Debian Installation :: Getting Started From USB Boot

Jul 23, 2010

I'm working from the set of Debian instructions following this post. I have saved the correct image file to my USB flash drive per the instructions for Intel x86. I've got a Celeron HP, 512 RAM, 1.3 Ghz processor, XP Home SP3. After saving file to USB flash drive, I extract file and a single boot file then appears next to zip folder. I tried extracting by command: # zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdX and that does not work; not recognized or something (I'm going from memory). Command line is C:/User/Docs and Settings or such, no option for G: drive in Command line, if that helps. I am no Command line pro. Got there by Accessories/ Command line. (Is this the same thing as Start/Run/msconfig, dnsflush etc?)So since I can't extract with Command line it follows that the "mount" instructions don't work for me either: mount /dev/sdX /mnt. So I just re-booted with USB drive in, and pressed Del and Esc alternately like a madman for about 5 boots, but does not open in BIOS; instead Windows opens normally.

I know my way around a little PHP/MySQL/Javascript libraries, but if the Linux world is this difficult at the outset, I can only imagine the nightmare I'm in for if I succeed in getting my system converted--which is what I would want to do--not set up partitions, etc. There is an all-in-one file hd-media/boot.img.gz which contains all the installer files (including the kernel) as well as syslinux and its configuration file.Note that, although convenient, this method does have one major disadvantage: the logical size of the device will be limited to 256 MB, even if the capacity of the USB stick is larger. You will need to repartition the USB stick and create new file systems to get its full capacity back if you ever want to use it for some different purpose. A second disadvantage is that you cannot copy a full CD image onto the USB stick, but only the smaller businesscard or netinst CD images.After that, mount the USB memory stick (mount /dev/sdX /mnt), which will now have a FAT filesystem on it, and copy a Debian netinst or businesscard ISO image to it. Unmount the stick (umount /mnt) and you are done.

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Debian Installation :: Etch Install Just Started Warning About Untrusted Versions

Mar 17, 2010

I'm doing a fully automated install of Etch, installing the standard system task. I'm using PXE boot with a preseed file.

I do this a lot, and I've not had problems before. This morning, it's stuck at 5% on "Select and install software" saying "Please wait...". The log on console #4 says:

WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!


Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?

I installed a system yesterday without any problems, so I wonder if there's a recent problem with the mirrors I'm using. My /target/etc/apt/sources.list contains:

deb [url]
deb [url]

So it looks like either the UK mirror or

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General :: Debian 6.0.1a Installation Failed / Grub Tried To Read The CD But Than Started Ubuntu OS?

Mar 27, 2011

I'am using Ubuntu 10.10, and wish to install a Debian OS.I downloaded the file "debian-6.0.1a-amd64-netinst.iso.(My motherboard is a 945CG-F7 with INTEL PENTIUM DUAL CPU E2160)I recorded the file on CD as "iso" (following instructions from Internet).Grub tried to read the CD but than started Ubuntu OS.

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In KDE When Started By Startx While Working Fine When Started By Kdm/gdm

Dec 14, 2010

I recently installed KDE in my ubuntu 10.10. To access KDE, I want to use
startx /usr/bin/startkdeBut using it disables sound in KDE (Sound is working fine in GNOME). It doesn't sound for anything like login sound, totem, mplayer or any other playerBut when I press Alt+Ctrl+F1 to change to virtual console, the playback resumes from where it was in time and when coming back Alt+Ctrl+F7 and the time in totem (or any other player) doesn't move. While log out also it doesn't play logout sound and doesn't logout, so I have to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 so that logout sound play then it exits.When starting KDE by kdm or gdm, the sound works normally. But I don't want to login again using kdm or gdm and not to use root user to start kdm or gdm.I don't know what is the difference between when KDE is started by startx or by kdm/gdm where the same user login in kdm/gdm as that for startx

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Ubuntu :: Getting Started With Dual Boot

May 11, 2011

I have never touched Linux. Always been intrigued, but never toyed around with it until now. So please bear with me. I normally run Windows 7 Pro but would like to dual boot Ubuntu. I have installed Ubuntu 11.4 with Wubi 4-5 times, and it starts out fine, and then stops working on me. I tried recreating it to see what was causing the problem, but with no avail. The problem it has is as soon as I pick Ubuntu from the GRUB it boots to some sort of bootup (non GUI) and gets to a point where it says something about a system audit, and never loads from there. The only way to fix it is to uninstall Ubuntu (through Add/Remove Programs) and reinstall.

I am not in a place where I can partition drives or anything like that. I do not care so much about using Wubi, but either that, or help booting from a USB would work fine for my needs.

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Ubuntu :: Cups Not Starting On Boot \ Manually Started?

Feb 26, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10, and every time the computer starts, cups does not appear to be running. I have to run the following from the command line:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups start
After cups is started, printing works fine. Does anyone know how I can get cups to start on it's own when the computer boots?

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Ubuntu :: Deluged And Deluge-web Started At Boot But Not Under Root

Mar 26, 2010

i want deluged and deluge-web started at boot but not under root. So that all downloaded files are owned by not root, but user sm I made a script /etc/init.d/m


#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/m
case "$1" in


but it doesn't start, why?

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Fedora :: Unable To Get Computer To Boot Under CUI And The Command 'start X' Started The GUI

Feb 17, 2010

I remember a friend of mine was able to get my computer to boot under CUI, and the command 'start x' started the GUI. with booting up my computer through CUI.

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General :: Radius Has Started In Debugging Mode Upon Boot And Cannot Login

Oct 11, 2010

I have created a Radius startup script in /etc/init.d for Debian which looks like this:

Now this works but when I boot my server it shows as ready to process requests and it doesnt login. I cant get a login prompt. If I do a CTRL C to try close this it doesnt work and just shows CTRL C on the screen, I can type in kill radius but nothing happens.

I guess its because my script is in debugging mode, most of the suggestions for a script said I should use:

However the radiusd a doesnt work and if I try to run using command radiusd in it comes up and says invalid command and I dont have the option to use

So if this script runs on my server, I could connect to the server through a putty session via port 22 and log on fine and do what I need too, but if I try to connect to the server directly after boot its just sitting on ready to process requests and I cannot do anything when directly at the server. On one particular server I didnt have the network confg right so I couldnt putty to it and now Im a bit stuck. Will I need to rebuild my server? As I canït break out of this ready to process requests and I cannot login as its just sitting there, I have tried connecting through serial management via my laptop but I cant do anything this way either the only way I could do anything was if I could get through to the server on putty.

There must be a way when directly at the server to cancel the radius and get logged in? As Ive mentioned CTRL C doesnt work. I can get to the ok prompt but not sure what command to use and if I could change the network config at the ok prompt or if I could somehow cancel the startup script at the ok prompt? I thought I could use the init commands to start the server without the script starting but the init commands don�t work and the server just sits there.

Also I guess I shouldnt be using radius X in my startup script, to prevent this problem is there something else I should be using? I tried using radius x (the small x) and I hit enter and then no process for radius starts .

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Ubuntu :: Installing Nvidia - Started In Failsave Graphics Each Fresh Boot

Mar 16, 2011

Sometime back my Nvidia card blew up and I had to order a new one -problem was I had to run in Failsave graphics. If you have not change /etc/X11/xorg.conf and have not install any graphics drivers,


I started in Failsave graphics each fresh boot. New Nvidia card arrived today and installed but I cannot loaded the drivers. System/Admin/Additional Drivers tells me I have the Recommended Driver installed but when I go System/Admin/Nvidia Server Settings I'm informed You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. I open terminal as root and type nvidia-xconfig and I get:


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Debian Configuration :: Can't Get Started From Grub Anymore

May 2, 2011

Installed Debian 6 last night after using Ubuntu for close to 3 years. Couldn't believe how wonderful everything was put together and working, with some minor beginning glitches (like nvidea 3D drivers not working) which were to be expected.

But now I'm sitting back in Ubuntu because I can't get Debian started from Grub anymore. The Grub menu is still there and the selections work fine too. I honestly have no idea what caused this. Last thing I was doing in Debian took place in the Software Center where I was installing some GTK+ themes and looking for some general utilities. I did find a Boot Logo/Login changer, at least that's what I think it was, and when I clicked on install ... I received a message that that application was already installed (must have been by default or through synaptic perhaps).

Anyway, as soon as that message cleared out, perhaps 2 or 3 seconds later the screen crashed and everything went black ... I'm assuming that the xerver crashed. Did a CTRL, ALT, DEL which successfully restarted the system. Got back to the grub menu, selected Debian, and got the black screen again with a login for a user, followed by the password request. Knowing next to nothing about Debian I was obviously stuck at that point. Then I tried the recovery console, and exactly the same thing happened.

Rebooted again, got back into the recovery console, and this time, after adding my user name and password, used CTRL + D which caused a ton of text to appear on the black screen. Near the end of it came a FAILURE message ...

Startpar: service(s) returned failure: gdomap failed:

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Ubuntu :: The Installation Started, But Then Lost The Internet Connection, And The Installation Stopped?

Dec 17, 2010

I recently bougt an Asus N61DA with Windows 7. I decided to install Ubuntu alongside Windows, so I made the Ubuntu CD, just like it said. Then I inserted the CD and restarted the computer. I started the installer (ubuntu 10.10 64-bit) and chose the option where it says "install ubuntu alongside other operating systems", or something like that. So, the installation started, but then I lost the internet connection, and the installation stopped.I re-connected the computer, but the installation still wouldn't continue. I restarted the computer and then nothing happened. I've restarted it several times, but still nothing happens. I've inserted the Windows recovery CD, but it doesn't work

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Debian :: LibreOffice Start Error - The Application Cannot Be Started

Jan 27, 2011

I want to use LibreOffice but I keep getting an error every time I try to open any office application.

The error is : The application cannot be started. [context="bundled"] caught unexpected exception!

I installed the .debs the first time and thought it might be wiser to install it from the experimental repos.So I reinstalled but there's no difference,I keep getting the error.

I reinstalled and found that the same error is caused by the installation for the dictionaries.I removed those but the error is still present.

I've seen people post this error on some forums except context=user and not bundle.However,it seems those were Windows 7 machines and that it's a 64 bit bug.

I'm also running the 64 bit version.

Also,if I try to install the desktop-integration .debs I get another error ( that is,if I remove the dictionaries,otherwise the installation runs just fine ) :

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Debian Multimedia :: Lxmusic Hides After Started Playing?

Jul 14, 2010

How do I control lxmusic?

It hides the gui interface after I select a music to play -- then I can't pretty much do something about controlling it. It just plays and plays --

What do I do to control it?

I already check the preference and the continue playing and hides is unchecked already.

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Debian :: Make A Script Run When X Is Started To Set The Desktop Background Using Xloadimage

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to make a script run when x is started (to set the desktop background using xloadimage, run xcompmgr, and make one change with xmodmap [I suspect there is a better way to change this]). The wiki says (on the subject of .xinitrc) "If you want the script to be called when ever an X Session is started, then you should instead use ~/.xsession" I had no default ~/.xsession file. I believed that it would be checked for, so created a minimal file

touch /home/user/this-script-ran
exec /usr/bin/xmonad
and gave it executable permissions (744).
"allow-user-xsession" is present in /etc/X11/Xsession.options.
However, ~/.xsession does not run when x starts.

1) Should I be using something other than .xsession for this?

2) If not, how do I enable it? Or am I making some error that prevents it from running?

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Fedora Installation :: After Update To FC11 - Yum Can Not Be Started

Jun 16, 2009

when I try to run yum I get this:


There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the

current version of Python, which is:
2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

how am I supposed to install a package without my package manager?

I can't install software via System/Administration as well.

It's so weird that I can't find any threads about this, apparently I'm the only one with this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Few Updates - Started Crashing

Jan 19, 2010

First said is the fact that I used Ubuntu 8.04 for over a year, alone on my PC, and there were no problems.
Few days ago I formated my PC, installed Win xp and immediately after I installed Ubuntu 8.04 from CD side by side with Win xp.

For few days everything worked more or less fine, but after few updates Ubuntu started crashing. The only way that I can work with Ubuntu is by choosing in the login menu something that is called Failsafe Gnome startup. If I choose this option everything works fine. I must add that I made no changes to my hardware except the fact that now I have Win xp installed with my Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Installation Crashes Before It Even Gets Started

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to install Ubuntu Netbook installation on my Netbook using a USB stick. I boot the system from the USB drive and the page loads then says, "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again. Then it loads a desktop with nothing on the screen except the mouse cursor and the background.

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Debian Multimedia :: Why Every Time Started Gnome / Update-manager Show Error Icon?

Sep 16, 2010

why, every time I started gnome, update-manager show me the error icon?seems like there are errors but if I lunch apt-get update or aptitude update it works great.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Has Just Started Crashing (Logs Inside)?

Jun 21, 2010

Computer has Just Started Crashing (Logs inside)?

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Debian Installation :: 2.6.32-5-amd64 Boot Fails - How To Make It Boot

May 27, 2011

My old computer started randomly rebooting so I went out yesterday and bought a new one. It's a standard Intel 64 architecture with 2gb ram etc.The old computer was running Lenny however I'm happy to upgrade, so I just went to the main Debian download site and downloaded:debian-6.0.1a-ia64.netinst.iso (this didn't work, apparently ia64 is for itanium and my machine is definitely not that), so I downloaded: debian-6.0.1a-amd64-netinst.iso, burnt the CD and ran the install. First time through I had a power failure.

Second time through (a complete fresh start - new partition and everything) it went all the way through to completion and reboot.Clicked 'Continue' to reboot and the machine reset as it would normally and the Grub loader started okay, prompted for the "Debian amd64" standard boot image, selected that and the first 6 lines appeared normal, then the messages wizzed by so fast that only superman could read them. Then they stop - here is some of the content...

[3.816673] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to killl init!
Call trace:


Running it again I get similar stack stuff but it's a different place: [3.541816], [3.427502] And sometimes if I wait for a minute or two it will continue on further but appear to crash again. Hardware details (everything is onboard - no added cards):

Intel G41 + ICH7 chipsets
CPU: LGA 775 for Intel Core 2 Extreme


Is the amd64 the wrong image? Should I try i386? Is it a blip and I should just rerun the entire install again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Started To Crash Randomly And Led To Kernel Panics

Aug 2, 2011

A while ago, when I was using Maverick, Firefox started to crash randomly and led to kernel panics.

So I upgraded to Natty (clean install) and Firefox there too crashed.

Then I was getting graphics and make problems.

Today I tried to install Fedora 15. It first boots to a Live desktop that warned me that my hard drive had 65000+ bad sectors. Sixty-five thousand.

So I got a new one. A WD Scorpio Black, 750GB 7200RPM with Advanced Format.

Again I boot into Fedora 15. OK, no bad sectors. I tried to run Disk Utility Self Tests but it constantly crashed. Fedora warns you about this.

In the Live session, I opened Firefox. It also crashed just like back in Ubuntu. Then the screen flashes black and got warnings after warnings that a kernel module has crashed.

So I took out my old Maverick installation CD and first tried a Live session. However, Disk Utility told me that SMART is not supported while on Fedora, it was.

So I tried to install. But soon after that, I got a warning that the installer has crashed because a file copied to the disk did not match the file on CD. Right now I am in the Maverick Live session.

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Debian Installation :: Boot Jessie Without Legacy Boot

Nov 8, 2015

I've been using linux distros on my desktop forever, and got a windows 10 laptop recently. I want to dual-boot debain (jessie), so I installed it and it worked fine. Unfortunately, I have to enable Legacy mode in BIOS to boot into my grub then linux machine. Is there a way I can have my computer boot without legacy boot?

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Debian Installation :: Installed Dual Boot 6 RC2 / No Boot At All

Apr 17, 2011

Before the installation, I had triple boot of WinXP, Win 7, Ubuntu 10.10. As you can guess, the main boot-loader was grub. The second is Win 7 boot loader, and there it gives the option what to choose, load XP or Win 7.I made a decision to remove Ubuntu and install Debian(you know better than me why I did). So first, I searched a guide how to un-dual-boot. It told me to delete the two partition that Ubuntu use(swap and ext4) and write to MBR the win 7 boot-loader(using EasyBCD), so I delete them and use EeasyBCD. At this stage, I had 2 partitions: NTFS for XP and NTFS for Win 7, and the Win 7 boot-loader(and XP) worked pretty well.I install the latest testing of Debian(6 RC2) from DVD1 using this guide, except I choose to use the graphical installer, ext4(not ext3 as there), install the desktop environment, and choose to install grub(even know it didn't asked me). The swap partition I set is 3 GB because my RAM is 2 GB, even know that ubuntu set it in the past to 2 GB.The installation went pretty well, just when come to grub package, it says that there was an error with installing grub package(it didn't told me what), I had no choice, so I choose to skip over grub/lilo and finish with no boot manager. I was thinking to myself: "So I couldn't install grub, at least I have the Win 7 boot-loader(which contain XP loader), and maybe Win 7 boot-loader will recognize Debian too.". But I end up with no boot at all.It told me than when choose not to install boot-manager that I need to load /vmlinuz and give it the parameter root=/dev/sda4(my deb partition).I think that if I could install grub, I could load all my boots("sudo grub update" right?).How can I fix it?

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Fedora Installation :: Gnome3 In 15 Failed To Load And Started In The Fall Back Mode?

May 25, 2011

I am installing fedora 15 in vmware 7.1.4.It tells me "Gnome3 failed to load and started in the fall back mode" when accessed in live-cd.Ever since fedora 15 beta or any other distros take gnome3 as default destop,I haven't experienced a beautiful normal gnome3

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Debian Installation :: Debian 5.0.4 New Install Will Not Read Boot Disk Info

Mar 10, 2010

I down loaded Debian 5.0.4 and burned it to CD (several times I might add till it was right) and now the computer I'm putting it on wont acknowledge it as a boot disk and load. It does not have a problem with my windows cd, which has a crack and the start of all my problems, But not the Debian CD-1 disk. what now? The computer is an IBM thinkpad a22p. Everything works as far as I can tell. But I was going to reinstall Windows and failed in that because of a small crack on the edge of the disk that stopped the install and any hope of accessing the file on the laptop. Microsoft does not support windows xp any longer, you must buy windows 7, but the ibm will not run it due to processor speed and ram limitations. But it will run linux and I'm willing to try it just to get out of microsoft control.

Idon't know what else to do. This is the link to where I downloaded the software ( [URL] ). The others five that i downloaded were on the same page that I got this one. Are there bad files here? Is there a missing file in the disc?

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Error Gnome 3 Failed To Start Properly And Started In Fallback Mode?

Aug 13, 2011

i have installed Fedora 15 from USB and it error


GNOME 3 Failed to Load
Unfortunately GNOME 3 failed to start properly and started in the fallback mode.This most likely means your system (graphics hardware or driver) is not capable of delivering the full GNOME 3 experience.

.The interface is now Gnome 2. I have not change screen resolution 1280�720, now is 1024x768.

Result of xrandr -q


xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1024x768 0.0*

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Debian Installation :: Boot Back Into Debian Hanging Up

Jul 11, 2011

I'm not sure if this is the right spot for this pst or not, first on this forum. I just removed Fedora Core 4 from my system and installed Debian Sarge with the 2.6 kernel. I'm a newbie. The install seemed to go fine, after it was done I actually logged in and looked around some. I then restarted to check to make sure that my boot process went ok and I could still get to windows. Worked fine. Then I tried to boot back into Debian. It hung. I rebooted and tried again. Hung again in the same spot.

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Debian Installation :: Samsung Netbook N310 Dual-boot Installation (lenny + Xp)?

Nov 7, 2010

I recently bought a new Samsung netbook N310 and want to install dual-boot Debian lenny along with windows xp home edition. My CPU is like this: Intel Atom CPU N270 1.6GHz which architectures and kernels I should download from the cd installation? there are so many:alpha, amd64, armel, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390, and sparc.

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Debian Installation :: Remove Installation Menu From Windows Boot Manager ?

Aug 1, 2011

I've finished the installation of Debian Squeeze using Installer loader from Windows. But the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I've try to uninstall the "Installer Loader" from Windows and I got an error message about BCDEDIT (if I'm not wrong), during uninstallation process.

I ignore it, and continue the uninstallation process until complete. But, After I reboot my computer, the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I'm using Windows Vista Business SP2.

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