Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Failure In 10.04

Jul 12, 2010

I have tested it in windows and confirmed that the problem does not lay in the firewall and is just in ubuntu.

Simply what happens is I can connect, or rather network manager tells me im connected. If I leave it for approx 30 seconds it will fail.
If I open terminal services client it will allow me to connect to the server and even get passed the login screen but will just simply fail and the TSC program will crash.

below are a list of forums and fixes I have attempted. I am beginning to think that the open VPN program supplied with ubuntu is completely inadiquate (based on the number of other people with problems) and I cannot see why ubuntu comes shipped with it on CD when it clearly undermines the good work they have done to produce the rest of the OS.


Anyway, I have tried using MPPE, refuse-eap = yes

I have tried changing EVERY single option available in the VPN properties and restarting the network after each one.

As an alternative are there any other network managers available for ubuntu 10 that anyone can recommend to avoid using the standard one?

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Networking :: Major Failure On Part Of Ubuntu Related To Networking / Fix It?

Mar 31, 2010

After deleting part of the gnome config directories in order to reset gnome (GUI was messed up - No title bars, etc). I lost my bluetooth tethering to my Nokia N900. I cannot redo it as it always fails. Linking from phone to Laptop works, but cannot use it to link up to the internet then. Cable to the phone always worked up till now. Now I cannot get a connection as it stopped working after my upgrade to 11.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Connection Failure

Jan 28, 2011

I use a free vpn connection service to avoid filtering in Windows xp but in my ubuntu 10.10 is not working , i checked the gateway and other properties a lot of time and there is nothing wrong.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Failure To Connect To Internet

Jul 12, 2010

I got a netbook, used, and I installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix on it. This is my netbook :


Product Number VA715UA#ABA
Microprocessor 1.60GHz Intel Atom Processor N270
Microprocessor Cache 512KB L2
Memory 1024MB DDR2 System Memory (1 Dimm)
Memory Max 1024MB


I was fine to get on the internet when it had Vista on it, but now the wifi light is always 'on' no matter what I do, yet Ubuntu can't even acknowledge it HAS wifi, let alone connects. I'm at a total loss here, and I need this up and running.

I've found a lot of people with similar issues, but none of those solutions has helped. My Ubuntu 'fails' packages all the time (tells me they don't exist!) and I don't know what to do with it. I'm a Windows user (born and raised) and speaking Ubuntu is not coming naturally to me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.04 Wireless Card Failure?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an IBM Thinkpad running Ubuntu 9.04. I just went on a trip and used the hotels wireless internet with no problems. I get back to my own wireless network and not one wireless connection comes up. My other computers get the signal just fine. I have rebooted the computer as well as tried an Ubuntu Live Cd to see if it was just my settings. Nothing is working and it can't find the networks. Does this mean that my card is dead because it was just working a few days ago...?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 910 Hp Pavilion A6750F Internet Failure?

Mar 14, 2010

I just installed that latest version of Ubuntu on to my HP *a6750f Pavilion PC. I am using my wireless card on it. When i use the internet sometimes it will work for awhile but then it won't. So my internet keeps cutting in and out. I am not being diconnected from my router though. Internet is working prefectly fine on my other computers running windows seven and ubuntu.Here is my information

------------lspci code returned
00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 9602


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Ubuntu Networking :: Sudden Failure To Connect To Router ?

Dec 18, 2010

I was connecting to the internet with no problems at all until two days ago. a while back I set my local IP to #.#.#.11, the internet failed.


I removed the added code from /etc/network/interfaces and the internet started up again, however the card retained the .11 IP address and has done through many installs... Don't know why or how, probably just a router DHCP setting not retiring the IP of machines.

That wasn't a problem as far as I know.

Ok, so I check a wired connected win7 pc and an ipconfig /all shows he's got the #.#.#.11 address. Checked a wireless win7 netbook and it got a #.#.#.24 address

Wireless key double checked and is correct.

I'm now on my WinXP partition (dual boot with the same ubuntu install that won't connect to the internet) it's getting the IP #.#.#.5 and is connecting with no trouble(albeit slow windows)

All machines are set to automatic configure, but obviously retain the same ip for a while.

I've tried


iwconfig show that the wireless card is indeed wlan0

Here's basic information


Wireless card on non-connecting machine: Belkin N+ wireless card, v2001, NDISWRAPPER

will this work?:


The problem is that if I try and connect to the router it does the "connecting rotating circle" and then just either has a message "disconnected from wireless" or asks me again and again for the WPA key, which is already correct.

LiveCD and fresh install both fail, used ndiswrapper and it's always worked fine before.

using Ubuntu 10.04

How I can get connected again? This is a desktop, a wired connection is just NOT possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Failure To Make Rt2570 Driver

Jan 18, 2011

I am inquiring about an error i have run into when i tried to make the driver "Ralink 2750 usb enhanced drvier". I downloaded it from this site [URL]... My wifi card according to lsusb is a 2570 Ralink Technology, Corp. 802.11g WiFi. I extract the package inside my /home/user/Downloads directory, using tar -xvf /home/user/Downloads/rt2570-k2wrlz-1.6.4.tar.bz2 That works fine and extracts the file, but once i change the working directory to /home/user/Downloads/rt2570-k2wrlz-1.6.4/Module and run the 'make' command, i receive the following error.


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Networking :: RPC Svcgssd Shutdown Failure

Jan 14, 2010

I am facing problem when doing NFS mount.RPC service is not getting shutdown.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Refresh Network After Power Failure On Laptop?

Apr 24, 2010

have Karmic Coala runing on an IBM thinkpad X.41. Works great. My home network is all ethernet so I have a router , CAT5 cable to laptop.A coupleof times I've had power outages The laptop carries on as it's on battery power. When the power comes back , the router restarts, it reconnects after a few minutes but the laptop doesn't reconnect to the network seamlessly. On some other Linux distro's I've had running /etc/init.d/network restart will refresh everything. On Ubuntu I have /etc/init.d/networks but running restart In the end I needed to reboot the laptop to get the network back on.Perhaps this is a power management issue with the laptop ethernet card i.e losing power powers down the card and it never comes back up properly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Failure To Connect To Internet Occurs Only At Home?

Aug 14, 2010

i have a problem connecting to the internet at home, but have no problem connecting to the internet in other places. My computer connect ot the router but does not receive aconnection to the internet form the router. this happens both wireless and ethernet. at the same time everybody elses computers (using windows) connect to the internet in my home. i have tried switching between two wireless cards, had the same problem. this makes me think it has something to do with the router itself. i use a Planet WRT-413 router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid PPTP VPN Failure Connecting To MS Server

Sep 10, 2010

I'm attempting to get 10.04 to connect to an SBS 2003 pptp vpn server, but for the life of me have been unable to find or implement a working solution. System previously had 8.x and 9.x and had no difficulty connecting to same server, but on a fresh install of 10.04 cannot connect.

tail -f /var/log/syslog shows the following:

Sep 10 15:19:32 ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> Starting VPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp'...
Sep 10 15:19:32 ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> VPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp' started


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Fedora Networking :: Internet Failure After Update

Feb 28, 2010

After running a system update, on next boot I was unable to connect to the internet. I am running Fedora 12 KDE 4.4 x86_64 with a dsl connection. Network manager was keeping my ethernet card disabled. If I disabled NM control of the card I could manually enable it and connect to the internet, but on reboot it would be disabled again. I saw that the update did apply to NetworkManager so I did a downgrade. yum downgrade NetworkManager That seems to have fixed the problem.

Here's an interesting thing I noticed. When I did the downgrade, yum wanted to "Install" for dep NetworkManager-glib for the lower version, however didn't do anything to the same file on the latest version. Almost as if it wasn't installed. Now, with the downgraded version as current, yum wants to update both NetworkManager and NetworkManager-glib to the latest version. I couldn't swear to it, but I think the original update to NetworkManager did not include the *-glib dep, but now it does. Maybe that was the problem all along?

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Networking :: Failure Of Internet Connection Through Fedora 8

Feb 26, 2011

I can't connect internet using ADSL modem of bsnl.I am new user of linux(fedora8).To do so I go through system>administration>network configuration and trying to activate xdsl modem and ethernet but unfortunately ethernet does not seems though there is a ethernet card.Here it should be mention that in my windowsXP partion there is no problem for internet connection.so what can I do next?

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Networking :: How To Diagnose VPN Connection Failure On Fedora 12

Jun 4, 2011

Using a set of instruction given to me, I was able to set up a Macintosh system running Mac OS X to successfully connect to a virtual private network.I then tried to adapt those same instruction to configure a system running Fedora Linux 12 on an Intel Core2 Duo system.However when I try to connect using the NetworkManager Applet, I get an error that saying the VPN connection failed, with no clear indication of what the actual problem is.What can I do to troubleshoot this problem and find out why the connection is failing?

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Networking :: Implementing Fault Tolerance For LAN Failure?

May 20, 2011

is there a way to implement fault tolerance in case of LAN failure on SUSE 10 sp3 i.e. if 1 LAN port fails then the 2nd LAN port should take over ..

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Networking :: Udev Failure With Multiple Interfaces

Jan 7, 2011

I have got a problem in the configuration of the network for my Linux box. The distribution is Slackware 12.2 with the kernel. There are three ethernet NIC, one on the motherboard with Atheros AR8121/AR8113 chip and two on PCI card which with RealTek 8169.
I installed the module for Atheros which is the atl1e.ko and I defined the configuration for the three NICs in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf.
When I hit the commend ifconfig I see all the three interfaces eth0, eth1, and eth2, but the address are not distributed between the NICs as I'd like so I thought to resolve the inconvience with udev, but I don't know how to proceed because there is a strange situation.

If I control the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules I see a strange situation: Once the file contains nonly a line for the Atheros NIC but if I reboot the system there are the two lines for the two RealTek NICs and everytime the system is rebooted there is a change between these two alternatives. A detail I noted is that the two modules atl1e and r8169 are both always loaded, so udev has always the chance to detect the hardware but for some reason that I don't know something goes wrong. Another related problem that bothers me is the absence of udevinfo and udevtest. Have I perhaps to reinstall udev?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Failure / Failed To Fetch Size Mismatch?

Mar 16, 2010

I've just installed an ubuntu 9.10 server at my office and configure apache, php and mysql without problems.
Now i need to share some directories in order to wed developers access to the websites files.But when I try to share, ubuntu tries to install samba services, and I keep to get those errors:
"W: Failed to fetch url Size mismatch

W: Failed to fetch url
Size mismatch"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automatically 'redial' ADSL Connection After Power Failure?

May 4, 2010

I use an ADSL connection which I 'dial' using the Network Manager. My laptop is connected to the modem through an ethernet cable.

The thing is the place where I stay is prone for power failure. So the modem goes out with the power. It comes back on within a minute when the power is restored but Network Manager doesn't seem to automatically re-establish the connection after it is lost once. I have to manually do it. Hence most of my downloads do not get done.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Updates Lead To Failure In Establishing A Wired Connection

May 21, 2010

One of the (many many) problems that I had with Ubuntu 10.4 was that I wasn't able to connect using a wired. It really came to me as a huge surprise, because that's a problem that I have never encountered. I had dealings with wireless-issues in the past. But never a wired connection failed. The thing is that we (in the dormitory where I live) had a network problem recently. A hardware piece got fried and we weren't able to replace it for about 3 weeks (go figure :X ). But in the past 3 days or so we're back online. The thing is - none of my neighbours (all of them are using Windows) has network issues now. Usually it was on the contrary - I was the one who had beautiful connection while they had to deal with a load of d@ng. That said - I made a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10. The problem got resolved and I was as happy as a chick during her first wedding night with Don Goivanni in her bed. BUT after I updated (note - update and NOT upgrade) my system, I was suddenly unable to use the wired connection. The strange thing is that the NM says that I am connected AND I even get some short bursts of network traffic (last for 2-3 seconds) but usually not enough to load even a simple web page. Ping always returns 100% loss no matter how long the package burst lasts. I have slept this night for about 3 hours looking for a solution. None has been found so far. I don't have WAPs at home so wired connection is the only way for me to use this modern thing called internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Qualcomm 3g Modem Disconnects After Few Seconds - Getting Failure Code 100

Sep 13, 2010

I have a Lenovo W510 Laptop with Ubuntu 10.04. The laptop has an on board Qualcomm 3g modem. I have managed to install the Qualcomm firmware and Network Manager detects the 3g device but when I try to connect it disconnects after a few seconds. My syslog has the error

Code: Got failure code 100: Unknown error

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Ubuntu Networking :: D-Link Wireless WNA-1330 PCMCIA Card Failure

Oct 1, 2010

I had Ubuntu 8.04 and the D-Link Wireless WNA-1330 PCMCIA card worked just fine. I upgraded to 10.04 and it fails. I can see the network of wireless routers in my neighborhood, but when I try to connect on WEP 40/128bit with my hex key of my router, it tries to connect but can't get a DHCP address. I cannot ping the router in that state, of course. I have two other 10.04 laptops (with built-in wireless) and they connect just fine, as does a Windows Vista laptop. I also tried the pci=noapi item in /boot/grub/menu.lst, but that failed to show any results either. The card lights up like it should, and acts just like it did with 8.04 on the lights, but it doesn't connect. I end up seeing the "Enter your WEP password" dialog again and again unless I hit Cancel.

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Fedora Networking :: Failure Connecting VPN To Corp Network ?

Jan 12, 2011

I am running fedora 14 and have tried to setup VPN access to work. I used the simple networking GUI program. Another engineer at work uses ubuntu and that is how he accesses the VPN. I think that I did everything right but get this generic 'VPN connection failed' message. I am trying to connect to a monowall firewall and have the IP address. Yes, I have an account but am just trying it for the first time. I turned on all of the options available which seemed correct based on the instructions that I had. I have contacted my sys-admin to try to find out what the monowall doesn't like. However, I am wondering if I might need to open an outgoing port on my linksys home router/firewall and, if so, which one?

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Networking :: How To Make Nslookup Return Failure If DNS Server Fails

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to find a command to tell nslookup, "I want you to try to resolve hostname X using DNS server Y, and if the lookup fails, just output failure do NOT fail over to some other DNS server as a backup and use it to try to resolve the same hostname."I'm trying to follow the man page instructions for doing this, but it doesn't seem to work. The man page for nslookup on my system (CentOS 5.5) includes the line:

"[no]fail Try the next nameserver if a nameserver responds with SERVFAIL or a referral (nofail) or terminate query (fail) on such a response."But if I try using that option, the output seems to indicate that after the lookup failed on ns1.afraid.org, nslookup failed over to (the first nameserver listed in my resolv.conf -- an OpenDNS nameserver) and used it to resolve the hostname instead.

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Networking :: Blocking Bittorrent Trackers - "single Poit Of Failure"

Apr 27, 2010

I've done some research on the issue of blocking bittorrent traffic. What I've come up with is that it is very difficult to detect the data traffic. Tools such us ipp2p fall short because of encryption of the data between peers. What I'm thinking of (and starting to test at the same time) is to block the "single poit of failure" - the trackers. My idea is to collect a list of IP addresses of the most used trackers and block all traffic to them:

# bittorrent trackers
# # tracker.prq.to
# # tracker.openbittorrent.com
# # free.btr.kz
# # tracker.mightynova.com

What do you think about this? Is this going to work? Where could I get a bigger list of bittorrent tracker addresses?

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General :: Debian 686 Kernel Total Networking Failure On IbmX60 But 486 Kernel Works

Feb 11, 2011

The 486 kernel works just fine, and while I have only 1GB of RAM at the moment I hope to have 2GB someday and would like to take advantage of the dual core CPU, so I would like to configure grub to run the 686 kernel by default. For whatever reason, it runs the 486 right now and the 686 fails in a major way: there is no network connectivity at all. It could be plugged into my cable modem router and it shows no wired connections. The fact that one works and the other doesn't puzzles me since I haven't touched either since the install and a few rounds of upgrades.

I should mention I'm newbie but getting better; I managed to install debian on this x60, yet while preserving the factory install rescue & recovery partition and preserving the factory install MBR so that ibm-specific hardware functions (thinkvantage button, etc.) still work. This required me to use dd to copy the first 512 bytes of my debian partition to a file in the windows partition, etc., and modifying the windows bootloader. (I wish I had learned dd long ago--it rocks). I did this because if I ever resell the X60, the fact is most people use MS Windows and having that partition adds a perception of value to some potential buyers; not to mention I paid $ for it (I was young & stupid) so why should I delete it. I also backed up the recovery partition on another drive using dd over NFS in case the hd ever heads south.

Anyway, I've never been comfy with messing with the kernel. I did once recompile a module for ALSA because it had a bug in it for an old Yamaha integrated sound card on an old PIII and the newer version worked [alsa fails on this x60 too but I think I found a post on here that has a solution I will try later]. But I'm clueless as to networking modules, not to mention the correct module is installed already from Intel for this chipset. So what is there to do?

Here's a clue: the ifconfig output is radically different from the 686 and 486 kernels. Looks like hardware is not being detected since eth0 fails to show:

I would show the diff output below if it weren't so long--and not allowed--upon 2 text files, the first holding the output of modprobe -l under the 486 kernel and the second under the 686 kernel.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box Failure ?

Feb 21, 2010

Last night i closed down the VB as 'save current state' but i think i might have been hasty with shutting down the Ubuntu machine at the same time.

This morning when i loaded up VB it came up with the following message:

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get Update Failure

Apr 15, 2010

I've got this very strange problem in karmic. When I do "sudo apt-get update", the update process fails to download some repo files.

I'm pasting the whole output of the command here


If possible so that I can update my system. Due to this problem i'm not able to install libqt4-opengl which required for virtualbox.

Also, an off topic question, I can't autocomplete words in shell specifically after sudo apt-get and in some cases after sudo also. The autocompletion is working in all the other cases.

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Ubuntu :: USB Bootable Failure ?

Apr 16, 2010

- I have an 64-bit machine here w/ winXP installed

- It has no CD drive so my move will be installing via USB

- I downed the latest ubuntu image and made a USB bootable via UNebootin [forgive the spelling]

- Now, my usb boots up the alternate version of karmic ubuntu with all computers except this machine that i am using.

- When i boot my USB, it says "Boot error"

- Then thats it. i go back booting up windows.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading From 8.04(lts) To 10.04(lts) Failure

Sep 3, 2010

I'm attempting to upgrade my Ubuntu 8.04 VPS to 10.04 and I'm having some trouble with the final stages of the installation. This is a section of the output I get (seems to be the bit that is going wrong):


Checking init scripts...
WARNING: this version of the GNU libc requires kernel version
2.6.18 or later. Please upgrade your kernel before installing


P.S. I don't mind doing another fresh upgrade from the initial 8.04. So the problem is just how to prevent these errors from coming up again.

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