Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot From USB Stick If Write Protection Enabled

Nov 7, 2010

I have a USB stick with a mechanical write protection (a small switch that disables writing on the stick). I have installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 on this device usung the startup drive creator. If the switch is in the position that allows writing, Ubuntu boots as expected. But if I switch to write protection, I only see a blinking cursur. Because it is a live system on the stick I expected that it should work as well, because nothing should be written to the stick. Does anyone have an idea why it behaves like this and how I can change it?

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Start Muse : Denormal Protection Enabled

Feb 1, 2011

Cannot start muse : Denormal protection enabled

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Ubuntu :: Remove Write Protection From Partition?

May 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a bootable HFS+ partition. I've succeeded in creating the HFS+ partition in Windows using Mac Drive 8, but need to set the partition to "Active" to be able to install an OS on it. The issue lies that when I try to set it to active in windows disk management it tells me that the media has been write protected by Mac Drive. I want to either set the partition as active (or at least disable write protection to allow me to set it as active in windows) or find another means of creating an HFS+ partition, which I know gparted claims to do but I can't manage to enable it. I'm currently running Windows 7 but I have Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD to use if necessary.

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Fedora :: How To Remove Write-protection

Aug 27, 2011

I have an external hard drive that is actually a 2.5" HDD from a laptop, in a hard drive enclosure. Now I have an issue, because the hard drive had linux Ubuntu installed on it, the hard drive is write protected. So I cant copy any files. I need to copy about 12GB of pictures from it, to my current comp, so I can format it. Does anyone know how I can remove the write protection so I can copy or delete files?

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General :: Removal Of Write Protection On A USB?

Oct 5, 2010

I have couple of USB modules. They are full of unwanted Windows files.I want to remove everything and format it.The message is it is write protected. The command fdisk -l gives the following:

Disk /dev/sdc: 2008 MB, 2008416256 bytes
57 heads, 56 sectors/track, 1228 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 3192 * 512 = 1634304 bytes


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OpenSUSE Install :: USB - Turn Off Write Protection?

Oct 16, 2010

By using this tutorial I've create PenDrive USB with LiveCD. I would like to modify it a bit. Unfortunately when I'm mounting it I receive fallowing message:

linux-n7at:/home/starach # mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
mount: warning: /mnt seems to be mounted read-only.

How can I turn it off so I could modify my pendrive contents.

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General :: Alternative Ways To Turn Off Write Protection On SD Card

Mar 29, 2011

The lock on the card broke off and I tried using tape in that groove, but is too thick for my camcorder. I navigated /media > Context Menu > Properties > Permissions tab > File access, and chose Read and write, but this didn't allow my camcorder to record with the card. Unless there's a way to unlock it with software, I'll try switching the insides with the casing of another. I just want to know what is the best type of SD card or Mini SD adpter to do the trick, i.e. what has the best lock.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Win7 - Bitlocker And TPM - Without The Usb-stick The Pc Won't Boot

Oct 18, 2010

I have searched and read threads about the Bitlocker, grub and TPM issues that might show up, but I can't draw any conclusions as some information contradict each other. To make sure I don't screw up my pc as thought I need to make a new post.

At work I'm supposed to run Windows 7 and encrypt the win-partition with Bitlocker. I have installed Windows, turned on the encryption and it ties into the TPM. But as I am moving over to the *nix department I want to run Ubuntu as dual boot to check everything rusn fine with all the systems I need. Before I installed Windows I partioned the disk:

1,5 GB for system/bitlocker requirement
147 GB for Windows, C:
85 GB which is empty where I intend to install Ubuntu (not formated yet)

I boot into Windows with my bitlocker/TPM key on an USB-stick. Without the usb-stick the pc won't boot. Now, before I try to install Ubuntu I want to make sure to do it the right so I don't mess up the Windows installation or won't be able to boot the pc at all.

There seem to be several "schools" to this. Some suggest I should have installed Ubuntu first, then Windows and then encrypt. Some say, no worries just fire away and install since you are not planning to read the windows-partition from Ubuntu. Or an alternative, install but make sure to deactive the encryption during installation. Some say, install but make sure grub is installed in (multiple choices) location.

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General :: SD Card Write Protect On But Not Enabled

Sep 21, 2010

I plugged in a SDCard (SanDisk 4GB) with the write protect On in my Ubuntu system. Ideally this shouldn't have allowed me to write to this card. But it did. And that's when I found that it was getting mounted as a rw filesystem instead of ro. But the same card when I inserted it in another Ubuntu system with write protect On, this problem was not there. So nothing wrong with the Card.

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Debian Installation :: Can Booted With Secure Boot Enabled

Apr 10, 2015

Since users need to disable secure boot to install Debian but can you enable after its installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot And Install From USB Stick / Why Is So?

Jan 10, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 from USB stick. I used System>Admin>USB Start up Disk Creator and a 9.10 .ISO version to create the bootable USB stick.

When I plug my USB key into my computer, my computer doesn't boot from it. I tried on several other computers and none of them boot from my USB key. The bios settings on all my computers boot from removable media first.

I repeated the above steps with a different USB key and I still can't boot from the USB key. When I browse the USB key directories, I can see all the necessary files to install ubuntu.

Last year, I didn't have trouble installing ubuntu 9.04 from USB key. Not sure what I'm doing wrong this time.

Can anyone tell me how to trouble shoot this problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing 10.04 From Minimal Cd On USB Stick

Aug 11, 2010

I used unetbootin (on another machine) to put the ubuntu 10.04 minimal amd64 .iso onto a usb stick. I used it to install a minimal system on a new 64-bit laptop (dual booting with Windows 7). Now, when I turn on the machine I get my choice of OS. When I pick Ubuntu, I get a blinking cursor, the harddrive is accessed. Then the cursor disappears, the harddrive is quiet, and nothing else happens.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wont Laptop Boot Without USB Stick In?

Oct 25, 2010

After several attempts at installing Ubuntu 10.10 on a Samsung N150 laptop/netbook, I have finally succeeded, but it won't boot without the installation USB drive being plugged in. Trying to boot it without the USB thumb drive it just stops at a black screen and does nothing.

With the USB drive in, it doesn't actually load up the installer, as you would expect, but boots normally into Ubuntu. Once booted, you can remove the drive and it runs fine without it. When you plug it in, it sees it as /dev/sdb, and the only hard drive is also seen as /dev/sdb. So it never mounts it. It can mount any other USB thumb drive normally.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Usb Stick - Get Blue Window Boot Device

Jan 6, 2011

I want to install ubuntu 10.10 on my old laptop. I try to do this by usb stick, i came to the blue window boot device, there are 4 options to choose: Hard disk, cd-rom/dvd, floppy disk and lan boot. I tried all of them, but nothing happend.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Start Unless Usb Stick Mounted From Boot?

Jan 11, 2011

Before: I had 2 os's ubuntu and windows installed on my system. Recently, I decided to install ubuntu to a flash drive. All went well except grub was not installed to the flash drive, but appended the existing grub setup on my hard drive.

Now: Even if I set the default system in grub as windows, or the original ubuntu install, my system will not boot unless the usb stick is plugged in. I get message. Error: grub rescue: My ideal solution: To stop grub searching for my flashdrive before loading the boot menu, and if possible to write grub to the flash stick.

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Debian Installation :: BIOS Settings EUFI Or Legacy - Secure Boot Enabled

Oct 3, 2015

debian 8 64bit

Should bios setting be eufi or legacy?

Should secure boot be enabled?

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Debian Configuration :: All Users Not Able To Write To USB Stick

Jan 5, 2011

I have a USB stick, formatted as FAT32 and I assumed that everybody would be able to read from and write to it. However, I find that if more than one person is logged on to the machine (logged on locally, with "Switch User"), then only one of the users is allowed to write to the stick, and the other users are only allowed to read from it. Is that normal?

Here's the scenario: person A logs into the machine, is in the middle of something but gets called away and the screensaver kicks in. The screen is now locked. Person B comes to the machine to quickly copy a file onto a USB stick, doesn't know person A's password so does a "Switch User" and logs in as themselves. They plug in the stick, can read from it, but can't write to the stick at all. Permission denied.

By doing a "ls -l /media", person B can see that the stick is mounted but is owned by personA with permissions drwxr-xr-x . So only person A can write to the stick. I haven't done extensive testing but it seems to be the person who logged on first who gets to own the stick. It's certainly repeatable as described above. And it's really annoying, because unless person B knows the root password, he can't write to the stick. As a real last resort person B could reboot the computer but he doesn't know whether person A has any important stuff open or not.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install 10.10 From Usb Stick To Vista PC For Dual Boot-installer

Jan 29, 2011

Cannot install Ubuntu10.10 from usb stick to Vista PC for dual boot-installer crashes.Launchpad report bug not allowing me to report new bug either!I have been trying to install 10.10 ALL day unsuccessfully. Unhappy about unsuccessful outcome!

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Debian Installation :: HP Proliant N40L Does Not Boot Into USB Stick

Mar 14, 2015

I have downloaded the "debian-7.8.0-amd64-netinst.iso" from the official website. I then used dd to create a bootable usb stick. The usb stick is detected by the HP Proliant server but it does not boot from it, even if no other OS is present (so boot order is not the problem, and even if it was, i checked the bios). I tried the original iso in a Virtualbox environment and it worked without a problem.

I then tried creating the usb stick in Windows using "Unetbootin" and "LinuxLive Creator". When I insert the stick into the HP this time it boots from it and all is good. I can not use this approach though, because I want to automate the installation until I can SSH onto the server. But somehow unetbootin and linuxlivecreator overwrite my modified debian isos preseed file (which also works perfectly on a Virtualmachine).I also used dd to create a Ubuntu usb stick and that works without a problem on the HP Proliant.

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Debian Installation :: USB Stick With 8.1 Only Boot From Desktop No Laptop

Aug 13, 2015

I burned a live dvdrw with the hybrid live cd of debian 8.1 gnome and installed Debian onto the 32gb usb stick like this

8gb for /
22 for /home
2gb for swap

after chrooting into the usb stick with the live dvd-rw and installing grub2 there again cause the installation couldn't do it without chrooting first.. I wasn't able to boot from the laptop I installed Debian with but I could on my Desktop PC.

I wondered if you needed a copy of my grub.conf? so here is the pastebinnet of /boot/grub/grug.conf

[URL] ...

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Fedora Installation :: Fails To Boot Properly 15 Using A USB Stick

May 29, 2011

I am trying to boot Fedora15 using a USB stick. It fails to boot properly It works fine when I boot Fedora 14 using the same usb stick. I've attached some screenshots. Trying to run it on a Lenovo T500 2081CTO with an ATI graphics card.

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General :: Write *.iso Image Files Onto USB Memory Stick?

Sep 6, 2009

Can you please do me favor and let me know how can I write the *.iso image files onto USB memory sticks as if we burn them into CD and thus making bootable CD to boot from ? Is there any command under Linux for this purpose ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Netbook / When Boot From Usb Stick, Getting Error Unknown Keyword In Configuration File?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm having problems installing Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook onto my Asus 900. I downloaded the .iso then used the "make startup disc" feature in my Mint 9 desktop machine to make a usb install disk. All appears well at that point. When I try to boot from the usb stick, I get an error message as follows:

"SYSLINUX 363 Debien-2008-07-15 ......
Unknown Keyword in Configuration File
boot: "

and the cursor just hangs there and doesn't respond to the keyboard.

I also tried it on another Asus and a Gateway Laptop with the same results.

My intention is to have this the sole OS on my little Asus 900.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Grub Protection From Win 7 Update?

Jun 17, 2011

I saw a good quick fix for grub after win 7 updates over here

My question is, after WIN 7 sp1 it seems every update win 7 does borks grub and resets the system to boot from the Win 7 boot partition, Is there a way to prevent this or is it going to be a boot from CD and repair after every update?

Cause I know M$ isn't going to want to fix it as they don't like sharing systems.

I'm running
OpenSuse 11.4 Win 7 sp1 dual boot

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Write Grub To Boot Location - Fatal Error

Jun 10, 2011

I have been following this tutorial [URL]. When I get to the end of the installation and try to install GRUB to the /boot partition I have set up it throws a fatal error at me. No explanation other than it can't write to the specified location. I double checked all the partition settings which were the same as the tutorial then skipped the GRUB installation and finished. The only thing I can think of that might be wrong is that the 250MB partition size specified for /boot in the tutorial is too small.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Debian - Write /dev/sda1 To The Bootloader Rather Than /dev/hda1 Using Grub-mkconfig?

Aug 19, 2010

I installed Debian on my PC and then installed Ubuntu. This worked fine and I could dual boot between the two. The PATA disk was /dev/hda on debian and (I think) /dev/sda on Ubuntu. I copied the entire disk to a sata disk using dd from knoppix and put the PATA one to one side. Now the Ubuntu comes up fine but when I boot debian, it complains about references to /dev/hda1, which is present in grub - root=/dev/hda1. Debian now expects sda references rather than hda references. How do I persuade Ubuntu to write /dev/sda1 to the bootloader rather than /dev/hda1 using grub-mkconfig?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot With AHCI Enabled?

Feb 28, 2011

I have been running a dual-boot, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 system with the disks set for IDE with no problems. I have just attempted to change the disk system to AHCI and, whilst I can boot into Windows 7, I am unable to boot into Linux and get the error: "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/5d773307-a046-40fa-ba29-728611bc7eed does not exist" I am new to Linux so am unsure where to go from here. I have reverted to IDE for the moment and it boots Ok.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error 29: Disk Write Error Then Trying Again Windows Seems To Boot But It Takes Much Longer

Aug 17, 2010

i finally decided to updgrade from Hardy Heron to Lucid Lynx. for this i made a backup of my old install, then i couldnt find my Lucid CD so i used a Karmic one to partition my old ext3 to ext4. There were some errors but after trying a few times it worked. Installed Karmic, rebooted (worked fine), downloaded all updates - (did NOT reboot to let updates take effect) and upgraded to Lucid.

Everything went fine so far. Now when i try to boot into Lucid the system hangs, i've also got a windowsXP partition on there so i tried booting that, first grub tells me Error 29: Disk write error then trying again windows seems to boot but it takes much longer than it should and seems to hang.

Then i tried Karmic and Lucid LiveCD (which i found in the meantime) none of the LiveCDs make it to boot after about 20 minutes. (previously they worked fine)looking at the errors it seems to be something about the harddrive. Why the harddrive would stop the LiveCD booting is a mystery to me but the same messages appear when i select Recovery from the Grub menu so i guess the problem is related.


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Fedora Hardware :: Won't Boot With IOMMU Enabled ?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm struggling with my computer to get it to run a Windows 7 x64 machine as domU with VGA passthrough using Xen and Fedora 14 as dom0.

The problem is that when I enable IOMMU in BIOS, it simply freezes during boot. If booting with the dom0 pvops kernel via Xen it stops at the "IOMMU enabled" message. If I boot the regular unpatched kernel without the Xen; all I see is naught but a blinking cursor at the upper left corner.

I tried booting from the Fedora 14 liveCD and the lubuntu 10.04 liveCD and they booth freeze in a simlar fashion afer I get past their bootloaders.

The Windows 7 partition boots just fine and I can do all sorts of stuff in it (such as conducting computationally intensive tasks) without problems.

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Up USB Stick To Be Boot-able

Jan 17, 2010

So I've been running Ubuntu in a VM environment for a while, seeing if I like it. I think it's something I'd like to have as the primary OS on my netbook, so I downloaded the latest Netbook Remix version (9.10). Problem is, I can't get the thing to boot from my USB stick. Before we get into any lessons on how to set up a USB stick to be bootable, and how to adjust the BIOS's boot priority... let me say that I've used this exact stick and this exact laptop in the past just fine. When my netbook came home from the store with WinXP on it, I created a Live USB using unetbootin v3.56 and made the stick bootable with a gparted-live ISO. I used this to boot from the stick and partition my drive in half so that I could load the Win7 RC onto the other partition. Everything worked great then. I blew away those partitions and went back to a single partition when I loaded up my full Win7 OS a few weeks ago.

I'm wondering if it's possible that Win7 does something special with the bootloader to prevent this stick from being recognized? I know that sounds kinda far fetched, but I have a vague sense of having read this somewhere, but I can't find anything along those lines now. Just to be sure, I went into the BIOS and took out both the CD and the HDD from the boot sequence, so the only thing in there was the "removable device". However, when booting from the stick in this configuration, I got a "please insert an operating system" type message. When I started this process, the stick was still in "LiveUSB" mode with the gparted OS - however, I didn't test it in Win7 to see if it would have booted from it. I just assumed that it would have since the last time I used this USB stick, it was to boot into gparted-live.

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