my Win7 PC from a laptop running Lucid Lynx. I have Samba installed and configured okay (I think) and I can browse the Ubuntu laptop from Windows but when I try to access shares on the Win7 machine I get a message NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL.

I've reviewed the security settings on the Win7 machine and tried turning off the firewall. I can see the Win7 computer on my network and ping it from the Ubuntu laptop but I cannot access shared folders or the printer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Some Nfs Shares

Jan 13, 2011

At, or around, the time of upgrading from Lucid to Maverick, shares on some of my nfs servers have become inaccessible:

peter@Desktop:~$ ls /net/
peter@Desktop:~$ ls /net/


The share is hosted on a PopcornHour Network Media Tank, running a Linux system. With Lucid, I was able to access the share without any problems, both in Nautilus and from terminal. I can still access the share from other nfs clients - it's just ubuntu/Maverick which exhibits this problem. I have tried reverting to older firmware on the PopcornHour but that doesn't make any improvement.

Was there some significant change in nfs with the Maverick release, or have I misconfigured something?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Windows Shares

Feb 3, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.10 M-M..Running Network, my machine sees my Windows Workgroup, and even the machines on the workgroup. When I try to access those machines, I get a message "Failed to retrieve share list from server." I've been able to mount other machines by using straight IP accesss, but that is of little use since IP addresses are not Static.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Virtualbox Shares In One Direction Only?

Mar 17, 2011

I have been pouring over pages from some days over this one and come to my end.I have Meekat Guest, Xp host on Virtualbox; set up for folder share on virtual networking.Xp can see Linux shared folder, can withdraw to itself, yet cannot deposit to shared folder; error received "Disk write protected or in use"Linux access to 'workgroup' - xp machine is seen yet when clicked on returns the error of"Unable to mount location - failed to obtain share list from server"smb call from Host returns "Connection to STENCILCUP failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Shares Not Accessible On OSX?

Apr 26, 2011

I have setup Samba shares on my Ubuntu 10.10 and assigned different different username and password combination for each share.

The sharing works perfectly fine on all the Windows machines but it does not work on OSX. When I try to connect using OSX, it ends up showing waiting icon (screenshot attached) after entering username and password. (It asks for the login details after selecting the share from the list)

Following is my smb file content:

# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Access Samba Shares?

May 31, 2011

find that i cant access from my ubuntu box (desktop), now running 11.04 (i was able to access yesterday, when i tested the config). I CAN access from my XP and Win7 virtualboxes.and also from another win7 on the house.. So server is working good aparently.This is all i modified from the default config file:

####### Authentication #######
# "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account


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Ubuntu Networking :: Automatically Mount NFS Shares Without Autofs?

Jan 24, 2010

Setup clients on a LAN to automatically mount NFS shares whenever the fileserver is up, without using autofs. Instead a simple bash script which checks if the server is up, and if the shares need to be mounted or unmounted is called by a custom upstart job. For a small office or home network populated with Unix-like computers (e.g., a few Ubuntu desktops or laptops and a fileserver), NFS (Network File System) is a good way to share storage space and centralise the backup of important documents. However, having a fileserver running 24/7 is often overkill for such a setup.

One way to have clients mount NFS shares automatically when the fileserver is turned on, is to use a package called autofs. Unfortunately, there are a few unresolved issues with using autofs in combination with NFS. In my case, when autofs tries to mount NFS shares when the fileserver is turned off, the Gnome desktop, and Nautilus in particular, becomes extremely unresponsive, regardless of the options used. Attempting to mount the share manually from the command line when the server is down however, does return a message of failure quite promptly, without hanging the desktop.

To solve this issue, I wrote a simple bash script that is run through the upstart system. The script simply checks if the fileserver is up, if the shares need mounting or unmounting, and then sleeps for a while before checking again. This works out quite well, so I decided to share this information in case someone else runs into these issues. PrerequisitesThis howto assumes that you have an NFS server set up with shares exported, and one or more clients capable of mounting those shares. For more information on setting up NFS shares and mounting them on a client from the command line, see: SettingUpNFSHowTo.

Clients should be able to ping the server to determine if it is running. Naturally, you need administrator access on the clients to install the script and upstart job outlined below. This script assumes that the directory paths of the shares match the location where they are mounted. In my case, the fileserver has two shares: /media/Storage and /media/Backup. On the clients these shares are mounted on the same paths. If your setup deviates from this, the script needs some modification. The script From the desktop of one the clients, paste the following bash script as a new file in your favourite text editor:


# The hostname or IP-address of the fileserver:
# Check every X seconds (60 is a good default):


Now adjust the FILESERVER variable. In this example, my fileserver is called myfileserver. By default, Ubuntu sets up your networking environment in such a way, that computername.local can be used to reach that computer over the local network, so the network name for myfileserver is myfileserver.local. Of course, you can also use the IP-address of the server. Next, change the MOUNTS variable to match the NFS shares exported by your NFS server. MOUNTS is an array; multiple entries are separated by spaces. So if you have one share exported as /media/MyShare, that line would look like this:


MOUNTS=( "/media/MyShare" )

An advantage of mounting shares in /media, is that they automatically show up as mounted drives on the user's desktop. Note that this howto assumes that you use the same paths for the share on the server and client side! Save the script to your desktop with an obvious name. In this example we call it mount_my_nfs_shares. Open a terminal and cd to the desktop. Make the script executable by calling:


chmod +x mount_my_nfs_shares

Next, move it to a place where it can be called by our upstart job, but also from the console to test. A good place to put such custom executables is /usr/local/bin.


sudo mv mount_my_nfs_shares /usr/local/bin

This script uses the logger command to tell the system's log what it is doing. To test this script, open up two terminals; in one, execute the following so we can monitor the log messages:


tail -f /var/log/syslog

In the other, simply execute mount_my_nfs_shares. If the script works, your shares should show up on the desktop and the computer:// location in Nautilus. If the fileserver goes down or becomes unreachable, the shares should disappear, and reappear when the fileserver comes back on-line. If this works, move on to the next step. Installing a custom upstart job The next step is to have the clients automatically run the above script when they are booted. We can use upstart for this. Create a new text file, and enter the following:


# mount_my_nfs_shares - mount NFS shares on fileserver, if present
description"Mount NFS-shares"
start on (filesystem)


How the script works The script enters an eternal loop and keeps checking if it can reach the fileserver once every minute (unless you adjust the INTERVAL variable). If it can reach (ping) the fileserver, it checks if the mounts are already mounted by searching for them (grepping) in the output of mount. If they are not mounted, it tries to mount them. Else, if the server is down, it looks in the output of mount to see if these mounts exist. If they do, it tries to unmount them with the -f flag (useful for unmounting unreachable NFS shares).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Shares Not Visible On The Network?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to share some folders over the network, but the shared folders are not visible on another computer. This is through double clicking my computer from the Network list in Nautilus. However, I can access the share by typing the full address(<computer name>/<share name>) in "File > Connect to Server...".Since I can't type the address manually from my blu-ray drive, I need to get the shares to show on the network. What is wrong with my settings?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Mount Windows Network Shares

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying to share files on my Windows XP Home machine over my P2P network to my Ubuntu netbook. The folder I wish to share is configured in Windows with public permissions. I go to the Files & Folders > Documents and then I click on Network in the Places tab. A Windows Network icon appears, but when I double click it I receive the error message, "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Permissions With Shares - Transfer Files

Feb 14, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for about 2 years now, but still have trouble with some of the finer workings of linux. I have a laptop that I use for general computing, and a desktop hooked up to a TV as sort of a remote backup/htpc. A problem I run into is when I transfer files, they get transfered with the owner set as the original computer's account, and I can't do anything until I open a remote viewer and gksudo nautilus to change the permissions of the file. I looked at articles about permissions and uid's, gid's, and umask but can't figure out how to apply it to my situation.

I thought about doing something with groups but am not sure exactly what, and anyway, default group settings only give read access and what I'm really looking for is the ability to manipulate files and folders across the entire /home dir on my desktop from my laptop. Desktop is running 8.04 and laptop is running 9.10. BTW I am currently sharing through smbfs. I read that this has been replaced by cifs, but at the moment I would prefer not the mess with things if I don't need to.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Samba Shares On Windows Vista

Feb 27, 2010

I setup shares on a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 via the shared folders application from here: [URL]. The shares are visible on my vista laptop but when I go to open them I get an error "you might not have permission to use this network resource". I set the smbpswd to nothing via the method in the above article as well and my /etc/samba/smd.conf has the follow lines:

path = /media/Secondary Storage
available = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = no

path = /media/New Volume
available = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = no

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant See Samba Shares After Changing IP Addresses?

Feb 27, 2010

i have a file server running kubuntu and samba, when i plugged it into a different router, the router assigned it a different IP address (as I expected - its using DHCP) - but the old router was supplying 192.168.1.x type IP's and now the new router is suppliing 10.0.0.x type addresses.I now cannt see the samba shares on the file server.the computers can ping each other and they have working connections to the internet

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set A Storage Quota For Samba Shares?

Mar 19, 2010

Is there a way I can set a storage quota for samba shares, so that way a user can only store up to 2gb of data in a certain share?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can No Longer View Samba Shares

Mar 22, 2010

I use Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop and Vista Premium on my two desktops. Until recently I was able to view and access my document files on my desktop from within Ubuntu. I can no longer do so.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Mount SMB Shares As Read/write

Jul 1, 2010

We have a network with several computer. We have two file servers (don't ask why) an Ubuntu and an XP as well as many clients. Setting shares on Ubuntu was easy and all clients can see them read and write. but I can't get the Ubuntu clients to see the SMB shares on the XP properly. This is my fstab:

// /media/resources smbfs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/boss/.smbcredentials,dmask=775,gid=1009 0 0
// /media/summer smbfs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/boss/.smbcredentials1,dmask=775,gid=1009 0 0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows 7 Not Reconnecting To Samba Shares?

Jul 9, 2010

Been trying to deal with this one for some time, and still not sure it's more or an issue on the Samba or Win 7 side.

Running Ubuntu 10.04 with Samba 3.4.7, using Windows clients from 2000 on up to access shares.

2000 and XP have no trouble both connecting initially to shares, but upon reboot the shares are disconnected and do not automatically reconnect unless one of them is double-clicked on. Passwords and mappings are saved such that Windows tries to reconnect upon restart. When manually reconnected in this way, shares remain open as they should. This isn't a big issue, but it would be preferable to have these shares reconnect so that links and shortcuts across the LAN work right from bootup.

The bigger issue is with Vista/Windows 7 - When shares are set up with appropriate passwords and such on the clients, they work as expected, until the client is rebooted. After signing into windows 2 things are observable:

- Black screen for 2-5 minutes before desktop appears

- error message appears when you try to double-click on a mapped share (even with a saved password) that the connection cannot be restored.

If you go into credentials manager and delete the saved password for the share(s) on the samba server, you are prompted for the password when you try to open any of the shares - reenter it and you're then fine until the next reboot.

There must be some issue with the persistence of the saved password, but not sure if this a Windows-side issue or not. Read some other info on this, and had to make the following changes earlier to even get Win 7 clients to connect to samba at all:


It appears that when Win 7 starts up, it simply can't connect using the saved password, and the desktop doesn't come up until the reconnecting action(s) time out (if you disconnect your win 7 machine from the network the delay is not present).

It's not a game-breaker, but really annoying when rebooting having the delay and reentering the network share password(s).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nautilus Won't Connect To Windows Shares?

Aug 17, 2010

After running updates earlier today, none of my Ubuntu-based computers can connect to any Windows shares in Nautilus.Samba is running and working fine; I can access the shares via web browser using smb://hostname, so I know it's not an issue with Samba not working.Also, the two Windows-based computers can see each others' shares, including printers.

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