Ubuntu Installation :: Re-installation - Updgrade Crashed - Errors With Unity Crashing Every Time When Open A Terminal
May 18, 2011
I upgraded to 11.04, but the updgrade crashed, and now it has some errors with Unity crashing every time I open a terminal. Is there any way to re-install without having to reconfigure all my programs? I am running a dual-boot.
I am experiencing the same issue, with the same package, as the user from this "solved" thread.URL...My question comes as this... the fix was to change the package name to one without underscores in it. The underscores were changed to tildas. What I don't understand is where I make those changes.Crisnoh said that he tried commenting the package out of the 'file' but that didn't work. However, changing the file name to tildas did... so which file am I supposed to be editing to change these underscores to tildas?
I've got an F10 install on an old IBM machine. I am trying to repartition the hard-drive, but all my fdisk commands in terminal give me errors. I made a DOS boot floppy on another machine so I could do it that way, but when I try to go from A: to C: the computer says I have no hard drive installed.
I am using red hat .I want that when ever the user login in GUI interface the terminal windows automatically open and then the user want to logout it 1st close the terminal and then login. There is a file in #ls -a i.e .bashrc and .bash_logout
i trying to install firefox with the terminal but i Having Problem with the installation [URL]... libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Yesterday I tried upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 using the upgrade manager. About half way through, my computer froze up and the only thing I could do was reboot my computer. It had already finished downloading all the upgrades and the computer froze while it was trying to install the upgrades. When I boot my computer and the Grub screen appears, I chose the Ubuntu OS (I have a dual boot system of Ubuntu and Windows XP). When it goes to boot Ubuntu, it gives me a blank screen and then a box in the right hand corner that says this: "Install problem! The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator."
Then the screen remains blank. No cursor, no mouse pointer, nothing. I have researched this error message and it is either caused by not having any free space on my hard drive or that the upgrade packages weren't installed properly. In my case, it could be both. It is definitely the packages not be installed properly but I don't know how to find out if there is no free space on the hard drive partition for Ubuntu. Some of the solutions are to use the following commands in the terminal: sudo apt-get clean sudo dpkg --configure -a sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop
The last command might cause me to lose previous settings, so that would be a last resort if the first two commands don't work. So my main issue is that I cannot open a terminal. My computer is set up to automatically log in. When my computer boots, I have the Grub screen which allows me to choose the Ubuntu OS, Ubuntu in recovery mode or Windows Xp. However, when I choose Ubuntu in recovery mode and select "c" for the command line, it does not recognize the "sudo" command. Same when I choose the command line in the regular Ubuntu OS. When I type "sudo apt-get clean" (without quotes), it says "Sudo command not found." I cannot find the command lines that would be the equivalent of a "sudo" command to use in recovery mode.
If you hit the TAB key while in the command line of recovery mode, if gives a list of commands but I don't see a way to open up a terminal window. For example, when I type terminal_input, it just says, Active: Console, Available: usb_keyboard." I have also tried selecting the Ubuntu OS, waiting for it to boot and then hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1 but it does not give me a log in screen. I have tried Ctrl+Alt+F2 and Ctrl+Alt+F7 and neither of those give me a log in screen either. It is just a blank screen. No cursor or mouse pointer is visible. All I want is the ability to open up the terminal so I can run "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo dpkg --configure -a".
FrostWire download from the official page, when installing the rpm, not open, try opening the console, I get the same erro that having installed the program as follows
I've tried a couple times to install from a tar.gz file and when i try to compile the source code in the terminal I get this error "tar: bash-4.2.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory" what am I doing wrong? Now when I download the files, I leave themin the down loads folder, do i need to make a new directory? If so how do I do that and how do i call it up when I compile the sopurce?
unfortunaly ububtu 10.10 crashed on both my laptops, and there too old to run 11.04, on my desktop there's ubutnu 10.10, can i backup the files on my desktop and install them on my laptop?
Kmail 1.13.2 Problem on startup, error is from nepomuk, data storage. "cannot find Redland backend, nepomuk is disabled until fixed. Also see the following error from the akonadi console:
100503 10:00:15 [Note] Plugin 'ndbcluster' is disabled. 100503 10:00:15 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 31413862 100503 10:00:15 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without
I decided to upgrade my FC installation to the latest version - FC itself offered the upgrade when I turned the machine on, so it appeared that it was nicely packaged to make the upgrade easy.After a long download of packages, the machine rebooted and then started taking me through configuration options (timezone, disks to use for the installation etc) but then it crashed trying to write to disk and now leaves me at a grub prompt whenever I boot.Is there any way to "get at" the installation files and get back into trying to install or do I now need to download an ISO and burn a DVD and start all over again?
if my network downs my system process get slow down ... only in user mode but in root it is working fine ..the process slow especially if i try to open a terminal or run any gui application its taking much time comparing to normal time where network is up ..
I'm very new to Linux and Ubuntu (about 2 days) and am having a hard time getting Ubuntu to work. I'm not completely sure that I'm posting in the right forum since I have several issues. I can't tell what's causing what.
I'm using the wubi installer for version 10.10 (i386 - 32 bit). I have an AMD 64-bit, but the wubi installer for that only crashes when I try to boot it the very first time. I get a blank screen and my tower is silent. Version 10.04 does the same. Version 10.10 is the only one that gets me somewhere.
So, I installed ndiswrapper and the proper driver for my USB adapter. Now I have 2 main problems: 1). the most relevant to this board is that when I use the update manager to get all 135 updates, I'm prompted to reboot to complete the installation. When I do that, i get the same blank screen and silent tower treatment. Oddly enough however, when I went back to windows, uninstalled ubuntu, then reinstalled it again using wubi, the update manager said that I already updated an hour ago (!?!?.. I assume it's still reading the old files from the previous install attempt). Unfortunately I messed it up anyway trying to fix my second problem...
2). my internet connection fails here and there. I don't know if it's ndiswrapper or the driver or what. Once it fails, it won't reconnect. I have to go into ndiswrapper, delete the current driver and reinstall it. This has happened to me while on the internet (scouring these forums) and while downloading the updates and whenever it feels like it.
Also, the system does freeze up on me here and there as well. Sometimes when I'm using ndiswrapper. Sometimes when I'm authenticating myself. Sometimes in update manager and sometimes in synaptic. Right now it's working. But I haven't updated yet and I'm afraid to try.
How to install either Fedora 11 or 12 from the hard disk of this old ragged laptop? USB or CD installation are not an option, and since the documentation keeps crashing and I stagger saliently in the messy script that is hid behind the windows interface runtime gimmick, I would like to know which switches would make the rebooting operation take to reckognizing the linux package?
I have not used ubuntu yet ; but would like to install the latest 9.10 version on an old Medion pc => Windows (XP) crashed and I bought a new Samsung HD to replace the old one.I found that most of the install "How To's" speak of using Windows to start a cd to install UBUNTU.But what can i do to install this latest version on a "free" HD?Nothing installed.
While upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 using Alternate CD, the OS crashed. I had updated the 9.04 with latest updates and then started the upgradation to 9.10 using a Alternate CD. But after some time, the computer resarted and the screen displayed six line of 9.04 startup line. I waited for ten minutes but nothing happned.
What can be the reason and what should be done in that situation.
I was upgrading to 10.04 through the update manager and my pc froze during the install, and I mean dead stop. It's happened a few times since I've come home from college for the summer, but I thought it was just the game I was playing or something so I wasn't concerned.
Now when I try to boot it gives me errors mounting /media/1 and /media/2 and various other others regarding NTFS (yet linux doesnt use NTFS so I'm confused...). When I hit any button that's not a letter (Esc, Delete, Backspace, etc.) it flashes over to a screen that says 10.04 with 4 dots underneath. Similar to what the loading screen should be, yet obviously not the loading screen.
Is there anyway I can install/upgrade this system through a LiveCD or something similar? I can't boot to Linux at all now, but I can boot to the Windows partition on the same hdd.
A few months ago I did a clean install of the unbuntu desktop which I used to run an internal website. The OS was installed on one hard disk and two other hard disks I setup as a mirrored raid. Now when I start the computer I get a GNU GRUB commandline interface and I can't seem to get my installation up and running again. I've tried some of the suggestions for GRUB issues however I can't even get ls to work (gives me an error).
I am at the point where I don't really care about the OS installation but would desperately like to get the data off the raided disks and also a few files off the boot disk. I can't seem to work out how to do this using a liveCD, if I open the disk utility, select the raid and click "Start RAID array" I get a "Not enough components available to start the raid" error.
For the boot disk the major partition is a Linux LVM partition (and I assume the data I need is on that partition) however I cannot work out how to mount it. I really hope you guys can help me as the information is rather important.
10.10 crashed while installing. Error writing boot loader. I used to have 8.4 on another PC and decided to install 10.10 on this one but the install failed. The error message said a log was at /var/log/syslog and /var /log/partman: but if it didn't install, how/where can I access this log or get 10.10 to install?
I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and upgraded it fully, now when new ubuntu 11.04 came i pressed the upgrade button in the update manager. When download was complete then installation started... At the end of installation ubuntu crashed. Now i don't have it fully installed... Now i can't see desktop or anything.. I just have a Terminal... Is there any way how could i install ubuntu 11.04 missing part on with Terminal i have there.
I was minutes away from finishing my upgrade and the screen went black and the mouse stopped moving. I left it for about 10 minutes to see if it would recover but nothing happened. I had to restart and now I've got nothing, not even a terminal prompt. If I start normally, I get a blinking white cursor (I cannot type) that never goes away and if I try recovery mode It hangs.
I have run 10.04 for some time with no issues. I was presented with the system option to upgrade to 11.04. This I did but the upgrade crashed out halfway through the install process, with a 'too many errors to continue upgrade, system maybe unstable'.
On re-boot I am now presented with;
And the system waits for the selection.
So my question is - how to recover this ?
I can get to a shell (#) and see files on the drive (using ls) so I know the drive hasn't died.
I have Ubuntu 10.04 32bit on two machines and the one my parents has been crashing/having other issues a lot (the other is fine). I build my own PCs, and this one I built for my parents as a budget build as they basically use the internet and upload photos, that's it. It's got an AMD 64 3800+ processor, a GeForce 8400GS, 1 Gig of Corsair DDR2 (this passed 8 hours of memtest), an ASUS M2A-VM mobo and a 320GB WD HDD.
The crashes initially and may still be, GUI/graphics related. The biggest problem is they would boot up the system and there would be no GUI, it just never loaded so they would hard reboot. The other thing that would happen, when it went into screensaver mode, moving the mouse wouldn't bring up the password prompt, it wouldn't do anything just leave a black screen with no mouse, it would lead to a hard restart. These problems initially occurred on an older HDD that used to have windows xp on it that my parents loaded with viruses. Of course that HDD had been reformatted for Ubuntu, but I felt that it was damaged and these problems were related so I went and got a new Western Digital one for them and installed it with fresh installs of Ubuntu 10.04 (and a dual boot of Windows 7) but these crashing issues have persisted.
I found a fix on here that had me "force" the GUI to load each time via the terminal, which seems to have worked somewhat and the GUI loads more often. However, every now and then on boot up, parts of the GUI do not load and a window pops up asking that I delete elements from the panel. Again, this leads to a restart, except now sometimes when it reboots it gets to a DOS prompt (sorry, old windows user) of sorts that asks for a system password, when entered, nothing happens and requires another hard restart. These restarts tend to happen in chains leading to DOS prompt a faulty GUI or a GUI with missing elements.
There are also other general issues. Periodically desktop icons won't launch programs and or menu items will not load programs when selected, just nothing happens. When browsing the net with Opera or trying to open the recycle bin, the screen will just go black.I also messed around with the built in Nvidia Driver finder tool under system - administration-hardwaredrivers, tried the recommended and not recommended drivers, no difference. I've booted into recovery mode on the grub menu tried fixing and updating things via the menu options, still get one of the above issues.This system is up to date with system updates as well. I'm not sure what else to do, but I still have a sinking suspicion this is caused by some kind of graphics driver problem or maybe a problem with that graphics card in particular! I've installed Ubuntu fresh on this machine 3 total times, the latest install only last month when I created a dual boot with Win7.