I'm having some problems with my video drivers I think. Before I get into detail here's some info about my laptop:
It's a Laptop, yes.
Graphics Card = ATI Mobility Radeon X2300
Model: ASUS F3KE (the 1 without the Camera, just a mic)
Ubuntu Version: 9.10
I believe the problem is with my Video Driver. I can Set Visual effects on high without any trouble, but when running games (Even Java Games) that I can run flawlessly when running under Vista are almost impossible to run on Ubuntu, extremely low FPS and well it's just pointless to even try!
Examples of games are:
Guild Wars running (Well not really *running*) with wine.
Saga with wine
Wurm Online (Java)
Alien Arena
And even Glest!
I installed Debian recently, and everything seems to be working fine, except some video games are unusually slow compared to what they would normally be. Tremulous, for example, worked reasonably fine on this computer with Windows XP, but now (Debian) for some reason it's laggy even on the title screen. Something wrong with my video drivers?
All of the information I know: The computer is a Dell Dimension 3000 RAM: 256mb? Gnome System Monitor says 247.1mb, SWAP: about 730mb Processor: Intel Celeron 2.40GHz HD: 25gb out of a 40gb HD free, and an external 1tb HD with about 920gb free Debian Release 6.0 (squeeze) Kernel Linux 2.6.32-5-686 GNOME 2.30.2 (I've tried LXDE also, no noticeable change) Only linux on the machine.
I am running gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04, a clean installation from the gNatty version, 32 bit. The machine is a Lenovo t420, with 6GB RAM and a integrated video card.
Everything is running smoothly but not for games. I tried urban terror, Tremulous, Nexuiz, all of the lags from the very beginning as if I was using a machine 5 years ago to run today's video games (ie, takes 10 seconds for a mouse move a show, audio lags, .etc). From my experience it should come from video card driver not installed, but the update manager shows all device works fine (indeed, the screen resolution is 1600X900).
I went back to Suse 11.2, it comes with the 'nv' driver for my NVIDIA Quadro2 Pro (64 MB) and I'm getting some slow performance on browser display and sometimes video playing. Not always, I recently saw a 2 hr long movie on Blue Ray resolution, so the problem is not hardware, it's software. I saw several links here on how to install other drivers and a 1-click install link on this page but my question is, since this is an old card... which driver is the best for this card ?
I'm having some trouble with Java based games. I am running 11.04 64x and I downloaded and installed the latest sun-jvm. I know my hardware can run these two games very well (Minecraft and Spiral Knights). I'm wondering if maybe sun isn't my default plugin.
i tried to download several games for lubuntu, but some of them are running badly, and slow the system down, although they are not very large one of them is just 100MB, other one was even much less than that. i have pentium 4, 512 ram 128 MB built in video card PC.
I just installed Debian Squeeze a couple days ago and haven't had any problems so far except trying to get 3D acceleration to work with my Radeon 5770 card. When running glxgears, I get over 900 FPS and the gears are spinning great. When I try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, ScorchedEarth, or FlightGear, they are all so slow as to be unplayable. (extremely slow)
I've been trying to get this working for a while and had no luck.As per internet advice, I installed firmware-linux-free and firmware-linux-nonfree.
In glxinfo, it says "direct rendering: yes"
In my /var/log/Xorg.0.log file it says:
(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled (II) RADEON(0): Acceleration disabled (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev
I have a laptop with a sis 650 video card. It works just fine except in video games like assault cube where it runs really slow. Now that could be because I have less than a gig of memory, but more likely it seems lack of 3D support. I found the sis_drv.o-402 file on the sis site, which seems to be a kernel module. This info came from an article that is a couple of years old. It, and other references speak of using "insmod sis_drv.o-402". I can not find such a command, nor can I find reference to it in the opensuse site. I also can not seem to find which driver I am currently using, and if it has 3D support.
I am currently running ubuntu on my laptop and i love it. Im running windows 7 ultimate 64bit on my gaming pc and im sick of getting stupid windows errors when im playing my video games. I just want to know if I can run a windows xp emulator in ubuntu on my gaming pc with no problems with saved games or anything like that. Just if you want to know im mainly having issues playing Fallout new vegas.
What is causing this graphic distortion?I dropped Vista because this problem would crash the video driver and pop a black screen for a few seconds over and over and over and over.Now that I installed ****ING Ubuntu it's doing this problem, but without the black screens and only messed up graphics show.So what the heck guys, is this a hardware or software problem? And this same type of graphic distortion appears in games like Combat Arms and Halo.I am so SICK of NVIDIA never ever in my whole entire life will I ever buy NVIDIA again! Luckily for nvidia I'm only 17 years old and have 40 years of life left to buy computers without nvidia in them. Until I save up dough for a new computer "without nvidia" I'll keep trying to fix this. P.S this nvidia chip is tied down to my motherboard.
When I don't install the packages for my ATI graphic cards (xserver-xorg-video-radeon, xserver-xorg-video-ati and radeontool), everything looks fine while my laptop boots and my desktop looks fine when the boot ends. Except that i can't look video or play games cuz it lags too much...which is normal. When I install the packages for my graphic card (xserver-xorg-video-radeon, xserver-xorg-video-ati et radeontool), I can play games, watch videos, but I notice this: when my laptop boot, just before the login screen, I get messy graphic problems...Looks like a broken old tv. Once I login, my background image is covered with white stripes...
I have a problem that pops up with some games, sometimes: sauerbraten, lugaru, and nexuiz being the ones that pop to mind.
The problem is that when the game starts/loads the mouse "cursor" in the game will not work... the thing is frozen. The "fix" is to jump to a virtual terminal, via alt-ctrl-1, and restart KDM, then I log back into the session and everything is working swell.
This problem does not occur in Osmos, World of Goo, Warzone 2100, or the Linux Ryzom client.
I thought about adding an explicit /etc/init.d/kdm restart in my /etc/kde4/kdm/Xreset file, but that seems too draconian.
This has been a recurring problem on several machines with several 7000, 8000, and 9000 series Nvidia cards running under the proprietary driver, on both 32-bit and 64-bit AMD processors ever since Lenny and up through Wheezy. And it occurs on the following desktop/windowing environments: KDE4.4, icewm, fluxbox, blackbox, E17.
I would guess that it's a driver issue or a driver+xorg configuration issue.
PS: Please don't suggest that I should use the open source driver.
If I take out the existing video card and put in another one of a different type (but not a different brand), how does Ubuntu behave? I know what Windows typically does. Windows starts up the screen using a default video driver which is at least 1024 by 768 and then asks you what this new bit of hardware is and asks where the drivers are. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu has default drivers of its own, but I don't know what their resolution is.
I've had this problem on a few flash games (a couple of EA's sports management games on Facebook, and the Pokemon Dream World.) When I first use them everything's fine, but as I continue coming back to them, they seem to run a little slower each time. Ultimately in the case of the former two it got so bad that they were unusual.
Why is this happening? If they were slow from the start I could understood, but what could be making them go wrong on repeated plays?
I'm on 32 bit Kubuntu Lucid, firefox is my browser, and it's the official flash plugin.
I just installed Linux Mint 9 as a dual boot install with Win XP. Trying to activate wireless network card driver and video driver. Pops up: "You are not authorized to perform this action".How do I get authorized?
Now every time I boot Win XP, the Internet Explorer menu bar is all blacked out and goofy. If I log out and back in it corrects itself. If I reboot it's blacked out again. Re-installed IE8. Still blacks out.Also Firefox in Win XP crashes expectantly. It has NEVER crashed on me previously.
my girlfriend has a netbook(acer A0751h-1401) and always complains how slow it is on vista and how much it freezes up, so i put ubuntu netbook remix on it. The video qaulity is so slow i give up and install xubuntu thinking it will be better since it is for slower computers, wrong. So im thinking it is a video driver issue or something. it has the intel gma 500 in it but it is only allowed to use 8mb of memory for video and i cant change it in the bios. I mean it shouldnt have all the lag on xubntu that it does
using 10.04.3 i have removed virtualbox 4 and return 3.1.6 it seems to have added ~5 seconds to my boot time (at least at the ubuntui plymouth splash screen) and i had it down to ~9 seconds before as a perfectionist it is getting under my nerves my guess it it left something to enable usb support in virtualbox here is part of my dmesg
Code: [ 3.712963] sd 6:0:0:2: [sde] Attached SCSI removable disk [ 3.714460] sd 6:0:0:3: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk [ 3.719702] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk [ 3.722055] usbcore: registered new interface driver hiddev
I have two Ubuntus installed. A 10.04 and a 9.04. In 9.04 if I watch a video in Firefox, it works very smoothly and nicely. Using the "top" command, totem-plugin-vi is using the most cpu time at about 16%, and xorg is using about 5%. But in 10.04, totem is using 72% and xorg is using 26%, and it looks really choppy. I think watching DVDs is the same way. I checked "Hardware Drivers" in the System->Administration menu (in 10.04) and it said "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system." I'm guessing maybe I'm using different video drivers on each system, but I don't even know how to check. and here is an excerpt from lspci:
Specs: AMD Quad Core 8GB RAM HD3200 ATI Graphics (onboard) 1920*1080 resolution via VGA.
Whenever I play flash video or a video in VLC the pictures seems "choppy" and slow as if it was laggy. What could be causing this? I am guessing its a video issue? Maybe something todo with refresh rates and stuff like that.
I want to do a stop-motion but I cannot find a program that has all the option I want and that is useable for me. I tried with Kdenlive that has all the option I want, but when I want to see the preview of my video, it lagged at every new image.Is there a format, a way to configure kdenlive or something else that would make it easier for my computer. Or even another program that do what I want but is less demanding then Kdenlive.All I want is to put picture one after the other, adjust the time they appear and add some text and sound.
Streamed videos on various Web sites are slow and choppy for me. The problem seems to be a cross-browser issue, today I did an informal test of various sites I frequently use on both Mozilla Firefox and Chrome. The results of my informal test are below, and as you can see they are mostly the same for both Firefox and Chrome.
Google Chrome- You tube-- no problems once video loads, but loading is slow Daily show-- very slow loading, sound ok, video extremely slow, choppy, unwatchable ESPN--slow to load, sound ok, picture is very slow, choppy eHOW--slow to load, sound ok, picture is very slow, choppy
Mozilla Firefox You tube-- no problems but sometimes slow loading Daily show-- a little slow loading but sound and picture ok ESPN--sound ok but picture very choppy eHOW--slow to load, sound ok, picture is very slow, choppy
I was streaming a video when suddenly I got a warning that a script was running. I closed the browser and then the computer became really slow.I re-started my computer and had mounting problems. That is fixed now.However, my vlc and other players are not functioning properly. Moreover, whenever I stream a video, it always gets stuck and becomes slow. This has been persisting for quite sometime now.
I have Dell Inspiron 6400 equipped with an ATI Radeon Mobility X1400 card and running Ubuntu 10.4. Before the upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4 I was using the "generic" xserver-xorg-video-radeon, which was working fine but after the upgraded did NOT allow me to work in Dual Screen mode.
I then saw that there is a xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd driver which targets, among all, my X1400 card. I installed it and the Dual Screen now indeed works but I notice that my system is slower (actually, it stresses a lot the CPU) when I do things like scrolling a page in the browser, reducing/restoring a window, etc.. so I'm wondering if it isn't a driver or configuration issue in Xorg.
My xorg.conf (regeranted from scratch by the Xorg -configure):
My boot time seems to be relatively slow & looking through the log file I notice that "ppdev: user-space parallel port driver" takes about 25 seconds to load.Is this normal/necessary to load? My laptop is a toshiba satellite pro running 10.04.
I've just installed a driver for ATI HD 4850, and I have a huge delay while scrolling, or when entering a folder which contains more files.(While scrolling down/up, vertical lines go down or up slowly, refreshing the image, 1 line/time if I noticed well.. takes like 2-3 secs to 'clear' the image..) I'm a total beginner at ubuntu, so please reply in standard language, or explain what to do I don't know if I installed the ATI driver properly, I just found that guide on the net..
I upgraded to -current last night hoping to improve my Intel 845G graphics controllers functioning in X, I've had to use the vesa driver for stability. The upgrade was completed but KDE seems as slow as ever. Here's some snippets from Xorg.0.log:
X.Org X Server 1.7.5 Release Date: 2010-02-16 X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 Build Operating System: Slackware 13.1 Slackware Linux Project Current Operating System: Linux speedy 2.6.33-smp #2 SMP Sat Feb 27 20:12:16 CST 2010 i686 code....
It seems I'm still using the vesa driver, any ideas on why the intel isn't being used and how to fix it?
I installed 10.04 in a Dell Dimension 3000 for my father. It's a nice upgrade from the old Pentium 3, except for graphics it seems. I tried playing a video I recorded on my phone. Movie player(totem) appears to play the video, but instead shows a blank screen. Moving the window, minimizing, ect. shows a frame or two, but that's it. Converting to OGG, and turning off compix does nothing. I installed VLC and now the video plays but in slow motion. Sound works great in both. I'm not sure if it's an Intel graphics thing or what, but it's pretty bad when ..... plays better then local video.
BTW not sure if it's related but it also seems to have a problem coming out of suspend.
I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 by doing a reformat and fresh install from the cd. I have an old dell inspiron 1000 with a 2.26ghz centrino and SiS integrated video chipset.It used to run flash player playing 360p ..... clips in fullscreen very smoothly and better than my windows 7 install but with 10.04 it is doing about 1 frame every 5 sec.
My friends and I are into freerunning/parkour (look it up if you don't know it : D) and we like to make videos sometimes. Slow motion is a MUST.
The problem is, I haven't been able to find any good video editors for linux. I've just been using windows movie maker when it comes to editing, but I haven't been able to find anything on linux that really allows slowmo.
I tried Openshot video editor and LiVES video editor, but they've both been no luck. Open shot allows you to play a clip at half speed. This is fine, except it doesn't adjust the timeline accordingly, so clips get cut off when they're only part of the way through, and I can't seem to adjust the timeline to get it to work. And as far as LiVES, I haven't been able to find the "effects" button, or anything that allows you to do stuff to clips.