Ubuntu Networking :: 9.04 Wireless Card Failure?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an IBM Thinkpad running Ubuntu 9.04. I just went on a trip and used the hotels wireless internet with no problems. I get back to my own wireless network and not one wireless connection comes up. My other computers get the signal just fine. I have rebooted the computer as well as tried an Ubuntu Live Cd to see if it was just my settings. Nothing is working and it can't find the networks. Does this mean that my card is dead because it was just working a few days ago...?

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Ubuntu Networking :: D-Link Wireless WNA-1330 PCMCIA Card Failure

Oct 1, 2010

I had Ubuntu 8.04 and the D-Link Wireless WNA-1330 PCMCIA card worked just fine. I upgraded to 10.04 and it fails. I can see the network of wireless routers in my neighborhood, but when I try to connect on WEP 40/128bit with my hex key of my router, it tries to connect but can't get a DHCP address. I cannot ping the router in that state, of course. I have two other 10.04 laptops (with built-in wireless) and they connect just fine, as does a Windows Vista laptop. I also tried the pci=noapi item in /boot/grub/menu.lst, but that failed to show any results either. The card lights up like it should, and acts just like it did with 8.04 on the lights, but it doesn't connect. I end up seeing the "Enter your WEP password" dialog again and again unless I hit Cancel.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get My Wireless Card & Wired Card To Work At The Same Time

Aug 21, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Server. I can't get my Wireless Card & Wired Card to work at the same time. My interfaces file is incorrect, when I comment out 1 of the interfaces the other works. I have attached my interfaces file.

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Fedora Networking :: 14 Can't Connect To SpeedTouch 585 - Either Wireless Broadcom Card Or The Wired Ethernet Card

Dec 4, 2010

Just installed Fedora 14 from the Live CD i686 on my Dell Inspiron 1521. I can't connect to the SpeedTouch 585 on either wireless broadcom card or the wired Ethernet card.

I can connect to it from the same Laptop on the Vista which is on dual boot on the same laptop.

Further confusing is that I ran Fedora 14 and connected to another SpeedTouch today.

Already checked the Channel on the wireless nic and it's on the same one as the SpeedTouch.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Don't Work On Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-card

Mar 30, 2010

I have a dell 1521 and I can't get internet working, I thing the driver is no working with ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless After Installing Ndiswrapper T61 With Intel 4965AGN Wireless Card

Dec 31, 2010

I have lenovo thinkpad, T61 with Intel 4965AGN wireless card. It is a N card, it works under N mode in windwos, but not in Ubuntu (10.10). I installed ndiswrapper and got the windows xp drivers for this card. the issue is that i got an error when installing the drivers and since then I cannot use wireless.

The error i got is: Code: Module could not be loaded. Error was: FATAL: Could not read '/lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/kernel/ubuntu/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or director I unistalled the driver, but now under network connections no wireless connections appear, nothing. I cannot use wirless anymore.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card - WEP Encryption For Wireless Router Not Allow Me To Connect

May 5, 2011

wlan0 Authentication capabilities :


Those are my authentication capabilities, obviously. I am using a WEP encryption for my wireless router and according to this, it will not allow me to connect. Is there anyway to allow that? The wireless card works just fine in Windows, even on the same network encryption type. Using a Intel Wireless/Pro 4965 ag. Note* this is my mother's router and whatnot. She won't change it the encryption type.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card - No Longer To Connect To A Wireless Network

Jun 17, 2011

The problem with my wireless network. I have Dell DV6 Pavilion 2115 eg laptop and i installed Ubuntu 11.4 and internet and wireless worked, until i reboted my system it has disapear. I cant no longer to connect to a wireless network. It dont shows me any wireless network. My wireless card is Atheros AR 9285 802.11b/g/n Wifi Adapter

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tenda W322P Wireless Card Crashing Wireless Router On Connect

Jun 30, 2011

I installed a Tenda W322P wireless card in my dual-boot PC running both Windows XP and Ubuntu 11.04. The card worked straight out of the box on XP, but does not function correctly under Ubuntu. My apologies for any missing/irrelevant information, I am having to post this from the Windows boot so the Ubuntu settings are not directly available at the same time as internet access.I followed the process detailed here htURL...to install and configure the driver (I believe from reading other sites that this card is the Ralink RT3062 chipset), blacklisted the original RT2860 driver that was in use (couldn't even get the card to scan for wireless networks with the default driver) and restarted the interface.

Since then, sudo iwlist scan can find my wireless router but when I attempt to connect to it, it seems to enter a loop of requesting the WEP key then pausing for a while before re-requesting the key. I know I have the key value correct because it is copied and pasted from the same text file I used to copy and paste into the passkey field on the Windows boot. Attempting to connect to the router using Ubuntu also has the rather unfortunate side-effect of crashing the wireless router, killing off all other device connections until the router has been reset.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rename My Wireless Card From Eth1 To Wlan0 As Use Conkyrc And It Will Not Read Wireless Strength?

Aug 8, 2010

have a dell Inspiron 1501 with ubuntu 10.0.4 I want to rename my wireless card from eth1 to wlan0 as I use conkyrc and it will not read my wireless strength or my ssid cuz it thinks it's a ethernet card and not wireless card. I know this for a fact because peppermint os my wireless card was wlan0 and it worked just fine.

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Networking :: UBUNTU - Install Wireless Card (wireless-n) AR9285?

Oct 17, 2010

How do I install the correct driver for my Ubuntu 10.10 system for the AR9285 wireless card? code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Widget Fails To Enable Wireless Card / Fix It?

Apr 30, 2011

I just upgraded to natty last night, and everything is working fine except for the network manager. I can enable and configure the wireless card via bash, but the network manager widget will not manage the wireless card.

When I first boot up, the "Enable wireless" check box is greyed out. After I enable the card via the terminal, the "Enable wireless" check box becomes ungreyed, but every time I click it, it instantly unchecks itself. I feel like Currly from the Three Stoogies. Check, uncheck, Check, uncheck.. "Slaps face repeatedly."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Need PCI Wireless Card

Jun 5, 2010

I want to buy a wifi card that will, hopefully, be rock stable under my kubuntu 10.04 64 bit. Currently I have TP-Link Atheros card and stability in Linux is horrible. Please DO NOT give me links to compatibility list. Just suggest a network card that is most likely to be stable with least manual tuning effort required.

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Networking :: Best Pci Wireless Card For Ubuntu?

Mar 20, 2011

Thinking of getting a wireless pci card for a desktop and I have seen a lot of people have issues with specific wireless cards. Is there a particular card or chipset that will be relatively painless to use?

I have seen this question asked before, but have not seen any replies.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting To Recognize Wireless Card?

Jan 7, 2010

Moving this to new topic, since it's no longer under wireless connectivity issues. [Noob Warning] I was having trouble getting Ubuntu to recognize my wireless card, as I have changed from the 3965 that came in my computer to the 4965, which added increased range and G band. Anyway, I read one of the threads on here, and this was the advice given:


Originally Posted by pytheas22 First, download this file and save it to your desktop. Then run these commands:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
wget http://intellinuxwireless.org/iwlwifi/downloads/iwlwifi-5000-ucode-5.4.A.11.tar.gz
tar -xzvf iwlwifi*
sudo cp iwlwifi-5000-ucode-5.4.A.11/iwlwifi-5000-1.ucode /lib/firmware
bunzip2 compat-wireless-old


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Ubuntu Networking :: Won't Detect Wireless Card?

Jan 10, 2010

Just like the title said it won't detect my wireless card. Anybody know what's wrong with it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Wireless Card To Work

Jan 26, 2010

I have been messing around with ubuntu for a few hours now trying to get my wireless driver to work, but I am having no luck. It seems like I installed the driver right, and network-admin use to show the wireless, but I couldn't unlock it to mess with properties. Now it doesn't even show wireless, and I still can't unlock it, so I'm unable to get my wireless card to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: MSI Wireless Card Not Installed?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a MSI CX600 notebook with a :Ralink 802.11bgn 1T1R Mini Card Wireless Adapter (this name appears in WIndows 7)Can anybody tell me how to install it on Ubuntu 9.10,because I don't have internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Not Getting Recognized?

Feb 7, 2010

I just installed and Ubuntu doesn't recognize my wireless card HP dv2945se. I can get a wired connection. I can't figure out what kind of card I have (did the terminal command line, have no idea how to read it) or how to install a driver for this OS (HP's site just lists drivers for Windows). How to get the wireless card recognized?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card For Laptop?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm totally sick of my WiFi Card, a Realtek 8187 connected by miniPCIe, althought internally designed as USB, I've tried all there is, and I've decided to change it. Which brand do you guys recommend? In my experience, I want to avoid Realtek and Atheros, but which brand offer the best "out-of-the-box" experience, and less overall issues? Intel, Broadcomm, maybe another Atheros or Realtek model, or whatever you guys think it's the best choice

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Will Not Activate

Mar 31, 2010

Broadcom sta driver is installed and listed in Hardware Drivers but will no activate.It did activate and run perfectly when booting from USB FLASH DRIVE running UNR on HP MINI it has a external networkcard power off switch on the front of it if that matters.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Isn't Being Detected

Apr 30, 2010

I have just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now my wireless card isn't being detected as far as I know. It was working perfectly in the previous version. At the moment I've physically put an ethernet cable straight to the router.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get The Wireless Card Working?

May 13, 2010

I've installed 10.04 on a Dell 1200 laptop and cannot get the wireless card working. I've tried getting Ndiswrapper but it doesn't appear to be available on 10.04, and since I don't have an Internet connection, I can't download it. The card is a Broadcom Corp BCM4306 802.11 b/g. How do I get the card connecting to my Linsksys?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Just Seems To Be Dead?

May 15, 2010

I am in need of some help trying to get my wireless working. I have a compaq presario f557us and my wireless card just seems to be dead. I got this laptop a few years ago and I tried installing ubuntu 7.04. The wireless part did not work out of the box (it took a lot of tinkering but finally got it working by using ndiswrapper). Later I did an OS reinstall but tried ubuntu 8.10 this time and the card was recognized with no problems, I just needed to use the proprietary drivers that ubuntu recommended. Finally I decided to give 10.04 a try. I don't know if doing an "apt-get upgrade" would've been fine but it's too late for that now; I did a fresh install and the wireless part seems dead.

I already tried installing ndiswrapper as I did before:
$ ndiswrapper -l
bcmwl5 : driver installed
later I tried the fwcutter way:
$ bcm43xx-fwcutter -i bcmwl5.sys
Sorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by fwcutter. I can't find the MD5sum b89bcf0a25aeb3b47030ac83287f894a


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Wireless Card Not Recognized

May 23, 2010

Someone had just given me a pc with no OS so I installed ubuntu 10.04. The pc has a wireless card but I cannot seem to get the OS to recognize it. My wired connect is fine but wireless is non-existent.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Won't Work With 10.04

May 27, 2010

I have a Dell inspiron E1705 that I recently installed 10.04 LTS on. The wireless card i'm using is a Belkin express card that worked perfectly fine with 9.1 but won't work with 10.04. lspci -v output shows the card as installed with a driver listed but under capabilities is says "access denied".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Not Recognized ?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to proselytize and have installed Lucid on my receptionist's Gateway M500 with an Orinoco PCI Mini wireless card.

The card works in XP, but when I boot into Linux, the network card indicator light doesn't turn on, and lspci gives me this:

No wireless card

Pressing the on-off wireless button does nothing.

What can I do to turn on the modem so that Lucid sees it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Is Undetected

Jun 9, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and it doesn't detect my wireless card. Its an AirPlus GDWL G510.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Does Not Read Wireless Card?

Jun 11, 2010

After 3 days and 2 gallons of sweat and 9 billion forums read I give up, I cannot figure out why Ubuntu 9.10 does not read my wireless card. I have a Lenovo G555, I followed most of the instructions the forums provided online such as ndiswrapper and finding the inf. file within windows, copying it to your usb and than putting it into ubuntu to later use windows wireless drivers to install the driver just to run into a bcmwl6 Invalid Driver! I tried to use terminal with no sucess. Can someone just please give the straight forward how to make this work answer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card In Desktop With 10.04?

Jul 11, 2010

Any recommendations as to what card to use? Have Netgear WPN311 and can't find a driver that works. Reading recent posts, sounds like 10.04 is a wireless wasteland.

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