Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgradeing From 9.04 To Karmik 9.10 All I Get Is A Shall Prompt?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm quite a newbie, and that being terse haven't ever been in the list of my virtues. Still, I tried so many things, that this post couldn't possibly be shorter then it is.Yesterday I upgraded my Kubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 using adept. During upgrade I accepted everything that was offered including (one)new configuration file for I don't know what. After reboot I still had grub1, after trying regular boot system froze with error message that usplash process doesn't exist or so; briefly, only recovery mode worked properly. I think I entered clean option accidentally, if not, I haven't done anything special, yet after n-th reboot usplash problem disappeared, but I had another freezing screen, with something like:

mount: proc already mounted on /proc
mount: UUID=d6163745-e30e-4c00-b158-66e46d40b1a8 already mounted on /home
mount: /dev/scd0 already mounted on /media/cdrom0[code]....

plus it said it cannot mount everything from fstab. Problem was partition from another computer that was smbfs, which is truly not reachable right now. Someone said it's problem with mountall.I tried solutions I found here:

1. provided by @kentaur

mount -o remount,rw /
sudo dpkg --configure -a[code].....

PS. Isn't ubuntu suppose to resolve dependencies automatically?

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Ubuntu :: After Upgradeing From 9.04 To Karmik 9.10 All Get Is A Shall Prompt?

Mar 23, 2010

I should mention that I'm quite a newbie, and that being terse haven't ever been in the list of my virtues. Still, I did so many things today, that this post couldn't possibly be shorter then it is. Yesterday I finally upgraded my Kubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 in adept. During upgrade I accepted everything that was offered including (one)new configuration file for I don't know what. After reboot I still had grub1, after trying regular boot system froze with error message that usplash process doesn't exist or so; briefly, only recovery mode worked properly. I think I entered clean option accidentally, if not, I haven't done anything special, yet after n-th reboot usplash problem disappeared, but I had another freezing screen, with something like:


I tried this twice then I tried one more thing I (think I)saw in the next few lines that are not displayed here apt-get -f upgrade. It ended up with recovery mode not working properly(only resume was possible), and regular boot ending in shell prompt. When I commanded startx from root kde started my last session(with some error messages immediately covered with firefox). Mouse and keyboard were dead! Hard reset, logging to my home and startx led me to karmik kde login menager, and again that was dead end, because keyboard and mouse were dead!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Error After Upgradeing To 10.4?

Mar 25, 2010

After upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10 I rebooted my computer, entered my password and hit ok. Instead of seeing my desktop I'm faced with a purple wallpaper and a terminal window in the top left corner... I'm not very comfortable using the terminal yet and I don't know what to do to get past this,

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Ubuntu :: Arised After VirtualBox Installation In Karmik?

Apr 15, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox via virtualbox-ose package and it works fine (also installed needed addons), but i can't enable USB on it. I have karmik release installed, but manual at[url].... I discover 2 problems on my system:

1. It does not have /proc/bus/usb directory and when i try to mkdir it:

baleks@BAleks-netbook:~$ LANG=C sudo mkdir /proc/bus/usb
mkdir: cannot create directory `/proc/bus/usb': No such file or directory
baleks@BAleks-netbook:~$ ls /proc/bus
input pci

so my entry in fstab to mount /proc/bus/usb not works. Moreover, when i trying to mount that in /dev/bus/usb (althought this directory already exist and with files) mount tells me: mount: unknown filesystem type 'usbfs'

2. virtualbox-ose package does not created user group vboxusers (or any like that) in /etc/group, even after reinstallation of the package. 1 and 2 is two steps to get USB work in VirtualBox, and i don't know what to do.. Attempts to google this problems almost always gets me to the posts/manuals related to older verions of ubuntu, but i have karmik..

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Red Hat :: Command Line Prompt But Not The Correct Bash Prompt?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.4 on HP DL580 server with 16 processors and 64 GB of RAM. I'm connecting to the server remotely through SSH. after entering the password, it takes time to return the command line, if I click ctrl+c during this time, I'll have the command line prompt but not the correct bash prompt (I have to run bash to pass to my correct prompt).I tried to install Apache on the server, ./configure took 4 hours to finish instead of 1 or two minutes, Oracle installation same behavior. Server Disks are mirrored using RAID controller.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boots To Grub Prompt After Installation Upgrade

Jul 10, 2010

I installed 10.04 clean on the PC.Not other operating system.It booted to Ubuntu fine after the install and all appeared to be working fine.Used the upgrade manager to install the upgrades to the basic system.I had not yet loaded in any non-ubuntu or medibuntu repositories so this was the first, basic upgrade.After the upgrade,I can no longer boot to Ubuntu but boot to a grub prompt instead.I presume this is a recover prompt. How do I "recover" and continue booting to Ubuntu?

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Fedora Installation :: FC14 Installation Crashed To Grub Prompt

Dec 20, 2010

I decided to upgrade my FC installation to the latest version - FC itself offered the upgrade when I turned the machine on, so it appeared that it was nicely packaged to make the upgrade easy.After a long download of packages, the machine rebooted and then started taking me through configuration options (timezone, disks to use for the installation etc) but then it crashed trying to write to disk and now leaves me at a grub prompt whenever I boot.Is there any way to "get at" the installation files and get back into trying to install or do I now need to download an ISO and burn a DVD and start all over again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Prompt Cannot Key Anything?

Mar 6, 2010

I have been trying ubantu 9.10 via dual boot (with windows XP) for a while now. Today I decided to wipe out windows and install ubantu only. After I completed the install I get GRUB prompt and I cannot type anything. So I booted from CD again and opened ubantu from disk. ran the boot_info_script as mentioned on other posts here and here is the results

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 2928391 of


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Ubuntu Installation :: No Prompt To Import From XP?

Oct 15, 2010

v10.10 installed fine on my laptop (dual boot with XP) but why is there no prompt to import documents and settings from Win XP?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Getting New Login Prompt?

Apr 30, 2011

I am not getting the new login prompt that allows you to select classic. I still get the same login prompt i had on 10.10. How do i correct that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Prompt To Re-boot Or Something To See The Change?

Feb 22, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu and was expecting a prompt to re-boot or something to see the change. Nothing happened. I am still in Vista. Where did I go wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 Just Boots To Login Prompt?

May 24, 2010

I installed 64 bit Lucid Lynx last week. There were some issues with the grub boot manager and my windows boot manager. However, about half the time i would boot to reach only a login prompt. If i used CTRL ALT DEL i would then reboot usually into the GUI.So now i only reach a login prompt all the time. How do i get the the GUI to run automatically?

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Live Boot Prompt?

Sep 4, 2010

I just made a live USB of 10.04 Lucid using the Startup Disk Creator; but when I boot it gives the "boot:" prompt. Typing anything in like "help" or hitting enter just gives an error that it can't find the kernel image.

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Disable Installation / Try Live USB Prompt?

Sep 10, 2010

I configured my flash drive to be bootable using the gui startup disk creator, and it's working pretty well for me, but every time it boots, it pops up the dialog where you have two options, to use the live usb mode or to install. Is there any way to bypass that prompt and just go straight to the live usb mode?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Only Get Command Prompt After Upgrade?

Oct 17, 2010

After upgrade to 10.10, I only get the command prompt. Fortunately, all my XP Pro machines are running, and I am using one of them to access this Forum. I suspect that nVidia graphics driver did not load correctly. running startx at the command line gives numerous lines of text apparently understandable xorg gurus. It looks like nvidia_drv.so did not load and module "nvidia" did not load [loader failed, 7] and next line says no drivers loaded.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Prompt Out Every Reboot?

Nov 28, 2010

i have dual boot computer win7 and 10.04 ubuntu. i installed the ubuntu inside the win7

now i have problem that GRUB prompt out every reboot. i could get into system by type this(but GRUB come back after reboot)

set root=(hd0,1)
loopback loop0 /ubuntu/disks/root.disk
set root=(loop0)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro quiet splash
initrd /initrd.img


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Ubuntu :: Vegastrike Installation Weird Prompt?

May 28, 2011

so I installed the vegastrike game. When I try to run the vssetup file I get this error

~/Downloads/vegastrike-0.5.0$ vssetup Found data in /home/jarod/Downloads/vegastrike-0.5.0 Error opening terminal: xterm. ~/Downloads/vegastrike-0.5.0$ For the life of me, I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with my xterm? I can run xterm fine in another window, and even when I run xterm as the terminal I'm typing vssetup into, it says it can't open the program. what the hell I'm doing wrong? I just switched to linux about a week ago so I'm a uber noob.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Will Not Restart After Install Prompt

Jun 10, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop. When prompted to restart after installation, I select Ubuntu (not recovery mode) at the prompt and Ubuntu will not start. All I get is a big bright purple screen which does nothing. I have read some forums that suggested that setting the partition space was wrong and to try to reinstall it. I have tried to reinstall it but I do not get the option to adjust the partition at all. I did the first time I installed it but never saw it again. It just goes right through the installation process and asks me to restart. I again, select Ubuntu and I get another very brightly colored screen. I am trying to use it as a dual boot. I have Windows 7 right now and it works just fine. I have no idea what to do now. I also do not get any error messages. If there are any, they pass way to fast for me to see them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 With Wubi - Boots To Grub Prompt

Feb 3, 2010

I installed 9.10 with wubi and lately I had a boot problem with the result is that it boots to a grub prompt. I tried several commands, but no success. I thought I hosed the system. [URL]. Once I copied the new wublidr file over, that did it! Give it a shot, as it works.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Restart Got Grub Rescue Prompt

Feb 6, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on hd1 - /dev/sdb1 at the end of the installation I chose to install grub at hd0 - /dev/sda1. The file system I chose was ext4 for ubuntu "/" - 50 GB,
ext3 for "/home" - 5 GB, and 1.5 more for swap. When the installation was complete I got the following prompt:

GRUB loading
error: no such disk
grub rescue>

There was nothing I could do, pressing TAB did not show me all the commands like grub is expected to. Typing 'help' did not show any commands as well, instead it showed me - "NO SUCH COMMAND" or something like that (I did not took note of what the output was). I believe the problem is in the grub loader - which was not really installed properly in hd0 - /dev/sda1 (which is FAT32 - windows)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Cmd Prompt Appears On Boot?

May 11, 2010

Two days ago I decided to migrate from Fedora to Ubuntu 10.04. On the Ubuntu install I chose to format the entire disk as I do not want a dual boot system. I have three disks and have set the bios to boot from dvd, then main disk, then 2nd disk, then any other bootable drive and coming from a working Fedora I know I have my "slaves" and "Master" pin positions on the disks set correctly.

When I try to boot the fresh install of Ubuntu I do not see any menu options, no boot image nothing, I get taken immediately to a grub command window and I dont know how to fix things from there. I have tried to fix things by booting into the "try before you 'buy'" thing on the installation cd and I can see that Ubuntu has been installed on the main disk, but all in all Im stuck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Anything / Grub Rescue Prompt

Jun 19, 2010

So I had Ubuntu Server installed and I decided to make some new partitions using gparted via a live usb of Ubuntu desktop. And so I think messed up pretty badly. Ubuntu Server won't boot and I get the following error followed by a grub rescue promt:

Code:Diskette drive 0 seek failure
error: file not found grub rescue >
To me, it seems like some boot files may be missing if not the whole system. After I made the partitions, the live USB of Ubuntu was still working fine until I rebooted.So here is the bigger issue, I figured I would just reinstall everything all over again, but instead I can't.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Lucid Getting Grub Prompt?

Jun 30, 2010

upgrading my Karmic 9.10 to Lucid 10.4 I can't boot anymore to Linux only to Windows.My installation is a WUBI installation and I installed it on the only harddisk I have in the folder c:ubuntuNow when I boot I get a grub prompt and when I do LS I see hd0,msdos01 as partition.Now's I've tried to manual boot it by using the following commands from the ubuntu manual

set root=(loop0)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro
after this command I get an error


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Ubuntu Installation :: LuksFormat Doesn't Prompt For Passphrase?

Jul 2, 2010

I got a little problem upgrading my ubuntu-nas with some storage.I wanted to add a new harddrive to my lvm but I stuck before getting to this point.I want my harddisc to be encrypted before adding it to the lvm.I tried the following:

# sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1 -y

This will overwrite data on /dev/sdb1 irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): yes

... and nothing happens. dmsetup ls returns nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Shutdown Prompt In Every Gnome Distro

Sep 3, 2010

Every single Gnome based distro I have tried on a desktop machine has immediately popped up with the Log Out, Shut Down etc prompt as soon as the desktop loads. I doesn't happen with any KDE based distro!

I have tried resetting the CMOS/BIOS etc and it's not the Power Pack, tried two!

The machine is a Fujitsu Siemens Desktop with 3GB RAM, decent graphics etc...

I've tried KDE distros and don't like them as much and really want to get back to a Gnome environment.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From 10.04 To 10.10 - Stuck At Grub Prompt

Jan 10, 2011

I upgraded my dell inspiron 6000 from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 then rebooted and now I am stuck at the grub prompt. I am able to boot from a flash drive and have run the boot script. This laptop did not have a dual boot system on it but it did have windows on it at one time, converted to ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Prompt After Formatting?

Mar 28, 2011

i have a dual booting the first one being ubuntu 10.04 within which i have installed windows7.Unfortunately,i've formatted that part of my hard disk in which i've had ubuntu. Now my problem is i cant load into any of the two os and i dont want to loose my vital data in the system.I've tried booting using the live CD but in vain.i desperately need my info in my laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot But Grub Prompt On 10.10 > 11.04 Upgrade

Jun 7, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu within VMWare on a Macbook. I followed these steps [URL]... Recommended) to upgrade form 10.04 to 11.04, which actually upgraded to 10.10 first, and then a graphical upgrade brought me to the 11.04 upgrade, but then i ran into the problem where a grub> prompt appears when i start up the machine... nothing else happens. I found this thread [URL] which seemed similar to my problem, but the suggestions didn't work.

grub> ls
(hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1) (fd0)
grub> boot
error: no loaded kernel.
grub> linux
error: no kernel specified.

that's what I see. any way to resolve this without having to download the CD and start from scratch? It's grub 1.98, if that's important to know.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Prompt At Boot Instead Of Menu

Jun 20, 2011

I have installed BackTrack 5 and I have set GRUB up:

root (hd1,4)
setup (hd1)

However, the GRUB prompt appears at boot instead of the GRUB menu. However, when I boot from the Live USB, the GRUB menu works fine. Here are the contents of the grub.cfg:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
# .....

The reason I want the GRUB menu to show up of because I would like to dual-boot BackTrack 5 with Windows 7.

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Fedora Installation :: Prompt To Upgrade From F10 To F11?

Oct 20, 2009

Im running fedora10 and have installed quite a few extra apps etc that are not from yum. Things like vmware workstation, Lotus notes, crossover etc. Every now an then I get a popup asking to upgrade to fedora 11. I do want to move onto 11 but does this way of upgrading work well or is there a better way to upgrade. I was thinking of making an image on my laptop first but have not found a good image tool that allows me to save and restore an image to a network.

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