Ubuntu Installation :: Neither BIOS Nor WinXP Recognize 10.10 Partition

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my WinXP desktop computer. I used the LiveCD and manually configured the partitions. I resized my XP partition (the entire SATA HDD) and created a 37GB partition for Ubuntu, as well as a 3GB swap file. I installed the boot loader on the Ubuntu partition. But BIOS doesn't recognize that the drive has separate partitions, and I can't boot into it from Windows either. I know I didn't modify WinXP's MBR, but should I have? I didn't know where it was.

I booted into the LiveCD again, and went into the disk manager. I Edited the Ubuntu partition and saw a checkbox that said "Bootable". I checked it and hit apply, hoping that might do it. I waited twenty minutes and the little circle was still spinning with no indication that it was actually doing anything or any warning of how long it would take, so I rebooted. Still no luck.

Someone told me that Ubuntu sometimes won't be bootable if you have both SATA and PATA drives in the system, which I do (although both XP and Ubuntu are on the same, SATA drive) and gave me a page that told me to use Grub4Dos. I fiddled around with that, only to come onto the Ubuntu website and find out that the page they gave me was outdated, before Ubuntu used GRUB2.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find WinXP Partition

Apr 19, 2011

So I recently started using Windows 7, but it kept crashing so i thought "OK back to WinXP and Ubuntu 10.10" So I installed Windows (urrrggh) and that went fine, but now that I have come to installing Ubuntu Desktop 10.10, it cant seem to find the Windows XP partition, I tried manually editing partitions but it wouldnt let me resize the partition. But it did give me the option to install the Bootloader (GRUB) to the partition labelled "Windows XP Professional".

I have used this setup before and ran fine, bare in mind that was with 9.10, maybe I should install 9.10 and then use "sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade"?If i cant get this working I will try another distro and see if its Ubuntu or whether its a Windows or disk issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 GPT Bios Boot Partition Mirroring?

May 2, 2011

I'm doing a fresh install of xubuntu 11.04 x86 32bit via the Alternative CD. My computer has two 2TB drives and I want to mirror the partitions for redundancy For the Linux partitions (ie root and swap) I'll be creating raid partitions on each drive and using software RAID 1 to create md partitions of type ext4 and swap.

For the GPT's bios boot partition, am I also meant to use software raid ? Ie create a raid partition on each drive and use software RAID 1 to create a md partition of type bios boot ? Or am I meant to not use raid partitions and just create a bios boot partition directly on each drive ? In this case, will xubuntu's install process and grub tools ensure that both partitions contain the relevant grub files or do I have to explicetly do somthing to ensure that ?

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Fedora :: BIOS Not Recognize Live USB

Oct 31, 2009

I have created a live fedora11 usb using live usb creator, but when I restart the computer the bios does not recognize the live usb and system stop (not shut down) when I choose boot from usb drive option.
BIOS: inside H20

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Can't Recognize Windows Partition / Sort It?

Apr 29, 2010

This is my first time to post a thread.I'm not native English-speaker,so my English is poor.And I wish you can understand what I mean.
I have used wubi for months.Today I decide to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my harddisk.I create a liveUSB to install 10.04.But the problem during installing is when partition detecting,the windows partition can't be detected.It shows 'Ubuntu' on /dev/sda1,but in fact it is the windows partition.I ignore it and go on.After all done,10.04 can work well,but windows can't be booted.
Then I try to use 9.04 CD to install,and it shows 'Widows NT/2000/XP' on /dev/sda1 correctly.At last,both 9.04 and windows xp can be booted.
Is it the problem involving the difference between CD and liveUSB,or 10.04 and 9.04?
Can you tell me why and give me a hand?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updated Grub But Still Won't Recognize 2nd Partition?

Jul 24, 2010

So I am experimenting with other linux distros.....I just installed a small partition with OpenGEU, the one still based on Ubuntu.....now it wont recognize Mint. Ubuntu Studio is next on my list, but before I invest any more work I want to make sure I can add more partitions to grub, not just the most recent linux partition...

I think that future distros of linux should have a fix for this....if you install linux it should detect every other operating system on the disk, not just windows plus the most recent linux install.

install /boot separate? I always create a / and /home partition but never separate boot. Does that make life easier?

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General :: BIOS Does Not Recognize Bootable Disk

May 10, 2010

Anyone here knows the OpenSuse install CD runthrough? I am using DELL pc's, and remember installing Linux as being a few almost basic steps on my self assembled clone pc's in my youth. Now, over ten years later I want to redo that and return to my old playground. I am using after over 12 years administering MS stuff again applications running on unix (solaris) at my work. Its like homecoming but in a difficult way, I am brainwashed and not really into unix anymore. So... lets install linux again at home. Returning to my favorite Suse distribution in the old days (who knows why).

I went through the installation (Opensuse11) simple, standard to start with, so mainly next (ACPI disabled). Rebooted... and the pc finds no recognized bootable HDD. OK, well, try again, other HDD to be sure, results in the same. Set manually the root partition as active. No go, I feel as a newbie again. What happened to me in those last years? Tried to do it also with a fedora distri - same outcome. When plugging these HDD in another recent (DELL) pc, it also does not recognize the HDD as bootable. Both disks have been part of a system before and functioned; until I changed this system for this other purpose. Probably i am missing something basic??

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Maverick - Grub Won't Recognize My Windows Partition / Fix It?

Oct 17, 2010

I had Windows 7 ultimate installed on my netbook and installed Ubuntu 10.10 using the 'Install alongside other OS's' option which put windows onto another partition and created one for ubuntu.

Anyway I've tried reinstalling the grub but I never get a grub boot menu when I boot it up and the grub won't recognize the windows install

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Hardware :: BIOS Won't Recognize CD-DVD Drive / Make It Work Again?

Sep 11, 2010

My CD-DVD drive have suddenly stop working in my laptop and when I've checked the BIOS setup I've seen that the drive is no longer recognized by BIOS (there is no option for this drive so I can't enable it). I don't know what CD-DVD drive I have (since I can gather information about it because it's not recognized by my laptop) but I think it's a Matshita CD-DVD driver. I use Ubuntu 10.04. Do you know how to make it work again?

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Hardware :: USB External HDD Not Recognize Anymore On Gentoo And BIOS

May 12, 2011

i have an Acer Aspire 9420 with gentoo installed and a 2.6.38-r3 kernel.Since a few months i have decided to boot from an USB external HDD WD scorpio Blue 750go (with USB adapter) instead of the internal HDD.Yesterday evening during my gnome session activity i had a black screen with a cursor and nothing can respond anymore. I tried an hard reboot but my bios does not detect my USB Disk either.So i boot from a liveDVD to check what is the problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Remix With WinXP Now WinXP BSOD On Boot?

Sep 12, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu Remix 10.04 on my wifes MSI U100 netbook. I did a dual boot just in case she had to get into Windows for something. I let the install automatically partion (did the side by side option). Anyway, Ubuntu works fine and imported all her documents and stuff. Problem is Windows XP won't boot. The first time I tried to boot Windows XP I got a message saying the hardware had changed and I had to select safe mode, normal boot, last known good, etc... I booted normally. I got the splash screen followed by a quick flash of BSOD and a reboot. I does this no matter how I try to boot Windows (safe, command prompt, etc). Anyone have any idea what the problem is?

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Does Not Recognize A F4 Partition Table / Resolve This?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm trying to install Fedora 10 from a USB memory stick on which i've installed Fedora-10-x86_64-DVD.iso and, early in the process of configuring the installation, i get messages about both my IDE hard drives having unrecognizable partition tables:

"The partition table on device sda (... my disk data ...) was unreadable. To create new partitions it must be initialized, causing the loss of ALL DATA on this drive."

Same for sdb.

My PC currently runs Fedora Core 4 (yes i know i should have gotten around to upgrading my OS earlier) and yes it recognizes both hard drives just fine.

The answers I've found on the web suggest to backup my drives and repartition. I'm not too hot on that "solution".

explain why a F4 partition table is not recognized by F10?

BTW, I've recently upgraded my motherboard, processor, DVD drive, regrouped both my IDE drives on the same bus, ... I consider it a miracle F4 still runs on this PC (although F4 does not support the motherboard's graphics card, so no X11).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Boot Disk Won't Recognize Empty Partition / Fix It?

Nov 16, 2010

I've had Ubuntu 10.10 installed for a while and I recently cleared a partition to install Windows XP. However, when I load from the Windows XP boot CD, I get "7379one MB disk 0 at ID 0 on ?Bus 0 on atapi(Setup cannot access this disk)". I've tried just about everything

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General :: Bios Does Not Recognize Hard Drive When Formatted In Ext2?

May 2, 2010

start getting Linux up and running. Like a lot of people, I chose an older computer I could fuss with, a 500mhz 256meg ram machine, and decided to install Puppy on a spare 40meg hard drive I have, as my bios does not boot from usb...I think...

Anyway, I have found that my bios does not recognize the hard drive when formatted to ext2! I have taken the drive and formatted it back to ntfs, and my bios recognizes it, and then back again to ext2, and nope, it's not there, thus I am still booting puppy from the cd...sigh...

Is my bios so out of date that I'm just out of luck? Is there anyway to check this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Maverick Installer Doesn't Recognize Existing Partition List?

Oct 13, 2010

I have been upgrading from 9.04 to 10.04. Now, I want to install 10.10 from the beginning without losing the data in my current partitions but when I run the Maverick installer it recognize my disk as a whole with no partitions. From another posts, I suspect that the problem is in the partition list because it seems to be a duplicate partition but don't know how to fix it. This is the fdisk output:

jgarcia@jgarcia-laptop:~$ sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sda
Disco /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 cabezas, 63 sectores/pista, 30401 cilindros, 488397168 sectores en total
Unidades = sectores de 1 * 512 = 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Doesn't Recognize Windows 7 Partition - 10.10 Maverick User?

Dec 23, 2010

I recently have installed Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Netbook Edition in my personal netbook. The thing is that I had installed Windows 7 in the hard disk drive so I decided to install Ubuntu alongside with it. After the process of installation everything was cool but I hadn't the Grub working. I then pressed the Shift button during the booting process so I got the Grub menu but it didn't show the Windows 7 partition. The Windows installation was not erased because its file system is present in Nautilus. I have tried reinstalling the Grub a thousand times but nothing changes. I have attached the results of the boot info script so you can have some info about my booting configuration.

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Ubuntu :: GPT Partition Label Has No BIOS Boot Partition?

Jun 24, 2011

When I installed Ubuntu on my system (a year or so ago) I forgot to add a BIOS Boot Partition. This is something of a problem considering that the partition type for my 2TB drive is GPT. Hence, whenever grub is updated I get a warning:

/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!.
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged..
Installation finished. No error reported.


If so, what is the rough sequence of commands to create the partition (without disturbing what is already there) and then setting it as a BIOS boot partition.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Lucid - Install Winxp In The Partition?

Mar 20, 2011

VistaOS but I want to now install Winxp but Vista keeps booting its partition. I tried hiding the vista MBR and lucid mbr but some how Vista keeps booting itself so when I have the winxp disk loaded, it goes to the blue screen with errors like reboot windows and run chkdsk.exe /F to fix the problem. anyideas? ill post pics of my partition setup soon.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Wants To Delete WinXP Partition?

Mar 6, 2011

I am attempting to make my HP DV6000 laptop dual boot with WinXP and OpenSuse 11.3. I've upgraded the hard drive in this system to 500GB and have WinXP in a 100GB primary partition. There is also a 12GB system recovery logical partition. In preparation for Linux, I used the Windows disk manager to create a 50GB primary partition. I've defragged and run check disk on both of the primary partitions and found no problems.

For the Linux install, I downloaded the OpenSuse 11.3 DVD image using metalink and DownLoadThemAll so I'm pretty confident I got a good image. I burned it to a DVD, verified that, then verified the install image using the openSuse installer. Everything looks good. When I attempt to do the install of Linux however, the suggested partitioning says that it wants to delete partitions /dev/sda1 (99.06GB), /dev/sda2 (48.83GB) and /dev/sda3 (11.72GB). In each case, it says resize is impossible due to inconsistent fs, Try checking under windows.

It then says that it wants to create three new volumes for /dev/sda1 (2.01 GB), /dev/sda2 (20.00GB) and /dev/sda3 (443.75 GB). In other words, it wants to devote the entire disk to Linux.

I thought that I would be able to tell it to install Linux in the 50GB partition that I had created for it and that it would subdivide that into volumes as appropriate. If it wanted to delete that partition and create a new one that would be fine too, but I don't understand why it thinks that it needs to delete the WinXP and recovery partitions.

Is there a way I can work around this by using either the Create Partition Setup or Edit Partition Setup options available in the installer? Or better yet, is there something I can do via windows partitioning before I install that will prevent it from wanting to delete my windows partitions in the first place?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Removing An Old WinXP Partition?

Jun 19, 2011

I've reached the point where I rarely need to boot into my physical WinXP install, which is a total mess right now as well ... so I've decided that I want to completely remove it from my system, then create a virtual install of Vista Business Edition.

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Ubuntu :: Is NTFS A Good File System For A Shared Partition Between WinXP

May 30, 2010

Someone on IRC had mentioned they had a shared partition in NTFS, and that Ubuntu could read from it just fine... I wanted to get a second opinion before I did anything. Right now I have a WinXP partition and an Ubuntu partition, and a large NTFS partition in the middle that I'd like to move my /home to.

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General :: Partition And Install RHEL And WinXP On Same Machine?

Jan 4, 2011

How do i create two partition on my hdd and install rhel on one and windows xp on the other

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Ubuntu :: Says "no Such Partition" And Won't Boot From Anything. It Doesn't Even Recognize Dell Utilities Partition?

Jul 9, 2010

I was using GParted Live to resize my Windows XP partition on my desktop aaaaand... it rebooted properly and now says "no such partition" and won't boot from anything. It doesn't even recognize my dell utilities partition. I can boot to the GParted Live disk - and that is all. So I'm relatively certain that I just destroyed something

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Ubuntu :: Can't Recognize Partition?

Oct 6, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu on my netbook, an early Eee PC, and the battery ran out of charge. I didn't know that however and turned on my netbook. It started booting up traditionally, but then it just spit out a whole bunch of code:Quote:

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory


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Debian Hardware :: Boot GPT Partition From BIOS (non-EFI)

Jul 7, 2014

I have been running Jessie on an EFI motherboard for a while, booting just fine from a GPT formatted partition on my 3TB hard drive.

I had to re-purpose that PC, and put the hard drive into a different system that uses a BIOS instead of EFI.

Now when trying to boot, I get a text at the top of the screen that says:Code: Select allGRUB  ...so it finds GRUB, but nothing ever happens. <CTRL>+<ALT>+<DEL> resets the system.

parted 2.3 says:Code: Select all 1      1049kB  3001GB  3001GB  ext4               boot
 2      3001GB  3001GB  32.5MB                     bios_grub, legacy_boot(I set the legacy_boot flag trying to fix this problem, but that flags the partition, not the MBR)

Is my problem that the "bios_grub" partition is at the end of the disk instead of the beginning?

I have read that newer versions of parted allow you to toggle the "pmbr_boot" flag directly in the MBR by using the command "disk_toggle pmbr_boot" or "disk_set pmbr_boot", but parted 2.3 apparently doesn't support this.

The pmbr_boot flag in the MBR seems more likely to be the problem than the partition at the end of the disk.

Do I need to find a newer version of parted that supports the pmbr_boot flag for MBR (if so, which version please), or do I need to move the partiton to the beginning of the disk?

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Software :: MBR, Boot Partition And BIOS Ordering

Feb 28, 2010

I installed F12 onto a 4 disk SW RAID5 array. sda has a /boot partition and a <swap> partition and all of the rest of the storage is raided to make the / partition.

The installer listed sda as the HDD with the boot partition so I updated the MBR on sda durring install. After the reboot I was sent to a grub prompt. I could run,

grub> find /grub/stage1(hd1,0) and then grub> configfile (hd1,0)/grub/grub.conf and the system boots.

I'm not sure if this a BIOS disk ordering problem. I tried switching a few SATA cables, to try and reorder disks but I couldn't get to the grub prompt with the different configurations I tried.

Should I try copying the MBR from one disk to another? It seems like it's getting past the MBR otherwise grub wouldn't load at all, so is this a grub bug?

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Ubuntu :: Share NTFS Partition Between Ubuntu/ArchLinux/WinXP?

Jan 18, 2010

I am triple-booting the OS mentioned above. I only recently decided to try Arch. The issue however is with Arch & Ubuntu. My hard drive contains a common swap partition for Ubuntu and Arch, the home directories of both Linux, the C: drive for WinXP and a partition called 'Share' which as the name suggests I use to keep all the files (work, music, vids etc.) that I want to share between the various OS.

Till before Arch, I could easily share files between Ubuntu and WIndows. It seems it was possible because Windows does not respect the file permission restrictions, or may be not at least the ones imposed by Ubuntu. However now that I have Arch on a partition, Arch can not read the files owned by my user on the ntfs partition. This basically blocks my access to everything on the Arch system except for the system files.

I would like to know how I can securely share my files between the too Linux. If it is advisable and also if it is secure. For the workaround, I am not worried about using the cli, however one shall have to be patient with me since I am not a veteran at Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Laptop To Recognize Partition?

Feb 11, 2011

A while ago I successfully dual booted my system with Vista and Ubuntu. then Windows 7 came out and I wiped Vista off my laptop and installed Windows 7. The problem is that my laptop no long knows that there is a whole other operating system sitting on the hard disk and I can't access it. What can I do to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get Display Or Bios After Resizing Partition During Natty Narwal Install

Mar 8, 2011

I was installing ubuntu 11.04 natty narwal daily build alongside windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10, and was resizing partition when computer was taking too long to resize, i then restarted computer, my computer appears to be working, but i get no display on my monitor, even though it is powered on. getting my bios to appear, or restoring my computer to normal.

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Ubuntu :: Partition My Computer With Ubuntu - WinXP And Win7?

Aug 9, 2010

Just a quick question, I want to partition my computer with Ubuntu, WinXP, and Win7. Is there a way I can change the icons in burg so the xp and 7 icons look a little different?

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