Fedora Installation :: Command To Install CUPS And Samba

May 2, 2009

What is the command to install CUPS and Samba, like yum install. I don't want to be installing wrong things and then end up with dependency problems, and after that what do i need to configure to have CUPS print from the localhost, and so that other computers from the networks also be able to print from the server, that is i'm workin on a server. As for samba i just need the installation command, then i want to figure the rest out.

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Ubuntu Installation :: CUPS / Samba Does Not Start Up Automatically

Jan 24, 2010

After my update to 9.10 I had not notice that CUPS, Samba, lighttpd (and maybe other serives that I've not missed until now) don't start up during system start no longer. After all, things look quite normal in the directory /etc/rc3.d, which has the appropriate links S20samba, S20lighttpd and S50cups, all of them working when I use them directly. But wait! Ubuntu uses updstart now, does it? I have yet to understand what that means to the classic startup scripts in /etc/init.d.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Samba In 9?

Aug 7, 2009

I am trying to give yum install samba command to install samba software in my FEDORA9 machine but I am getting errors as I am not able to connect to any of the UPDATE servers as they show links are not available.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install Samba Offline

May 26, 2011

I downloaded and installed the newest version of Fedora, version 15, in my refurbished computer. It's the CD version; so much of the stuff are missing, including an office suite. I didn't have a DVD-ROM drive on the system, thus I installed the CD version. On the CD version, I was displeased that I can't install Samba offline; I had to download it. Don't ask me why I don't want to download it, it's just my preference to be able to have a basic computer function like Samba on an official distribution, like a calculator, an office suite (again, was left out), and a file manager.

Fedora's website describes the DVD edition of the operating system as having more software than the CD version. Now, for those who have used the new Fedora and also used Samba, does it come installed, or do you have to go online to download it? I understand if you don't want MP3s or DVD decryption software, but how does LAN file-sharing count as something that's illegal?

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Networking :: Samba And CUPS Not Working

May 2, 2011

I'm beginning to think linux actually isn't capable of sharing files and printers with anything. I've been trying to get my LMDE to share files and be able to retrieve files from the other windows PCs I have on my wireless network. I would also like to share the printer I have connected to my LMDE install with those same computers. In short how is this done because I pulling my hair out trying to figure out whats wrong.

As I understand it sharing the printer should be easier than sharing files. Its done by CUPS? Anyway I've enabled sharing in the printing, and in the "server settings" windows ticked "publish shared printers connected to this system". That doesn't work. Windows can't find it. Samba on the other hand is even worse. Edit the smb.conf? Nice way of making things complicated!

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General :: Samba Won't Communicate With CUPS

Oct 12, 2010

I am setting up a small home print server running Fedora 13 (no gui). I setup Samba to have 1 file share and 1 printer. I can access both just fine in Windows network.

However when I try to print, nothing happens. I looked under Jobs in the Cups Web Interface and no job was ever created, so I suspect either Samba or CUPS isn't configured correctly. I am able to print a test page from CUPS directly.




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Fedora :: Install The Printer With CUPS And Not With Samsung Unified Install Software?

Feb 19, 2011

I have migrated from Debian to Fedora 14 ( Problem is that I can't get my networked printer to work (which it did with Debian). The printer is Samsung ML-3561ND and I got all he drivers & PPD from Samsung support. I prefer to install the printer with CUPS and not with Samsung Unified Linux install software. I have to send my documents to a user's Windows workstation and print from there I have googled a lot but have not found any solution.


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CentOS 5 :: Command YUM Install Samba - Errno 4

Mar 17, 2011

I having problem with command YUM install samba* : Below is detail :


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Fedora Hardware :: Parallel Printer CUPS Fedora 15 HP Doesn't Install Driver

Jun 3, 2011

This post is for an HP parallel printer but I think it should work for at least "some" other parallel printers.I am sure that someone smarter than me will follow up this post with a "well, just do this and that" and you will have your HP Laserjet 6P printer ready to go, but since questions litter the forums of MANY distros on how to get "at least" an HP parallel printer to work, I'll post this anyway.This may or may not work for you if you do not have an HP but you can try it.The install printer box will let you do an install for an HP Parallel and it asks for how it is to talk to it, through CUPS sock or "local host'. When we get through what I recommend you should chose "local host".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cups Connection Refused In Samba Logs

Feb 4, 2010

I was just checking some of the generated logs from Samba.



I've looked over my smb.conf and it doesn't look like I even have any printer sharing enabled.


How PC1 was refused a connection when it looks like I don't have any printers being shared throught Samba?

This is just on a home LAN.

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Server :: Delete Printer Driver From Samba/cups Setup?

Feb 4, 2010

I wish to update the drivers for a printer which is being shared using samba - can I just upload the new drivers and overwrite the old or do I need to delete the old drivers before uploading the new ones

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Debian Configuration :: Setting Up A CUPS/Samba Shared Network Printer?

Aug 19, 2010

how to get clients connecting to an office printer. during a migration from windows server to debian/samba.

We have:

5 windows XP machines one Windows Server 2003 machine, PDC of the old domain One debian Samba PDC (of TEST domain)/print server (with CUPS installeD) running in a virtual machine hosted by the windows server One Toshiba eStudio 3511 printer

Using the CUPS control panel, I've been able to autodetect and add the printer, and it appears as an available share in SWAT for samba. However, the driver isn't perfect. CUPS could only supply drivers for the 3510c, not the 3511.

However, clients on the TEST domain are unable to access it. Doing so gives an error about a local policy preventing a connection to the print queue. I've tried googling this error and the fix that comes up in every result about changing a point and print policy setting, does not work.

however, I've been able to work around the issue. by first logging in as local administrator, navigating to the domain server, then inputting the domain root account credentials at the prompt. That allows me to attempt to connect to printers, but with a different error

"The server for the printer does not have the correct driver installed...."

I very strongly suspect that the 3510 driver actually will work, but it's just not being shared properly. The printer driver share folder is /var/lib/samba/printers, and that directory contains only a few empty subfolders. CUPS did not place the driver there as I would expect, and that is where clients are looking for it.

The thing is, I have no idea where CUPS DID put the driver.

On the old domain, the printer uses drivers for es4511, and looking on the toshiba site, this seems to be what they provide. The Toshiba Site provides a huge variety of drivers, including several windows ones, a universal driver, and a CUPS PPD. Cups asks for an optional PPD during install and I tried supplying that. It said installed successfully, but didn't change anything.

I've tried pasting the windows drivers into /var/lib/samba/printers/W32X86 too, and likewise with other drivers from toshiba's site. but this doesn't change anything either, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

how to install/setup drivers on a samba PDC, for windows machines?

Also relevant, my smb.conf:
anyone see any possible causes of problems?
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN ()
# Date: 2010/08/19 13:03:07


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CentOS 5 Server :: Cups & Samba -- Printing From WINXP Client As Postscript Fails?

Mar 14, 2009

Apologies if this was asked before -- I have googled the last bytes out of my Firefox but fail to find anything helpful. Here's my problem:I have a foomatic hpijs cups-driver for a HP Inkjet (Non-PS printer) installed. Printing from UNIX-hosts works. I have cups configured not to allow raw-printing (/etc/cups/mime.types: #application/octet-stream, /etc/cups/mime.convs: #application/octet-stream).I have now installed samba-printing, the cups PS-drivers plus the Windows PS-drivers are populated to /etc/samba/drivers/W32X86/ and get pushed to the WIN-Client.Problem is that when I print from a WINXP client, the printer outputs heaps of Postscript-text instead of my page.I have tried to debug this a bit but fail to find anything really useful. My observations so far:

- The samba-pushed HP_Photosmart_3300.ppd (in both /etc/samba/drivers/... and in the resulting dir on the WINXP client) reads:
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"


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Fedora Installation :: CUPS Server Name And MDNS

Nov 16, 2009

I have 3 computers connected to a router; the ip addresses are assigned by the ADSL provider via DHCP. One of the 3 computer has a printer connected. In Fedora 9 I used to print from the other. 2 computers via CUPS by defining the ServerName in /etc/cups/client.conf as assigned by mDNS (the one with the .local suffix). It seems that in Fedora11 the game dos not work anymore; the connection is forbidden unless, you put the IP address of ServerName in /etc/cups/client.conf. But this is upractical because the IP address is not fixed. (DHCP) A workaround is possible because ping on the name assigned by mDNS shows the IP address; if you capture the IP address, it is possible to create /etc/cups/client.conf with the IP address at boot. (A suitable script can do the job).

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Fedora Installation :: Install A Command Line Server Without Gui?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to install a command line server without gui and smallest as possible Is there a option on installer to obtain a minimal server?

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Server :: Windows XP Machines Require Device Driver When Installing A Shared CUPS/Samba Printer?

Feb 27, 2010

I have installed Canon ImageRunner 2018i on my linux box using CUPS web interface. When I try to install this as a network printer from a Windows XP machine, the windows XP machine keeps asking me for a device driver. Is there a way to configure the printer on CUPS/Samba so that when I try to install it on Windows XP machine as a network printer, it does not ask me for a device driver?

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Config In Cui Mode With Command Basis?

Mar 26, 2009

how to config details of samba with commands not from gui

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Fedora Installation :: Recompile In 9 If The Packages Installed Through Yum Install Command?

Mar 6, 2009

Currently i am using mapserver 5.0.3 , AGG 2.5-6 on fedora 9. I need some help with mapserver and AGG support. I am trying to use AGG/PNG outformat in the mapfile as well as i added precisely. When i call the link through browser i recieved the following error:

loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause references driver AGG/PNG, but this driver isn't configured. It is clearly evident that from the error, the driver is not configured. since all the mapserver version 5 suppotrs AGG rendering backend, so i checked whether mapserver supports AGG or not.

[kapil@localhost cgi-bin]$ mapserv -v
[kapil@localhost cgi-bin]$

I found that my mapserver doesn't support AGG means SUPPORTS = AGG is missing in the above output. But i have already installed AGG in my system. In order to clear this issue i gone through many threads in forums, but i was not satisfied with the answers. Atlast i came to know that, i have to recompile the mapserver with AGG. The following link gives you some idea about compiling mapserver with AGG in linux [URL] But the problem now i am facing is i have installed both the mapserver and AGG through YUM INSTALL command so i dont know how to recompile mapserver with AGG support. I think, there will be no configuration file normally when installing through Yum insatll command.

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Fedora Installation :: What Are The Command Lines To Install Gnome But With The Minimal

Jan 24, 2011

installed fedora with the minimum option on the dvd. After that i logged it and im tring to install gnome, heres the catch though i only have 950MB worth of space. I noticed if i use the groupinstall "X Window System" it fails because of the space. Also it installs alot of things that I am not interested. what are the command lines to install gnome but with the minimal, no FF, no evolution, you get my point.

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Lpr Command Under Cups?

Sep 17, 2010

Setting up a new 64-bit lucid server. I installed cups and cups-client, and expected to have the "lpr","lpq" etc. commands available; we have old scripts that rely on them. But I don't see them anywhere.

Are they still provided in some package I don't know about? Otherwise I'll probably have to come up with wrappers around lp and lpstat, to avoid having to revise a lot of old code.

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Fedora Installation :: Setup A Cups Printer Server For Windows Machines?

Sep 18, 2010

we are having new printers. At the moment we over 1000 machines on multiple sites but no print server they are manually added on the machine ( I know don't ask).

Anyway there is no way they would let use a windows server so the only option I have is to use linux however I little unsure if it is capable of doing the job I need it to do. Basically I want to add the printers on the linux server either using samba or ipp (I would assume samba would be best).

The reason i want to do this is when we have to do around the machines I just want to go around the machines and just the map the printer and it brings down the driver and config etc as we want them to duplex. The issue is I been trying to gain information on the internet and getting conflicting information apparently I can add the windows driver onto the server so when I map the printer it brings it down. However some guides state you still have through the whole process of adding the printer and then choosing the driver etc. Which kinda of makes it pointless to do the printer server since I would already have to do this anyway if we don't have one.

I just want to go be able to go around the machines and for example click star run and do something like \ and then it done kind of thing.

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Fedora Networking :: Set Up Samba Using Command Line Terminal / Network Does Not Work

Nov 29, 2010

I set up Samba using command line terminal, and my network does not work. I have Samba username and keyring passwords all set, then I go to gui system-config-samba, and my samba user profile password is incorrect. In the past, I have used a 10 letter password, however, every time I boot the computer, I have to go back in and re-enter the password.I wonder if samba is truncating the password because it only accepts an 8 character password? I have deleted the user, and added a new username, and it is still doing it.

If I go into the gui and re-enter the password, usually I can get the network back up with my windows machine. All of the parameters are correct, I use the network to transfer files from my Windows to my Fedora drive all of the time when it works.

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Ubuntu :: Running Cups From Command Line?

Dec 23, 2010

I need some help desperately, and would appreciate a quick response. To begin, here's the output from 'uname -a' for the machine I'm using: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 11:55:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Now, when I start my computer, cupsd is running:


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General :: How To Resume CUPS Printer From Command Line

Mar 3, 2010

I have printer in CUPS that due driver problems (hp 1010) form time to time goes into pause. I would like to write a shell script that will be once per hour resuming printer in cups.But I have no idea after googling for couple of minutes how to resume printer from shell command line.

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General :: Enable Printer In CUPS Using Command Line?

Oct 22, 2010

How to enable Printer in CUPS using Command Line?

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Software :: Printing To Cups-pdf Via Command Line With Options?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm having a hard time trying to print documents to PDF via cups-pdf at the command line and get all of the nice formatting options that the GUI print spooler dialogs provide. I know how to do "lpr -P Generic-CUPS-PDF-Printer filename" to get a general file printed to a PDF, but this method clearly is missing all of the nice formattingptions that get passed when using a GUI print spooler (margins, fonts, dpi, paper size, etc..). I tried to use ps to capture whatever command is being sent by the spooler but couldn't figure it out, since I'm not really sure what commands get called by the spooler

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OpenSUSE Network :: CUPS Does Not Recognize Ubuntu Cups Server On Intranet?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a printer configured on my Ubuntu server using CUPS amd made it available to the local network. The printer is recognized on my other Ubuntu machine without any problems.
But on my Suse laptop, the printer is not recognized. Using the YaST printer Configuations, I choose the option "Recieve Printer Information from Remote CUPS servers. But no printer is found.But... when I choose Do All Yout Printing Directly via One Remote CUPS server and enter the correct IP address (, the printer is found andI am sure the printer info is broadcasted because it shows up on my second Ubuntu PC. But why is it not recognized by default on my Suse machine

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Ubuntu :: Cups Password / Add A Root Users To Access Interface For CUPS?

Feb 26, 2010

I know this is listed somewhere but I cannot seem to find it -

How to I add a root users to access the interface for CUPS?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install The Samba - Root@Jason-Lin:/# Apt-get Install Samba

May 14, 2011

This is what I get:


root@Jason-Lin:/# apt-get install samba
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


This is a fresh 11.04 install. I grabbed a couple of the basics (alternate browsers, media players, etcetera) but other than that I haven't made any modifications or installed any strange packages.


root@Jason-Lin:/# uname -a
Linux Jason-Lin 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu Security :: 631/tcp CUPS / Close Port / Stop This Service / Tell Update Manager To Shove Cups?

Feb 27, 2011

Running: Ubuntu 10.10

I'm in a bind and I don't know how to get what I want. Nmap shows ipp running cups on port 631. Great, simple enough I uninstall cups, along with its dependencies. A new portscan reveals that the port is closed SUCCESS, but... Ubuntu Update Manager nags me @ every restart about the "important security" updates. I can't lock the version of cups in Synaptic, because cups is not installed! So you see I'm in a bind. If I have cups installed I have an open port, and if I uninstall cups the update manager nags me. What do I do? I've tried:

- stopping the cups service and issuing the chkconfig cups off command... (doesn't close the port)
- uninstalling cups... (update manager nags)
- fuser -k 631/tcp (great, but @ reboot the port is still open)
Please teach me how to close this port / stop this service / tell update manager to shove cups.....

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