General :: Disable ICMP Messages Through Configuration File?

Sep 23, 2010

How can I disable ICMP messages through the configuration file of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ICMP_echo_ignore_all Also how the above file can be edited?

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Networking :: How To Receive ICMP Messages In UDP Sockets

Jul 9, 2009

I have a C program which does.

1. Creates a UDP socket
2. Send the UDP Request packet to the TFTP server.
3. If the TFTP server is not listening in the 69 port, the remote machine send an ICMP ("Port Unreachable") message.

Is there a way to receive a notification from the Linux kernel on receipt of an ICMP packet to the created UDP socket.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable ICMP Router Discovery For IPv6?

Jan 14, 2010

I set up a static IPv6 address and a gateway in /etc/network/interfaces. However, a bad router in my network environment alway send wrong ICMP router discovery messages to me. So I have got extra (wrong) IPv6 address and gateway, and the routing is confused. On Windows Servers, I can use "netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" routerdiscovery=disable" to disable ICMP router discovery. But I don't know how to disable it on Ubuntu 9.10. How could I disable ICMP router discovery for IPv6?

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General :: How To Disable Broadcast Messages On Session

Jun 17, 2010

I get every 10 min many broadcast messages (maybe by other user). How can I disable those broadcast messages, in order to not see them on my screen?

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General :: Disable Console Messages At Boot Time?

Sep 5, 2011

I am using Arch Linux and want to disable console messages which are displayed when the kernel boots. I have tried the quiet and loglevel=2 options in /boot/grub/menu.1st as given below:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/c6dbfcdc-fcd8-498e-9182-f3bddc4f05ff ro loglevel=2

However I am still seeing console messages at boot. I used grub-install after the changes.

Any ideas where I am going wrong?

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Ubuntu Security :: UFW Block ICMP When Add Non ICMP Related Rule

May 21, 2011

I am setting up a virtual server. Ubuntu 11.04, "minimal provider image".UFW was disabled by default. I set it to default deny. Allowed HTTP, SSH and other standard stuff, and enabled it. All seems to be OK. Adding one rule to block some annoying security scanners causes ping not to work. I'm not an Iptables expert, but it looks OK to me. I got it from some website, rather than invented it myself, but modified to to fit the ufw config file syntax. What in that rule prevents pings?!? It seems completely unrelated.

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Debian Configuration :: ICMP Blocking Doesnt Work With Ipt_owner?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to block outgoing ICMP made by "user". I have user named as "foobar" and he/she shouldnt have rights to use ICMP/ping.ipt_owner works fine when I'm blocking normal TCP/UDP stuff. User can only connect to DNS, WEB and SSH.But still, user can use ICMP

iptables -F
iptables -X


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OpenSUSE Network :: When Disable Firewall / Delayed Messages Can Again Be Sent

Sep 14, 2011

I have been running Senmail on SuSE 11.1 for the last few years with no problems.Since installing SuSE 11.3 a few months ago I have been having problems getting Sendmail to send to some (only a few) servers.If I disable the firewall # SuSEFirewall2 stop.I can send successfully using # sendmail -v -q, or # sendmail -v -qIxxxxx.When I re-enable the firewall I will start to get the timeouts/temporarily unavailable messages again (but as mentioned above, only for some servers) even though I can successfully telnet these servers when the firewall is on. When I disable the firewall the delayed messages can again be sent.Has anybody any ideas what I need to change (presumably in the Firewall) to get things working correctly? 'SMTP with sendmail' is already selected under 'Services to Allow' under YaST Firewall->Allowed Services..

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Ubuntu :: How To Hide Or Disable Messages During Start-up And Logout In 9.10

Jun 16, 2010

I am building a live USB key using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. No upgrades have been applied. It is as it came in the ISO that was distributed.I would like to create a smooth start-up/logout process where no messages pop up (even briefly) that might confuse someone who is not very tech savvy. I'm referring to the messages that show up right before the login screen during start-up (between usplash and xsplash I think) that say:

"Starting early crypto disks ..."

and also the messages that show up on a black screen right after you initiate logout. It seems to sometimes show system messages including some error messages that can confuse users.Does anyone know of a way to hide, redirect, or disable these messages? I just don't want cryptic messages popping up even briefly that are going to confuse casual users. I'm stuck with version 9.10 since I've made some custom mods and would rather not redo them for a new release.

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Software :: Jack : Disable Verbose Debug Messages?

Jun 17, 2010

I have the need to have jack running without any verbose debug message in the terminal, everytime. My system is ubuntu-based.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disable GUI Console On 10.04 - Get Traditional Messages When Booting?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to disable the GUI console on 10.04 Server I want the traditional pure text console ... no plymouth, no plymouth-theme, just 80x24 console. Another question, Is there a way to get those traditional messages when booting? Like 8.04 Server does?


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General :: Logging SSH In A Separate File Other Than The Regular /var/log/messages?

Apr 13, 2011

Generally SSH related log messages are logged in /var/log/messages file. Is there a way to log them in another different file? I mean is there some configuration setting to enable this?

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General :: Logging Ssh Messages In A Separate File Using Syslog-ng?

Jul 2, 2011

I am facing a problem while trying to log SSH messages in a separate file, say, /var/log/ssh_logs. I have tried modifying the syslog-ng.conf file as follows:

filter f_ssh { facility(auth, authpriv) and match("sshd[[0-9]+]:"); };
destination d_ssh { file ("/var/logs/sshd_logs"); };
log {


But still I am not able to get the ssh logs in the new file. They continue to go to /var/log/auth.

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General :: Samba Errors In Messages File Regularly?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a samba file server that has Windows XP machines connecting to it. Fairly regularly, I get messages such as the following. Are these anything to worry about? What do they mean? Nobody ever has problems with disconnecting or losing their mapped drive or their desktop shortcut not working.

Nov 15 15:37:21 servername smbd[27516]: [2010/11/15 15:37:21, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_data(384)
Nov 15 15:37:21 servername smbd[27516]: read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = No route to host


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General :: What Is The Configuration Of Wind River - Can't Find The Configuration File

Feb 22, 2011

I want to see what is the configuration of my Wind River Linux (actually I want to see what modules are installed in it when it was built). I can't find the configuration file.

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General :: Cannot Receive Inbound Connections Or ICMP?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm facing a strange problem. I have a Debian squeeze machine connected to Internet through a 3G USB modem. The machine connects as expected, and I can resolve domain names and establish HTTP and SSH connections.The problem is when I try to communicate to that machine from another PC connected to Internet. The machine doesn't respond to PING and I can't connect to the SSHD installed in it. If I connect the machine to the local network, it works right.


Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
default * U 0 0 0 ppp0[code]...........

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Receive System Messages

Mar 2, 2010

I have a small LAN. I am in the process of installing a Debian Lenny/Squeeze system into the LAN. I want to send and receive system messages using rwalld and wall.I can send a system message from my Debian system to another box using rwall. I can send a local message within the Debian box using wall in a console.I cannot send a local message using wall Konsole in KDE 3.5.x. The KDE Write daemon fails to provide any pop-up window./usr/bin/wall is installed from the bsdutils package and is set to -rwxr-sr-x.

The ktalkd package is installed. The KDE control center shows a configuration option in Internet & Network settings called Local Network Chat.When not in X, mesg is set to y at the console. After starting KDE and I open Konsole, mesg is always set to n. I don't know how this setting toggles. Further, setting mesg to y in Konsole has no effect on getting wall to work.mesg is set to y when I run xterm in KDE. Then wall works within that terminal window. However, the KDE Write daemon does not see the message in xterm.When I send a message from another system to the Debian system using rwall, xterm receives the message but not Konsole or the KDE Write daemon.

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Debian Configuration :: Vanishing Boot Messages ?

May 4, 2010

An issue that has been hassling me for years since I started using Linux (Debian!) is related to the boot messages that quickly scroll on the video during the boot process. The main hassle is related to the fact that I cannot get a log of those messages. The second hassle is due to the fact that with my brand new netbook (Toshiba NB200) I cannot even stop the scroll and go back along the message stream with SHIFT+PageUpDown to understand what's going on. Of course I know that I can get a log of the boot process with 'dmesg' but I get the feeling that the very first lines show some problem I cannot grab at all.

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Debian Configuration :: Disabling Boot-time Messages?

Jul 17, 2011

I'm trying to stop all boot time messages from appearing -- basically I'd like to have a simple blank screen from grub to xdm.

I tried everything -- used the "quiet" option in grub's config, added dmesg -n 1 to rc.local, changed console=ttySx, set kernel.printk in sysctl.conf to 4 1 1 7, and even eradicated rsyslogd altogether... to no avail. I still see all sorts of messages on my screen.

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General :: Disable Directory And File Browsing?

Jul 29, 2010

I remove "Index" in my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file in order users not to be able to browse directories. I have sym link of a folder in /var/www/test (test is the symlinked folder). If I write in the address bar of the browser http://x.x.x.x/album/img_name.jgp I can see the picture, but I want contents not to be available. Is that different from file browsing and how to disable it?

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Debian Configuration :: Get Cron To Send Messages In First Place Instead Of Root?

Mar 25, 2010

The system crontab (/etc/crontab) uses the same format, except that the username for the command is specified after the time and date fields and before the command.


Every hour, I get an e-mail complaining about the first line of the crontab:


I get the same complaint from the other entries: It looks to me as if cron, or anacron, is trying to execute the user (root) as a command. Predictably, the shell doesn't like it, so barfs and triggers an e-mail about it. Why is this not doing what the man page says it should do? The 2nd problem I believe is related to exim, not cron. The e-mails I'm getting above are being bounced from my ISP because they are directed to, rather than my regular e-mail address. When the message bounces, it bounces to my regular e-mail address. In /etc/aliases, I have root: [URL]... and in etc/email-addresses I have root: [URL]... Adding the entry to /etc/email-addresses allowed the bounce to find me because the sender's address is [URL]... but how can I get cron to send these messages to me in the first place, instead of root?

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Debian Configuration :: Hide Boot Text Messages During The Startup?

Sep 25, 2010

Howto configure /boot/grub/menu.lst from Lenny to hide boot text messages during the startup?

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Debian Configuration :: Udev Warning Messages At Boot After Upgrade?

Apr 23, 2011

I've done an upgrade from lenny to squeeze.Now, I'm getting a lot of udev warning messages at the boot time.Knows someone howto remove them?

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Debian Configuration :: AMD64 - Wrong Architecture Errors Messages

Jun 22, 2011

Installed 6.01a from DVD 1 on a system with 4GB ram. Installer installed amd64 version by default. When I try to install amd64.deb files I get "wrong architecture" error messages from the package manager.
root@Laptop-RalphDeb:/home/ralphq# uname -r
root@Laptop-RalphDeb:/home/ralphq# uname -p
Why I can install amd64 programs and why I get unknown for the uname -p command?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Log Messages "hwradio"?

Apr 27, 2011

[Ubuntu 10.04]Every 60 seconds, 24 hours a day, a line like the following is logged to /var/log/messages and some of the other system logs:Code:Apr 27 11:37:48 HOSTNAME kernel: [DDDDDD.DDDDDD] ================>r8192_wx_set_scan(): hwradio offThat's with the wireless card disabled (since I'm using a wired network). If the wireless card is enabled, the message changes to "hwradio on".

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Debian Configuration :: Shorewall (Shoreline?) Firewall Up And Running, But It's Logging To /var/log/messages?

Jan 29, 2011

I've got a Shorewall (Shoreline?) firewall up and running, but it's logging to /var/log/messages. I'd much rather have it logging to another location e.g. /var/log/firewall but can't find (a clear enough) explanation on how to do this. Apparently, it varies greatly depending on the distro, the kernel, and the version of Shorewall that is running. You'd think it would be something as simple as setting a path in a config file, but apparently not. I'm running a stock Lenny kernel on the firewall machine. It comes with version 4.0.15 of Shorewall.

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General :: Rsync - Suppress "skipping Non-regular File" Messages?

May 11, 2011

Using rsync, which switch will allow rsync to suppress the "skipping non-regular file" messages in the output while still being reasonably verbose for everything else?

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General :: Mount - Disable Read And Write File Cache On Partition?

Feb 8, 2011

How do i disable the linux file cache on a xfs partition (both read an write).

We have a xfs partition over a hardware RAID that stores our RAW HD Video. Most of the shoots are 50-300gb each so the linux cache has a hit-rate of 0.001%.

I have tryed the sync option but it still fills up the cache when copinging the files. ( about 30x over per shoot :P )

/dev/sdb1 /video xfs sync,noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 0 1

Im running debian lenny if it helps.

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General :: Disable Blank Cd Autostart - Disable The Window And The Icon From The Desktop?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. Whenever I put in a blank CD/DVD an icon on the desktop appears named "Blank CD/DVD" and a window appears asking me what I want to do with it. How do I disable the window and the icon from the desktop?

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Fedora :: Find To Log File For Boot Messages?

Oct 5, 2010

When i logged into my desktop, i got a notification that said there was boot messages. I remember trying to find this before in /var/log, so that i could investigate why i couldn't get the nvidia drivers to work (which i now know is because i'm using 14-beta, which has a debugging kernel), but couldn't find it.

Welcome to Fedora
Starting udev: [ OK ]


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