Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get Install Command ?

Dec 12, 2010

I have kubuntu 10.10 and I tried to install a driver for wireless card with the apt-get install command and did not work (firmwireb43....)

Anyway, I got my wireless to work afterwards, but now everytime that I install something through apt-get install command, it would install the program and then show the same errors from the previous installation attempt, how can I make it not to show anymore?

When I install kwrite, it'd show this (I'm installing it for the second time, I did this so you can see the error at the end)...

sudo apt-get install kwrite

No matter what I installed it'd show the same errors at the end (firmware-b43-installer)I just want it to dissapear.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Kdevelop By Using Command

Feb 6, 2010

i am new to ubuntu have migrated laptop from centos to ubuntu 9.10 i am customed to kdevelop scripting, i am however unable to install Kdevelop using commandIs there some issue with the respository configuration or kdevelop is not available with ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No ./configure Command When Trying To Install Tarball?

Apr 26, 2010

I've read a few other threads about installing tarballs and just about all of them mention running the ./configure script. BTW, I'm working on a machine without internet connection and I'm using karmic. I successfully extracted the contents of the tarball and a directory of those contents was created. I navigated into that directory and tried "sudo ./configure" as per some instructions I found on the net, but the result was "bash:./configure: no such file or directory".

I get this same error message when I try "./configure --help | less" Is "./configure" something that is meant to come as part of the OS or do I need to install that separately too!?! when I try to create a keyboard short cut for opening a terminal by using the "keyboard shortcuts" option in system > preferences the setting lists it as "disabled". Is there some way for enabling? I know how to get to a complete screen terminal by using ctrl+alt+f2 but I also want a shortcut for other terminal box which is accessible via the applications area.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Command Line (No Packages To Install)

May 6, 2010

Just installed Lucid from CD ROM. I have 2 HDDs. When the install screen came to ask about partitions, it didn't seem to want me to install it onto the same HDD as my XP/Ubuntu 9.10 partitions, so I installed it onto my other HDD. After it finished, I restarted and it appeared on GRUB. It takes me to a command line where it asks me for my desktop login and then my password.

It allows me to type in my login, but the password isn't so easy. It won't let me type it in. It's as if the keyboard stops working apart from the return key. I have no understanding of command line. As soon as I'd entered my password, it went on to tell me that there were no packages to install, and then stayed on command line as if I'd just opened a terminal. How would I get it to take me to my desktop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Netboot Install Only Gives Command Line - No GUI

Nov 7, 2010

I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 via a netboot install.When my system reboots I only have the command line - no gui. Could someone kindly inform me what command I need to run in order to get a GUI

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gd Library Installed Via Apt-get Install Php5-gd Command

Jan 14, 2010

I've PHP5 installed on my server, and just recently I installed a new application that requires gd library.

understand that I can have gd library installed via apt-get install php5-gd command.

Question: do I need to remove php5 instance (which was installed together with apache2/mysql using tasksel command) prior to installing php5-gd?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Command Line Info To Install Kubuntu?

Apr 5, 2011

I cannot install Kubuntu 8.04LTS. When I run the Live CD and click to install it gets me the box that should show me my hard drives and possible partitions but the box is empty. I get the same when booting to the Live CD and clicking on install. I have had this CD since Kubuntu 8.04 was released. So not knowing what might be wrong I figure I will ask here for what to type in a command line to install it. I know it is an old version but it is the last one with KDE 3.5.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Medibuntu Repository From Command Line

Apr 7, 2011

I recently discovered the medibuntu repository and wanted to add the repository to synaptic. I copied and pasted the code from this: [URL] web page on medibuntu.org's website.

The attachment shows exactly what the terminal spit out after running this command (and the command that was run - of course). What I am wondering about is the last six lines - which seem to indicate that, at a minumum, getting some key was not successful. I'm not sure how important this is; but, since I don't actually have anything I need to install from this repository right now, I wanted to be sure I'm squared away for when a time may come in the future.

After running the command I did the following to try and determine the status:

I went into synaptic > settings > repositories and looked under two of the tabs to see what was there:

The tab, "Other Sortware" Lists two entries at the bottom that stood out to me. They are:

Medibuntu - Ubuntu 11.04 "natty narwhal" (http:// packages.medibuntu.org/natty free non free) which was checked.


Medibuntu (Source) - Ubuntu 11.04 "natty narwhal" (http:// packages.medibuntu.org/natty free non free) (Source Code) which was not checked.

The tab, "Authentication" lists a total of three entries. Their descriptions are:

Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key

Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key


Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key

None of those (under this Authentication tab) strike me as having anything to do with medibuntu (could be wrong though - just not sure).

Finally, I did a search in synaptic for a library I think should be available through medibuntu, "libdvdcss." I was presented with a list of eight items, none of them matching libdvdcss by title. The closest match by title and description that I could identify was, "libdvdread4" This I did as a sort of test to see if I might be accessing that repository.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Wireless-tools From A Command Line Installation?

Jan 7, 2010

I did a command-line installation. I dont have an ethernet connection, only wireless. For some reason the alternate installer doesnt install "wireless-tools" How do i install it? At this point I am thinking of booting off a live USB, downloading the wireless-tolls package from here Save it to a folder in the command line installation where?) then boot back into command line and install from there But I am not that savvy with command lines, and dont know where to install to...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Alternate Command Line Install Without Internet Connection?

Aug 5, 2011

is there any way to do a 11.04 Alternate Command Line Install without Internet Connection? I try to install Ubuntu on a Internet-Tablet, wich has no Ethernet-Port and I don't know how to get Wifi to work during Alternate-Install. At previous Ubuntu versions it was possible to let network be unconfigured and install completely from CD or USB-Stick. Isn't this possible in current versions?

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Fedora Installation :: Command To Install CUPS And Samba

May 2, 2009

What is the command to install CUPS and Samba, like yum install. I don't want to be installing wrong things and then end up with dependency problems, and after that what do i need to configure to have CUPS print from the localhost, and so that other computers from the networks also be able to print from the server, that is i'm workin on a server. As for samba i just need the installation command, then i want to figure the rest out.

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Fedora Installation :: Install A Command Line Server Without Gui?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to install a command line server without gui and smallest as possible Is there a option on installer to obtain a minimal server?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install And Manage SQUID Proxy Server Using Command Line?

Dec 18, 2010

I would like to install and manage SQUID Proxy Server using command line in Ubuntu 10.04 Server.

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Fedora Installation :: Recompile In 9 If The Packages Installed Through Yum Install Command?

Mar 6, 2009

Currently i am using mapserver 5.0.3 , AGG 2.5-6 on fedora 9. I need some help with mapserver and AGG support. I am trying to use AGG/PNG outformat in the mapfile as well as i added precisely. When i call the link through browser i recieved the following error:

loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause references driver AGG/PNG, but this driver isn't configured. It is clearly evident that from the error, the driver is not configured. since all the mapserver version 5 suppotrs AGG rendering backend, so i checked whether mapserver supports AGG or not.

[kapil@localhost cgi-bin]$ mapserv -v
[kapil@localhost cgi-bin]$

I found that my mapserver doesn't support AGG means SUPPORTS = AGG is missing in the above output. But i have already installed AGG in my system. In order to clear this issue i gone through many threads in forums, but i was not satisfied with the answers. Atlast i came to know that, i have to recompile the mapserver with AGG. The following link gives you some idea about compiling mapserver with AGG in linux [URL] But the problem now i am facing is i have installed both the mapserver and AGG through YUM INSTALL command so i dont know how to recompile mapserver with AGG support. I think, there will be no configuration file normally when installing through Yum insatll command.

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Fedora Installation :: What Are The Command Lines To Install Gnome But With The Minimal

Jan 24, 2011

installed fedora with the minimum option on the dvd. After that i logged it and im tring to install gnome, heres the catch though i only have 950MB worth of space. I noticed if i use the groupinstall "X Window System" it fails because of the space. Also it installs alot of things that I am not interested. what are the command lines to install gnome but with the minimal, no FF, no evolution, you get my point.

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Install Them Without The "make" Command, It Says Its Not Found?

Apr 7, 2009

trying to set up my wireless drivers on my laptop. But i cant install them without the "make" command, it says its not found. I have internet on my other computer, but no way to link them. Is there a rpm that i can download and install that will fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Install A Dictionary With The Command Sudo Apt-get Install Dict-xdict

Mar 28, 2010

I am a rookie. Yesterday, I intended to install a dictionary with the command sudo apt-get install dict-xdict, but it turned out to fail with the error. Then, I quited with Ctrl+ c, and I did not care much till today because when I want install something else today, the error keeps coming out. Therefore, I think I would better remove dict-xdict first, so I use sudo apt-get remove dict-xdict, but the error still appears:


I have already tries sudo apt-get -f install dict-xdict and it doesn't work out. I am hoping to install some other applications now, but I have not idea what I could do to fix this problem or just circumvent it

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OpenSUSE Install :: Execute Zypper Command To Install The Kde Desktop?

Mar 21, 2010

I need to execute zypper command to install the kde desktop? I also added the kde repo or officers would suffice?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Make Command Not Found Can't Figure Out How To Install It

Apr 20, 2010

*edit Nevermind I think I found it on YAST * I have been having trouble finding the "make command":If 'make' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this: cnf makeI need to install 'make', 'g++', and all other building tools for suse.

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Fedora :: Run A Install From The Command Line In Virt-install?

Mar 8, 2010

below is what happens when i try to run a install from the command line in virt-install. keep in mind that this is a fresh fedora12 install selinux is disabled logged in as root. i have never had so many problems with something and it is maddening for there to be a thousand freaking how-to's on the subject all acting like it is so freaking simple.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Command To Install To Hard Drive?

Dec 31, 2009

I have a Chrome OS .iso that I can booting from CD but only in text mode [the computer has issues] and I want to live install it to the hard drive, but all I have is the linux prompt. Is there a command to do that? I tried install, but I still don't know what to do.[I'm fine with a complete install overwriting everything]

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Ubuntu :: Command Rosdep Install Rviz - Says Rosdep: "command Not Found"

May 23, 2011

i am trying to open the rviz in ubuntu and wasnt able to do it. was typing the command rosdep install rviz but wasnt able to do it. It says rosdep: command not found.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Command To Get Installation Directory?

Nov 29, 2010

does a command exist that will return the installation directory of an installed program?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install .tar.gz - Command

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to install the latest version of K9copy, but the only available version is in the .tar.gz file package.

I placed the folder on my desktop and extracted the files.

Now I have the .tar.gz file and the extracted files on the desktop.

I need to install the files, but I don't know which command to use or what to do to get any commands to work.

(Keep in mind that the extracted folder is named 'k9copy-2.3.4-Source.tar.gz')

This seems to be the most common answer to install the files, but it NEVER works, nor do I understand where the package files come into play when I type this command into the terminal.

How to install this file ...

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Ubuntu :: Install Websever By Using Apt-get Command?

May 21, 2010

apache is the commonly used webserver in linux. you can install it by using apt-get command.

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Ubuntu :: Install KDE 4.6 In 10.10 With Command Line?

Mar 1, 2011

How to install KDE 4.6 in ubuntu 10.10 with command line?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Command To Install Gnome To Work?

Jan 16, 2010

I accidentally removed gnome-desktop when I removed PuleAudio. When I boot, I log in and I am stuck at the CLI. However, I can't get any command to install Gnome to work, including sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop or sudo apt-get install gnome. I forget what the error messages were.

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Ubuntu :: Better Way To Install Software From Command Line Than Apt-get Is?

Mar 19, 2010

If my understanding is correct, is aptitude not a better way to install software from the command line than apt-get is? aptitude installs all recommended dependencies correct?

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Ubuntu :: Install Gnome-power-cmd Command?

Jun 16, 2010

pt@pt-laptop:~$ gnome-power-cmd
gnome-power-cmd: command not found
pt@pt-laptop:~$ gnome-power-cmd
gnome-power-cmd: command not found
pt@pt-laptop:~$ gnome-power-cmd shutdown
gnome-power-cmd: command not found

how to install gnome-power-cmd cammand?

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Ubuntu :: Command To Install Medibuntu Key-ring?

Oct 2, 2010

I upgraded to 10.10. Now I want to install medibuntu. I have the repos added, but when I try to add the key-ring with the terminal it won't add. Can someone give me the command for that again?

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