Ubuntu :: After Upgradeing From 9.04 To Karmik 9.10 All Get Is A Shall Prompt?

Mar 23, 2010

I should mention that I'm quite a newbie, and that being terse haven't ever been in the list of my virtues. Still, I did so many things today, that this post couldn't possibly be shorter then it is. Yesterday I finally upgraded my Kubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 in adept. During upgrade I accepted everything that was offered including (one)new configuration file for I don't know what. After reboot I still had grub1, after trying regular boot system froze with error message that usplash process doesn't exist or so; briefly, only recovery mode worked properly. I think I entered clean option accidentally, if not, I haven't done anything special, yet after n-th reboot usplash problem disappeared, but I had another freezing screen, with something like:


I tried this twice then I tried one more thing I (think I)saw in the next few lines that are not displayed here apt-get -f upgrade. It ended up with recovery mode not working properly(only resume was possible), and regular boot ending in shell prompt. When I commanded startx from root kde started my last session(with some error messages immediately covered with firefox). Mouse and keyboard were dead! Hard reset, logging to my home and startx led me to karmik kde login menager, and again that was dead end, because keyboard and mouse were dead!

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgradeing From 9.04 To Karmik 9.10 All I Get Is A Shall Prompt?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm quite a newbie, and that being terse haven't ever been in the list of my virtues. Still, I tried so many things, that this post couldn't possibly be shorter then it is.Yesterday I upgraded my Kubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 using adept. During upgrade I accepted everything that was offered including (one)new configuration file for I don't know what. After reboot I still had grub1, after trying regular boot system froze with error message that usplash process doesn't exist or so; briefly, only recovery mode worked properly. I think I entered clean option accidentally, if not, I haven't done anything special, yet after n-th reboot usplash problem disappeared, but I had another freezing screen, with something like:

mount: proc already mounted on /proc
mount: UUID=d6163745-e30e-4c00-b158-66e46d40b1a8 already mounted on /home
mount: /dev/scd0 already mounted on /media/cdrom0[code]....

plus it said it cannot mount everything from fstab. Problem was partition from another computer that was smbfs, which is truly not reachable right now. Someone said it's problem with mountall.I tried solutions I found here:

1. provided by @kentaur

mount -o remount,rw /
sudo dpkg --configure -a[code].....

PS. Isn't ubuntu suppose to resolve dependencies automatically?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Error After Upgradeing To 10.4?

Mar 25, 2010

After upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10 I rebooted my computer, entered my password and hit ok. Instead of seeing my desktop I'm faced with a purple wallpaper and a terminal window in the top left corner... I'm not very comfortable using the terminal yet and I don't know what to do to get past this,

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Ubuntu :: Arised After VirtualBox Installation In Karmik?

Apr 15, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox via virtualbox-ose package and it works fine (also installed needed addons), but i can't enable USB on it. I have karmik release installed, but manual at[url].... I discover 2 problems on my system:

1. It does not have /proc/bus/usb directory and when i try to mkdir it:

baleks@BAleks-netbook:~$ LANG=C sudo mkdir /proc/bus/usb
mkdir: cannot create directory `/proc/bus/usb': No such file or directory
baleks@BAleks-netbook:~$ ls /proc/bus
input pci

so my entry in fstab to mount /proc/bus/usb not works. Moreover, when i trying to mount that in /dev/bus/usb (althought this directory already exist and with files) mount tells me: mount: unknown filesystem type 'usbfs'

2. virtualbox-ose package does not created user group vboxusers (or any like that) in /etc/group, even after reinstallation of the package. 1 and 2 is two steps to get USB work in VirtualBox, and i don't know what to do.. Attempts to google this problems almost always gets me to the posts/manuals related to older verions of ubuntu, but i have karmik..

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Red Hat :: Command Line Prompt But Not The Correct Bash Prompt?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.4 on HP DL580 server with 16 processors and 64 GB of RAM. I'm connecting to the server remotely through SSH. after entering the password, it takes time to return the command line, if I click ctrl+c during this time, I'll have the command line prompt but not the correct bash prompt (I have to run bash to pass to my correct prompt).I tried to install Apache on the server, ./configure took 4 hours to finish instead of 1 or two minutes, Oracle installation same behavior. Server Disks are mirrored using RAID controller.

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General :: Get Away From The # Prompt And To The $ Prompt?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm logging on my server via PuTTY but I'm getting the bash # prompt and I can't call the few commands I know i.e.: lynx

How do I get the more familiar $ prompt?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Terminal Prompt

Jan 1, 2010

How do I get a terminal prompt?

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Ubuntu :: Yes/no Prompt For Gnome?

Apr 3, 2010

I am creating a bash script file, and I want to know if there is a yes/no command for Gnome? Specifically, if I accidentally click the batch file, I want it to prompt me first. I a clutch I could use gksudo, but that's really not what I'm looking for.

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Ubuntu One :: Auto Log In Without A Prompt?

May 12, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and using Ubuntu One that is auto starting. When my system starts I soon receive a notice to unlock the Password keyring. I tried using the method suggested to prevent this using the procedure outlined in the Ubuntu One FAQ. On my system that does not appear to work. Are they other methods to have Ubuntu auto log in without a prompt?

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Ubuntu :: Gdb Not Returning To Prompt

Jun 6, 2010

i'm trying to make a backtrace of nautilus (as described here: URL...to fill a bug report but it doesn't work.after i "attach PID" to the nautilus-process and do "continue" it's not possible with ctrl-c to return to the (gdb)-prompt. the wiki-page above says:"If the program hangs but doesn't crash you can press ctrl+c in gdb while the program is frozen and then continue with the next step".

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Ubuntu :: Creating A New Command Prompt?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to create a new command prompt in Ubuntu? I have a assignment and I don't fully understand it. I have to make c files and then open them in the command prompt. Would this happen in a new command prompt or I'd have to use the already existing one? Is this even possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Prompt Cannot Key Anything?

Mar 6, 2010

I have been trying ubantu 9.10 via dual boot (with windows XP) for a while now. Today I decided to wipe out windows and install ubantu only. After I completed the install I get GRUB prompt and I cannot type anything. So I booted from CD again and opened ubantu from disk. ran the boot_info_script as mentioned on other posts here and here is the results

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 2928391 of


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Ubuntu :: Terminal Becomes Broke Just Gets > Prompt?

Apr 27, 2010

I was using ffmpeg and mencoder making a video of some jpgs of my grandson when something weird happened.I entered a chmod command and then all I got was ">" on the left side of the terminal.I closed the terminal and reopened it and got back to where I was at and ended up with the same thing.I can not enter exit or anything else. I just have to close it.Rebooting didn't even help it. Now I cannot enter other commands like an ffmpeg command.I was able to cd to where I wanted to go, but when I got there and tried about any command I ended up with a ">" prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Command Prompt Appears Instead Of Gui?

May 16, 2010

When i boot to ubuntu 10.04 lts. command prompt appears instead of gui interface is this a bug. I had made a new installation of ubuntu 10.04 lts 64 bit.

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Ubuntu :: Get To The Gui From The Command Line Prompt?

Jun 5, 2010

Is there a way to get to the gui from the command line prompt? I am using Ubuntu 8.04, my computer us telling me there is an error and will only boot to the cli not gui.

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Ubuntu :: No UI Login Prompt At Startup ?

Jun 25, 2010

I don't get a UI login prompt at startup and it makes a sound. I'm using 10.04, though this did happen to me in 9.0x as well. When I press ctrl-alt-F1, I login and sudo gdm stop and do sudo startx this seems to put me at root and there is an error with the applets and the panel does not load. "Killall gnome-panel" does not fix it.

If I simply do startx (w/o going to root), it goes to a black screen and if I press ctrl-alt-F1 it repeats "No protocol specified" until I get the error message xinit: Resource file temporary unavailable (errno 11): unable to connect to Xserver.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Odd Bash Prompt Formatting?

Aug 19, 2010

I've run into something odd:


jdougher jdougher> cd
jdougher jdougher> echo $PS1
u W>
jdougher jdougher>

For some reason, rather than replacing $HOME with "~", my prompt just displays the name of my home directory.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt At Startup

Sep 9, 2010

I use wubi 10.04 installed on my xp drive. the other day my pc froze while surfing the internet. I used the following key combination to reboot my pc (this is the first time I'm trying it), but when I selected ubuntu, I don't get the grub boot menu, on the other hand, I get a little welcome message to the grub prompt and "grub>"How do I fix this and boot into Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Change Prompt In Terminal?

Oct 1, 2010

It appears to me that with the default .bashrc the user, computer, and working directory are shown in the title. If so, I see no need for that info in the prompt (space waster).

If this is always true, how do I change my prompt to simply "$" and the root prompt to simply "#"?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Boots Only To The Command Prompt?

Oct 13, 2010

I just upgraded my desktop to 10.10. All seemed to go fine. The computer then prompted for a reboot, and on rebooting it boots to the shell prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Prompt To Import From XP?

Oct 15, 2010

v10.10 installed fine on my laptop (dual boot with XP) but why is there no prompt to import documents and settings from Win XP?

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Ubuntu :: Disable The Keyring Prompt In 10.04?

Dec 9, 2010

How do you disable the keyring prompt in 10.04

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Ubuntu :: How To Edit In A Command Prompt

Dec 18, 2010

i somehow managed to mess up my install of 10.10 I used the alternate AMD 64 install so now when I login it is only a text prompt. This leads me to believe that I am running in Ubuntu Server. I read this article:

[URL] but my network is not setup!! So I tried to do this: [URL] but when I get to:


sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

I dont realy know how to edit the file.I basicaly see


# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu :: Possible To Change Login Prompt?

Dec 19, 2010

I managed to change the background by copying over a new image file to some directory. However, there is still the big boring login window. Is there any way to change that? I'd like something darker, and smaller. I copied over the image file to /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png My image file was actually a jpeg file, but copying it over to /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png posed no problems.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt After Install

Jan 6, 2011

Just got done installing U 10.1 into my old Dell desktop. Since I'm pretty darn new at Linux, I'll do my best to explain. Upon selecting Ubuntu to boot, I get a 'grub>' prompt, much like C: in DOS. But, at this point, I haven't the slightest idea of what to do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Getting New Login Prompt?

Apr 30, 2011

I am not getting the new login prompt that allows you to select classic. I still get the same login prompt i had on 10.10. How do i correct that?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Password Prompt With 11.04?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there a way to getting around not having to put in the user password everytime my Wireless connects, or Install software, etc? I changed the user role to Administrator under users from the control panel (x Windows user )

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Ubuntu :: Change Login Prompt

Jul 6, 2011

This might be simple but i am unable to find an answer anyplace online. How do you change the terminal login prompt on a Ubuntu server?Right now when you go to log into the server it displays:<old_servername> login:

I would like it to just display login without the server name or the new server name. I am not sure how that info go in the login prompt to begin.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt After Upgrade To 11.04?

Jul 19, 2011

I am a casual user of Ubuntu, which is installed in a vmware virtual machine. After upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04, and after the reboot, it just booted up to a grub prompt.

I found a useful post about resolving this problem here: [URL]

The sequence of grub shell commands to be entered are these: set root=(hdX,Y) linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdZ ro initrd /initrd.img bootwhere the X, Y, and Z are replaced with appropriate letters/numbers.

The problem that I am having is that TAB is not completing the commands at the grub shell, thus I have no idea what the letters/numbers to use.

My installation is completely generic - I have not customized it in any way. check their vmware/Ubuntu system and let me know what letters/numbers to use.

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General :: Change Bash Prompt On Ubuntu?

Feb 2, 2011

I have one account on an Ubuntu server with the correct PS1 variable and I want to make one of my other accounts on the same server have the same PS1 variable, so that my prompt on this new account (when I ssh into the machine) is the same as the original account.

Is there a way that I can pass this PS1 variable between accounts so the prompt is the same?

I have tried printing it out, copying the output, and then reassigning it to PS1 on the new account, but it just doesn't work.

Here is what is printed when I type echo $PS1:

[e]0;u@h: wa]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}[�33[01;32m]u@h[�33[00m]:[�33[01;34m]w[�33[00m]$

I want to assign that prompt (shown above) to my new account.

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