Software :: Mupen64plus - Wasnt Able To Install - Segmentation Fault?

Jun 11, 2009

Well anyway, having issues with mupen64plus. i wasnt able to install it using the documentation's guide. I did manage to install it via apprunner. it was running fine; however, it recently quit. it now only runs when i use the "gui app- as root" script with apprunner. when i try to run the program with the launcher, nothing happens. i managed to uninstall and reinstall it the way the project site directed me to; however, i still have the same problem. and i get this when i try to run in the terminal i get this:


Segmentation fault

Ive never even seen a segfault before, so im clueless as to what the problem is or how to fix it (and the gtk-warning isn't a concern to me). also i get this when trying to run via the "any app- as any user" script in apprunner:


I am using 32-bit Ubuntu, version 9.04

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Ubuntu :: Segmentation Fault When Trying To Install ATI Drivers

May 25, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 64-bit on my desktop. I was trying to install the ATI Drivers for my graphics card (ATI Radeon HD5850) by using the guide: Search on google for "Ubuntu Lucid Installation Guide", from [URL]... Unfortunately I cannot post links yet. I was using the manual install guide. I followed the guide step by step and everything went OK without any errors, until I get to this step: fglrxinfo. And it returns with a "Segmentation Fault"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Kdenlive Crashing After New Install - Segmentation Fault

Apr 20, 2010

I have reinstalled karmic 64 bit and am having major problems with kdenlive crashing,again(main reason for my reinstall).It crashes upon openning and I need it,yesterday. it also says This crash information is not useful p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Application:Kdenlive (kdenlive), signal: Segmentation fault I've removed it and reinstalled several times same goes for recordmydesktop too!

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Programming :: What Is The Segmentation Fault

Apr 19, 2011

I using a linux kernel v2.6.26.something. Distribution: OpenSuse 10.3. While writing a c program on linux in KATE, i used character pointers to declare a string like, for ex: " char *temp " but compilation with gcc gives me the error," Segmentation Fault " what is segmentation Fault Why does it occur or what are the reasons behind it?

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Segmentation Fault

Apr 11, 2011

I did a Yum update last Friday. It was done before 5.6 was released so I still have 5.5 + various updates. Yum is now giving me a segmentation fault when I try to run it. I believe it has to do with an improperly synchronized version of sqlite which was updated and then Yum stopped working. I'm guessing that installing the latest Yum RPM will fix the dependency issues. Will this throw me out of sync with for instance updating to 5.6?

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Debian :: VLC Segmentation Fault - Microcode?

Feb 26, 2016

VLC was behaving weirdly recently and when I've tried to run it with primusrun command (since I have optimus card) it gave me a segmentation fault

Code: Select allVLC media player 2.2.1 Terry Pratchett (Weatherwax) (revision 2.2.1-0-ga425c42)
Segmentation fault

I've read on google that issue has been solved by a few people from updating the microcode, but I don't even understand what microcode is, I'm also not sure whether I should install amd64 or intel package for it?

Here is my lscpu

Code: Select all$ lscpu
Architecture:          x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                4
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3

[Code] ....

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Fedora :: Kde Making Segmentation Fault?

Jan 14, 2010

my KDE is making segmentation fault. KDE is not required to restart but this segmentation fault is making every time (after 2 min) when i login to kde/fedora. this is making me annoying.. my linux info is following:

uname -r #
KDE: 4.3.4 (KDE 4.3.4)


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OpenSUSE :: Segmentation Fault During Shutdown

Feb 8, 2010

I updated kernel to yesterday and now i have problem with shutdown.
Everything goes as usual and system shutting down, but after all monitor keeps to work, and computer also doesn't halt.The last two lines i see on screen are:The system will be halted immediately Segmentation Fault Also i hear that some cooler or may be hard disk stops after this. But monitor and the rest of computer are still working With previous kernel i had no this problem.Reboot command works normal

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OpenSUSE :: Segmentation Fault In Skype?

May 5, 2010

Some time ago I had to reinstall all my packages under 64-bit OpenSuse 11.2. After that I can't get Skype working - Skype always gives me "segmentation fault" when trying to execute it (from command-line).

I've followed steps recommended in wiki, I've tried different versions (32-bit as well as 64-bit RPMs) downloaded from different repositories (including old 1.4.0.xx). Nothing changes anything.

I don't have any webcam and I've never had one, so I guess it cannot be related to that.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.5.7 Segmentation Fault

Feb 16, 2010

I just have installed Karmic Koala and have a problem running Firefox. I`ve seen that this is quite a common problem, but since I`m a newbie, I have no idea what to do. I have not found any solutions that would solve my problem yet. Every time I try to load a website including flash advertisings, Firefox just quits.

All the time I get this output.


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Ubuntu :: Apt-get Error: Segmentation Fault

Apr 28, 2010

I was in the process of installing something via apt-get. The laptop crashed halfway through, and now I cannot install anything new, do any updates/upgrades. I also cannot open Synaptic.When running apt-get in the terminal I get the following error:

Segmentation fault

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic Segmentation Fault?

Jul 4, 2010

I've been looking for an answer for this around all forums, but nothing works.So far, I've tried:

Editing "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf" and adding
APT::Cache-Limit "33554432";


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Ubuntu :: Segmentation Fault In Geany

Aug 6, 2010

I just made a pretty simple program in geany (GCC with default options)and I ended up with Segmentation fault. program is pretty simple and it performs binary search on an array.I know what segfault is but here I m clue less about why it is happening.and one thing more, the program runs fine in turbo C++ compiler.Same thing happened earlier too when I was making a program which included some simple string manipulation

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Programming :: Socket And Segmentation Fault

Jul 16, 2010

I am programming an application with an ARM device with an embedded version of Linux. My application talks to a java application via socket. If there is any connection problems, it attempts the connection again. My problem is that after exactly 146 times, there is a Segmentation Fault. Apparently this happens in opening the socket, which is not successful after this amount of attempts.

Following, some code that I'm using:

The function for openning the socket and perform a connection:


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General :: What Different Between Segmentation Fault And Aborted

Mar 11, 2010

What different between Segmentation fault and aborted

When I read about dbg I make different reason from the tutorial ....with the same code

Example in tutorial the gdb Display a message like this


And in my computer I have


I want to know what the different between them

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General :: Segmentation Fault With Ls On Certain Directory?

May 11, 2010

I have a problem with a directory which contains my music collection. It can't be opened; all other directories work fine. I can cd into my ~/Music directory, but ls gives segfault and KDE programs hang when trying to open this directory. The problem probably has appeared after the rename of subdirectory under the Windows (don't remember particular ext3 driver; can check tomorrow).fsck says that the partition is fine. The whole disk is mounted on the single partition. Windows is located on another physical disk.Is there any way to recover my directory?

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Server :: Can't Log Into Centos - 766 Segmentation Fault

Mar 5, 2010

I have a centos server running nagios for monitoring. I restarted the machine, it is actually a console server anyway. After getting to the login screen, I typed in my user name but it never propt for my password. I can't even ssh into the system. So I tried to use the installation cd and enter into rescue mode where I typed chroot and was able to enter into the root environment. I was able to configure a network interface in the rescue mode and can ping the machine at this point, though can ssh still. In the root environment, I tried running couple commands. like try to restart the sshd. When I typed /etc/init.d/sshd restart, I got an error saying:

766 segmentation fault.

when I vi any thing I get error:

segmentation fault.

how can I solve this problem? What is causes this. Even in the event of restarting the machine, I see so many fails with segmentation fault.

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Programming :: [C] Segmentation Fault If Optimized?

Feb 15, 2011

I wrote a small c-code, which is based on a pseudorandom-alogrithm from the internet[URL]If i compile the code with "gcc test.c -o test -O2" the output is: "4194449".That's ok.I can compile the code without optimizations and the outut is the same.But if i compile the code with "gcc test.c -o test -O3" it creates a segmentation fault. But why? why this happens?Here the code:

#include <stdio.h>
// Code based on


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Programming :: How To Create Segmentation Fault?

Jun 16, 2010

simple program to create a segmentation fault:my problem is if i include the same code char *s="hello world"; *s='H'; in my project, it is not giving any seg fault, instead it runs without any problem. what may be the issue.

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Programming :: Why Red Hat Cannot Log Segmentation Fault In Any Of Log Files

Sep 16, 2010

I would just like to ask why my red hat cannot log a segmentation fault in any of the log files located in / var/ log. I purposely tried executing a C++ program that segfaults but nothing was logged.

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Programming :: Segmentation Fault Error And GDB

Jul 23, 2010

When I compile my C program on SUSE, I receive a segmentation fault error. To my knowledge, this occurs when a program tries to recall memory but is not allowed to. So I'm using GDB for the first time to solve this problem. After a series of commands, I reach this point:

#0 0x00002b13e1bab127 in getdelim () from /lib64/
#1 0x000000000040167b in main () at dmsp_cusp.c:158

Here's the offending code in dmsp_cusp.c:
157 printf("enter the input file name:");
158 getline(in_fname);
159 fp3 = fopen(in_fname, "r");
160 if(fp3 == NULL) {
161 printf("can't open input file %s",in_fname);
162 exit(1); }

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Programming :: Segmentation Fault During The Memcpy()

Feb 20, 2010

Why is this giving me a segmentation fault ?


int main ()


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Programming :: Segmentation Fault While Trying To Run C Program

Jul 28, 2011

i wrote a program to fill an array with 100 random numbers ranging from 1 - 200. i compiled the program using gcc. the program successfully compiled but when i try to run it i get a segmentation fault. here is the code. i put *** on the line that gdb indicated was the problem.

#include <stdio.h>


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Programming :: STD Sort With G++ - O3 Segmentation Fault

Jan 27, 2010

I have program like this:


with 'gcc -g' it runs well, but with 'gcc -g -O3' (with -O2 too) it crash.

output is something like this:


and gdb says


Why it try to compare something at address 0x209 when this address is not in the vector?

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Programming :: Getting Segmentation Fault Error?

Jul 1, 2010

I am getting Segmentation fault error .Dont know where it is

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


Getting Segmentation fault

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Programming :: What Can Trigger A Segmentation Fault

Jan 15, 2010

I have this basic program that is supposed to scan a string for a delimiter and output which segment of the string the user wants, like awk '{print $2}'. The problem is, I always get a segmentation fault when I run the code and I can't figure out what triggered it.

Here is my code:


int main(void) {
char *string = "my name is joe";
char dlimit = ' ', *good;
int index = 2, round = 0;
int i, place = 0, t;


It keeps track of how many times the delimiter was found with round, and the position of the last found delimiter with place. index is to specify which segment of the string the user wants. One more thing, is it necessary to manually allocate memory with malloc() or calloc() when you can just initialize a variable and it be fine? Like:


int z = malloc(sizeof(int));
when you can:
int z;

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Slackware :: Xfontsel - Segmentation Fault In 13.37

Mar 10, 2011

Upgraded to 13.37 on two machines and both fail to start xfontsel as a user.


~$ xfontsel
Segmentation fault

No problems as root.

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Slackware :: Xorg Segmentation Fault?

Jul 3, 2010

I am using Slackware 13.1 and recently Xorg servercaused segmentation fault under KDE 4.4.3 twice. Here are listings from Xorg.log files

0: X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80a1e6b]


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CentOS 5 :: Segmentation Fault In SARG?

Jun 3, 2009

When I start the SARG, its blow up with segmentation fault. Linux intra.local 2.6.18-53.1.13.el5 #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 13:02:30 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I already tried to empty all squid cache log and recompile (yum remove and yum install again) the sarg rpm w/o sucess.

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CentOS 5 :: Most Commands Get Segmentation Fault ?

Dec 19, 2009

I have a problem while trying to get rpm fixed I removed it then it removed yum also. I was able to get rpm installed and tried to install yum there was a bunch of depency files i had to install. After that then every command results in Segmentation fault some commands work like pwd does but not ls, rpm, vi and most other ones ive tried. server is still up and running.

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