Ubuntu Installation :: Command To Get Installation Directory?

Nov 29, 2010

does a command exist that will return the installation directory of an installed program?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Default Folder In Shorewall-common Directory After Installation?

Aug 13, 2010

I am setting up a mail server. After installation of shorewall-common, shorewall-doc

Following this link http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/
For setting up
It requires me to copy thge content of /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules to /etc/shorewall
cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules /etc/shorewall/

But i observed that the folder default-config is missing. I have purge it apt-get and reinstalled but still it does it have that folder. What could cause this thing and how can i go about it?

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General :: Use Mkdir Command To Create 'local' Directory In /usr - There Are Error - Cannot Make Directory

Jun 16, 2010

I am a student studying computer science course.

Well, I am facing problem when doing lab questions.

I must use DLXLinux bundled in Bochs (bochs.sourceforge.net).

I am required to use the /usr/local directory.

In /usr directory, there is no directory named 'local' but there is one thing called 'local@'. So, when I try to use mkdir command to create 'local' directory in /usr , there are error "cannot make directory.....".

Look at my screenshot at [url].

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General :: Find Directory Older Than X And Mv Directory With Sub Files Command?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm quite new to linux but I have configured a simple ftp server and it's working great. I have a FTP-Shared folder with upload and download subfolders. Under upload's and download's I have identical category subfolders like mp3's, movies, software etc. in both. As the guy's upload, I would like to create a line crontab where I can move all the content under /FTP-Shared/upload/mp3/* older than 14 day's to FTP-Shared/downloads/mp3/ recursively (Like in cp command), but the timestamp must be searched on the first directory and not sub files example: /mp3/Club Dance/CD1/Hallo world.mp3This is how far I got:[root@clients ~]# /usr/bin/find /FTP_Shared/upload/Mp3s/ -depth -mindepth 1 -mtime +14 -type d -exec mv -f {} /FTP_Shared/download/Mp3s/ ;This command moves the directory and files, but it is not recursively

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Hardware :: Fglrx Installation - "Cannot Stat <temporary Installation Directory>/.../libGL*"

May 26, 2011

I have installed the fglrx driver on my system (radeon hd 4830; asrock 4coredual sata2 rev. 2.0; Intel Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6300 @ 2.80GHz; opensuse 11.3; 64 bit). Installation of fglrx seemed to be smooth, using the manual way, generation of rpm. part from the fact that there were 4 error messages like:

"Cannot stat <temporary intallation directory>/.../libGL*" "Cannot stat <temporary intallation directory>/.../libGLE*" and the related two cp commands failing. So, what does not work now: glxgears and fgl_glxgears hang after 2-3 seconds; so does full screen playback with flash player.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Of Tar.gz - Get To The ./configure Step It Says "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory"?

Jun 5, 2011

I want to install a program from this website http:[url].... and i download the option " hydra-6.3-src.tar.gz".i tried following the instructions on this page: https:[url].... but when i get to the ./configure step it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The Installation Directory

Jan 9, 2010

i have installed GMT(Generic Mapping Tools) in ubuntu 9.04. I installed it using "sudo apt-get install gmt" from the terminal but i cant find the installation directory. Can I install the whole package in a user defined directory, eg, in /usr/local/GMT? Also how do I have to export the PATH in ~/.bashrc?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Apt-get Installation Directory

Jan 7, 2011

i used to use synaptic to install packages which seems to be installed somewhere like /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, so my question is can i change the default or pre-determined installation directory, coz my partition / is kind of short of space.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Php5 Installation Directory

Jun 9, 2010

I have installed LAMP on ubuntu server 10.04. where can i find the installation folder...the extension folder and so on ? i tried the command locate php but it didnt return the path i wanted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Split The Home Directory Into 2?

Aug 24, 2010

Is it possible to split the home directory into 2, 1 for the personal files (documents, images, videos, music, etc.) and another for the setting files (config, temp, etc.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: IP Scanner - No Such File Or Directory?

Sep 12, 2010

I am trying to install IP scanner. I downloaded it and am trying to do the next command but I am being told there is no file or directory. Here is what I did.

$ wget [URL]
--2010-09-12 20:46:17--[URL]
Resolving sourceforge.net...
Connecting to sourceforge.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [URL] [following]
--2010-09-12 20:46:17--[URL]
Resolving downloads.sourceforge.net...
Connecting to downloads.sourceforge.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [URL] [following]
--2010-09-12 20:46:17--[URL]
Resolving softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net...
Connecting to softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 820580 (801K) [application/java-archive]
Saving to: `download'
100%[======================================>] 820,580 590K/s in 1.4s
2010-09-12 20:46:19 (590 KB/s) - `download' saved [820580/820580]
greg@greg-laptop:~$ sudo mkdir /opt/angry-ip-scanner
greg@greg-laptop:~$ sudo mv ipscan/ipscan-linux-3.0-beta4.jar /opt/angry-ip-scanner
mv: cannot stat `ipscan/ipscan-linux-3.0-beta4.jar': No such file or directory
greg@greg-laptop:~$ sudo mv ipscan/ipscan3-binary/3.0-beta4/ipscan-linux-3.0-beta4.jar /opt/angry-ip-scanner
mv: cannot stat `ipscan/ipscan3-binary/3.0-beta4/ipscan-linux-3.0-beta4.jar': No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Chmod +x - No Such File Or Directory

Dec 18, 2010

The software I just bought (Lightroom 2.1) contains instructions to get my serial. I downloaded the sofware on my desktop and installed it. In the terminal, I wrote "chmod +x keagan", pressed enter and wrote "./keagan" and I get this message: No such file or directory. what I am doing wrong? I am working on Mac OS 10.4.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Delete Directory After Git Clone

Jun 25, 2011

I have a couple of beginner questions;I have checked out some source code in a directory, not inside the home directory, using: Code:git clone git://git.videolan.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg-gitI moved the folder around (was not originally in the right directory), and now would like to delete it and start from scratch. How can I do it without creating issues with git? (I don't see ffmpeg-git in Synaptic)More generally, what is the best way to delete old folders related to obsolete or malfunctioning software, or even unsuccessful attempts at installing software ? Can I do 'delete' in the file manager? or just sudo rm <folder name> ? Or is there hidden issues?Another related question: When manually installing packages not available in Synaptic, for example, from downloaded tar.gz, what is the recommended directory structure. For example, is it better to use, for example: /home/<program name>/source to unpack the source code/home/<program name>/build to build the software?as opposed to using folders in the root directory? Is there a tutorial on the subject of best practice for directory structure?

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Is Minimal Size For Home Directory?

Jan 21, 2010

What is the minimal size for a home directory?I did a manual partition install in VirtualBox. My vdi had these settings: RAM = 500MB & HDD = 10GB.Does this look correct.I am never certain as to the options for Primary, Logic, Beginning and End.Does it matter the order in which you make partitions in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: JDK 6 - Unable To Lock Administration Directory

Feb 25, 2010

I am currently new to ubuntu. I would like to install jdk 6 in ubuntu. I've tried to install using this command: sudo apt-get instal. But in the end, I only got this result:
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
I've tried many times and still it doesn't works.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Home Directory Moved After Reinstall

Mar 5, 2010

I have been out of the Linux loop for a while. Prior to the holidays I did something 'stupid' within Wine and ended up taking out my Ubuntu partition to the point where it wouldn't boot. Being that I have a triple boot system and I had plans for the holidays, I didn't want to risk a reinstall in the event that if something went wrong with Grub, it would render my whole system useless. So I waited until now to reinstall Ubuntu. I performed the reinstall this past weekend and for the most part I thought everything went fine, but I noticed something was different with the file system.

When I attempted to load a 3.5gig program into Ubuntu yesterday, I got an error message saying that I don't have enough disk space. I said to my self, "That is impossible as I have a 106gig partition for programs". I have a separated system in which Ubuntu /root has an 8gig partition and the Home partition supposed to be the 106gig drive. I did this in the event I had to reinstall, I wouldn't loose my information. Well apparently something went wrong with the install and it appears that I have two Home folders...one is on the 106gig drive and the other is in the root directory.

Making note of that explained why my program wouldn't load because the root partition is only 8gig. So, my question is this: Can I set Ubuntu back to the old Home directory, or do I have to reinstall once again? As what under my avatar says, I am on Ubuntu Studio 8.04 (Hardy Heron). I stuck with this older version because it has long term support. I have a triple boot system with Windows XP, Puppy Linux, and Ubuntu Studio. I have two SATA 500gig drives with the first drive being home to all the operating systems and programs. The second drive is just for data.

Here is my fdisk -l I put the partitions usage in parenthesis:
geo@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000cf364 .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access The Encrypted Home Directory

Apr 21, 2010

I tried upgrading to 10.04, and now when it boots it just goes into a grub2 terminal and doesn't display a boot menu. I tried re-installing grub2 from the live cd, but that didn't do anything. I figured if I've hosed the last install I'll install from scratch, but I can't even access my files from the live cd! I did a bit of searching and everyone seems to just encrypt ~/Private, whereas I've encrypted the whole home directory. So much for security... In the live cd, it has a readme.txt and says to type "ecryptfs-mount-private" to access the files, but it just gives the error "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly". What do I do?

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Ubuntu :: MATLAB Installation - Adding Directory To $PATH

May 27, 2010

I've followed the guide here for installing MATLAB. The installation completed successfully, however, the launcher created doesn't launch MATLAB as MATLAB isn't installed anywhere pointed to by $PATH. What's the best way of solving this - adding MATLAB's directory to $PATH (in which case how do I go about doing so), or (re)installing MATLAB to somewhere already in $PATH?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Tar.gz Software - Saying There Is No Such File Or Directory

Jun 22, 2010

I am installing one software (pwDesktop [url])

I am following these stapes:

But it saying there is nosuch file or directory.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Write Permissions On The Install Directory?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm pretty new to Linux but I know my way around. I've gotten Google Earth downloaded and am trying to install it. Everything is fine until I try to install it into /usr/local (or somewhere in there). The Google Earth Setup keeps telling me that I do not have write permissions on this directory. Question: How do I change the write permissions for this folder? Or should I install the program somewhere else? The last program I installed (xMind) installed into /usr/local.I am the only user (administrator

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using A Local Directory As A Software Repository

Oct 7, 2010

if i had a set of dvd's with ubuntu software repositories on them, but i didn't want to have to eject and load a new disc everytime i wanted to install packages with dependencies over several discs. would i be able to copy the discs to my harddrive and set up synaptic to use a location on my harddrive with subfolders containing packages? i tried these instructions [URL] but they seem to get a bit blurry when it gets to the part that i'm interested in ie. nfs (works only if the computer is connected to a NFS share)


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Ubuntu :: Maverick Encrypting Home Directory After Installation

Nov 10, 2010

I did a fresh Maverick install with custom partition layout and didn't select "encrypt home parition" as my home partition was being saved from previous installation.Now, is there a guide I could follow to encrypt my home partition the same way Maverick would do? I just want to avoid screwing my system in the next upgrade if encrypting methods differ.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Location Of The Directory Of C Header Files?

Jan 4, 2011

I am running VMware inside windows 7 64bit.I have installed ubuntu 2.8 ultimate edition on a 20gb partition and used 1gb of ram....everything is updated etc and running good. I checked in the VMware tools bar the entity tab,and says tools is not installed.

So when i run the install everything goes well untill it reaches the point where it says "What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?

I have tried everything,different tutorials,installed a build package etc and it still asks for the directory. here is the uname r output :
uname r : 2.6.35-24-generic

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Ubuntu Installation :: G95 Computer Install - No Such File Or Directory

Apr 30, 2011

I tried installing the g95 compiler like this...

edward@edward:~/Desktop$ tar -zxvf g95-x86-linux.tgz
edward@edward:~/Desktop$ ls
g95-install g95-x86-linux.tgz
edward@edward:~/Desktop$ ln -s $PWD/g95-install/bin/*g95* ~/bin/g95
ln: creating symbolic link `/home/edward/bin/g95': No such file or directory

I don't understand what I am doing wrong, I tried using the Sudo command as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall Grub2 To Root Directory

May 17, 2011

I was dual booting Ubuntu and Windows, had to reinstall Windows, it wiped out grub, need to reinstall it now. Was following this: [URL]

Trying to reinstall grub with:
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/d566e91e-941f-4433-8dea-05d3bffb5669 /dev/sda6
Gives me the following error:
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea..
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are unreliable and their use is discouraged..
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if you really want blocklists, use --force.
*edit more info* Ubuntu is installed on /dev/sda6 on a 50GB partition.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 26 56830 456280064 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 * 56830 56843 102400 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 56843 70981 113561600 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda4 70981 77826 54979585 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 77096 77826 5859328 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda6 70981 77096 49120256 83 Linux

Partition table entries are not in disk order So, I didn't want to do anything and screw things up. I want to boot with grub and not MBR. What should I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Entire /home Directory To 11.04?

Jun 8, 2011

I installed a new 11.04 on my Thinkpad in place of the old 10.10 system, so it replaced the old /home with a new empty one. But I had previously done a partition copy of the original 10.10, complete with /home to a spare HDD so now I can copy that /home in place of the new empty /home. What's the best way to do that? Should I use 'dd'? Should I use Nautilus? Or should I partition-copy that copy of the 10.10 onto available space on the thinkpad 11.04, then manipulate the partitions to consolidate? Maybe create a separate /home partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: SocketException.h: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 12, 2011

I installed g++ using package manager and support libraries using sudo apt-get install build-essential cmd, but I'm not able to compile a socket code. It gives me the following error:

server.cpp:1:26: error: ServerSocket.h: No such file or directory
server.cpp:2:29: error: SocketException.h: No such file or directory

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Fedora Installation :: Copy From One Directory To Another?

Feb 2, 2011

How to copy from one directory to another? For example, i have my "drupal" files in Anto(my home) need to copied to /var/www/html/ ! How to do this? I tried of doing "cp" command but it doesnt work..

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Installation :: Rpm Getting Generated In Diff Directory?

Sep 17, 2010

When I build my software with rpmbuild command, the rpms are not gettinggenerated in the directory specified in rpmmacros file(%_rpmdir)This is what I am doing..

rpmbuild -bb -vv --buildroot <build root path> --target=x86_64 --rcfile /tmp/rpmrc /tmp/mySpecfile.spec
# cat /tmp/rpmrc


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install File After Extracted To Desired Directory

Jan 23, 2010

I am trying to install a program called libdvdcss0.0.1, it was a tar,gz2 file and I already extracted it via terminal to /opt/ but now that its extracted, I read the install readme file and tried going by those directions. Not working here is my results on that:

scott@Home:~$ cd /opt/libdvdcss-0.0.1/
scott@Home:/opt/libdvdcss-0.0.1$ /configure --help
bash: /configure: No such file or directory
scott@Home:/opt/libdvdcss-0.0.1$ configure --help
configure: command not found
scott@Home:/opt/libdvdcss-0.0.1$ make install
cd extras/libdvdcss && make install
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/libdvdcss-0.0.1/extras/libdvdcss'
mkdir -p /videolan
m 644 videolan/dvdcss.h /videolan
make[1]: m: Command not found
make[1]: [install] Error 127 (ignored)
mkdir -p
mkdir: missing operand
Try `mkdir --help' for more information.
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/libdvdcss-0.0.1/extras/libdvdcss'
make: *** [install] Error 2

I don't know if its something I am doing wrong or what but everytime I try and install a file this way or by the programs readme file it always goes wrong in someway shape or form. The only way I have installed a program successfully is through kpackagekit and I am desperately trying to learn terminal's language here, the only thing standing in my way from switching from windows to linux entirely is these damn problems.

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