Ubuntu :: Mupen64plus Input Configuration?

May 13, 2011

I updated my ubuntu recently but I found out that mupen64plus does not longer include a GUI. I have tried to configure my joystick with the instructions on their website but I didn't have an InputAutoCfg.ini file, although I created it and put the text in it but it still doesn't work?

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Ubuntu :: How To Add Cheat Codes To Mupen64Plus

May 27, 2011

I have no idea how to do this. There isn't an option in the GUI (though I believe there should be one) and Google hasn't told me anything.

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Ubuntu :: Where's Mupen64plus Cheat Code File?

Sep 20, 2010

Where's the cheat code file located?
It should be in the home folder, right? but I can't find it there.
Why I need to know this? Because editing the file manually will probably go way faster then adding the codes in the emulator.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Hook Up Ps3 Remote To Mupen64plus?

Aug 6, 2011

i installed mupen64plus and tried to hookup my ps3 remote with a usb cable. the program recognizes the remote but wont let me map the buttons. my pc isnt bluetooth enabled so i have to leav it hooked up to the the pc.

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Software :: Mupen64plus - Wasnt Able To Install - Segmentation Fault?

Jun 11, 2009

Well anyway, having issues with mupen64plus. i wasnt able to install it using the documentation's guide. I did manage to install it via apprunner. it was running fine; however, it recently quit. it now only runs when i use the "gui app- as root" script with apprunner. when i try to run the program with the launcher, nothing happens. i managed to uninstall and reinstall it the way the project site directed me to; however, i still have the same problem. and i get this when i try to run in the terminal i get this:


Segmentation fault

Ive never even seen a segfault before, so im clueless as to what the problem is or how to fix it (and the gtk-warning isn't a concern to me). also i get this when trying to run via the "any app- as any user" script in apprunner:


I am using 32-bit Ubuntu, version 9.04

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Debian Configuration :: Permanently Disable The Input-device

Jul 31, 2011

my thinkpad Edge 11 has some problems with the touchpad and the trackpoint, so i want to permanently disable the touchpad, but not the TrackPoint. Both are PS2 devices.

/dev/input/mouse0 --> TouchPad
/dev/input/mouse1 --> TrackPoint

How can i disable the device? In X it does not work with gpointing-device-settings

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Debian Configuration :: SSL - Can't Input Information Such Country Code?

Aug 28, 2011

i followed a Tutorial about configuring apache to have HTTPS Protocole , but since i ask for a certificate , i can't input information such country code etc , i'm runing this configuration on Webmin , i'm using Debian of course so how can i input the code ?

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Debian Configuration :: How To Hardcode/fix A Udev Roule For /dev/input/event0

Jun 17, 2011

How to hardcode/fix a udev roule for /dev/input/event0?For example my touchscreen device jumped after restart, sometimes will be recognized as input3 and sometimes as input0.

I: Bus=0003 Vendor=1fd2 Product=0064 Version=0100
N: Name="LG Display LGD-MultiTouch"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:1d.7-4.1/input0


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Debian Configuration :: WARNING: Could Not Find Hdaps Input Device

Jun 22, 2011

I am using Debian testing i386. Just upgraded to 2.6.39-2-686-pae. After reboot, and ever since, I am getting warning: WARNING: Could not find hdaps input device (No such file or directory). You may be using an incompatible version of the hdaps module. Falling back to reading the position from sysfs (uses more power). Use '-y' to silence this warning.

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Debian Configuration :: Make Init.d Script That Asks For User Input?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm trying to make a script that loads at boot and asks for user input before doing it's stuff. So I created a script in /etc/init.d/ following the example given there (skeleton file) and used update-rc.d to make it load before GDM.

But when my script requests user input, init doesn't stop, and goes on loading other services and loads GDM. I have to CTRL+F1 to get to my script. I want my script to pause the init system till it ends doing it's stuff and the the other services can go on loading.

I tried
#X-interactive: true to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Proper Analog Controller With Joypad/controller Mupen64plus?

Sep 15, 2010

Basically i want it so that the analogue stick on my PS2 controller, which connects via a USB adaptor and is recognized, correctly controls in game characters. It seems to work fine enough in platformers, at least it does with Banjo Kazooie, but with games like perfect Dark it seem to be trying to move forward and look down at the same time, also backward and look up simultaneously and look sideways and move sideways simultaneously , rendering the game all but unplayable.

I have tried running jscal and, apart from the fact that it seems a bit beyond me, it reports "jscal: missing devicename" when i try to run "jscal -c". Do others out there have there analogue sticks working correctly with games like Perfect Dark, or the James Bond games, for example?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Stereo Mic Input To Mono Input?

Nov 4, 2010

I recently got a real fancy unidirectional microphone, but when I go and use it, something strange happens. The mic is a mono mic, but when I record something, it appears to think it's stereo. Instead of having the same thing on both channels, it puts it all in the left channel, and silence on the right channel.

I tried fiddling with alsamixer. In capture (F4), adjusting the "Capture" device has an effect. However, it doesn't do anything useful. Lowering the right channel to zero does nothing, lowering the left channel to zero creates silence, and disabling the right channel creates silence.

In my System>Preferences>Sound (or pavucontrol, or what-have-you), there are "Analog Stereo Input" and "Analog Stereo Duplex" options there, but no "Analog Mono Input" or "Analog Stereo Output + Analog Mono Input" options (the latter being ideal).

Something interesting, though, if I do this:
arecord -r 96000 -D pulse -c 1 -vv -V mono /dev/null
it works correctly and outputs on both channels. But if I do
arecord -r 96000 -D pulse -c 2 -vv -V stereo /dev/null
then it's back to the same behavior. The VU meter on the second command shows the left channel going up and down as I make noise, but the right one always at zero.

The machine does have a crap internal mic built in to the screen bezel. If I do either of the above commands, they both work correctly. The stereo VU shows the same activity for both channels.

The machine is a Eee 1015PED, which has Intel integrated sound. Something probably insignificant is that the mic has a 1/4 inch mono plug, and to get it to plug into the Eee, I needed to get a 1/4 female to 1/8 male adapter. The mic's 1/4 plug is mono (duh) and therefore two-conductor, but the adapter I got is stereo, or three conductor (L, R, GND). I don't know if this is tripping something in hardware to tell it it's stereo or something.

I tried the mic on my desktop, which has a SB Audigy 4 (the non-pro flavor) and that has the "Analog Mono Input" function, so that works fine. Is there some way to turn this stereo input into mono input?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change The From Mic Input To Line Input?

May 1, 2010

I installed Lucid. I used to have Ubuntu 9.10 and to connect my iPod to my laptop's speakers. There was an option in 9.10 in the Sound Options to change the Mic Input into a Line Input. But now unfortunately I can't find it in Lucid have only 2 audio ports in the laptop: Headphone port, Mic port.

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Ubuntu :: Japanese Input - 10.04 - SCIM Input Program ?

May 5, 2010

I would like to use Japanese kana (hiragana, katakana, kanji) on Ubuntu but everything that I've tried to get it set up and running isn't working. The Spanish that I have set up is working perfectly so far.

I've read, the SCIM input program should start up automatically when loading a program, it doesn't. When I have it loaded I cannot seem to get the input working.

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Debian Configuration :: Switch Between English And Japanese Input While Keeping An English Interface

Sep 23, 2010

I am learning japanese and I would like to be able to switch between english and japanese input while keeping an english interface. How would I achieve that? I am using KDE, by the way.

In the Kiten documentation I read that pressing Shift+Space would enable japanese input (built-in in Kiten, according to the documentation). But that does not seem to work in my system.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Thai Language Input To Work - In "ibus Preferences/input Method" - No Languages Are Shown

May 29, 2010

I can't get Thai language input to work.

In "language support" I installed Thai, but it remains grayed out.

In "ibus preferences / input method", no languages are shown.

I added:

I added: "ibus-daemon --xim" to startup applications. No effect.

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General :: Different Between Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT And Chain INPUT?

Feb 28, 2011

whats the different between Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT (2 references) and Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)?

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Ubuntu :: Uunable UFW Configuration, In A Programme Called Firewall Configuration

Feb 4, 2010

When I enable UFW Configuration, in a programme called Firewall Configuration, runs along with the System. Now, I configured it such that it can run along with the Session. Now, Ubuntu is already secure. So, is there any need for additional Firewall like this? (ufw is already present in Ubuntu, and this only Configures it). And, is it required to have it enabled always for keeping the Firefox running? (Because It may consume System Resources). Or, is there any other firewall that consumes less System resources or runs at the Background?

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Programming :: Awk - Input From One Line - Execute Program - Input From Next Line - Execute Program

Sep 25, 2010

I have a file with two fields of numbers that I want to use as input for another program.


The above code does not work, as I think it would take the whole first and second fields as the input for one particular instance of the program 'inputbashangle'. What I want is to get the first two numbers from the first line of the file 'outfailtest', execute 'inputbashangle' with them, then move on to the first two numbers of the second line for all the lines of 'outfailtest'.

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Debian Configuration :: ProFTPd Configuration - Use To Host MySQL Databases And A Few Websites

Nov 18, 2010

I am having no luck configuring ProFTPd on a Debian Lenny production server we use to host our MySQL databases and a few websites. I had originally set it up so I could login and manage our internal sites, but I have the need to allow a few clients in to access their sites that we host. I am trying to root the users in their site directory, which would be "/sites/www.whatever.com/".

It just hit me while typing this. Is it possible to create a user without a shell to prevent login via SSH and set the home folder to /sites/whatever instead of /home/username? That would allow me to continue operating with my current configuration and root them in their site while preventing SSH logins.

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Debian Configuration :: Multipath Configuration On 5.0 64 Bit - Doesn't Create The Relative Devices

Jul 20, 2011

i have a HP MSA 2312fc SAN with 2 LUNs configured. The first LUN (LUN ID 1) is correctly connected to the system, but when i connect the second LUN (LUN ID 30), i find in the syslog this message: multipathd: 8:64: size 6835937472, expected 5267578112. Discard

Here is the multipath.conf


So I correctly see the two luns, but multipath doesn't create the relative devices. Under /dev/mapper I see: control mpath0 mpath0-part1 mpath0-part1 is the first lun, the one I mounted in a directory under filesystem. I can't find the device for the second lun

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Debian Configuration :: Reboot Both The Server And The Client Machines Every Time Change The SAMBA Configuration?

Apr 5, 2010

I am *finally* getting around to rebuilding my file-sharing computer. I'll be sharing files with both Linux and Windoze machines. It's a home network, so there's nothing fancy needed. I know I have to tweak my smb.conf file until I'm satisfied with the features and security. I'm using SWAT and I'm starting with a bare-bones conf file. It's not secure but I can see the server and selected files/directories from my other Linux box.

My really dumb question is, do I have to reboot both the server and the client machines every time I change the SAMBA configuration? I thought I just had to stop and restart the SAMBA service in the SWAT software - but then the server disappears from my client. It looks like I need to reboot both machines for the client to see the server.

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Debian Configuration :: Fstab Configuration - Failed To Open /proc/filesystems: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 23, 2011

I have some errors when run the mount -all command: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so Failed to open /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory


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CentOS 5 :: Error Unexpectedly After Some Configuration For Rsync And Folder Settings - Correct Configuration And Restart GDM

Oct 29, 2010

I am using Centos 5. I got one error unexpectedly after some configuration for rsync and folder settings. The error i am getting is "Serve Authorization directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/gdm but does not exist. Please correct the configuration and restart GDM." after rebooting.

I tried to resolve the issue by setting permission for folder /var/gdm to 755. but the problem is still not resolved.

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Ubuntu :: Output To Input ?

Jan 7, 2011

What does this command mean? Is this some sort of a pipe where output of one program goes to input of another?


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Debian Configuration :: Fstab Configuration And Timeout - Automatically Continues Booting Even If The Hard Drives Are Not Attached?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a PC104 running debian. I have 3 hard drives (in addition to the one booting) mounted in fstab by UUID. I use the options defaults,error=remount-ro. However, this means that when I boot with the hard drives not attached, I have to press Ctrl-D to bypass when the boot discovers the drives are missing. Is there a timeout commandoption I can add to fstab so that it automatically continues booting even if the hard drives are not attached? I could not find anything on a timeout command. (I tried adding timeout=1000 but no-random guess)

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Debian Configuration :: Boot Via PXE, "no Default Or Ui Configuration Directive?

Mar 19, 2011

A week ago I opened this thread viewtopic.php?f=17&t=61580 in "Board index ‹ Help ‹ Installation" and asked for a moderator to move this to here. Because it hasnt happened up to know, I am reopening the thread here. It would be reeeeally great if somebody could help me with my problem!

I own two computers, one netbook and one laptop. I want to boot my netbook as a diskless client via PXE.I set up a dhcp-, tftp and nfs-server on my laptop but when i boot my netbook, the follwoing messages are displayed:(to make it more clear, i uploaded the whole output and shortened the output below)


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Debian Configuration :: No Longer Allowed To Access The System Configuration

Jul 31, 2011

I am using Squessze and Gnome. When I try to use the gui System>Administration>Network or Users and Groups I get the error The configuration could not be loaded. You are not allowed to access the system configuration.Everything was working before. I read around a bit. In some cases,it was caused by mismatching group and password files after using the gui. I do not know how to check if they are matching. Of course I do not know for sure that is the problem in my case.

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General :: What Is The Configuration Of Wind River - Can't Find The Configuration File

Feb 22, 2011

I want to see what is the configuration of my Wind River Linux (actually I want to see what modules are installed in it when it was built). I can't find the configuration file.

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.4 On Pc (input Not Supported)

Aug 17, 2010

I built a new pc with an intel atom processor and 1Gb Ddr2 ram with on board sound and graphics. When i try to intal or boot live (from flash drive) The screen pops up asking boot or instal. Whether i choose either/or i recieve an error on my monitor saying input not supported. I got a similar error when i tried an older monitor.My current monitor is an aoc lcd screen (not sure of model no.)

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