Debian Installation :: Can Booted With Secure Boot Enabled

Apr 10, 2015

Since users need to disable secure boot to install Debian but can you enable after its installation?

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Debian Installation :: BIOS Settings EUFI Or Legacy - Secure Boot Enabled

Oct 3, 2015

debian 8 64bit

Should bios setting be eufi or legacy?

Should secure boot be enabled?

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Debian Installation :: Disabled UEFI Secure Boot

Sep 26, 2014

I have Acer Aspire S7-392. It has two 128GB SSD drives. They are using RAID 0. Currently there is Windows 8.1 installed on the RAID 0 drive.I am trying to install Debian 7.6 (wheezy) alongside Win 8.1 (dual boot). Actually I have already created linux partitions and installed mentioned Debian on my computer. I had to skip grub installation due to fatal error that had occurred. (Everything on existing RAID 0 volume).Now I am looking the way to install grub and boot Debian. I have disabled UEFI Secure Boot. It didn't work.

My question is:

1. Is it possible to have Win 8.1 and Debian dual-bootable on the same RAID 0 volume? How to install grub and boot debian?

2. If not, what am I supposed to do to achieve what I want (these two systems on one computer)? Delete old one RAID 0 and create two new: one for windows and one for linux partitions?

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Debian Installation :: Asus H97-Plus - UEFI (Secure Boot) / Black Screen Install

Aug 29, 2014

I appear to have the exact problem that is currently listed in the 7.6 errata about EFI boot and black screen while trying to install ("Potential issues with UEFI booting on amd64"). The problem is that their workaround is not an option for me. This is a new rig and the motherboard doesn't appear to have any kind of ability to disable secure boot. I also don't know if my problem is exactly what they're thinking when it comes to that entry.

I'm able to get to the Grub install screen where you have the option to install Debian but when I select an option (any option) the screen turns off, back on but is black. All activity in the system stops after a few seconds (3-5 seconds) and that's it, she's done. I've tried all the options to try and disable secure boot but the options listed below are as close as I can get (and apparently should be sufficient).

The CD ISO used was the 7.6 netinst CD. I've also tried the Jessie ISO (Testing) that was downloaded about 2 hours ago. Same results. Unlike the errata which says "intermittent booting problems", my issue is consistently reproduced with no other result no matter what I do.

The rig:
-Asus H97-Plus running revision 2202
-Intel i5-4570
-32GB DDR3-1600
-128GB SSD Drive
-No external video card - using on board only but have tried both VGA and HDMI ports with the same result.

BIOS settings (is it still called BIOS or is it UEFI now?)
-Fast Boot: Disabled
-Launch CSM: Enabled
-Boot Device Control: "Legacy OPROM Only" or "UEFI and Legacy OPROM" (tried both)
-Secure Boot State: Enabled (it's grayed out and I'm unable to change this)
-OS Type: Other OS (supposedly makes it so you can boot non-Windows OS)

The Debian page with the errata: [URL] ...

Look for "Potential issues with UEFI booting on amd64"

The obvious suggestions I've tried:
-tried USB boot & CD boot - same result
-tried altering the grub script to add the ACPI options - no effect

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Booted Once Then After Updates Will Not Boot?

Jun 14, 2010

Ive poked around the forums a bit and cant see anything that addresses this. I have a new install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Netbook remix on an Acer Aspire one. (From a couple of hours ago.) It was able to boot all the way up once. Now after a restart it hangs after selecting Ubuntu from the GRUB menu. If I launch using Recovery mode it gets to a line 2.302026 ata4: Dummy and then hangs. I can boot with the live CD and access the partition that ubuntu is on. I can also boot into windows 7 starter (Blech) from the grub menu. (It is a relatives netbookThey want to try Ubuntu but keep W7 intact.)

I am at a loss of what to do, I would like to simply re-install it again to replace whatever did not get setup right, but I think it will just make a new partition and get really messy.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot From USB Stick If Write Protection Enabled

Nov 7, 2010

I have a USB stick with a mechanical write protection (a small switch that disables writing on the stick). I have installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 on this device usung the startup drive creator. If the switch is in the position that allows writing, Ubuntu boots as expected. But if I switch to write protection, I only see a blinking cursur. Because it is a live system on the stick I expected that it should work as well, because nothing should be written to the stick. Does anyone have an idea why it behaves like this and how I can change it?

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General :: Secure Installation Of Debian Using Logical Volume Manager

Aug 31, 2011

I am installing Debian for the very first time and having read websites similar to [url] I have come across parts of the installation which I do not understand.

For example, I have created logical volumes using the logical volume manager however am unclear what the message regarding writing changes to disk before configuring Logical Volume Manager means.

Once I have created the volume group, I am presented with a window that provides me with the ability to

Display configuration details
Create volume groups
Create logical volume
Delete logical volume
Extend volume group

Option 2 is pretty self-explanatory however am unsure whether it is advisable to segment directories between 2 or more volume groups. What benefits does it serve?

Option 5 provides me to extend a volume group however am unsure how this works?
Does it mean I can assign free space available one 1 physical drive to the existing volume group or does it mean I can assign free space available on a second phyical drive or does it mean both? How does it affect security, performance, etc?

Currently the only way I can see the logical volumes I have created by selection Option 4. Is there any other way? How do most people keep track of the logical volumes they have created e.g. checking off against a checklist, etc?

Next I have the ability to map the logical volumes to mount points however am confused what purpose the none mount point serves as I have the option to select it?

What are mount options for?

What do I use labels for?

What are reserved blocks for?

What does typical usage refer to?

How does the option to copy data from another partition work? What is it for?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Windows Has Never Booted - Get A Blue Screen

Nov 18, 2010

I have a Toshiba NB305 on which I've installed 10.04 and then 10.10. I set it up to dual boot windows, but windows has never booted. I get a quick blue screen, and then it goes back to the grub menu. Ubuntu boots just fine. I occasionally have reason to boot into Windows. So it would be nice to get it working. Here's the output from boot_info_script.


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot System - The Keyboard Is Not Working But Only When Booted Into XP?

Dec 1, 2008

I recently started experimenting with Ubuntu 8.10 and I've spent the last week mostly getting the HDD partitions and desktop to my liking so I have not installed many actual programs yet. As of this last Saturday ( 11-29-2008 ) my Keyboard (PS/2 connection) worked fine whether booted into Ubuntu or XP and worked in grub as well. I discovered on Sunday the 30th that when booted into XP my keyboard no longer worked(but my USB mouse works). The keyboard still works fine in Grub and in Ubuntu but no amount of keypressing works when booted into XP. My device manager indicates the driver has been corrupted or something (Code 39 error) and indicates the driver files are i8042prt.sys and kbdclass.sys.

Here's a list of the things I've tried so far:Tried swapping in a USB keyboard; I've tried updating the drivers in Device Manager; Tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers in Device Manager; I tried the "uninstall driver, shutdown, unplug keyboard, reboot, shutdown, plug keyboard back in and reboot" routine; deleting those two files and letting them be rebuilt at boot; using the recovery console to copy them from the XP install CD to the System32/Drivers folder and as a last resort I tried a repair install only to find when asked to enter the CoA code the keyboard still did not work.

I obviously borked something on the Ubuntu side that's causing a conflicting with those drivers on the XP side but I'm at a loss as to what that might be. The only thing I can remember installing since the last time the keyboard worked was maybe Wine, but for sure I did a test install of my Baldur's Gate+ToSC disc and I attempted to install Daemon Tools Lite too. I've since uninstalled those two programs and even Wine itself without results. The only other thing I can think of is that I've been messing around with the /fstab file a lot trying to get all my drives/partitions to mount up at boot like I want but I don't know how that would impact the keyboard drivers.

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Debian :: Can't See HD Files When Booted From Live USB

Jun 18, 2015

Windows has been crashing systematically on my old netbook, so I booted debian from a liveUSB. The reason I don't want to install it outright is that I didn't backup my files, so my plan was to do the backup with live debian. Yet, for some reason, Debian's "File viewer" doesn't "see" my HD files. That is, my disk is listed as a mounted device and I can see all its directories ("Downloads", "My Documents" and so on) but they all seem to be empty.

So I try from the terminal, where "dir" on /Downloads effectively returns the list of all the files I remember I had there. So on my first attempt I try to copy one single file to /home, that is,

Code: Select alluser@debian:/media/user/36AEF3F8AEF3AE8D/Users/xxxx/Downloads$ sudo cp filename.jpg /home
(/media/user/36AEF3F8AEF3AE8D is the mount point for the /dev/sda2 filesystem) and I get

Code: Select allcp: error reading 'filename.jpg': Input/output error
cp: failed to extend '/home/filename.jpg': Input/output error

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Debian Configuration :: Services Depending On Kernel Booted?

Jul 26, 2011

is there a Debian way possibility to start services depending on the choice made on the (grub) boot prompt? As an example:

Workstation - starts all and everything but no hostap nor xend (run this at home)
Workstation traveller - starts like Worksation except networking (run this in the pub
Xen host - run this preparing some training courses
Xen host HOSTAP - run this having the training course with a WiFi net for the class

I came from Gentoo recently and there is such a possibility. It is relatively simple to put a kernel option which the kernel does not recognize at the boot prompt. Such not recognized options will be sent through to init (and thus to the SysV init scripts) by the kernel and I could script this. What I am looking for is a the "official" way on Debian to do such things.

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Debian :: Give Path To Select ISO Successfully Booted From USB?

Mar 26, 2010

I was able to boot from my USB to begin Debian installation screen which after loading kernel gave ncurses based screen asking me to give the location of ISO I formatted the USB to two partitions

/dev/sdb1 (bootable) 1GB
and /dev/sdb2 6GB

after rebooting the debian installation process does begin. But I do not want to use the 20MB business card ISO Instead I have the 4.2 GB ISO on other partition on USB how can I make it take read that image so that installation begins from the 4.2GB ISO on other partition. Do I need to edit in syslinux.cfg some thing or how can I bring the grub command prompt so that I give it the path to kernel and initrd or syslinux can not take ISO from other partition.

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Fedora Installation :: New Kernel Not Booted After Update (F12)?

Jan 19, 2010

On a new install of Fedora 12, I did the online update (using PackageKit). However, though the new kernel with images are seen in /etc/boot it still boots into the old kernel:


$ uname -a
Linux LinuxFedora.HomePC #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:25:57 EST 2009 i686


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Debian :: Graphics Resolution In Tty1->tty6 - Doesn't Apply To The Terminal After The Computer Has Booted Up

Jun 23, 2010

I'm using squeeze. I wanted to know how you could determine from the command line in tty1 (or tty2 through tty6) what the resolution was that text was being displayed at. Is there a way? I know that in grub, you're supposed to be able to go to the command line and type vbeinfo. I tried this and got some information, but somehow I think it doesn't always apply to the terminal after the computer has booted up.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Displays Ghost Image Once Booted?

May 26, 2009

I'm having a problem which seems restricted to Fedora. I'm trying to install Fedora 10 on a dual boot system. I have Windows 7 RC installed. When I boot the live CD to run Fedora, my screen ends up displaying Fedora on the left half, and bits of the Windows shut down screen on the right. I cannot access the Fedora menus, they are pushed off to the left out of view.

I previously experienced the same problem with an earlier version of Fedora, with the HD loaded with Ubuntu and Win 7 beta. Fedora would boot but display either the last Ubuntu or last Windows screen to the right, whichever had been running last. No other version of Linux exhibits this behavior that I have found, but my experience is limited. Is there a particular procedure that I need to run to get Fedora to use the entire video display? Does Fedora need to be installed first?

Hardware is: ASUS P5E VM HDMI, using the integrated graphics, display is a 32" LCD TV HDMI input, hard drive is a Samsung 500Gb.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booted Alongside Windows 7?

Mar 11, 2011

i heard this can be dual booted easily alongside windows 7 how do i do this and can it also be done with XP. i would like to keep XP and windows 7 on hand for games and other thing i know i wont be able to do on linux.

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Security :: Ways To Secure Sendmail Or Secure Alternatives To Send Mail

Dec 1, 2010

I'm an Oracle DBA and started working for my current employer about 4 months ago. This past weekend an alert re: FS space brought my attention to /var/spool/clientmqueue (full of mail re: cron jobs) and the fact that sendmail is not running on our Linux servers.I'm told that the IT security team deemed sendmail too vulnerable so we don't run it.Aside from FS filling up and missing notification of issues with crontab entries, I'm concerned that we may be missing notification of potential issues. In other Unix/Linux environments I've seen emails from the print daemon when it experienced problems with specific jobs.

Are there other Linux facilities aside from cron and lpd that use email to advise the users of possible issues? Are there ways to secure sendmail or secure alternatives to sendmail? My primary need/desire is to make sure that emails regarding issues on the server get to the appropriate users. Secondary goal would be to have the ability to use mailx to send mail out. There is No need/desire to receive mail from outside.

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Fedora Installation :: Booted To Console Prompt - How To Start Gnome

Mar 20, 2009

I finally got my system to boot to a console prompt. This is a fresh installation of fc10 that I have struggled to get working with my old Adaptec 2940 scsi hardware. I am a little fuzzy on the whole gtk, gdm, gnome thing. So how do I go from this console prompt to configuring the new installation with desktop?So let's say I am logged on as root on the console.

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Ubuntu :: New Triple-booted Installation Doesn't Load Grub2

Aug 5, 2011

I'm attempting to triple boot Windows 7, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu 11.04 on non-Mac hardware. Chameleon is my primary bootloader, which is supposed to chainboot into grub2, but all I get when I choose the Linux boot option is a black screen with blinking cursor. If I try to boot Ubuntu while holding shift, I get the word GRUB, followed by a space and a blinking cursor. grub2 is installed to the Ubuntu partition, and attempts to reinstall it there or to the MBR from a LiveCD result in errors. The MBR and GPT partition tables are synchronized. How do I go about making Ubuntu bootable, without breaking my other two operating systems (or at least leaving them recoverable)?

I built a new desktop computer.The goal was to triple boot the system with Windows 7, Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and Ubuntu 11.04. This endeavor has been significantly more complicated than I originally expected, but with the of a forum-goer at, I've managed to get pretty far with a complex installation process. I've attempted to get Ubuntu running using two methods, neither of them achieving what I'm hoping. Both methods follow.

In the first method, I install Mac OS X using a specially designed install CD that boots into the Snow Leopard installation DVD. The disk is partitioned to have a FAT partition, followed by a Mac OS X journaled partition, ending in a second FAT partition. Mac OS is then installed to the second partition. The Windows boot CD is then used to format the first FAT partition as NTFS, which Windows 7 is then installed to.

As I'm sure you know, this installs Windows Boot Manager. Then I boot into OS X using the boot CD mentioned earlier, and install Chameleon, a bootloader specifically designed for Hackintosh systems, and (supposedly) capable of booting into all three operating systems I'm trying to work with. Finally, I divide and reformat the remaining FAT partition into an ext4 partition and a swap partition, and install Ubuntu to that ext4 partition, with the bootloader installed to the same partition. This will break the Windows bootloader, as now the MBR and GPT tables are no longer syncronized. Ubuntu is also unbootable; attempting to chainload into grub2 leaves me at a black screen with a blinking cursor. The former problem is solved by booting into a LiveCD and installing and running gptsync. Windows is now bootable, but Ubuntu remains in 'limbo'.

The second method I attempted is very similar, but deviates in the last few steps. After installing Windows, I instead install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, as I thought I might have fewer bootloader issues with that distribution (don't ask why; it was a lucky hunch).This breaks Windows Boot Manager, but this time grub2 throws me into the grub> prompt.I can boot into Ubuntu just fine using the set root/linux/initrd/boot commands, but my motherboard's Ethernet port is not detected by the OS, so I can't directly download and run gptsync. Once I do manage to run it, though, Windows is then also repaired.

Unfortunately, since I can't access the Internet, I can't do a distribution upgrade that way. Trying to upgrade from the recent release's LiveCD...well...doesn't upgrade, just overwrites. So I get the same black screen with blinking cursor problem. I've tried reinstalling grub2 through a LiveCD using grub-install both using the --root-directory flag and the chroot method.

System specifications:
Intel Core i7 (LGA1155)


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Ubuntu :: Delete Folders And Files From Main Installation From When Booted From Live Cd?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm getting permission errors. Delete folders and files from main installation from when booted from live cd?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booted With Windows 7 From A USB Stick WIndows Is Dependent On The USB To Boot?

Jan 19, 2011

I recently moved and didnt have internet. Out of a fit of boredom i decided to get me Ubuntu 10.10 disk and dual boot. My laptop has a SD slot in the front of it that has never been used so i decided that itd be cool to have ubuntu on an SD card that i could boot any time. I used the default installer to install it onto the SD card instead of using the Universal USB Installer (i imagine this is where i went wrong). It installed and everything works fine and when i boot up it lets me choose between Linux and Windows when the SD card is inserted. When it is not i get this screen The only really problem is me worrying that the sd card will be lossed or get broke and i will no longer be able to access Windows. Is there anyway i can set the windows boot loader back t the default bootloader (i think this is what need to be done i may be completely wrong>

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Fedora Hardware :: Won't Boot With IOMMU Enabled ?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm struggling with my computer to get it to run a Windows 7 x64 machine as domU with VGA passthrough using Xen and Fedora 14 as dom0.

The problem is that when I enable IOMMU in BIOS, it simply freezes during boot. If booting with the dom0 pvops kernel via Xen it stops at the "IOMMU enabled" message. If I boot the regular unpatched kernel without the Xen; all I see is naught but a blinking cursor at the upper left corner.

I tried booting from the Fedora 14 liveCD and the lubuntu 10.04 liveCD and they booth freeze in a simlar fashion afer I get past their bootloaders.

The Windows 7 partition boots just fine and I can do all sorts of stuff in it (such as conducting computationally intensive tasks) without problems.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot With AHCI Enabled?

Feb 28, 2011

I have been running a dual-boot, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 system with the disks set for IDE with no problems. I have just attempted to change the disk system to AHCI and, whilst I can boot into Windows 7, I am unable to boot into Linux and get the error: "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/5d773307-a046-40fa-ba29-728611bc7eed does not exist" I am new to Linux so am unsure where to go from here. I have reverted to IDE for the moment and it boots Ok.

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Debian :: Secure Apt-get Key ?

Sep 19, 2010

I was looking at my apt-get keys (with APT Key Manager) and, besides the usual keys:

I have this one: live-helper local packages key, no expiration

I am using Debian Squeeze from an original live-dvd installation; is the last key normal or should I remove it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Hangs With Acpi Enabled

Apr 11, 2011

I have an old laptop (asus M6 ca. 6 year old) with dual boot linux windows. Untill Saturday linux=suse 11.0, Saturday I have made an upgrade to opensuse11.4.
I have boot up/down many times almot everything was working properly except the battery status ... I have thought .. "I'll think about it later".

Then out of the blue on sunday my laptop does not boot anymore, the boot hangs. I then have realized taht the failsafe boot was working properly.... ok I have remembered the wrong battery signal and tried the normal boot + acpi=off .. and .. it boots!

OK, the acpi is the problem. I have never made an update of my BIOS (this means it is now old), but I do not really want to update it now. with suse 11.0 the acpi was working properly, I have never have touched the acpi boot option and I had all acpi functionality working (battery, suspend .. etc)

how to let acpi work (at least for the main features .. batetry, fan speed, HT ... etc)?

It can be that the old kernel boot was using some "specific flags", (an installation is cleverer than an upgrade ..?!?!) but unfortunatelly it looks to me that nothing has remained from the old installation .. so I do not know ...

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Hardware :: Refuses To Boot With IOMMU Feature Enabled

Apr 21, 2011

This affects any version of Linux I have managed to put my hands on, 32 bit as well as 64 bit, except XenServer 5.6. This does not affect Windows 7 x64, GRUB bootloaders and FreeDOS/MSDOS based boot CDs. Also, Linux boots fine with the BIOS IOMMU feature disabled.What happens is that the 64-bit Linux install, bootCD, installCD, liveCD or USB hangs almost immediately after GRUB with naught but a blinking cursor at the upper left corner. Some liveCDs manage to show some kind of boot splash before it hangs. USB peripherals such as the mouse and the USB stick gets severed at the moment of the hang. The num-lock led is on but the keyboard is irresponsive to *-lock toggles.

In the 32-bit version it takes a little longer before the hang and the USB peripherals stay on at the event of the hang, but the keyboard is irrespnsive in the same manner. It also spits out error messages.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manipulate Remastersys To Load MacBuntu And Cairo-dock To Launch When Custom Iso Is Booted?

May 13, 2011

Having downloaded remastersys, I tried to make a custom iso with mixed results.Whilst i got all my installed programs included, it didn't install my MacBuntu theme or cairo-dock by default. How can I manipulate remastersys to load MacBuntu and cairo-dock to launch when my custonm iso is booted?

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Debian :: How To Check Why GUI Not Enabled

May 31, 2010

I have an Debian System on which GUI is not enabled. How to Check that GUI can be started by some command or that has to be reinstalled.

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Debian :: Secure Way To Change User Name?

Feb 21, 2011

I want to change my user name, pretty my replace my user name completely so that it is reflected all around the OS. What is the less dangerous and most secure way to do it? I guess I can create a new user copy stuff all over but if there is an easier way I am going to prefer it.

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Debian :: Testing More Secure Than Ubuntu?

Feb 13, 2010

Ubuntu is based on debian unstable, but there might be some time lag before security patches get to debian testing --- so is Debian Testing more secure than Ubuntu ?

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