Ubuntu Servers :: Way To Automate The Server Login?

Feb 5, 2010

just installed server edition... and is there a way to automate the server login?or through ssh because i want to get rid of the monitor i have plugged into it

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Software :: Shell Script Commands To Automate Server Or Host Telnet Login Session?

Feb 7, 2010

finally i found the script for telnet automated login session...<<Mod edit: questionable link removed>>

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Login Information That Gets Displayed When You Login To A 10.04 Server ?

Apr 9, 2011

I like the server login information that gets displayed when you login to a 10.04 server. It lists disk usage, CPU usage, Temperature etc...

Unfortunately I had problems installing 10.04 from a USB. At the end of the process the master boot record was stored on the USB and not the hard disk.

But now when I login to my server I don't get the server information.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Automate Testing Of Web Login?

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to automate testing of logon into a web application using "curl". as the first step i am doing below to see if i can login to the app from command linecurl --verbose --user usernameassword my.url.combut it does not seem to be working. from the output that i get it seems it only gets to the page where to enter my username/password. but does not get past that stage. below are the first few lines from the output

curl --verbose --user administrator my.url.com
Enter host password for user 'administrator':
* About to connect() to my.url.com port 7790


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Slackware :: Set Default User And/or Password In Console Login, Automate Startx?

Jun 23, 2010

- is there a way to set the default user in console login so that all needed is to press enter(or event without it) to be able to input the password for that user - also is it possible to console login without password, by just inputting user name and pressing enter how to put startx for that user right on login, so that the user doesn't input the command manually

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Ubuntu Servers :: Script To Automate Website Interaction?

Mar 21, 2010

Here is what I have. Everyday I go to 8 websites that require entry of a username and password. When I've logged in, I select exactly the same info using the sites navigation and specify a report generated by the site. I then tell the site to save as an excel file and save it as an existing spreadsheet, 8 times for eight different files

How can I make this more direct? Can a script be written that provides username and password, selects the parameters I want, saves the spreadsheet and goes to the next site to repeat the process and save under a different name?

This would be used in a Windows XP/IE 7/corporate environment.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Automate Grub - Send Commands To It Via Ssh?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a server that is triple boot and the server is headless and accessed using ssh. So is there a way to tell grub before hand what os to choose or send commands to grub (of course I get rid of the timeout) to pick a different os other than the default one. Any ideas? I already know this is bad practice to have multiple os's on the same machine to be used as a server, but what about selecting a different kernel at start up.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Write A Shell Script In Order To Automate The Process Of Uploading A File?

May 21, 2010

I am trying to write a shell script in order to automate the process of uploading a file onto an FTP server using the built in FTP commands in ubuntu server (lucid). In order to connect I can use the following:


ftp wsbeorchids.org.uk
Name (wsbeorchids.org.uk:danielgroves): USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD

In need to pass my username and password in when prompted the prompts. How should I go about doing this? I have tried echoing the values without success. Please not that I am something of an amateur with scripting.

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Ubuntu :: How To Fully Automate A Minecraft Server

Jun 29, 2011

I'm trying to fully automate a Minecraft server, and I decided to use Ubuntu 11.04 on this computer. The computer I'm using for it is an old computer (it's the old family PC, it's about 5 years old (and running amazingly now that I've formatted the hard drive (compared to how it used to run))) so it won't run the Unix environment (or something like that) and runs the Gnome environment instead.

Anyways; the server auto-starts when my computer turns on (my computer also automatically turns on). Now all I need to do is have my computer auto-shutdown at 12:00AM as well as enter the command "stop" into the running terminal. I plan to later add more commands (such as automatically welcoming people to the server when they connect, but that's not important right now and I'll likely be able to figure out if I can get this working).

This is the command I'm using to shutdown the computer:

sudo shutdown -P 24:00

However, it doesn't work. First of all, I need to enter my password, so I need some way to have the shell file enter my password for me whenever the terminal asks for it. Second of all, it just plan doesn't work, even if I enter my password (like, the countdown doesn't appear). As for entering commands into the terminal, the only way I can think of is:echo "stop" But the problem is that doesn't work because it wont enter into the running terminal (and I don't know how to do that).

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSH Login Displays Stats Of Server Twice?

May 4, 2010

This is a very trivial thing, but when I SSH into my newly updated 10.04 server, the stats of the server are displayed on the screen twice. How can i fix it to just display once? This is what it is doing.Quote:Linux xxxxx 2.6.32-21-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:39:35 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/LinuxUbuntu 10.04 LTS

Welcome to Ubuntu!
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
System information as of Tue May 4 08:41:22 EDT 2010


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Server :: How To Automate Starting A Process In Gnu Screen And Restart It When It Crashes

Sep 10, 2010

I have a java service that needs to be run in a gnu screen session so that I can -r into it to access it's interactive shell. I would like this to run at start-up. More importantly, it crashes frequently so I need the service to restart itself when it crashes. How do I go about doing this myself? My previous experience with shell scripting amounts to putting ./service in a file and marking it executable. This will be running on a FreeBSD server, but I might put it on a Linux server soon also. So any caveats on the differences would be useful information.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Lucid Login Info Into A Hardy Server?

Jun 5, 2010

I have a new lucid server. When I login to it via ssh it shows:

Linux syn 2.6.32-22-server #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 20:38:33 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS


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Fedora Networking :: Configure Automate Sending Sms If Server Reboot And Shutdown?

Mar 8, 2009

I need to know how to configure automate sending sms if server reboot and shutdown? Now i just set sms notification once my server it's UP by create scripts in /etc/rc.d/rc.local while booting then from server sending sms notification. SMS - using gnokii attached mobibe phone. Server - Fedora 10

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Fedora Servers :: Start SSH Server Before Login?

Sep 16, 2010

How would I get the SSH server to start before I've logged in?Basically, the problem I have is that if I'm connecedt to my computer remotely over SSH, and reboot the machine, I'm not able to SSH back in after it restarts. As far as I can tell, this is because the SSH server doesn't automatically start up until after I've logged in for the first time.How would I get around that? Surely that is a fairly common scenario for network admins (especially ones who have keyboardless and monitorless machines running).

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Ubuntu Servers :: File Hosting On Server / Download Files From A Browser Using A Login Name And Password?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a remote VPS with 9.10 installed and would like to host some files on it. I'd like to be able to download the files from a browser using a login name and password.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Login With The Same Username And Password - Invalid Login

Apr 18, 2011

I have a problem regarding the ubuntu enterprise cloud. I have installed CC,CLC,SC,NC and a client and logged into thje user interface using my browser for the first time with bith username and passwd as admin and downloaded the credentials.But now as I try to login with the same username and passwd, it says that its an invalid login. I understand we have to change the password on the first login but i don't remember doing the same.

I tried recover password option and gave the user name as admin and email address as my gmail id. It says that I have to follow the instructions sent to the mail, but there is no mail sent I have done it like 5 or 6 times with different mail ids

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Ubuntu Servers :: Login Timed Out When Trying To Login At Reboot?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm hosting a server with Ubuntu 10.04. I've stumbled upon a strange problem.The server seems to refuse any login attempts, either with SSH or via a TTY after a reboot. After a couple of minutes (about 10 minutes or so) I able to login. The memory usage isn't high at login nor the system load. The auth.log doesn't show any login attempt before.problem? Or does anybody have a suggestion I could try to fix this?

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General :: Unable To Login To Server Through Console But Able To Login Via Network Using Putty?

Mar 13, 2009

I am not able to login to server from console attached to server, every time i enter username & password but it again asks for username & password. But when i try to login to server from remote machine, login happens properly.

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Ubuntu :: Automate Or Make An Alias Of This Task?

Mar 8, 2010

I want an alias to move ~/.sportstracker to ~/Documents/Software/SportsTracker_4.1.1 and then zip it and name the zip file like this SportsTrackerBackup_yyyy-mm-dd (example: SportsTrackerBackup_2010-03-08)Note: I don't mind how the archive is compressed, 7z, rar, zip, tar, etc. Although the higher the compression the better

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Ubuntu :: Automate Opening Of Nautilus Windows?

Jul 6, 2010

Every time I start Ubuntu, to enable copying files, I open two Nautilus windows and I then have to drag those windows into the places on the desktop where I'd like them to be. It seems silly to manually do this 800 times a year! Is there any way to automate this? Would a script be able to achieve this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automate Ifconfig Command?

Nov 8, 2010

I manage to get Ethernet over Firewire working between my Windows XP desktop and my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop.However, I am getting tired of having to manually issue the ifconfig command every time.How can I automate it so that the command is done at bootup?

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Fedora :: How To Automate Eog Reload

Dec 5, 2010

eog notices when a PNG file changes, and offers to reload it.But it does not reload until I move the mouse over to the monitor where I stuck eog, and click ReloadHow can I make eog just reload automatically without asking -- the way evince does, for PDFs?

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Debian :: How To Automate A Service

Apr 6, 2011

i am trying to automate a service but i dont know how to do it. I am automating a library system and there are services that have to start at the startup (during boot). How will i make this service to run at the startup in debian?

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Programming :: Automate Configuration Over RS-232?

Oct 18, 2010

Is it possible to make a script, which reads commands from a file one line after another, logs into a network device over a console connection(RS-232) and executes those commands wile sleeping 1s after each line? I have used minicom in order to connect over console line, but minicom is not scriptable as far as I know. There is a macro option, but this configuration file is almost 2000 lines long. Is such script possible at all?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Automate Installing A Standard Set Of Packages?

May 12, 2010

My upgrade route with Ubuntu is to do a complete fresh install - then reacquire all my favorite applications and packages using a combination of Add/Remove and Synaptic. This is a time-consuming process, and I generally forget several packages the first time through.Is it possible to automate the packages (and/or applications installation so that I get everything rebuilt for the new os in a single pass?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automate A Dhclient Call At Startup?

Nov 28, 2010

For test purposes I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 from a USB stick with a USB WLAN stick.The system finds the WLAN router and acquires an IP6 address, but no IP4 address.With "dhclient wlan0" though it does get an IP4 address and connects o.k.How do I setup the system so that this dhclient call is done by the system at startup (or whenever it is necessary)?

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General :: Automate Backups Over SSH On A Desktop?

Jun 7, 2011

I currently have a setup which allows me to connect to all computers on my home network via SSH and RSA keys. I'm very security-conscious, so all of my keys are passphrase protected. I'd like to essentially set something up where I'm running Unison on a cron job to back up to a file server on my network, which we'll call timmy. I've noticed that the first time I try to use a key on my Ubuntu laptop teeks, I get a dialog which pops up asking me to type in my key passphrase. I've heard that for servers needing to make automated backups like this that one should use ssh-agent to ask for the key passphrase on login/server start. How can I set this up on teeks?

I'd essentially like to have the following happen:When I boot and come into the OS, prompt visually for the passphrase as is done when I first use a key.If I SSH into this computer (as it's internet-facing) and I haven't provided the SSH passphrase yet, then prompt for it. (Sometimes, I might need to remotely reboot the machine over SSH, so I'll be SSH'ing into it after it reboots and I'd like to be able to authenticate the key without having to VNC in and do it manually.)

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General :: Automate Tasks In Linux

Feb 10, 2011

I'd like to get the information about automatization of the tasks in Linux, more specifically in Fedora with minimal installation (without graphical interface and so on).The application (developed in C) needs to be started automatically when the computer is initialized. I've read about cron but I guess it's not a solution in this case because whenever computer starts the application must run once.I also have read about the/etc/ rc.local file but I made some tests changing it and they didn't work, the computer starts asking me the login and password but nothing run after that.The inittab was the same. In this way, someone know how to initialize an application developed in C when the computer starts?

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General :: Automate A Definition Process?

May 24, 2011

I would like to automate a definition process. I have 11,581 to define. :|

I would like to read each word, copy the definition(s) and append it next or below the word or save definitions to file.

The word list has one word per line.

Python script?

Its an interesting project but I cant seem to figure it out. Lack of programming skills.

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General :: How To Automate Log Deletion Process

Feb 25, 2010

I have RHEL Machine in production server where we gets usual alerts that logs filling up spaces. We archive those logs but in case it grows maximum we delete the old ones. Any idea how can we autiomate the process.

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