Ubuntu Installation :: After Few Updates - Started Crashing

Jan 19, 2010

First said is the fact that I used Ubuntu 8.04 for over a year, alone on my PC, and there were no problems.
Few days ago I formated my PC, installed Win xp and immediately after I installed Ubuntu 8.04 from CD side by side with Win xp.

For few days everything worked more or less fine, but after few updates Ubuntu started crashing. The only way that I can work with Ubuntu is by choosing in the login menu something that is called Failsafe Gnome startup. If I choose this option everything works fine. I must add that I made no changes to my hardware except the fact that now I have Win xp installed with my Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Has Just Started Crashing (Logs Inside)?

Jun 21, 2010

Computer has Just Started Crashing (Logs inside)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Installation Keeps Crashing On Updates?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm very new to Linux and Ubuntu (about 2 days) and am having a hard time getting Ubuntu to work. I'm not completely sure that I'm posting in the right forum since I have several issues. I can't tell what's causing what.

I'm using the wubi installer for version 10.10 (i386 - 32 bit). I have an AMD 64-bit, but the wubi installer for that only crashes when I try to boot it the very first time. I get a blank screen and my tower is silent. Version 10.04 does the same. Version 10.10 is the only one that gets me somewhere.

So, I installed ndiswrapper and the proper driver for my USB adapter. Now I have 2 main problems:
1). the most relevant to this board is that when I use the update manager to get all 135 updates, I'm prompted to reboot to complete the installation. When I do that, i get the same blank screen and silent tower treatment. Oddly enough however, when I went back to windows, uninstalled ubuntu, then reinstalled it again using wubi, the update manager said that I already updated an hour ago (!?!?.. I assume it's still reading the old files from the previous install attempt). Unfortunately I messed it up anyway trying to fix my second problem...

2). my internet connection fails here and there. I don't know if it's ndiswrapper or the driver or what. Once it fails, it won't reconnect. I have to go into ndiswrapper, delete the current driver and reinstall it. This has happened to me while on the internet (scouring these forums) and while downloading the updates and whenever it feels like it.

Also, the system does freeze up on me here and there as well. Sometimes when I'm using ndiswrapper. Sometimes when I'm authenticating myself. Sometimes in update manager and sometimes in synaptic. Right now it's working. But I haven't updated yet and I'm afraid to try.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Started Freezing Randomly After Last Updates

Feb 23, 2010

What's even weirder is it unlocks when I press power on my desktop. When it freezes, I have several windows opened, and I'm switching between windows. I can still move the mouse, but cant click anywhere. Cant select anything yet there are still cursors flashing (text editor or terminal). The only thing that will unfreeze everything is the signal from pressing power (not rebooting, just quickly pressing power).
Processor: I7
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250] (rev a2)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - System Crashing While Unattended After Updates

Aug 27, 2010

I've been running 10.04 on an old tower for a few weeks now. I've updated the software with no problems. Yesterday I let Update Manager go ahead with installing some updates. Now, the computer will crash while unattended. The screen stays off, and the machine doesn't respond to pings. I've found nothing of use in the syslog. The display going to sleep isn't the trigger, as it will turn off and come back before the issue presents. It seems to occur after 15 minutes or so of idle activity. Also, after an update a couple weeks ago, linux-headers and linux-image won't install cleanly. I'm going to try disabling power saving features to see if it continues occurring.

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OpenSUSE :: Kdenlive 1.7.8 Crashing Since 11.3 Updates

Oct 31, 2010

I am working for a small company editing video's with kdenlive

After updating my system to opensuse 11.3 and upgrading kdenlive to 0.7.8 I am unable to open my previous project files without kdenlive crashing.

I am using kdenlive 0.7.8-1.pm.1.1-x86-64 from packman 11.3 and my kdebase library is 4.4.4..1-5 from opensuse.

This is the output from calling kdenlive when it crashes.

Is this an issue with kdenlive or is it an issue with my system configuration. I am using premiere as a backup, but I much prefer kdenlive ...

video@linux-z616:~> kdenlive
File given: true
Color mode changed to 0
File given: true


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Ubuntu :: Desktop Environment Wont Load After Hard-Crashing During Software Updates

Jun 19, 2010

During a software update the machine froze for a long time, I had no choice but to hard-crash (hold the power button to shutdown) starting up again I can get to the login screen and log in but there is no desktop environment visible, just a mouse pointer (which can be moved about) on a blank screen. I'm using Karmic Koala with Gnome (I am relatively new to Linux, I am essentially using the default package)

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In KDE When Started By Startx While Working Fine When Started By Kdm/gdm

Dec 14, 2010

I recently installed KDE in my ubuntu 10.10. To access KDE, I want to use
startx /usr/bin/startkdeBut using it disables sound in KDE (Sound is working fine in GNOME). It doesn't sound for anything like login sound, totem, mplayer or any other playerBut when I press Alt+Ctrl+F1 to change to virtual console, the playback resumes from where it was in time and when coming back Alt+Ctrl+F7 and the time in totem (or any other player) doesn't move. While log out also it doesn't play logout sound and doesn't logout, so I have to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 so that logout sound play then it exits.When starting KDE by kdm or gdm, the sound works normally. But I don't want to login again using kdm or gdm and not to use root user to start kdm or gdm.I don't know what is the difference between when KDE is started by startx or by kdm/gdm where the same user login in kdm/gdm as that for startx

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Updates Returns To Main Window Without Installing Updates

Mar 24, 2011

For some reason Update Manager is not installing updates as of yesterday.I have it set to check daily and notify if updates are available. It has been working without issues for well over a year now.

Update Manager tells me updates are available and presents the list of security, recommended, and other updates. All are selected to update, but when I select Install Updates in Update Manager it returns with a Reading Package Information window overlaid on the main Update Manager window - building dependency tree then reading state information and dumps me back to the main Update Manager window without performing any update actions.

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Ubuntu :: The Installation Started, But Then Lost The Internet Connection, And The Installation Stopped?

Dec 17, 2010

I recently bougt an Asus N61DA with Windows 7. I decided to install Ubuntu alongside Windows, so I made the Ubuntu CD, just like it said. Then I inserted the CD and restarted the computer. I started the installer (ubuntu 10.10 64-bit) and chose the option where it says "install ubuntu alongside other operating systems", or something like that. So, the installation started, but then I lost the internet connection, and the installation stopped.I re-connected the computer, but the installation still wouldn't continue. I restarted the computer and then nothing happened. I've restarted it several times, but still nothing happens. I've inserted the Windows recovery CD, but it doesn't work

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Installation Crashes Before It Even Gets Started

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to install Ubuntu Netbook installation on my Netbook using a USB stick. I boot the system from the USB drive and the page loads then says, "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again. Then it loads a desktop with nothing on the screen except the mouse cursor and the background.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re-installation - Updgrade Crashed - Errors With Unity Crashing Every Time When Open A Terminal

May 18, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04, but the updgrade crashed, and now it has some errors with Unity crashing every time I open a terminal. Is there any way to re-install without having to reconfigure all my programs? I am running a dual-boot.

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Debian Installation :: Getting Started From USB Boot

Jul 23, 2010

I'm working from the set of Debian instructions following this post. I have saved the correct image file to my USB flash drive per the instructions for Intel x86. I've got a Celeron HP, 512 RAM, 1.3 Ghz processor, XP Home SP3. After saving file to USB flash drive, I extract file and a single boot file then appears next to zip folder. I tried extracting by command: # zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdX and that does not work; not recognized or something (I'm going from memory). Command line is C:/User/Docs and Settings or such, no option for G: drive in Command line, if that helps. I am no Command line pro. Got there by Accessories/ Command line. (Is this the same thing as Start/Run/msconfig, dnsflush etc?)So since I can't extract with Command line it follows that the "mount" instructions don't work for me either: mount /dev/sdX /mnt. So I just re-booted with USB drive in, and pressed Del and Esc alternately like a madman for about 5 boots, but does not open in BIOS; instead Windows opens normally.

I know my way around a little PHP/MySQL/Javascript libraries, but if the Linux world is this difficult at the outset, I can only imagine the nightmare I'm in for if I succeed in getting my system converted--which is what I would want to do--not set up partitions, etc. There is an all-in-one file hd-media/boot.img.gz which contains all the installer files (including the kernel) as well as syslinux and its configuration file.Note that, although convenient, this method does have one major disadvantage: the logical size of the device will be limited to 256 MB, even if the capacity of the USB stick is larger. You will need to repartition the USB stick and create new file systems to get its full capacity back if you ever want to use it for some different purpose. A second disadvantage is that you cannot copy a full CD image onto the USB stick, but only the smaller businesscard or netinst CD images.After that, mount the USB memory stick (mount /dev/sdX /mnt), which will now have a FAT filesystem on it, and copy a Debian netinst or businesscard ISO image to it. Unmount the stick (umount /mnt) and you are done.

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Fedora Installation :: After Update To FC11 - Yum Can Not Be Started

Jun 16, 2009

when I try to run yum I get this:


There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the

current version of Python, which is:
2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

how am I supposed to install a package without my package manager?

I can't install software via System/Administration as well.

It's so weird that I can't find any threads about this, apparently I'm the only one with this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Started To Crash Randomly And Led To Kernel Panics

Aug 2, 2011

A while ago, when I was using Maverick, Firefox started to crash randomly and led to kernel panics.

So I upgraded to Natty (clean install) and Firefox there too crashed.

Then I was getting graphics and make problems.

Today I tried to install Fedora 15. It first boots to a Live desktop that warned me that my hard drive had 65000+ bad sectors. Sixty-five thousand.

So I got a new one. A WD Scorpio Black, 750GB 7200RPM with Advanced Format.

Again I boot into Fedora 15. OK, no bad sectors. I tried to run Disk Utility Self Tests but it constantly crashed. Fedora warns you about this.

In the Live session, I opened Firefox. It also crashed just like back in Ubuntu. Then the screen flashes black and got warnings after warnings that a kernel module has crashed.

So I took out my old Maverick installation CD and first tried a Live session. However, Disk Utility told me that SMART is not supported while on Fedora, it was.

So I tried to install. But soon after that, I got a warning that the installer has crashed because a file copied to the disk did not match the file on CD. Right now I am in the Maverick Live session.

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General :: Debian 6.0.1a Installation Failed / Grub Tried To Read The CD But Than Started Ubuntu OS?

Mar 27, 2011

I'am using Ubuntu 10.10, and wish to install a Debian OS.I downloaded the file "debian-6.0.1a-amd64-netinst.iso.(My motherboard is a 945CG-F7 with INTEL PENTIUM DUAL CPU E2160)I recorded the file on CD as "iso" (following instructions from Internet).Grub tried to read the CD but than started Ubuntu OS.

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Fedora Installation :: Hard Disk Installation - Documentation Keeps Crashing

Oct 10, 2009

How to install either Fedora 11 or 12 from the hard disk of this old ragged laptop? USB or CD installation are not an option, and since the documentation keeps crashing and I stagger saliently in the messy script that is hid behind the windows interface runtime gimmick, I would like to know which switches would make the rebooting operation take to reckognizing the linux package?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Games Crashing As Soon As They Start?

Jan 6, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my netbook, and the preinstalled games work fine. But every game I've tried to install, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, and Freedoom, specifically, crashes. I haven't tried any other ones because of this. They will start, and then I'll get to the main menu and choose to start a new game, and then the game just closes.

All the drivers are updated as of a couple weeks ago. I read something about disabling screen savers and desktop effects, but I already have all that done. Somebody also mentioning installing caffeine, but apparently, that just automatically does the same thing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Custom.conf Causes Crashing In 10.04

May 6, 2010

I just installed Edubuntu 10.04 and Its crashed on me twice already (by comparison, I lost 8.10 only four or five times during the entire year and a half I was using it). The monitor goes blank, then produces odd color schemes and then loses the signal altogether, eventually rebooting. It seems to be somehow connected to a non-existent /etc/gdm/custom.conf file. Here's the output from syslog:

May 5 21:16:44 rishon kernel: [ 9036.624038] [drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung
May 5 21:16:44 rishon kernel: [ 9036.624057] render error detected, EIR: 0x00000000


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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Keeps Crashing In Firefox?

May 5, 2011

Since the upgrade to 11.04 on my 32-bit Toshiba laptop I have found Flash crashes everytime and all the time when using my browser - Firefox

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Debian Installation :: Etch Install Just Started Warning About Untrusted Versions

Mar 17, 2010

I'm doing a fully automated install of Etch, installing the standard system task. I'm using PXE boot with a preseed file.

I do this a lot, and I've not had problems before. This morning, it's stuck at 5% on "Select and install software" saying "Please wait...". The log on console #4 says:

WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!


Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?

I installed a system yesterday without any problems, so I wonder if there's a recent problem with the mirrors I'm using. My /target/etc/apt/sources.list contains:

deb [url]
deb [url]

So it looks like either the UK mirror or security.debian.org.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audacious Keeps Crashing On Fresh Installation

Sep 13, 2010

I have a pretty fresh install of Ubuntu with Audacious 2.4 RC2 installed. For the first few days it ran fine, since Saturday it keeps crashing literally 1-2 seconds after opening it.

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Installation :: Ubuntu 10.10 Fglrx Constantly Crashing / Revert It To 10.04?

Dec 1, 2010

i have a multi-monitor setup running two ati radeon 4870 cards.

after upgrading to 10.10 from 10.04 fglrx is constantly crashing. it works with some applications such as the browsers chrome, firefox and other applications such as nautilus but if i try to view videos or even open another application i use often keepassx it will crash to a terminal screen.

ubuntu 10.10 is very unusable in this current state, is there a way i can easily revert to 10.04? i have tried the ubuntu provided driver after fully purging fglrx as well as the one provided by ati and to no luck.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Installation Has Been Crashing A Lot With Random Stack Traces

Jul 29, 2011

My ubuntu 11.04 installation has been crashing a lot with random stack traces. Has anyone some idea on what these means? I have attached the stacktrace with this post

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Fedora Installation :: Gnome3 In 15 Failed To Load And Started In The Fall Back Mode?

May 25, 2011

I am installing fedora 15 in vmware 7.1.4.It tells me "Gnome3 failed to load and started in the fall back mode" when accessed in live-cd.Ever since fedora 15 beta or any other distros take gnome3 as default destop,I haven't experienced a beautiful normal gnome3

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Ubuntu Installation :: UNR And Skype - Eeepc 901 - Always Crashing And Running Slow

Apr 8, 2010

Last year I installed UNR on my 7yr old daughter eeepc901. It came with XP Home but was always crashing and running slow. Since all she needed it for was browsing childrens sites and the odd email from myself i decided to put something better on there and in the end choose UNR.

Its been running great for, However I have now taken a new where I am now based in Germany. I have set her up with a skype acct and last night we managed a video call for a couple of minuets although I couldnt hear her very well (couldnt figure out how to get her to turn the volume on up her Mic) When I first set skype up i set it to auto login which when ever I used the laptop to test it worked fine.

However as I am now in Germany and not able to really help with the settings The first thing I thought of doing was to upgrade the version of skype her laptop is running. So I can go to skype and downlaod 2.1 beta 2 for linux would this be the correct version?

Also what I need is a set of instructions that I can give to either my 7yr old daughter or her mother (daughter is probably the better of the two with computers)
on how to install the new version. Mum is used to windows where she just double clicks an .exe file and follows the prompts.

Also where would I need them to look in order to get them to turn the mic volume up?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Claws Mail Crashing When Loading Plugin

Sep 29, 2010

I have the newest ubuntu version (64Bit) with claws mail 3.7.4. When I click:
And select the python plugin, claws crashes as soon as I clock ok.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Crashing / Freezing After New Install

Feb 16, 2011

I have a fresh install of Maverick on a Toshiba r700 laptop PT310A-05N011. I am experiencing constant freezing. The computer will without warning completely freeze. Can not move the mouse or even drop to a tty shell. After about 5 seconds the fan will spin up to full speed. I then have to do a hard shutdown. Every time this has happened i have been connected up to a wireless network with firefox open while actively surfing the net. This issue did not happen before I installed the wireless driver (Broadcomm proprietary, downloaded through ubuntu Additional Drivers).

I'm not sure how relevant that is though as 90% of what i do on this laptop is surfing and i installed the driver a few hours after install. This freezing does not happen in windows 7 and I have left it running prime95 overnight once in both 7 and ubuntu without error. Does anyone know what this may be, how i might resolve it or steps I can take to diagnose it, logs i can check?

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Error Gnome 3 Failed To Start Properly And Started In Fallback Mode?

Aug 13, 2011

i have installed Fedora 15 from USB and it error


GNOME 3 Failed to Load
Unfortunately GNOME 3 failed to start properly and started in the fallback mode.This most likely means your system (graphics hardware or driver) is not capable of delivering the full GNOME 3 experience.

.The interface is now Gnome 2. I have not change screen resolution 1280�720, now is 1024x768.

Result of xrandr -q


xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1024x768 0.0*

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Install On Dell E5520 Crashing

Jul 18, 2011

I've just been given my new dell E5520 laptop. I stuck in the f15 DVD and booted. After selecting install I get the usual boot screen then it stops with trace errors. I have heard of some issue with linux and new latops but cant find where I got this from.

I would copy them onto here but have no idea how to get the info of the laptop. If there are any specific items needed let me know and I will type them in. This is going to be very annoying and I dont what to use the windows 7 thats on it.

Just for info I have just booted linux mint 11 and that booted and loaded ok. I will try and take a pic of the fedora error

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