Ubuntu Multimedia :: See Remotely All Four Monitors Instead Of Just The Primary?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a 64-bit four monitors linux machine. I was wondering if there's a way to log into it using a Windows machine and be able to see all four monitors instead of just the primary?

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General :: Flash Player With 2 Monitors: Always Full-screen On Primary Monitor

Feb 21, 2010

My setup at home uses a laptop, with a larger external monitor in addition to the built-in LCD panel, which is primary. I can see the larger monitor from the rest of the room and use it as my TV, for playing DVDs and various types of web video. However, it isn't ideal for Flash video. For instance, if I watch a video from Hulu or any other Flash-based site, I can expand it to full-screen mode.

However, no matter which monitor the browser window is on, the full-screen mode is always on the laptop LCD panel, which is both too small and not visible from most of the room. Does anyone know of a way to force the Flash video to play full-screen on the monitor I select instead of the primary? My video chipset is NVidia, using kernel 2.6.31 (Ubuntu).

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Ubuntu :: Remotely Wake On Lan - Remotely Turn On Computer

Jan 4, 2011

Does anyone know or recommend some software or a script to remotely power on a PC from standby to on, or even better from completely off?

I guess the completely OFF to ON is much more complicated - would probably require an extra piece of hardware(?)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Set Primary Screen ATI?

Mar 18, 2010

i'm using a monitor and a lcd tv. how can i set my monitor as my primary screen? for example if i open a videos video in fullscreen mode it always plays on my monitor, but i want it to play it on the lcd tv.

my xorg.conf
html code:
section "serverlayout"
identifier "amdcccle layout"
screen 0 "aticonfig-screen[0]-0" 0 0


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Anything Remotely Like After Effects?

Sep 3, 2010

I did all my editing in after effects, and I'd rather not have to learn a hole new program, so if there is anything similar that would be great.

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Networking :: Remotely Login To Remotely Display Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm not terribly new to Linux, but I am new to the forums, so hear me out! I am in the process of creating an electronic mapwall for our meteorology program, and have designed the computing system from scratch. I have two Linux Boxes, each with capabilities for 6 attached monitors...a total of 12 displays driven from two machines. My intention is to have one machine be the master...it has a touchpanel control. The inputs to the touchpanel will then trigger events for the both the master and the slave machine to display. Each of them has a specific IP address (DNS entry), and are not on a subnet.

Now...is there a way to remotely login to the slave machine and have it display on it's OWN monitors? The code is Java and which works on the master machine to animate directories of .gifs for each of the master's attached monitors. I will most likely have Java execute shell commands for the remote login (ssh), but I believe the answer lies somewhere in the X-configuration. Do I have the machines in an adverse configuration (creation of a subnet would be better)? Lots of questions...lots of desire...few answers!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Use External Monitor As Primary Screen

Feb 21, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop. I have a 19" Acer monitor and in the past have successfully configured my xorg.conf to handle dual monitor setup with 1024x768 on the laptop and 1600x900 on the Acer monitor. What I have done now is run the laptop through a KVM switch. Due to this, I would like to set the Acer monitor as the primary monitor and just shut the laptop. How can I project my laptop screen to my Acer monitor so that I can use the 1600x900 resolution available rather than just cloning my laptop and using 1024x768?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switch The Primary Within NVidia's Xserver App?

Jul 4, 2010

Currently Monitor 0 is the TV (S-video). I want it to be my Monitor. My attempts to change this are failing Seams I'm just tripping over some little thing:

Unbuntu 10.04
Graphics - NVidia 7600
Displays - 2
- Samsung LCD (DVI)
- TV (S-Video)

I do not see how to switch the primary within NVidia's xserver app. Background Info: In order to get the TV out working, I disconnected the Monitor and booted the system - The TV-out then worked for the first time. Reconnected the monitor and rebooted again - both worked..but TV is Monitor0. All other options failed me when I set this up the first time

Current xorg.conf
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Fri Apr 9 10:35:18 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Big Desktop Change Primary Monitor?

Mar 9, 2011

So i was searching around my big desktop was working fine by default but I couldn't figure out how to switch my primary monitor and all the threads on this topic where real old and the fglrx drivers kept messing me up

so I went to my profile and showed hidden files and found a cool .xml file called monitors under .config

opend it up and chooses the primary monitor I wanted

very Nice Yes

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Two Monitors With Different Resolutions?

Apr 12, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on an HP laptop with an Intel 82852/82855 GM/GMC Graphics controller. I have a 2nd monitor attached to the VGA port (HP f1703). The problem is that the two screens have different resolutions. the laptop is 1280 x 768 and the other monitor is 1280 x 1024. The xorg.conf file that was created with Xorg -config set both monitors up with 1280 x 1024 resolution so my screen on the laptop looks all "squashed". I have tried to reconfigure it using the Display Preferences dialog but after i re-boot, both screens are unviewable and I have to restore my previous xorg.conf file. I went through the HOWTO: Jaunty Intel Graphics Performance Guide procedure to setup a "safe" configuration but didn't work and I had to restore my "good' xorg.conf file. What do I need to do to setup my two screens with the correct resolutions: 1280 x 768 and 1280 x 1024?

Here is the video portion from my "good" xorg.conf file
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName "Monitor Model"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Run With 3 Monitors On 2x8400gs?

Aug 11, 2010

Is it possible to run ubuntu with 3 monitors on 2x8400gs? What I have tried: Installed 10.04, enabled latest nvidia drivers. Enabled and arranged each monitor as a separate x window. However, when I did this configuration I couldn't move the programs from the (primary monitor) to the ones plugged to the other 8400gs. What I plan to use ubuntu for:

Mainly work in eclipse, firefox, and evolution. I have no interest in games since this machine is my workstation.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get 3-monitors To Work?

Jul 22, 2011

I'm not new to this distro or the forum I only decided to register today seeing as I actually do have a problem and need help because I can't work it out myself. I'm currently trying to get my 3-monitor set-up to work with Natty but I just can't get it to work. I can get 2 of my monitors to work fine in twin-view, and I can move windows between them, but I want to be able to move windows between all three of them. Now, I've tried many different configurations, I've tried making them all Seperate X's, but that didn't work as only two of them turned on and it was like Xorg crashed because Ubuntu would login, but nothing would come up after that it was just like the default Ubuntu wallpaper with no launcher, or desktop or even management. I tried ctrl+alt+f2 to try bring up terminal but that never worked either. i then tried using 2 monitors in twin-view and 1 as a seperate X, but that didn't work either as the same problem happened when I made them seperate X's.


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Ubuntu Networking :: 1 PC, 5 Monitors, 32 Users\ Only Able To Get One PC And Five Monitors?

Sep 18, 2010

I know it can be done, I just need to know what the hardware is called. There is a community center in the area and I might have a chance to help out. Due to not enough funding the center was only able to get One PC and five monitors. What I hope to be able to do ( and know its possible ) is get the hardware to make each monitor is own terminal with keyboard and mouse.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Actual Video Uses The Resolution Of The Primary Monitor And Not The Second

Jun 25, 2010

I'm using a laptop and running a secondary monitor to my TV. My laptop has ATI HD 3400 video card. The TV has a higher resolution than the laptop's monitor. When the video is full screened on the TV, the actual video uses the resolution of the primary monitor and not the second.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting External Monitor As Primary Display?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an ASUS 1000HE laptop running Lucid 10.04 (Desktop not netbook version) which I have connected to an external display (LCD). I don't intend to use the laptop by itself anymore therefore I have configured the display properties to turn off the laptop display and use the external display as primary. However, when the PC enters 'locked mode' or the display powers down after a defined period of time (as set in the properties) when I wake the PC and the display, it turns the laptop monitor back on .... switches the laptop screen to primary display (i.e. with the panels etc displayed on it) and extends the desktop to the external display! The only thing I can then do is go back into the configuration utility and turn the laptop monitor off again and boom, everything is fine and dandy displaying on the external display again! I don't really want to have to do this every time I come back to the PC after it has been locked nor do I want to write a script (if it can be avoided) to deal with it!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Change Primary Display With Ati Ccc Or Xorg.config?

Apr 8, 2011

I have google'd the crap out of this and have yet to find a "solved" forum. I currently have 2 sapphire ati 5770's in xfire. I also have two monitors. My (preferred) primary display has a dvi input and my other display is hdmi. I have them both plugged into only one of the cards. For some reason it keeps setting the hdmi display as the primary. And I want them in extended view. The ATI CCC suite does not support changing the primary monitor and I have tinkered with the xconfig but I do not really know what I am doing, so I have ultimately not been successful. here is my xorg.config file.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Defining Primary Display ( 3 Monitor Setup)?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a Radeon HD 5830, running 3 monitors on 10.10 64bit with the 10.6 video driver. The three monitors ( from left to right ) :

DFP1 : 1152x2048
DFP2 : 1920x1200
CRT1 : 1360x768

The problem I'm having is getting the middle monitor to be the primary one.

xrandr --output DFP2 --primary

puts the panel on the middle screen but my docky and icons stay on the left screen. Flash videos also open up on the portrait left monitor which looks awful. Ideally I would like the icons on DFP1, docky on P2 and flash videos to open on P2. But I would definitely settle for everyone to be on the middle screen and drag it around as I please.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming And Downloading Remotely Via HTTP?

Mar 16, 2011

As a former TVersity user, I enjoyed being able to remotely access my server on my phone outside of my home network to search for and download/stream songs. The ability to search for a song and download it to my phone (via HTTP) was my favorite feature. Looking through the popular media servers available for Ubuntu Server, I have not found anything that can accomplish this (they are meant to just stream on internal network).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Turning Off Dual Monitors?

Jul 6, 2010

I want my video card to stop processing an image to my integrated monitor and only process images to my external monitor.

My problem is that I use my Toshiba Satellite M65 (which is a laptop) as a desktop: I use an external monitor, external keyboard, and of course an external mouse. I only recently started using Ubuntu after many years of Windows XP and I just realized that both my laptop's integrated monitor and my external monitor are 'on', displaying the same image. I want my video card to stop processing an image to my integrated monitor.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 And Nvidia With Dual Monitors?

Apr 11, 2011

I just built a system with an Nvidia GT240 and Ubuntu 10.10. I have two monitors and am trying to get them set up. I currently have them working fine in twin view but I'd like to have set up as separate X screens. However, whenever I do that X crashes. I've got the latest drivers set up from the x-sane PPA so I'm not sure what more I can do. My driver version is 270.29.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Freezes When In Dual Monitors?

Jul 29, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal 64-bit and I am using the Nvidia Xserver version 173.14.30 and it never has any problems when I am in single monitor mode but when I turn on twinview mode like this----

and click apply the new monitor first shows up black and when I move my mouse over the monitor stuff starts showing up and I am able to click ok to keep my settings
when I click ok the screens freeze. everything else works; I can move the mouse around and if I am playing music it still plays but if I click on any button nothing happens and nothing happens when I use the keyboard either. I would really like to be able to use both my monitors

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xcalib Only Inverts Primary Screen Of Dual Head?

May 14, 2010

I use Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and I've installed Lucid over Karmic. (Not an upgrade process, because I didn't have enough space on my primary drive.) I have an Acer AL1511 LCD screen attached as a second screen - ie dual head. All that works fine. However....

I rely on xcalib from Stefan Doehla to invert my screen gamma ramps, ie turn them to white text on black backgrounds. This worked perfectly, just using

xcalib -i -alter

but now, xcalib only inverts the netbook screen. The second screen remains stubbornly unaffected.

Since xcalib has not changed, and it works on one screen, maybe something changed between Karmic and Lucid.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dual Monitors Laptop Goes White

May 3, 2010

Just installed a clean version of 10.04 onto my Sony VAIO with an ATI Radeon Mobility x700 video card.Whilst using 9.10 KK I was getting low resolution but the dual monitors worked totally fine.Which I use to connect to my TV via a RGB/PC Cord.Since upgrading to 10.04 the resolution is awesome BUT when I merge both monitors the laptop goes mental and shows a white/whitish screen.If I use have both monitors side by side its OK but then I cant run xbmc to show movies. I'm stuck with making the TV my main monitor, which is a pain.Why is the laptop going white after merging screens? Does anybody have any ideas?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Radeon - 2 Cards And 3 Monitors (Xinerama)

May 21, 2010

After working on trying to get my 3 monitors to work with Ubuntu 10.4 and my ATI Radeon HD3200 (IGP) and HD4850 cards, I just had to share the xorg.conf. I am using the default open source drivers that came with 10.4 and I kept KMS enabled (it wouldn't work without it).

Here is my conf:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "4850-2-Screen"
Screen 1 "4850-1-Screen" RightOf "4850-2-Screen"
Screen 2 "3200-Screen" RightOf "4850-1-Screen"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "Xinerama" "on"
#OPtion "Clone" "off"
EndSection .....

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Auto Detect VGA And Switch Monitors?

Jul 31, 2010

I've HP DV 2000 laptop.
I'm trying to find out how to make my ubuntu to auto switch monitors when I connect my lcd into the vga plug and also switch the desktop bars into the new monitor and also use the laptop screen as a side screen.
In setting I can turn off my laptop screen and i'll see only on the lcd screen, but I need to configure it first, I want it to be automatically and when i plugged out the lcd it's back to normal.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get ATI X16XX To Work With Dual Monitors?

Sep 26, 2010

Anyone want to take the time to help me get my ATI x16XX to work with dual monitors?I'm really tired and frustrated after upgrading to lucid and having the "vendor" drivers stop working.I can get a screen up, but cannot get the free driver to recognize the fact that I have two monitors.I tried renaming my xorg.conf and rebooting, but that caused my system to stop at startup.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Full Screen Flash With Two Monitors?

Jan 22, 2011

I have two 1680x1050 monitors running from the same graphics card, using xinerama. The left hand one is rotated portrait, while the right hand one remains landscape.

Some flash videos will full screen fine (4od,iplayer,.....) but some will not; in the attached screenshot you can see that there is a small section of the screen displaying the video while the video controls are correctly at the bottom of the screen. The grey block on the right flashes rapidly light and dark.

Another issue I have is that flash will not stay full screen if I move focus to something on the other screen, is there a workaround for this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make Use Of All 3 Monitors In One Giant Desktop?

Jan 24, 2011

My Kubuntu desktop uses 3x24" monitors running on two NVidia cards. I'm using Xinerama to make use of all 3 monitors in one giant desktop. Trouble is I really miss hardware acceleration which I had before with TwinView.

Is there *any* way to make Xinerama use the hardware like it's supposed to? The way it is, it makes the computer struggle; the i7 with 12 GBs of RAM runs like that 200Mhz MMX IBM Aptiva I had in 1995.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: [Monitors] Dual Showing As One 3600x1080?

Jul 21, 2011

In 11.04 there seems to be several posts regarding dual monitors. When I tested 11.04 prior to making it my os Monitor Preferences detected both of my monitors, as did Nvidia Xserver.

So installed 11.04: After enabling my 2nd monitor using Twinview when I reloaded I get the following in the top right hand corner. (This ss was taken during some testing when I removed my 2nd monitor it shows 3600x1080 when both are plugged in) The Unity desktop or Classic will both load up and I can use the screens just fine. The problem is whenever I put games, or even a ..... video in full screen it breaks is the only way I can put it. I open up Monitor Preferences and it show Uknown Monitor with a resolution of 3600x1080. I can only assume that its trying to make the games etc use that resolution. Tested wow in wine and it shows that res even after I forced it to use my primary at 1920x1080.

I am new to Ubuntu so not sure if Twinview is working as intended but I am guessing not. As I have seen many other with Dual Monitor issues and not sure if this is the same thing. I have no problem using max for windows but anything Full Screen is where the issue is. I have tried setting the positions to "Left of" instead of absolute for the 2nd monitor but it changes back each reboot.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: External Monitor As Primary Screen In Extended Desktop Into The Webcam

Apr 13, 2011

When my netbook has an extended screen, using an external monitor, all of the panels stay on the netbook, not the big monitor. When I connect an external monitor, I want to use it as my primary screen. I only really intend to use the netbook screen for skype calls (so I am looking into the webcam, and not away from it) since it is so small. I wish the secondary screen to be the netbook, not the external monitor. How can I do this?

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