Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Log Messages "hwradio"?

Apr 27, 2011

[Ubuntu 10.04]Every 60 seconds, 24 hours a day, a line like the following is logged to /var/log/messages and some of the other system logs:Code:Apr 27 11:37:48 HOSTNAME kernel: [DDDDDD.DDDDDD] ================>r8192_wx_set_scan(): hwradio offThat's with the wireless card disabled (since I'm using a wired network). If the wireless card is enabled, the message changes to "hwradio on".

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Ubuntu :: How To Hide Or Disable Messages During Start-up And Logout In 9.10

Jun 16, 2010

I am building a live USB key using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. No upgrades have been applied. It is as it came in the ISO that was distributed.I would like to create a smooth start-up/logout process where no messages pop up (even briefly) that might confuse someone who is not very tech savvy. I'm referring to the messages that show up right before the login screen during start-up (between usplash and xsplash I think) that say:

"Starting early crypto disks ..."

and also the messages that show up on a black screen right after you initiate logout. It seems to sometimes show system messages including some error messages that can confuse users.Does anyone know of a way to hide, redirect, or disable these messages? I just don't want cryptic messages popping up even briefly that are going to confuse casual users. I'm stuck with version 9.10 since I've made some custom mods and would rather not redo them for a new release.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disable GUI Console On 10.04 - Get Traditional Messages When Booting?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to disable the GUI console on 10.04 Server I want the traditional pure text console ... no plymouth, no plymouth-theme, just 80x24 console. Another question, Is there a way to get those traditional messages when booting? Like 8.04 Server does?


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General :: How To Disable Broadcast Messages On Session

Jun 17, 2010

I get every 10 min many broadcast messages (maybe by other user). How can I disable those broadcast messages, in order to not see them on my screen?

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OpenSUSE Network :: When Disable Firewall / Delayed Messages Can Again Be Sent

Sep 14, 2011

I have been running Senmail on SuSE 11.1 for the last few years with no problems.Since installing SuSE 11.3 a few months ago I have been having problems getting Sendmail to send to some (only a few) servers.If I disable the firewall # SuSEFirewall2 stop.I can send successfully using # sendmail -v -q, or # sendmail -v -qIxxxxx.When I re-enable the firewall I will start to get the timeouts/temporarily unavailable messages again (but as mentioned above, only for some servers) even though I can successfully telnet these servers when the firewall is on. When I disable the firewall the delayed messages can again be sent.Has anybody any ideas what I need to change (presumably in the Firewall) to get things working correctly? 'SMTP with sendmail' is already selected under 'Services to Allow' under YaST Firewall->Allowed Services..

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General :: Disable Console Messages At Boot Time?

Sep 5, 2011

I am using Arch Linux and want to disable console messages which are displayed when the kernel boots. I have tried the quiet and loglevel=2 options in /boot/grub/menu.1st as given below:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/c6dbfcdc-fcd8-498e-9182-f3bddc4f05ff ro loglevel=2

However I am still seeing console messages at boot. I used grub-install after the changes.

Any ideas where I am going wrong?

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General :: Disable ICMP Messages Through Configuration File?

Sep 23, 2010

How can I disable ICMP messages through the configuration file of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ICMP_echo_ignore_all Also how the above file can be edited?

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Software :: Jack : Disable Verbose Debug Messages?

Jun 17, 2010

I have the need to have jack running without any verbose debug message in the terminal, everytime. My system is ubuntu-based.

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Programming :: Logging Messages From Program Doesn't Reach /var/log/messages?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a syslog-ng running and kernel build of I use a syslog API in my program with facility LOG_LOCAL5 and and levels debug err and crit and info. when I ran on the older syslog facility I had everything logged fine as I intended. now I have written these rules into the syslog-ng.conf:

options {
flush_lines (0);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);


the last two rules show my program gnssapp. the result is all debug levels or crit or err levels I don't see any of them !

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Ubuntu Networking :: Too Much Traffic Recorded On /var/log/messages?

Apr 19, 2011

For about 3-4 weeks, my file system used space was growing and growing. After some days, I decided to analyze the file system in order to understand what is going on. Well, the results returned that the log files at /var/log ( especially kern.log, syslog and messages ) were the log files that were sucking the free space. I searched if this was some kind of bug but it turned out that if these files are growing, the problem is in the records.

So I picked from the tail of the messages log the last 50 lines and I saw this:

Apr 19 21:28:40 laptop kernel: [ 586.734226] [UFW ALLOW] IN= OUT=wlan0 SRC= DST= LEN=96 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=76
Apr 19 21:28:40 laptop kernel: [ 586.734287] [UFW AUDIT] IN=wlan0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=96 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF


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Ubuntu Networking :: Send Messages To Windows Xp Machine?

Jan 11, 2011

Is there a way to send messages from Ubuntu to windows xp computer, like NET SEND, in Windows network enviroment?

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Security :: Stop Particular Messages In /var/log/messages?

May 30, 2009

More than 7 G bytes were logged to the messages file last three weeks I got this message in /var/log/messages I want to stop this messaging cause it takes to much space


Apr 30 20:25:18 TEST-NODE kernel: IPT: IN_NOMATCH IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:17:a4:a7:3d:a2:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=104 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=10100 DPT=10100 LEN=84


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Ubuntu Networking :: Download Message And Send Messages Using Through Evolution?

Jan 18, 2011

Finally I got success in setting up of CDMA USB modem but I could not access the internet or browse the internet. I can only download message and send messages using through evolution. But can browse internet.

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Fedora Networking :: Sending Messages To Other Computers Over LAN?

May 23, 2009

I have a laptop (running Fedora 10 KDE version) and a desktop (running Ubuntu 7.10) on my home network. Is there any way to send messages from one computer to another through LAN ?

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Networking :: Capture Syslog Messages From A Device On The LAN?

Jan 6, 2009

Got a Ubuntu system. Have a device on my LAN that can send Syslog messages.

I would like to:

1. Capture these specific syslog messages.

2. Keep them separate from any other syslog activity on the Ubuntu system.

3. View these syslog messages later.

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Networking :: Clarifiication Needed On Tcp_keepalive Messages?

Feb 23, 2011

Need some clarifications on TCP_keepalive . We are facing some issues on our Prod servers related to TCP functionality .The issue is like this for us. We have some machines at one end sending data in real time to another group of machines on the other end. Now due to some hardware issues on the other end , some of the machines becomes unresponsive/crashes. The client system which pumps data never came to know that the server went unresponsive . The connection remains in ESTABLISHED state and the client always tries to send data thinking that the connection is alive because of which we are seeing backlog on client sides.

Our understanding is like this on how TCP will handle the situation.

Q 1) Since the server went down , the client will try to the retransmit the data until it times out. What is the behavior of TCP after the timeout? Need clarification on the following things. a) Will the kernel will close the established connection after the timeout . Looks like no in our case as we


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Networking :: How To Receive ICMP Messages In UDP Sockets

Jul 9, 2009

I have a C program which does.

1. Creates a UDP socket
2. Send the UDP Request packet to the TFTP server.
3. If the TFTP server is not listening in the 69 port, the remote machine send an ICMP ("Port Unreachable") message.

Is there a way to receive a notification from the Linux kernel on receipt of an ICMP packet to the created UDP socket.

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Networking :: Long Messages Fragment Over Network?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a RHEL 4 server delivering long messages to several RHEL 4 clients. They work fine.I am trying a RHEL 5 client running the same client application as the RHEL 4 clients. The RHEL 5 client looses most messages. have tried with two other clients running CentOS 5 with similar results. The server indicates write failure or blocked. The messages are typically 50 kilobytes. I have changed many parameters in sysctl.conf Has anyone encountered similar problems?

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Networking :: Where Are SNMP Trap Messages Logged

Mar 4, 2011

I'm trying to get SNMP setup so I can send custom snmp trap messages. I followed this "How to" [URL] and I think I have it setup and working. This is my fist time messing around with SNMP, and I don't know where to check to see if I received the trap message. Do the snmp trap message even get logged any where?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Atheros Wireless Usb Adapter - Unable To Post Messages?

Jan 15, 2011

I can't post messages, I think something is wring with my internet.Anyway, I'm gonna copy paste what I've been trying to say...I just bought the TP-LINK Model No. TL-WN821N. It's an atheros. And I was wondering where can I find the drivers for Linux. It only includes drivers for Windows.

I don't have much experience with networks,I found this website,


I got stuck in the patch section, I don't know what they are trying to say. They are using

diff -urp compat-wireless-2009-02-22_AR9170_230209/drivers/net/b44.c compat-wireless-2009-02-22_AR9170_230209/drivers/net/b44.c

They are comparing the same file, there is some code they are showing but I don't know what they want me to do.

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Fedora Networking :: UDP Short Packet - 5 Messages Suppressed

Mar 24, 2011

I have written the Client-Server program to test my ethernet by using UDP protocol.
Server IP :
Client IP :
While Running the program I am getting some printk messages on Server machine.

What is the meaning of following statement that I am getting from debug statements
( /var/log/messages )
UDP: short packet: From 418/416 to
printk: 5 messages suppressed.
UDP: short packet: From 556/553 to
printk: 4 messages suppressed.

Only printk messages are printing in my Server console ( IP : ).
printk: 5 messages suppressed.
printk: 5 messages suppressed.
printk: 4 messages suppressed.
printk: 2 messages suppressed.
printk: 4 messages suppressed.

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Networking :: Sending Messages Through Alternate Routes To Same Destination?

Jan 11, 2010

I am doing a university course and am struggling to find a method of sending 1 message down route A and then the next message to the same destination via route B, alternating between the two with each new message sent.I am going to use a Linux computer with two Ethernet cards connected to two different networks via a routers and then to the destination host via a switch.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Syslog-ing Messages From A Particular Host To A Particular Log File

Oct 12, 2009

I've just configured my Linksys RVS-4000 router to syslog messages to remote syslogd server (i.e. my CentOS5 machine). Redirecting messages was easy, but now I'm having difficulties to redirect those same messages received from Linksys to a separate log file. By default, all these messages are logged to /var/log/messages, and after browsing manual pages for syslog, syslog.conf, and syslogd, came to suspect that what I want isn't possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Email Account At Laposte.net - Can Receive Messages But Cannot Send Any From Thunderbird

Apr 26, 2011

I created a new account on laposte.net.

This account can receive messages but cannot send any from Thunderbird.


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Logs Filling With Messages From Myri10ge Driver?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm wondering why I keep getting the following in /var/log/messages on a system running the latest CentOS 5 64 bit kernel:

Nov 8 09:50:24 hostname kernel: myri10ge: eth2: link down
Nov 8 09:50:24 hostname kernel: myri10ge: eth2: link up
Nov 8 09:50:34 hostname kernel: myri10ge: eth2: link down


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Disable Internet / Networking Capabilities

Jan 10, 2010

I suffer enormously from net addiction (as well as gaming addiction and related behavioural maladies).I've had revelatory success in controlling my time online-and, in general, in front of a screen with unproductive applications- by locking my monitor's power cord into an Ems PowerCop (the key to which I keep at work). Writing and journaling, I do on an AlphaSmart Neo. However, I could really use a tool to allow me to edit and typeset my writing (and only those tasks).I'm considering buying an ultra-low cost net-book.I want a netbook because it's the cheapest way to keep the display power fully dependent and integrated with the machine---I can't have something that will allow a simple means of working around the Ems PowerCop. Also, since it lacks an optical disk drive (and since I'll be keeping my usb drives at work) there will not be an easy way to reinstall the operating system. However, before I buy anything, I need to know that, after installing/configuring all of my preferred settings for vim and La/Xetex, there is a way that I can cripple the netbook and all of its applications so that no internet access is possible.

The Cherrypal Africa can come with either Ubuntu, Debian, or its own Linux blend, Green Maraschino. If it ends up being either Ubuntu or Debian, what can I do that will irreversibly (at least, from a software level---a hardware level would probably require damaging the usb ports, which I don't want to do) disable its ability to try to communicate with the internet (including the software repositories)? I'm hoping for a particular system file that I can delete rather than the addition of a command somewhere that would be easy for me to undo when I'm bored out of my mind and want to see what Wikipedia has to say about the glycemic index.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Must Disable Then Enable Networking For Wireless?

Jan 29, 2011

My wireless can connect to my router without a problem, but in order to do so (after boot) I must first disable networking in the Notification Area and then re-enable it. I don't mind it too much, but when other people use my computer, it's made painfully obvious to me, that this was never an issue with Windows 7 (as much as I despise MS).

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Networking :: Bash Test Script Which Reads Lines From A File, Builds ISO Messages?

Mar 11, 2010

Here the description of the issue I am having.I am writing a bash test script which reads lines from a file, builds ISO messages, sends them to a server, reads the response with response code and reports the result of the test to a file or on the screen.The message that I need to send is 94 characters long.Here's the portion of a code that I initially wrote:

#~ Open socket.
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/
#~ Send msg.


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Networking :: Disable Ipv6 In Ubuntu 9.04?

Apr 2, 2009

I have tried to disable the ipv6 support in ubuntu 9.04 32bit but the /etc/modprobe.d/aliases does not exist so I can't disable the suport as sugested for the previews versions. I need to disable it becouse it is pounding a total maihem in my vamware machines.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configuring The Network Interface Via Dhcp - Network Messages - Code: 00 55 89 E5 0f 1f 44 00 00 Fa 5d C3 90 8d 74 26

Apr 7, 2011

I am totally new to Linux and have just installed ubuntu 10.10. After configuring the network interface via dhcp I started getting these messages that come in so frequently I can't configure anything else.

[87.186415] Stack:

Why I am getting this messages and more importantly how do I get rid of them.

The installation is on a VM on Hyper-V.

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