Fedora Installation :: Hard Disk Installation - Documentation Keeps Crashing

Oct 10, 2009

How to install either Fedora 11 or 12 from the hard disk of this old ragged laptop? USB or CD installation are not an option, and since the documentation keeps crashing and I stagger saliently in the messy script that is hid behind the windows interface runtime gimmick, I would like to know which switches would make the rebooting operation take to reckognizing the linux package?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Hard Disk Have 10.04 And Ext4 To 1000 Hard Disk?

Sep 23, 2010

I want to copy hard disk have ubuntu 10.04 and ext4 to 1000 hard disk for new 1000

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Fedora Installation :: Formatting The Whole Of The Hard Disk?

Mar 24, 2011

I have installed fedora 14 xfce.

However, I want to totally format the hard disk so I have no operating systems left on there.

I have created a usb boot disk for installing windows.

So I want to re-format the whole hard disk. Then boot up with the usb and install windows. Once I have done that. Then use the rest of the hard disk to install Fedora 14 from my other usb.

However, I am not sure how to completely format the hard disk. I want to start from a clean disk.

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Fedora Installation :: Insert The Same Hard Disk To I3 Pc?

May 2, 2011

Can I install fedora 14 and Cent OS5.4 on i3. ? I have fedora 14 and Cent OS 5.4 install on core 2 duo. Can I insert the same hard disk to i3 pc, will the previous os will boot ? or will I have to format and load the fresh one ?

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Fedora Installation :: Install From Hard Disk Fails

Mar 12, 2009

As I have no blank cds handy right now, I had to go the way descirbed here:URL...But when I seect my partition and / (no sub dirs, an empty ext3 formated 6.8GB partition, exclusivly for that usage) it tells me there ws no installation media found and the search path got automagically adjusted to /imges/image.img.And ideas howto fix that? Or how to install fedora from harddisk (without big fuss)?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install KDE From Hard Disk Using Live CD

Jul 11, 2010

I downloaded Fedora-13-i686-Live-KDE.iso. Is there any way to install it from hard disk?

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Installer Don't Detect Usb Hard Disk

Oct 12, 2010

I have a ssd cosair harddisk with both usb and sata connecters. If I connect it with sata anything is working fine, and I managed to install Fedora core 13.

But I also want to be able to use the harddisk when it is connected with usb and that causes problems.

When I boot the Fedora Core 13 dvd It can't detect my usb harddisk.

When booting in install mode it just don't detect the harddisk.

When booting the dvd in rescue mode it don't detect the harddisk, and it don't create any entries in /dev/ for the harddisk. It is like there is no disk at all.

I have tested this on 3 different computers, so it is not a problem with my specific motherboard. So either it is a problem between my harddisk and Fedora Core 13, or there is some problems with the usb drivers in the boot image used by the Fedora core 13 dvd.

The disk is working fine if I connect it via usb to an existing Windows install, so the usb connection is working.

I installed Fedora core 13 with the harddisk connected to sata and then re-connected the harddisk to usb. It then boot up, but complain about missing root filesystem. Most likely caused by missing usb driver in my kernel.

But anyway, what I really want is the ability to boot from both sata and usb, so I can take the harddisk with me and boot it on other computers with usb.

So is there a command which allows me to build an kernel image which can boot from usb or am I trying to do something which is not really supported?

I did update my fstab to use LABEL=myroot

There is 1 Windows partition(NTFS) and 1 linux partition on the disk. (No seperate /boot partition and no swap)

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Fedora Installation :: Partition Hard Disk Using GParted

Dec 6, 2010

HP Netbook Mini 210
F14 xfce
I installed F14 xfce and using the entire disk.

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 97G 4.0G 92G 5% /
tmpfs 494M 212K 494M 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 485M 49M 211M 11% /boot
/dev/sda4 193G 8.5G 175G 5% /home

After I have installed all my programs, I need to install windows and I need visual studio. So I was thinking of taking 20 GB from the /home directory and using that for windows. I can use gparted. However, many posters on here think it is best to use gparted by booting from the disk. However, I cannot do this, as I don't have any DVD drivers. And I can't really afford to buy one just for this reason. What is the best way to do this?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install F14 Live To Hard Disk

Feb 15, 2011

Is it possible to install the fedora 14 live to the hard disk and how?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing F10 On External Hard Drive Disk

Apr 9, 2009

I have got a hold of a extra hdd along with a hdd enclosure. I have tried looking for information on how to install linux on to one but haven't been completely successful on my search. So I turn to all of you. I was also wondering if its possible to have it were I can use it on multiple computers so I can use it for computer repair.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual HD And OS - Grub Hard Disk Error

May 21, 2009

I am a novice in Linux but due to my academic requirement I had to install Linux (Fedora 8). I have 2 hard disk's (80GB & 20GB), on the first HD which is 80GB I have Windows XP and the other one I partitioned and installed Linux. Now the first problem is that, whenever I start my PC I get a error which says "GRUB hard disk error", however when I restart the machine it's fine and gives me the boot options.

Secondly, the HD containing windows was affected by virus so I had to format & reinstall XP. Strangely after that I am not getting any boot options and it's like windows is the only 1 OS running. But on windows the partition on which Linux is installed in intact. So I assume something is deleted maybe the Linux boot file.

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Fedora Installation :: F11/12 On SB700 \ Cannot Find The Hard Disk In Machine?

Jan 8, 2010

I cannot install F11/12 into Sata hard disk with AMD SB700 neither full installation image or live image in USB drive. It cannot find the hard disk in my machine. But all the things are working fine with F10 installation. Does anyone have the same issue

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows 7 On Same Hard Disk?

May 25, 2011

Today I decided to give Fedora15 a shot, mainly because of Gnome3, and so decided to install it over my Ubuntu installation. This is my partition scheme:Two NTFS partitions for Windows;

One logical partition, which inside has:
/dev/sda5 for /boot
/dev/sda6 for /


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Retrieve Data From Hard Disk After Installation On The System?

Aug 17, 2009

I have never used Linux before and know nothing about it . But my cousin installed a Fedoro linux CD on my laptop which previously had Lotus symphony . Unfortunately my laptop had single partition and so Linux overrode the old OS ,ie lotus symphony .

I have some critical data on my hard disk but I have no clue how to take backup this data using Linux . I desparately need this data .

Could somebody let me know how I can access this data and take the backup ?

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Fedora Installation :: Recommendation (e.g. Size) For Hard Disk Partition Allocation?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to add Fedora 14 to my triplecore 3GB RAM computer which has windows, Fedora 12 & ubuntu installed. What are the recommendation (e.g. size) for harddisk partition allocation? I can reuse the swap partition, can't I? Should I install Fedora 14 to a single partition (ie. /)? Should I use only ext4?


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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Hard Disk Installation Does Not Boot?

Oct 31, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu on external WD HDD , it does NOT boot on this laptop but works on couple of other laptops , attached is the results txt output of the boot_info...sh.I can boot with USB flash drive that has kubuntu live Cd image when I use the external HDD ,it gives a blinking cursor only

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Ubuntu Installation :: Encrypt Hard Disk In 10.10 After Installation?

Nov 18, 2010

There was an option during installation of 10.10 to encrypt the hard disk (or was it only the home folder?). I thought, hmm, I should probably do this, but I'll decide later, thus, installed 10.10 without encrypting the hard disk.Now, I want to encrypt the hard disk but don't see anywhere in the System Preference or Administration where I can do that. Am I missing it? Or how do I do this now?

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Fedora Installation :: Documentation To Create A Mail Server With Pop3?

Jun 17, 2010

i've been tryin to configure sendmail with cyrus to create a mail server that'll allow outlook users to connect to and download mails. I've done a lot of googling but so far no success have been able to configure sendmail with cyrus but can't connect the outlook to the server. I've come across certain documentation that says it requires to configure saslauthd. Is there any way i can create a mail server to which users can connect and download their mails. Shall i switch to postfix and dovecot instead? Is that easier?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Can't See Hard Disk?

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 on a system I recently built that currently has Windows 7 installed.

Strangely, when I booted from the install disk, I got an unrecoverable error. [URL] said in that case, try to install from a live session, so I did that.

Live session install worked fine until I got to the partitioning section of the setup. Nothing displayed in the partition space and all my partition options were greyed out!

I have tried several things. I tried booting from my Lubuntu 32 bit that I know works (running on my laptop), it could not detect the hard disk either.

I tried booting into Windows 7 and shrinking the partition in the Windows partition manager and seeing if Ubuntu's installer would detect the space that way...no such luck.

cfdisk would not work either. Gave a big fat cannot access the disk error.

fdisk -l displays nothing. Gparted from the live session is a no-go as well.

BTW, relevant hardware:


Western Digital Caviar Blue WD5000AAKS 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive

I wouldn't think that Ubuntu should have a problem detecting this...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't See Hard Disk

Oct 26, 2010

I have a problem with seeing the partitions from a hard disk in ubuntu after installing updates. I installed the fresh 10.10 x64 desktop edition yesterday and I could've seen everything from the live CD. I think that it started to be missing after installing about 65 updates (those were the recommended updates).

In windows 7 everything is fine. I can see every partition like this:

Disk 0 and Disk 2 are basically the same (SATA) and Disk 1 is a rather old ATA drive, but in Ubuntu I can only see the partitions from the Disk 1 and 2. Ubuntu is installed to the 93.13 GB partition on Disk 2. Grub is installed to Disk 1 and it is the first boot device (not sure if this matters). The partitions from Disk 0 are not displayed on the Places menu bar.

After typing:

sudo fdisk -l

It only displays some info about Disk 1 and partition Storage and then hangs. The hdd led is lit constantly. It doesn't even display the info about the partitions on Disk 2, even though if I can browse those two partitions. And when I want to reboot, the ubuntu logo displays but it hangs there and I think that this is due to this problem with the hdd recognition.

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Debian Installation :: How To Install From Hard Disk

Feb 11, 2011

how to install from hard disk?

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze On Second Hard Disk?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a system with Windows installed. Now I got a second hard disk on which I want to install Debian. After installation I have a dual boot system or I have to manually configure GRUB? Thnak you and I'm sorry fo my inexperience.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Isn't Found?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm running ubuntu from a usb currently. However, when I try to install it, it looks for the root disk on step 4 of the installation, and nothing is shown. I can't go on with the installation since I can't select a disk to install to.

I'm on an hp pavillion laptop.

By the way, windows vista is installed but won't currently boot. Don't know why. Is it probably a problem with the hard disk (the cause of both issues)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Not Found

Apr 26, 2010

my brand new laptop with ubuntu pre installed has an 80gb hard disk.however i dont find any drives in /media except for cdrom and cdrom0.it says 8 mb free.how do i access my hard disk.its 80GB SATA disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Won't Recognize Hard Disk?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.04 but during the Prepare Partitions step no hard disk is listed for me to partition.

The hard disk is a Seagate SATA (7200.7) drive and my motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3. The hard disk works because I just installed a fresh copy of Windows XP on it without a problem and the OS on the disk prior to this was an older version of Debian.

Does anyone know how I can get my hard disk listed so I can install 10.04?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot From Hard Disk

Sep 26, 2010

This afternoon I finally had the time to run this Ubuntu KK CD and load over my old xp/Jaunty J partition. I had previously run the distro. through the CD, without harming my old partition. On doing so the system consistently reported my Toshiba ATA 120 gig hard disk had multiple bad sectors and was failing. As a true end user (who mucks only when necessary with the CLI) I just figured writing over the partition would end the failure. To be sure I ran Memtest8.66 v2.11 from the LiveCD; everything checked out fine. So I installed KK.

Or was I? Why did it still have the "Install ubuntu 9.10 ISO" icon on the left hand side of the screen? How did the CD come to whir when I tried starting apps like Open Office? Something wasn't right. So I rebooted, this time from the HDD. The start up looked predictable - there's that PXE-E361 Media Test Failure on some cable, I've been staring at that since I built the dual partition. But what's this? PXE-MOF: exiting EXE ROM. Huh? Oh and then the letter j..

This is a Toshiba Satellite A105 with a 200 gH 1gig Pentium M. When I boot the liveCD I get this trial environment that works fine. When I try installing from it I can even see that I'm writing over the previous, whole 9.10 partition I created this afternoon. Regardless when I boot from HDD I get that weird letter j..

I've checked on line for boot issues, and the forum too, but so far haven't seen an issue booting from the HDD, especially when the distro. is already loaded. What am I missing here, and how do I install it from a live CD environment?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 160 Gb Hard Disk Showing 120 Gb Only?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm using Meerkat in my Inspiron 1525... 160gb hard disk...
But nautilus is showing that the disk capacity is 120gb... So should I update my BIOS? If yes, how do I do it? I tried searching the net and my brain's dead... Kindly help me fellow ubuntuans...

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Ubuntu :: Mounting Two Hard Disk After Installation?

Jul 5, 2011

Recently I had installed "Storage Device Manager", since because my hard drive partitions were not mounted correctly during installation.

I own to hard disk "sda" 120 GB & "sdb" 1000 GB , since during boot time i had mounted the "sda" having 3 partitions of windows on locations "/partion_name 1, 2, & 3" at root, and "sdb" was not mounted during instalation.

After installation I had added "sdb" with my system and was working fine.

But "sba" was mounted at "/partion_name 1, 2, & 3", But I wanted to change this type of partion what "sdb" i.e it should prompt me for the password when I use to mount it, So I tried to change the mount type for the "sba" But wasn't able to do this beacause of error "Disk is been used by other process".

Now what i require is to mount "sda" partitions such as It may prompt for password when I try to mount and in "sdb1" having partions "sdb10" to be mounted automatically during boot time and the rest partions have to be prompted for password when I try to mount it.Is it possible..?

*Please suggest me the whole procedure in manual manner(Command line) for the same
*Also using "Storage Device Manager"
*if I remove "Storage Device Manager" in future thus it effct my system partitions
*If I mount the partition in "/media/partion_name" thus it will solve my problem.


UBUNTU 10.10
sda : "sda1" mountpoint- "/win_xp"


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Installation :: Booting From Internal Hard Disk?

May 24, 2009

i had installed fedora and windows on my internal Harddisk earlier,then tried to install fedora on external USB hard disk,now my computer failed to boot from internal hard disk,when i unplugged the hard disk.

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Debian Installation :: Hard Disk Thrashing With Squeeze?

Apr 22, 2010

Just loaded Squeeze (KDE) onto a partition on my desktop and am a bit alarmed by the disk thrashing thats going on? Damn light on constantly. if I didn't know better I'd think I was using Vista. Is this something to do with 'nepomukservices' that seems to be taking a fair amount of cpu time? Not used to KDE 4 so maybe this is normal.

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