Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Login To Ftp Server

Jan 25, 2010

I followed the instructions at [URL] but its a no go! My connection just hangs like it can't find the server. I can ssh into it using the username and password I setup, but can't ftp, what gives?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Login Information That Gets Displayed When You Login To A 10.04 Server ?

Apr 9, 2011

I like the server login information that gets displayed when you login to a 10.04 server. It lists disk usage, CPU usage, Temperature etc...

Unfortunately I had problems installing 10.04 from a USB. At the end of the process the master boot record was stored on the USB and not the hard disk.

But now when I login to my server I don't get the server information.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Server: Cannot Login After Installation?

Dec 30, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 AMD64 server on a dual Opteron Fujitsu Siemens Primergy RX220.After reboot the screen goes black (as if X is probing), displays garbage (short white horizontal stripes aligned such that I get 2 broken vertical stripes) and the system seems to stop (no visible reaction to keyboard input, console switching apparently not working, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE no visible effect, HD LED switches off and on only sporadically for very short time). This happens regardless of booting the normal or the rescue image. The last visible output from the rescue boot says something about init-bottom, but I can't see if it succeeds or not.The installation process itself fell back to text console, which was fine for me

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Ubuntu Installation :: Myql-server 5.1 Does Not Allow Login

Mar 23, 2011

I just installed 10.04 LTS and installed mysql-server 5.1. During install I had to enter a password and verify it. Standard procedure. But now I cannot login.

root@mycomputer:~#mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

mysql is running and nothing in mysql-logs. I rebooted the machine and reinstalled mysql-server several times using the following commands: apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1 mysql-common and apt-get install mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1 mysql-common

I tried a different password or an empty password on my reinstall-attempts, but nothing changed. I couldnt find a way to access mysql.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Login Console After Upgrade Server From 9.10>10.04>10.10>11.04?

Jul 13, 2011

I just did "do-release-upgrade" from ubuntu 9.10 > 10.04 > 10.10 > 11.04 which successful but after a restart, no login console just a blinking underscore. However I still able to login to server using ssh. During the boot I saw this failure "Starting system V runlevel compatibility [fail]".

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Fedora Installation :: Apache Web Server Does Not Start Automatically Unless Login

Feb 20, 2009

I have a problem with running Apache web server. I think my problem is either I can not get httpd to load automatically or it's being blocked from external unless I'm logged in, don't know which. Or, I'm completely off base. Either way, being logged in solves the problem. Now I just need to fix it. This is a brand new server running latest apache and fedora 10 (all fully patched). Loaded from source to all default (non RPM directories - apache is /usr/local/apache2/... )

I modified the existing /etc/init.d/httpd script and had it point to the /usr/local/apache2 areas.I even did a chkconfig --add httpd and show it is on for run levels 2345.The problem is that when I reboot the server httpd does not load because I can not access the website.However, the minute I login to the server as a user (non-root) it automatically loads httpd and the website works.Then, when I logout, everything is inaccessible again. I even tried to put the commands in the /etc/rc.local script (or wherever it is).Same thing happens.I know this is a simple fix. Just don't know what it is. Is it related to SElinux? However, wouldn't SElinux create access problems regardless of being logged in or not? Once I'm logged in, everything automatically fixes itself (either it's a service load or a rights filter fix).

Remember, everything works perfectly as long as I'm logged in to the server (even as a non-root user). Just the act of logging in makes the web server accessible from to the rest of the world. However, when I logout, the web server is inaccessible.

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Fedora :: Login Missing After Apache / Zend Server Installation

Jan 9, 2011

I am new to Linux. I installed some weeks ago Fedora 14 via burnt iso file downloaded from official Fedora site. It was working perfectly like a charm for me until yesterday when I tried to install zend server for PHP. During my first try of installation of zend server it corrupted out my apache server and I lost apache on http://localhost. I removed all "zend-server" like stuff from "Add Remove Software" screen. Installed again apache 2 in the form of LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql Php) via terminal. Apache installed correctly and started workeing again ok on localhost. Then again I tried to install zend server from install.sh file in downloaded zend server installation. It showed me after a while like "zend server installed successfully".

I shut down my pc thinking everything is ok now. Today when I started my system, it shows me boot screen of Fedora, I select fedora and then it shows me balloon filling up for around 5-7 secs. Then all of a sudden a black screen appears up with a cursor blinking at its top left and then nothing else happens further. I cannot find login screen to my desktop anymore. I remember one thing that during reinstallation of apache from terminal, I set following command like "chkconfig --level 235 httpd" (I guess that's what I have written as per some online tutorial for LAMP). Is that cause of mine problem ot its something else?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Teminal Service - Clint System Login On To The Server Without Hard Disk?

Dec 6, 2010

As a thin clint mode is possible on ubuntu ? like windows clint system login on to the server without hard disk...

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General :: Unable To Login To Server Through Console But Able To Login Via Network Using Putty?

Mar 13, 2009

I am not able to login to server from console attached to server, every time i enter username & password but it again asks for username & password. But when i try to login to server from remote machine, login happens properly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unplanned Visits To Login Window - Taken To Login Screen Three Times

Aug 18, 2010

I have used Ubuntu since 7-4; I now have 10.4. However, in the last week I have been taken to the login screen three times. This could be potentially calamitous. Ctrl+Alt +Backspace have by default been disable since 9-4. There is no way I am pressing atl+Prtscr +K. I wonder if there is a new zap command in 10.4, and if so, how to disable it. I have never found the need to go back back to the login window. I am generally using the command line when doing this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Starts In Console Tyy1 Login Then Goes To Normal Login

Dec 24, 2010

I don't what happened but yesterday I was working normally and then I shutdown the computer, today when I opened ubuntu it took me to tyy1 login screen, I entered my username and password then it took me to the normal login screen with the login drums sound and it wrote on my account (logged in) so I clicked it and I entered my password again and then I got to my ubuntu so what went wrong and how to fix it also I noticed that a new terminal in system tools occurred called Kernel (I didn't add it)

I'm using ubuntu 10.10 on Dell inspiron 1520 with Nvidia 8600GT and 3GB RAM

Important: this happened after update to generic-headers-24

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10: Login In Just Brings Me Back To Login Screen?

Jun 5, 2010

I have just did an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I am planning to go to 10.04 . After the upgrade everything was ok but I noticed the GRUB was still legacy. So I updated my GRUB to GRUB2. Now when I boot, after entering my logon-id and password, it just brings me back to the login-id screen (to logon on). Any indication of what is wrong and how I should fix this ?

I have no encryptions. [added comments] Currently reading thread about login loop bug with 9.10 Followed instructions about possible missing pre-release update but even if it did do updates, I am still login screen looping. Doing additional researches until someone answers with the fix.
did :
CTRL + ALT + F1 switch to one virtual console
sudo service gdm stop


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Ubuntu Installation :: Gui Login Fails In 10.04 But TTY Login Works?

Jul 11, 2010

I installed 10.04 on my pc. I also have 9.08 and XP installed. Both work. The 10.04 gui login screen displays and asks for the password. I enter the password. The screen goes blank but after a few seconds the gui login box re appears and again asks for a login. I rebooted into the TTY, created a new user, checked the new user was in in /etc/passwd and that I could get into the new user's account. When I rebooted into the gui the new user was there and I entered the password but again I just got back to the gui login window. The pc I am using is at least 5 years old. I have tried startx and I do get the gui background but no controls are displayed. I am using 32 bit 10.04. Using the TTY I have uploaded all the current fixes.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 To F14 No Shell At Login / After Upgrading Cant Login On User?

Jun 3, 2011

yesterday I updated my fedora 13 to fedora 14 (on laptop) and today i cannot log in on user. It just go blank for a sec and is back to login.

At text console (alt+ctr+f2/f3) i enter my username and pass it give this for a sec and resets (clean) console
username: Name
last used: [date]
login: no shell permission denied

i used unetbootin (fedora 14 netinstall to update) and later i updated 1,5G before reboot (did update that fix, forgot its name tho :s)

I would most likely reinstall everything, but i have some work at laptop and as death-line is near, i would prefer to fix it if possible.

i have installed F13 on unused space, is there a way for me to access and fix it? or at least get some files from there?

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Server :: Setup An Ssh Server That Doesn't Require A Username,password Or Cert To Login?

Jun 22, 2010

Is it possible to somehow setup an ssh server that doesn't require a username,password or cert to login?I wish to provide shell access to a console program, which will prompt for a username and password.Encryption is essential though, and users must not be able to snoop in on each other

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Server :: Can't Login To Sendmail Server Using Cyrus-imap On Fedora Core

Apr 4, 2011

I recently setup an email server on Fedora Core (14). Sendmail is running and I am trying to authenticate from a client pc using imaps. I installed Cyrus-imap and it is running and listening on 993. When I try to login, it doesn't accept authentication even though I verified the user's password is correct. (tested with ssh)Is there something I have to do with Cyrus or on the server to allow connections to email? I have not used Cyrus before. I am attempting to access my mail folders via Sendmail and did not make mailboxes in Cyrus. I did allow imaps through the firewall.

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Server :: Ldap Server Login Error When Logged In As Admin

Mar 23, 2010

I am facing login issues when i try to login as admin using phpldapadmin into ldap server. Installed phpldapadmin for administering ldap server from the repository:


2)yum install phpldapadmin

Able to see the default phpldapadmin login page.

ldapadmin throws the error as "Bad username/password.Please try again"

But when i login as anonymous i am able to login but the web page asks whether to create the root domain?

whether anything needs to be done for making it login as admin.

The details of my set up are as follows:

My slapd configuration:

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Server :: Putty/SSH Login Failed When Using RSA Public Key: 'Server Refused Our Key'

Sep 19, 2010

ENV: openssh-server-5.4p1-1.fc13.i686 Problem: I am unable to ssh using Putty (when using ssh-auth/pki) to a fedora box . I get the message: Server refused our key. Here's what I tried so far:

- Tried generating rsa (as well as dsa) keys on the linux server and put the generated public key in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Then I converted the private key using PuttyGen.

- Also, tried generating keys using PuttyGen and then converted the public key and placed it on the server

- Configured the sshd server (ssh_config) for using RSAAuthentication=yes. Tried all combinations and purmutations; however, I still get the "Server refused our key" error.

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Fedora Installation :: F11: Comes Back To The Same Login Screen After Login As Didn't Do Anything And Configuring The RPM Fusion "Repo"

Sep 18, 2009

I would like to post my problems here with Fedora 11 regarding that I am using Dell inspiron 1525, Dual core-N series. I have got two problems:

First;- After I updated my system, I have experienced a a login problem , which is each time I try to login and insert my password correctly it seems that it will login but it comes back to the same login screen as if I did not do anything, but after too many times it works.

Second: I read some posts in a website that talks about configuring the RPM fusion "Repo" and I did all the steps posted there , but after that whenever I try to update or download anything through terminal.... it appears the following:


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Server :: CentOS Server - Filter Login Failed?

Mar 6, 2011

We have a CentOS server which has beed restarted due to some reason. Now we have ping to the server and we can reboot it via KVM, but the server loads to some messaageThis is filter.unknown_domain (Linux ...)Filter Login:and then it stops. Do you have an idea what might be the problem and how can we fix it?

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Server :: Login Page Enough To Work Dhcp Server?

Nov 4, 2010

\Actually i lost the login details of my server so im recovering it in rescue mode.what i want to ask here is if i restarted my server what i need to do in order to work as it was before.on my server samba and dhcp server is configured.will my client users can access there network if login page comes or i need to do something else such as restarting services or not.

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Server :: Login Ssh Server Without Password Attenuation?

Jul 25, 2011

i want to login ssh server without password.i tried the below link but still i could not able to login without password authentication.

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Ubuntu :: Login And Xserver - Error "Server Is Already Active For Display 0 If This Server Is No Longer Running"

Jul 14, 2010

I've just upgraded (finally) to 10.04 desktop, and when I boot, I get a login screen, which is quite usual, but once I log in, the machine drops to terminal, instead of the usual GUI. I've tried running startx, but I get this error message. Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Complete Windows Login After Installation Wubi?

Jun 23, 2011

How will be complete windows login after installation wubi? How to make choice between load windows and linux?

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Software :: Ubuntu LTS Server Login ?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a very annoying problem. The server I've setup works perfectly but there is a glitch. I cannot dig it out, why I cannot login to server everyday at evening. In the morning next day I can login to server without any problems. Is this server problem or ISP's problem? What can I do to diagnose there glitch?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Login To 10.04 LTS Server - Error 24

Dec 30, 2010

I recently setup a new server that serves files over samba and is a subversion repository for a number of projects. I did a simple apt-get update/upgrade for which the system requested a reboot. After I rebooted, I got to the login prompt, at which point I ran into a problem. After I enter my correct credentials, it spits out the following error:

sh: error while loading shared libraries libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: Error 24

And returns me to the login prompt. Samba and Subversion are both still working, I simply can't login to the server either physically or via SSH. I have logged into recovery mode and tried reinstalling the package as well as doing a full system update which hasn't changed solved the issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Re-installing Mysql-server-5.1 - Giving Error Message At End Of Installation When Trying To Start Server

Mar 3, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx.

I have reinstalled mysql-server-5.1 using the command "sudo apt-get --reinstall install mysql-server-5.1".

But its giving error message at the end of installation when its trying to start the server.

The error message is as follows.

When i tried to start the server after the installation, i get this error message

Note : The file "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" is empty.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Script Run On Login On Server 9.10?

Feb 1, 2010

I have the desktop packages installed as well but the system is configured to go to the console on boot.I would like to make it run a script once the user has logged in...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Way To Automate The Server Login?

Feb 5, 2010

just installed server edition... and is there a way to automate the server login?or through ssh because i want to get rid of the monitor i have plugged into it

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login To IFolder Server On 9.0.4 Desktop / Fix It?

Feb 6, 2010

I recently installed iFolder server on my 9.0.4 desktop computer.
I cannot login as a user using a web interface or client. Using the correct password, it takes a long time, then tells me that the login may be incorrect. With an incorrect password, it tells me this immediately.
I am able to login to the web admin interface, but the "System" tab will generate the following error after several minutes. code...

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