Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Hook Up Ps3 Remote To Mupen64plus?

Aug 6, 2011

i installed mupen64plus and tried to hookup my ps3 remote with a usb cable. the program recognizes the remote but wont let me map the buttons. my pc isnt bluetooth enabled so i have to leav it hooked up to the the pc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Trying To Hook Up External Audio Inputs

Jan 5, 2011

i should start by saying i'm using ArtistX OS, (based on Ubuntu Karmic (9.10)) I have a cassette deck and a usb turntable that i want to use to digitize my old stuf. at first, there was no output from either device, but after much fiddelin', when i right click on the volume icon and hit sound preferences, input tab, i can see that there is now incoming signal from both devices, but no audio rendering. also, again after much try this or that, got audacity to record and playback (audibly, but i could still not hear it durring recording), but that which was rendered was not acceptable quality for archiving i havn't a clue what to try now

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Ubuntu :: Mupen64plus Input Configuration?

May 13, 2011

I updated my ubuntu recently but I found out that mupen64plus does not longer include a GUI. I have tried to configure my joystick with the instructions on their website but I didn't have an InputAutoCfg.ini file, although I created it and put the text in it but it still doesn't work?

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Ubuntu :: How To Add Cheat Codes To Mupen64Plus

May 27, 2011

I have no idea how to do this. There isn't an option in the GUI (though I believe there should be one) and Google hasn't told me anything.

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Ubuntu :: Where's Mupen64plus Cheat Code File?

Sep 20, 2010

Where's the cheat code file located?
It should be in the home folder, right? but I can't find it there.
Why I need to know this? Because editing the file manually will probably go way faster then adding the codes in the emulator.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Option For Canon Remote Capture - Remote Camera Control Software ?

Oct 17, 2010

Canon cameras used to come with a piece of software called remote capture for Windows and MacOS.

You plug in the camera via USB, and then the camera display is on your monitor. From there you can do everything your camera does, like taking pictures of video. Does anyone know if there is linux equivalent software that can do this?

I have found this software, but new cameras aren't supported.

I'm trying to make a stop motion movie.

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Software :: Mupen64plus - Wasnt Able To Install - Segmentation Fault?

Jun 11, 2009

Well anyway, having issues with mupen64plus. i wasnt able to install it using the documentation's guide. I did manage to install it via apprunner. it was running fine; however, it recently quit. it now only runs when i use the "gui app- as root" script with apprunner. when i try to run the program with the launcher, nothing happens. i managed to uninstall and reinstall it the way the project site directed me to; however, i still have the same problem. and i get this when i try to run in the terminal i get this:


Segmentation fault

Ive never even seen a segfault before, so im clueless as to what the problem is or how to fix it (and the gtk-warning isn't a concern to me). also i get this when trying to run via the "any app- as any user" script in apprunner:


I am using 32-bit Ubuntu, version 9.04

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Hook Up Net-book To TV With DVI Cable

Sep 25, 2010

my CRT 1080i Samsung TV has a DVI connection, and my Dell mini netbook has a VGA port, so I bought a DVI cable and a VGA-to-DVI adapter. I'm not getting anything on my TV when I plug it in to my netbook...do I have to configure anything?

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Ubuntu :: Proper Analog Controller With Joypad/controller Mupen64plus?

Sep 15, 2010

Basically i want it so that the analogue stick on my PS2 controller, which connects via a USB adaptor and is recognized, correctly controls in game characters. It seems to work fine enough in platformers, at least it does with Banjo Kazooie, but with games like perfect Dark it seem to be trying to move forward and look down at the same time, also backward and look up simultaneously and look sideways and move sideways simultaneously , rendering the game all but unplayable.

I have tried running jscal and, apart from the fact that it seems a bit beyond me, it reports "jscal: missing devicename" when i try to run "jscal -c". Do others out there have there analogue sticks working correctly with games like Perfect Dark, or the James Bond games, for example?

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Ubuntu :: Hook Up An External Hard Drive With Windows Xp?

Mar 19, 2010

Can I hook up an external hard drive with windows xp on it to my new laptop which has ubuntu on it through the USB port? I have the cables... forgot in which order should I plug them though... Would save me a lot of work

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Server :: DNS Hook For Client Registration?

Feb 2, 2011

Is there a hook thing in the Linux DNS. What I mean here is - in Linux hooks are called when the status of the network changed - like dhclient-enter-hook, exit-hook etc - is there similar thing when a dhcp client registers itself with the DNS?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Linksys WUSB54G - Hook Up Through Wireless With Device

Dec 14, 2010

I have a Linksys Wireless-G USB Network Adapter, 2.4 GHz, 802.11g. It hooks up through USB plug, and when I originally plugged it in I got the message that ubuntu didn't support the drivers, but haven't seen it since. I'm hooked up to a LAN cable right now, and can't seem to figure out how to hook up through wireless with this device. Or I just don't know how. When I click on the network connections button on the top right corner (the two computers). I can see my Wired Internet, but no wireless. When I type lsusb in a terminal I get : (sorry I don't know how to do code blocks) So it is recognizing that it's there, but maybe I just don't know how to use it. Also, I'm running Ubuntu Release 10.04 (lucid).

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Ubuntu :: Hook The HD Up To A SATA - USB Cable And Edit The Files From Another Machine?

Feb 8, 2011

I was attempting to set up my ubuntu 10.04 system to load Synergy before log in to eliminate the second keyboard and mouse on my desk using these instuctions. However, once I log in I get a quick terminal screen which flashes so quick I can't read it then I am put back to the log in screen. I'm pretty sure I just need to remove the syntax I added to the /etc/gdm/Init/Default file and the /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsetup file and redo it (with less beer). The problem is that user account was the only user account I'd ever bothered setting up on this system and I can't get logged in.

Is there another account built in that I could use or do I need to hook the HD up to a SATA - USB cable and edit the files from another machine?

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General :: Hook Qosmio Laptop Into Vizio Tv

Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to hook my qosmio laptop into my vizio tv. I am using a VGA cable and I run mandriva linux 2009.1.

Unfortunately I have no luck from here. I rebooted my computer and for the first time it offered to run drakroam, but when I accepted, nothing happened.

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OpenSUSE :: Using Emacs Shell-bash-mode-hook?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to show line numbers automatically in bash scripts (a habit of being a programmer) and when I load an emacs lisp file it works from the command below but the following command that sets up the same thing for bash scripts doesn't work. I played around with this for quite some time and couldn't find anything that would make work.This is the first time I have tried to customize emacs so it could easily be something ignorant on my part.

;; Load additional packages
(load-file "~/.elisp/whitespace.el")
(load-file "~/.elisp/setnu+.el")


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Setup Display With Hook After Suspend To Ram?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm running OS 11.2 with KDE4. I have to use the fglrx driver,as I could not get XBMC working with radeon or radeonhd. Well, fglrx works OK, however it does an automatic underscan on my LCD TV (connected via HDMI). So I reset this underscan to get rid of the black box around my desktop by issuing four commands in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc:


aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,positionX:0
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,positionY:0
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,sizeX:1920
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,sizeY:1080

Obviously, xinitrc will not be called after doing a suspend2ram, but fglrx decided to get me back to underscan. So I tried to set up a hook:


case $1 in
# Suspend to disk


I get the exact same error messages, if I try to run the four aticonfig commands with "sudo -s" - however, it works, if I run them as "su".So finally coming to the question: Is a hook running with sudo privileges? Can I get it to run as "real" "su" ? Any other ideas (short of creating a hook that's logging me off, then on again?)

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General :: Use Inode Hook Functions(inode_alloc_security And Inode_free_security)?

Mar 4, 2010

how to use inode hook functions(inode_alloc_security and inode_free_security)?

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General :: Mplayer - How To Hook To The File Tool And Firefox

Mar 23, 2011

Two tries at building mplayer. First time failed with no sound, second time worked fine - NO CHANGES that I know of, BUT OK - it works nicely.So if I click on a file in the Linux (fedora 14) file browser, I see using "Mplayer Media Player" as a second option, It does nothing, nor does it do anything from the Application tool menu. I do not know where the "I am doing nothing (and here is why)" error message is logged.

I can manually run mplayer or xmplayer on the .wmv file and it works.How do I edit the menus (control files?) and have them use the newly installed and working mplayer (or xmplayer??).Next, it would be nice to make mplayer the default tool to play videos in Firefox (the default for both is another tool (Movie player) which needs a plugin that I cannot find to work).And finally, if I can get one or both of these working - it would be nice to set the default to the new player instead of "Movie player".

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Programming :: ICMP Packet Recieving Using Hook Function

Oct 7, 2010

I want to receive an icmp packet using net filter hook function. A string will be printed if an icmp packet is received.I am able to print the string. but the packet loss in the log message shows 100%packet loss.So i changer hooknum = NF_IP_FORWARD.but still its not working.I want to get log message as received 100%

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General :: Script - Hook Into System Mount / Umount Event?

Mar 27, 2010

Is there a way to provide post-mount and pre-umount scripts in Linux?
I am trying to do some scripts on storage media when mounted and before umounting (eg, for syncing).

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Ubuntu :: Running Postinst Hook Script /usr/sbin/update-grub Taking A Long Time?

Apr 15, 2010

Running first upgrade after installing 9.10.

Currently on item "Configuring linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic" and the progress bar/terminal readout has not changed for an hour or so I'd say.

Don't want to cause issues by killing it halfway through, especially as it presents an opportunity to learn something!

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Ubuntu Security :: Hardened Baseline - Hook The Logins Into Either Enterprise Kerberos Or Active Directory (yuck)

Dec 14, 2010

I'm tasked with creating a base image of ubuntu (one for server, one for workstation) that is locked down and has all the fluff taken out (naturally workstation will have more fluff left in it than server). Task list looks about like this:

1. Create list of deb packages "allowed", write script to list/uninstall everything else.

2. Hook the logins into either enterprise kerberos or Active Directory (yuck).

3. Write scripts to check things like setuid/setguid, disabling su, checking sudo permissions, configure iptables, etc.

4. Use a scanner to scan the system from outside the system (was thinking of using backtrace).

5. Custom-compile the kernel to strip out all the unneeded modules.

Before embarking on this awesome task I figured I'd check with you guys to see if you know of some resources that would make this task easier/quicker. I'm sure someone out there has already headed down this branch.

PS My boss *loves* ubuntu and isn't to keen on going with a deb (or other) distro that is already "security trimmed" without some serious convincing. I'm sure there are some out there, and if you want to pass along a couple for consideration, I'll check them out, but no guarantees he'll let me use it.

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Security :: Errors: Jan 24 04:15:03 Servername Kernel: Iptables: Loop Hook 1 Pos 464080 00000022

Jan 24, 2011

I have a few mail servers (CentOS 5.5) that are running OSSEC Active Response (2.5.1) on Iptables (1.3.5-5.3.el5_4.1). We are currently having a problem where we get loop hook errors:Jan 24 04:15:03 servername kernel: iptables: loop hook 1 pos 464080 00000022 this is the firewall-drop.sh we are currently using:

# Adds an IP to the iptables drop list (if linux)
# Adds an IP to the ipfilter drop list (if solaris, freebsd or netbsd)
# Adds an IP to the ipsec drop list (if aix)


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Fedora Security :: SELinux Is Preventing /usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp From Using The Sys_ptrace Capability?

Jul 15, 2011

This is the "alert" I've received from SElinux Alert Browser after closing "rythmbox" application that opened my CreativeZen mediaplayer:

SELinux is preventing /usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp from using the sys_ptrace capability
in dmesg it has:


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Security :: Netfilter Hook - Kernel Module - Skb_transport_header - Tcphdr Fields Wrong Values

Apr 1, 2010

We are trying to implement a firewall as kernel module through netfilter hooking (in C). In the following code we are allowing only TCP traffic. Source port number and destination port number are printed for every TCP packet. On execution, this code prints wrong port numbers. This is the first time we are using skb_transport_header function for accessing tcp headers.

We verified port numbers being printed by firewall through NFS traffic. On the same machine where firewall is running, we hosted an NFS server. An NFS client (from a different system) puts a file in exported mount. Firewall is able to capture packets for this file transfer but port numbers printed are wrong. It prints '69' for source portnumber (whereas ethereal capture shows it as 790) and prints '553231' for destination port (whereas for nfs version 4 it has to be 2049).


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 + VLC + Infrared Remote?

May 19, 2010

I've got an HP Pavillion dv9000 laptop, the type that come with an HDMI port and a built in Windows media center remote.

How do I make it work with VLC? I've done a little research, and I've installed lirc. It now sorta works with Totem, but not at all with VLC. What am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Twinhan USB Remote Not Work After 10.01?

Jun 16, 2010

I've had a Twinhan DVB remote control for many years. It's been fantastic. BEEN.After 10.01, buttons longer work except for Volume Up and Down which didn't do this before.I had a party over the weekend and it was such a freaking huge pain to have to go to the pc to switch tracks etc when the week before I could use my remote. ( I know.. I'm venting again)The Twinhan USB remote, shows up as a keyboard so I've never had to configure it. NEVER. And that's been what's so awesome till now.This thread is the same problem but I'm not allowed to post a reply there.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...twinhan+remoteI'm guessing that some development has gone on there that has broken it. Either the kernel or Ubuntu. Who knows? So I'll add this to the list that used to work but don't now.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MCE Remote To Work With XBMC?

Jun 23, 2010

I am really having a tough time getting my MCE remote to work with XBMC. I have got to the point where sometimes it work but then it gets VERY sluggish and my system crashes.

#This configuration has been automatically generated via
#the Ubuntu LIRC package maintainer scripts.
#It includes the default configuration for the remote and/or
#transmitter that you have selected during package installation.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 And Lirc Remote Not Working?

Feb 1, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and am trying to get lirc to recognize my pcusa mce remote control. I have been working on this for a week and have not had any success. Please note that I am very new to Linux. I am comfortable moving around in the terminal but most of anything else that I do in the terminal is just following instructions.

This is the remote that I am using:


When I run

cat /proc/bus/input/devices

I do not see anything that could be the remote. I have tried plugging the USB receiver into my Ubuntu 10.10 net book but it doesn't see the receiver either. I do not have a windows machine that I can test the remote on but I plugged the receiver into my iMac and I did get a red LED lit that I haven't seen on the Ubuntu machines.

When I run irw and press buttons on the remote I see nothing on the terminal.

When I run:

sudo mode2

I get:

mode2: could not get file information for /dev/lirc
mode2: default_init(): No such file or directory

I have tried mode2 both with lirc running and stopped and I get the same response either way.

I have confirmed that there is no /dev/lirc but there is a lircd in /dev (it's not a directory). Also I had read somewhere that lirc doesn't work under Ubuntu 10.10. Is that the case?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using Apple's Remote App To Control Box?

Jul 30, 2011

First some background: I currently have iTunes running on a Vista box attached to my TV. I have an Ubuntu box running 11.04 and shairport which serves as remote speakers for the iTunes server. This works fairly well as I can control it with my iPhone, or iPad etc. Very slick interface and my wife loves it .

But I would prefer to not use iTunes to as the server. I would like to let that Vista box sleep most of the day. Doing a little bit of reading it sounds like I should be able to use mt-daapd as a replacement for iTunes. So I installed firefly and gave it a shot. I can get it streaming music fine. But I cannot Apple's "Remote" app to add the new library. When I did some poking I read that I should make a file that ends in ".remote" and put my device name + the pairing passcode from my iPhone in this file.

When I enter the "Add Library" mode on my iPhone it should broadcast an mDNS event. And in fact it looks like it does because: avahi-browse -r -k _touch-remote._tcp Can see my iPhone. But when I do a tail -f on the mt-daapd logfile I never see a connection come up. I have tried debug level 8 in the messaging.Still nothing. In my search for a fix I noticed mt-daapd is no longer being developed but there is forked-daapd. This is actually where I found the instructions for pairing via Remote.

Should I bail on mt-daapd? Will there someday be Ubuntu support for forked-daapd?

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