Ubuntu :: NVIDIA Video SUPER Bad Graphics During Games?
Jun 18, 2010
What is causing this graphic distortion?I dropped Vista because this problem would crash the video driver and pop a black screen for a few seconds over and over and over and over.Now that I installed ****ING Ubuntu it's doing this problem, but without the black screens and only messed up graphics show.So what the heck guys, is this a hardware or software problem? And this same type of graphic distortion appears in games like Combat Arms and Halo.I am so SICK of NVIDIA never ever in my whole entire life will I ever buy NVIDIA again! Luckily for nvidia I'm only 17 years old and have 40 years of life left to buy computers without nvidia in them. Until I save up dough for a new computer "without nvidia" I'll keep trying to fix this. P.S this nvidia chip is tied down to my motherboard.
First off, I'll come clean and admit that I am still relatively green to Linux, but I'm not afraid to tackle the complex. I have a few stroke-inducing issues that I haven't been able to resolve as a usually do by eye-grepping Google and the various forums. Of course, I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity - which is fairly new and undiscovered country.
I've got this no-name brand, sample laptop from a manufacturing partner of ours out of Shenzhen China. It's rocking a Core i3 M350 with an nVidia GT 330M (discreet-ish?)& apparently some flavor of Intel integrated graphics.
Now, there are so many variables at play, I'm not quite sure where to begin - so please bear with this post a bit longer as I unravel the details. Loading the nVidia drivers (both proprietary and the experimental open varieties) results in Unity no longer working and dumping me back to the classic Ubuntu desktop. I believe it has something to do with the fact that I have no ability to disable the integrated graphics through the BIOS and Ubuntu has set its hopes and dreams upon using Intel graphics for the rest of all time.
That said, running without the nVidia graphics drivers, I am able to use Unity and it runs pretty well.The only caveat being that on occasion (read: intermittently), when the laptop wakes up from suspend/hibernate mode, playing Flash video in full screen gets choppy (stutters). Restarting Ubuntu resolves the issue. I suppose I should verify that I am using Firefox 4.
In addition, there are times that the WiFi adapter will not wake, and using the keyboard function key to power cycle it ceases to function. A complete shutdown is required to address this one. i.e. Restarting and warm-booting does not fix it.
Did I mention Skype is a terd? I don't actually expect a fix for this pile of hot mess - just thought it might make someone laugh. If there is anyone here that could lend me a hand with any or all of these issues, not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are one bad Mambajamba (TM), but I'll buy you a drink or something via Dwolla or bitcoin.
I am running gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04, a clean installation from the gNatty version, 32 bit. The machine is a Lenovo t420, with 6GB RAM and a integrated video card.
Everything is running smoothly but not for games. I tried urban terror, Tremulous, Nexuiz, all of the lags from the very beginning as if I was using a machine 5 years ago to run today's video games (ie, takes 10 seconds for a mouse move a show, audio lags, .etc). From my experience it should come from video card driver not installed, but the update manager shows all device works fine (indeed, the screen resolution is 1600X900).
I installed Debian recently, and everything seems to be working fine, except some video games are unusually slow compared to what they would normally be. Tremulous, for example, worked reasonably fine on this computer with Windows XP, but now (Debian) for some reason it's laggy even on the title screen. Something wrong with my video drivers?
All of the information I know: The computer is a Dell Dimension 3000 RAM: 256mb? Gnome System Monitor says 247.1mb, SWAP: about 730mb Processor: Intel Celeron 2.40GHz HD: 25gb out of a 40gb HD free, and an external 1tb HD with about 920gb free Debian Release 6.0 (squeeze) Kernel Linux 2.6.32-5-686 GNOME 2.30.2 (I've tried LXDE also, no noticeable change) Only linux on the machine.
I have just installed Ubuntu (9.10) and noted that in order to successfully run the trial off the CD I had to test in "safe graphics" mode. I have an NVIDIA GEforce 6600 GT card - which was discovered by Ubuntu in the first few minutes of the trial and so I activated the recommended driver and continued to test. After a successful trial I installed Ubuntu (dual partition Ubuntu / Windows XP), however, it seems the install didn't activate the required driver (as part of the process) and so I'm unable to get into my newly-installed Ubuntu at all. All I get is a flashing tty screen asking for my username and password - however it's erratic and won't recognise what I type. So - I'm stuck in a catch-22 as there doesn't seems to be a safe graphics mode option via the start (GRUB?) menu list.
I have installed steam in wine, and installed some of my favorite games. The problem is, whenever I try to play one, there is no lag, but there is a constant flashing distortion over some part of the screen.
Specs: Wine 1.1.42 ATI Radeon 3470 w/ ATI proprietary drivers Ubuntu 10.04 x86 This is exactly what it looks like:[URL]..
I've been having this problem for a long time now. It started suddenly and without apparent cause. 3D games won't work. At first I tried to play OpenArena, and it didn't work, the graphics went terribly slow and choppy, videos were not continious, but rather a succession of pictures of movement. I tried installing and re installing the game several times, but nothing... Now, I'm trying to run hedgewars (the re-make of worms) and it doesn't crash or anything, but the graphics are too slow and choppy again. This is the output from the terminal:
The 'there is no soundcard' message is scary... I have been having sound problems lately, where sounds just stops working in all applications, and only restarting the system will bring sound back. So as you can see my audio and video seem to be on the wrong track. But I don't know how to diagnose the disease... by the way. I installed hedgewars from squeeze though I have lenny. I added the squeeze line to sources.list.and then apt-get-ed it. Is that OK?
I use Intel HD Graphics and every time I run a game, it black-screens and I have to restart a thousand times before the game works and I can switch to windowed mode (restart once to do this).
I also use an HDMI cord (since computer has HDMI support) so this may be contributing to the problem. The same does not occur with my laptop, which runs Nvidia graphics and Ubuntu. I really want this to not happen so I can play my games instantly without restarting a million times. Some games have yet to work (AssaultCube mostly).
I have a Packard Bell Imedia desktop with on-board ATI graphics. I also have a spare Nvidia PCI card. Is there a way I could use the Nvidia to run a second screen, if so how as the Nvidia and fglrx drivers seem to collide in a show stopping way!!I am running Kubuntu Intrepid, but have resorted to Gnome as KDE4 went spectacularly wrong on me.
I'll be honest, I haven't searched around for this, so I apologize off the bat. I'm just curious - when I last had Ubuntu installed as a primary OS I could get Compiz working, but no games because I was using an ATI card. At the time, the overall impression was that everyone should be using Nvidia cards. ATI had issues with compositing that made it impossible to do desktop 3d plus compositing.
Now, I seem to be getting the opposite impression. Nvidia appears to be super locked down with less than great performance. So is my impression right? Which vendor is a better choice for a home desktop built for linux? I will be using Wine to play games, and I want to use compiz fusion for eye candy.
how to use the <Super>ButtonX (<Super>Button1 for example for the enabled Compiz Screenshot plugin)? I also notice there is configurable buttons 1 throught 20 under the various options. At first I thought the ButtonX was a mouse button. Maybe it is with some anticipation of there being eventually being a possible 20 buttons on the mouse. I know the Super key is the Key with the Windows logo on it. But I don't know what to do to get the needed Super Key / Button combination. After having enabled Compiz's Screenshot plugin by its default, I don't get an image after hitting any of the Super key and mouse button combinations. I'm running Ubuntu 11.04.
I'm having some problems with my video drivers I think. Before I get into detail here's some info about my laptop: It's a Laptop, yes. Graphics Card = ATI Mobility Radeon X2300 Model: ASUS F3KE (the 1 without the Camera, just a mic) Ubuntu Version: 9.10
I believe the problem is with my Video Driver. I can Set Visual effects on high without any trouble, but when running games (Even Java Games) that I can run flawlessly when running under Vista are almost impossible to run on Ubuntu, extremely low FPS and well it's just pointless to even try!
Examples of games are: Guild Wars running (Well not really *running*) with wine. Saga with wine Wurm Online (Java) Alien Arena And even Glest!
I am currently running ubuntu on my laptop and i love it. Im running windows 7 ultimate 64bit on my gaming pc and im sick of getting stupid windows errors when im playing my video games. I just want to know if I can run a windows xp emulator in ubuntu on my gaming pc with no problems with saved games or anything like that. Just if you want to know im mainly having issues playing Fallout new vegas.
I've been playing around with Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 on my Dell Inspiron 3000 laptop for quite a while now, and this is the first time I've been downright stumped. To make a long story short, I'm trying to play 480p video on a machine with a 233 MHz Pentium processor, 112 MB of ram, and a Neomagic MagicGraph 128XD graphics card (NM2160). Crazy? Maybe, but I don't think so. I'm using MPlayer set to Xv mode with the XFree86 4.3.0 server, and so far, I've been able to get it to play 360p mpegs with minimal stuttering. However, MPlayer crashes with 480p. This is because the 128XD only has 2 MB of memory, which, after the 1024x768x16 screen takes its share, doesn't leave enough room for a 640x480 overlay.
The creators of MPlayer are aware of this limitation, and suggest adding the following line to my XF86Config file: Option "OverlayMem" "829440"
As I understand it, this is supposed to extend the video card's frame buffer into system memory, thus allowing the higher resolution video to play. However, it doesn't work, based on this output from my XFree86 log file: cannot reserve 829440 bytes for overlay...
Some other suspicious-looking lines from the log file:
i have geforce 8800 gts, ubuntu 10.04 when i don't install nvidia drivers movies plays great ( including HD) but programs (games,media center) does not play well at all choppy when i do install the opposite is correct movies plays choppy but all other progs plays great.
when i start uubuntu it automatically goes to tty with out letting me login. then when i press startx it says:
NVIDIA: failed to initialize the nvidia graphics device pci:0:13:0 nvidia: please check your systems kernal log for additional erroe nvidia: messages and refer to chapter 8 nvidia: failed to initialize the nvidia graphics device! nvidia: screen found, but none have a usable configuration fatal screen error: no screen found
right before this i had activated a nvidia graphics device
I have a problem that pops up with some games, sometimes: sauerbraten, lugaru, and nexuiz being the ones that pop to mind.
The problem is that when the game starts/loads the mouse "cursor" in the game will not work... the thing is frozen. The "fix" is to jump to a virtual terminal, via alt-ctrl-1, and restart KDM, then I log back into the session and everything is working swell.
This problem does not occur in Osmos, World of Goo, Warzone 2100, or the Linux Ryzom client.
I thought about adding an explicit /etc/init.d/kdm restart in my /etc/kde4/kdm/Xreset file, but that seems too draconian.
This has been a recurring problem on several machines with several 7000, 8000, and 9000 series Nvidia cards running under the proprietary driver, on both 32-bit and 64-bit AMD processors ever since Lenny and up through Wheezy. And it occurs on the following desktop/windowing environments: KDE4.4, icewm, fluxbox, blackbox, E17.
I would guess that it's a driver issue or a driver+xorg configuration issue.
PS: Please don't suggest that I should use the open source driver.
When I don't install the packages for my ATI graphic cards (xserver-xorg-video-radeon, xserver-xorg-video-ati and radeontool), everything looks fine while my laptop boots and my desktop looks fine when the boot ends. Except that i can't look video or play games cuz it lags too much...which is normal. When I install the packages for my graphic card (xserver-xorg-video-radeon, xserver-xorg-video-ati et radeontool), I can play games, watch videos, but I notice this: when my laptop boot, just before the login screen, I get messy graphic problems...Looks like a broken old tv. Once I login, my background image is covered with white stripes...
I have an old video card, Nvidia XFX 7800GT, which is now beginning to fail and I need to upgrade. I am not huge a gamer but I do play/buy games on regular basis. Right now I'm playing Eternal Lands on the Linux side. Looking to spend $100-$150 on a new card.I have a Core2Duo Wolfdale 3.0, with 2ghz ram and run Lucid 32bit. Also run windows Vista64Ultimate on dual boot (rarely).
I would love to buy a new ATI 5770 or 5830, ATI budget cards seem to be much better for the buck over budget Nvidia cards, but I'm concerned with ATI drivers and long term with Ubuntu.On the Nvidia side I'm considering the GTS 250. The only advantage I can find is lower power consumption with Nvidia and Ubuntu has always preferred Nvidia over ATI, as far as working drivers go.As Far as Ubuntu and Lucid is concerned, which way is best, ATI or Nvidia? Has anything changed with ATI support, that could make theor cards more compatible now and in the future?
I can't figure out how to install the nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8800 GT video card. I've followed some other posts and all the posts seemed either incomplete, or led me down a path of which eventually broke my installation, that I needed to reinstall the entire ubuntu system.Again, it may not have been broken, i just didnt know how to get back in to the gui version of ubuntu, the instructions took me to the console terminal
1.) I've installed the ubuntu 10.10 64bit for i386 in an oracle virtualBox..
2.) downloaded from nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.44.run"
I have recently moved from an Nvidia 9400 GT to a ATI HD 5670 but im having a little trouble getting ubuntu to run properly with the new graphics card. I have uninstalled all of the old installed graphics drivers for my nvidia card and have tried to install all of the ati ones.
before i installed ubuntu My pc had had an installed nvidia geforce 6200 256MB graphics plus an onboard intel graohics. it was for times that i wanted to install ubuntu on my pc, but it failed. so i tried to remove the nvidia and install ubuntu with the onboard graphics, and it was successful , i managed to install ubuntu 10.04 amd64 on my pc. now i want to reinstall the nvidia card but i can't. when i put it on my pc and turn it on and chose ubuntu from grub it fails to load ubuntu.so i tried to first install "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.60-pkg2.run" and then assemble the nvidia card on my pc. but "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.60-pkg2.run" fails to install.the nvidia-installer.log file is attached to this post.
I'm running Ubuntu as a guest virtual machine (via VirtualBox) on a Windows 7 machine and have a LOT of problems with getting the graphics to work properly... I've tried for a couple of days now without success. I don't know if the problem is with VirtualBox or Ubuntu, but I'll try to post it here if anyone has any suggestions.
I have a nvidia Geforce 8500 on my 10.04 system - the driver I'm using is: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]. When I look at System/Preferences/Monitors I am asked if I want to use the vendor's graphics tool and up pops the NVIDIA X Server Settings window. How do I enable 3D acceleration?
I'm just starting out with ubuntu (10.04), and installed it using a live cd on my alienware m5500. I had the update manager update everything, and then went looking on how to properly use my nvidia graphics card (geforce go 7600) because the graphics weren't looking very good, and I couldn't use any desktop effects.
I followed the directions found here in order to blacklist nouveou and enable the current nvidia driver. However after rebooting, and every time I time I turn on the computer, it never makes it to the desktop, i usually end up seeing the ubuntu startup and/or the nvidia logo before it proceeds to one of several screens (none of which allow me to click or type, although sometimes i can move the mouse).
-black screen -black screen with light gray bars top and bottom -black screen with vertical green line -orange and purple horizontal stripes -purple and light purple horizontal stripes
Thinking that it could be one of the listed bugs from the directions, I followed the work around for "Screen Blanks/Monitor Turns Off", but the problem persists. I have used the live disc to do a fresh install and attempt it about 3 times.Anyone know what this could be, or have advice for troubleshooting? Let me know if I can provide any other information that may prove useful - I'm fairly new to linux in general, but I can probably get some information from recovery mode if I've got a little guidance.
There's no login screen and I can't get to a tty. I have tried editing xorg with the backup, but the name of the driver is the same.Is there anyway to roll back the driver from a livecd?
A few days ago, I upgraded my system from the EOL 9.04 to 10.04LTS. This did go relatively well, though the upgrade process reported some "could not update" errors for the NVIDIA drivers and at the first boot it reported it had to start in low graphics mode. I noticed that I had manually installed drivers from NVIDIA's website before the upgrade, while afterwards the hardware drivers from the package manager had been enabled. I then disabled Ubuntu's drivers, and attempted to manually reinstall NVIDIA's own drivers.
This resulted in some errors related to the install script not being able to find some vdpau related stuff. Something interesting then occured. As root everything worked flawless, but as normal user I still ended up with errors resulting Ubuntu to continue in low graphics mode. So I enabled the package managers driver again. This seemed to solve all issues for the next 5 boots. Until this morning, I again get a black screen with only a blinking "_" on the screen for quite some time, after which (nice feature) Ubuntu proposes to continue in low graphics mode.
Here is a relevant part from my syslog: Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.075265] [TTM] Zone kernel: Available graphics memory: 1028724 kiB. Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.075275] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: 256 MiB VRAM Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.097167] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: 512 MiB GART (aperture) Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.098283] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: Allocating FIFO number 1 Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.102934] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: nouveau_channel_alloc: initialised FIFO 1 Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.103515] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: Detected a DAC output Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.103518] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: Detected a TMDS output Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.103521] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: DCB encoder 1 unknown Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.103522] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: Detected a DAC output Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.103526] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: Detected a VGA connector Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.103577] [drm] nouveau 0000:04:00.0: Detected a DVI-I connector Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.858579] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. Aug 10 08:17:53 linux kernel: [24.858583] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.401599] input: HDA Digital PCBeep as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/input/input5 Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632700] NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s). Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632704] NVRM: This can occur when a driver such as nouveau, rivafb, Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632705] NVRM: nvidiafb, or rivatv was loaded and obtained ownership of Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632706] NVRM: the NVIDIA device(s). Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632708] NVRM: Try unloading the conflicting kernel module (and/or Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632709] NVRM: reconfigure your kernel without the conflicting Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632710] NVRM: driver(s)), then try loading the NVIDIA kernel module Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632711] NVRM: again. Aug 10 08:17:54 linux kernel: [25.632713] NVRM: No NVIDIA graphics adapter probed!
I got Linux Ubuntu because my Vista installation messed up, and I couldnt find the recovery CD. Im pretty glad I installed Linux, as it seems really freidnly, and a bit more open that Windows, I must admit. The problem is, I am trying to install my Nvidia GeForce 8600GTS on the system, and it isnt working. It was working fine on Vista before, so it shouldnt be a hardware problem. I have followed various instructions on websites, whioch take me throguh some stuff about stopping GNOME, removing * linux restricted module * and so on. But when I get to the crucial point, with the agreements and installations for Nvidia, it tells me it cant detect any graphics cards.