Ubuntu :: Gets Slow After A While?

Sep 21, 2010

When my computer have runned for some time (10-20 minutes maybe, not sure) it gets very sluggish and slow. It's like everything gets much slower to render. The fading effect when clicking Quit is like 2-3x slower. If I restart, everything gets as fast as it should but gets slow after a while like I told. It is not that it gets slower and slower. It is either normal or slow.The problem started a few days ago and I don't think I have done anything special except automatic updates. I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (64bit).I noticed now that all programs that uses OpenGL crashes. glxgears just shows an empty window for some seconds and then close with the text "Aborted". I don't really know what's causing the problem but I guess it has something to do with graphics stuff.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Startup, Plymouth Not Showing, Slow Desktop Load?

May 3, 2010

I'm an Ubuntu user since Jaunty, and I've always upgraded my system (NOT fresh install). Everything went fine, but yesterday I upgraded to Lucid. My only concern -for now- deals with startup time. I'm a desktop user (Core2@3GHz) so I think I should boot in less than 10 seconds. Anyway, boot time is 30 seconds - not too much, but there is definetly something wrong with tools I don't know (ureadahead, plymouth, etc.). Attached is my bootchart: can anyone explain me what's wrong?

Also, I don't even see a plymouth Ubuntu themed bootsplash: I only see a blank (black) screen standing for seconds, then I see the bootsplash for less then half a second, then GDM appears :S Not crucial -I know- but how can I fix it? (I don't know if it's related, but I can see the animation at shutdown)Finally, GNOME desktop takes too long to load. I don't know why, but there are 15/30 seconds in between login sound and a usable desktop (with panels and icons, I mean).Please help me, I don't want to do a fresh install. Boot speed is not a dial with desktops - I know - but it can be a symptom that my system is a bit a messy (and I don't like it, since I installed Jaunty less then 1 year ago). (!Forgot! I also installed grub2 by hand

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Ubuntu :: How To Deal With My Slow Computer - Runs Desperately Slow ?

Jan 22, 2010

I just want to know how to easily speed up my computer because it runs desperately slow. I am running windows Xp which is about two years old.

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Ubuntu :: USB Disk - Slow Transfer Speeds And Slow System?

Apr 17, 2011

Whenever I transfer a movie into my 16GB USB flash disk, my whole system becomes windows-like and unusable!

When i drag the file(s) into the USB disk folder, it starts out fine and pretty darn fast (25mb/sec) then slowly decreases until it's unbearably slow (3m/sec) and as a side effect my whole system starts deteriorating. I basically have to wait for the file to finish transferring before i can use my desktop again!

This has been happening with every version since Karmic (all 64bit)- I put up with it because I don't use the USB stick that much.. but lately it's been my go to source for transfering large files to/from work.

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General :: Slow Very Slow File Download On Platform?

Jan 11, 2010

I have good experience in microsoft enviroment, now tiring to use linux, i tried Ubuntu 9.10, OpenSuse on different computers bur there is same big problem: Very slow download speed compared to microsoft.same file at same time downloaded by microsoft winxp toke incomparable short time. for example file 5.5MB attached to e-mail on Yahoo toke ~1minute to download on winxp computer,same file at same computer but with Ubuntu takes more thane 30minutes!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Is Fast Then Slow Then Fast Then Slow Connect Disconnect ?

May 7, 2010

My wireless seems to be fast for a good 30secs then bang takes good while to load the next page almost as if it's disconnecting and then reconnecting/scanning reconnecting. Why cant it stay connected. I have WAP PSK security here is my network setting please let me know if I should change any of them:(side not is there a way to fix this problem occuring so frequently it says on the wiki that it should only occur once in a whilce https:[url].....

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Ubuntu :: Slow Startup / Why Is So?

Feb 15, 2010

An other general question,

I have installed ubuntu the same day on 2 PCs, my laptop with an athlon 64 x2 and 4Gb of RAM DDR3 and my very old PC, athlon XP2400 with 1Gb of DDR2 memory (if i remember well)

It starts in 20 seconde on the old PC and around 1 minute on my laptop, honestly it bugs me, any ideas why it is so slow on my laptop? I do have a 2 seconds for grubs, but still...

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Ubuntu :: NAS Access Is Very Slow (but Not On XP)?

Mar 11, 2010

I have this sitecom MD-253 NAS disk using Raid-1 and equipped with two 1TB WD hdd's. The NAS firmware is Linux of some cind and I use the, pr. today, latest firmware.However, as mounting the NAS server was not any challenge, the response time is in the most shamefully end of the scale. Even listing folder content is deadly slow, beeing from one to three second before list is shown. Both the linux laptop and the NAS is connected through cable via the router, the XP however, is wireless but access is no problem here.I found a few tutorials around dealing with mounting the NAS drive but few which dealt with the speed issues and none solving my problems. I saw one post in another forum though discussing if the problem could be caching but they had no solution.

I have used different commands mounting, but at the moment i use this one in fstab:Code:// /mnt/nas cifssername=zainka,password=********,_netdev,uid=zainka,gid=users 0 0Response time is not affected though. That is, for FTP the responce time is actually higher but then I run into other issues like that mounting it like a disk is difficult and the link must be keept alive constantly I also seen some comments about using NFS but isn't this a proprietary MS protocol for file access?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Shutdown Is Slow?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using ubuntu 9.10. After newly installation, it is quick for starting up and shudown.But I don't know why it becomes so slow that I have to press the power button to shut it down in force. how I can see what the system is doing in the shutdown process. Then maybe I can figure it out which application slows down the shutdown

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Very Slow Downloads?

Apr 30, 2010

i am trying to download my video drivers and its been about 20 minutes and am only half way. also downloading from software center is VERY slow. Anyone know of a fix or is it just because its new?

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Ubuntu :: How To Slow Down Mouse

Apr 30, 2010

Even with all the mouse sensitivity and acceleration settings at the lowest my mouse is still very fast.

I tried googling this but I didn't really understand the guides much and the ones I did understand were from years ago.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Web Browsing

May 4, 2010

This something I have only experienced since the final install.I'm using a fresh firefox profile with NO extensions currently. The only change I have made is to disable ipv6 to see if it helped with the following problem. Browsing web pages is stupidly slow and much slower than I am used to.Downloading in firefox is normal and running at speeds I would expect.For example, I have downloaded several distro .iso's over the past two days and they have been consistently downloading at 1MB/s +This is only affecting browsing web pages and it's affecting all of them, even the basic google search page takes at least twice as long as normal.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Run From USB / Speed It Up?

May 20, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 from a USB key (16GB). Overall I'm pretty fine with it but there are a few problems I am having. It seems to be very slow. In particular, Firefox and Pidgin freeze every now and then, before becoming active again. The same thing also happens for other applications such as Rhythmbox, Gedit, and the terminal. Additionally my start up and shut down times are horrible (worse than when I use Vista and Ubuntu 8.04). I was wondering if there is something with my install or if this is all due to the fact that I am running from a USB. I don't think it's the USB since I ran 8.04 from a USB HDD (55GB) and didn't have any problems with speed.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Startup From USB HDD?

Jun 11, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 on external HDD. Everything works fine except for slow startup.

It takes at least 2-3 mins to first show a blinking cursor when booting from USB HDD to start ubuntu. After that it starts up within a minute or two?

what can be done to speed up to boot to Ubuntu from USB HDD?

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Ubuntu :: Opera 10.60 Very Slow 10.04

Jul 26, 2010

I'm on ubuntu 10.04 32-bit desktop. Somehow Opera 10.60 is very slow to load. I just switched from FF to Opera, and (I'm pretty sure, might be dreaming though) that the first few days it was lightning fast.. and now it takes like 10+ secs to load any page.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Connection Under 10.04

Sep 2, 2010

I have a Acer Aspire Revo 3600 running under Ubuntu 10.04

I have a 5 mb bandwith connection but when I'm doing a speed test its not even 1 mb and when im on firefox the web page are loading really slowly. The inbound traffic goes up and down too!

My girlfriend running on windows xp dont have any problem with the connection.

I disable the ipv6 of firefox and grub but it still doesnt change anything.

I'm not a linux expert so if you want any report juste tell me how to do it and I will try to give you more information.

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Ubuntu :: VLC Is Slow Start

Oct 2, 2010

I have an Intel Celeron 2.80 Ghz processor, 1GB RAM, GeForce 8400 512MB video card running Ubuntu 10.04.When I open VLC it takes 15 to 20 seconds to open. I just setup another computer: Pentium III 1.1Ghz with 256MB of RAM with Crunchbang Lite, and VLC opens in less than a second. No problem with VLC on my computer at home.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling VLC but no change.No errors from the command line.What could cause VLC to open slowly on only one computer?

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Ubuntu :: U10.10 Really Slow / Make It Up?

Nov 23, 2010

I upgraded my computer to a AMD 1055T 6 core cpu and a new install with 8 gigs of ram. I notice that alot of things are lagging. I have the new updates and it is really slow and that is when I reset any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Slow After 10.10?

Nov 27, 2010

I had windows 7 on a HDD of 1,5TB, so I installed Ubuntu 10.10 (Dual boot), I made a 300GB partition for it. Then I bought a new HDD of 80 GB, so I deleted Ubuntu from the partition I made, and then extended for Windows, so then I had 1,5TB for Windows and Ubuntu on a 80GB installed. I have 3 HDD on my computer. One for files another for Windows and another for Ubuntu. I used Ubuntu till today, then I booted on Windows, I noticed Windows is being way to slow now, it's crashing a lot (And Ubuntu is being a little bit slow too, could be faster). Here are my computer detail:

3 HDD (640(Files),1,5(C: ),80(Ubuntu))
AMD x3 445 3.10GHZ
Windows 32Bit (Patched for 4GB+)
Ubuntu 32Bit
ATI Radeon 4670

Before I had Ubuntu on my new HD installed, everything worked fine/great/perfect. But after I installed Ubuntu on a new HDD, Windows is crashing a lot and etc. I only use Windows for Photoshop and etc. I haven't manage how to install Photoshop there yet.

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Ubuntu :: Why Is 10.10 Netbook So Slow?

Jan 7, 2011

Yeah so with a fresh installation of it, the unity toolbar is rediculously slower than 10.04, and there are lots of typos such as when using update manager it says update file, and the driver manager says "additiona file".Are there any quick fixes to the speed or anything or should I just go back to windows or 10.04 on my netbook?

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Ubuntu :: Internet Very Slow On 10.10 64-bit

Mar 20, 2011

I got ubuntu 10.10 64 bit and I really do like it. My only problem is that the internet is very slow. It takes ages to load a page. i got Ubuntu as my second system on my computer and the internet works fine on my windows 7 partition. I already disabled the ipv6 and my DNS. I dont think the problem comes from firefox either.

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Ubuntu :: USB Stick V 2.0 Is Now Becoming Very Slow

Apr 8, 2011

The latter ubuntu version (10.10) seems to be getting fatter and fatter.Running ubuntu 10.10 from USB stick v 2.0 is now becoming very very slow.Is there a way to streamline it ? I only need to use one reliable browser (firefox ubuntu often got compatibility problem) and openoffice.Has anyone tried running ubuntu via USB Stick v 3.0 ?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Videos / Fix This?

Jun 4, 2011

When i play my videos its really slow any suggestions to fix this

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Really Slow Bootup

Jul 7, 2011

Up until recently have always been a gnome or xfce user, recently decided to try kubuntu. I like it, but its very slow to boot. I get a blank blue screen (same shade as grub) right after grub has finished its countdown and starts Kubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Very Slow DVD Burning ?

Aug 10, 2011

Im getting very slow DVD burning. Quite often in Turbojet2 or using growisofs or whatever, Im getting 0.5x DVD burning speeds.

I set the burn speed to 12x on Turbojet, but it hovers from 0.5x to maybe bursts of 5x.

I will get maybe 9 minute burn times in Brasero for single DVDs but 15 to 25 minutes in Turbojet2 and longer using growisofs or other CLI burning when doing multiple DVDs.

Im running 11.04 on a box w/ SATA drives, SATA DVD-RW's 12gb of Ram an Intel I-5 4 core processor

I have played w/ hdparm settings but no luck...I tried the below


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Ubuntu :: Qt Browser Is Slow

Jan 28, 2010

I installed Qt X11 browser in my netbook which consist of ubuntu 9.10. All are fine but when i start qt browser it is slow.

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Ubuntu :: Acpi Causes Graphics To Slow Down?

Jan 3, 2010

I have to use acpi=off because my PC is crushing/freezing during installation and 2 mins after boot up. Currently I'm using acpi=ht to enable second CPU.

The problem is that my Intel graphic card is slow and Xorg is taking a lot of CPU.
I'm also not able to enable compiz when disabling acpi. The biggest problem is the MythTV that is so slow in the menu area alone that I'm not watching any TV in it lately.

When I'm not, it's crushing, no CPU spikes, no strange behavior just crushing without any logs.

Ubuntu 8.10 was running well on the box.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Connection Over LAN?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Karmic on my desktop machine which is connected to my wireless router (via LAN cable).

I have two laptops on the LAN as well. One is my wife's Windows 7 laptop and the other is my Ubuntu Karmic laptop.

They both connect wirelessly to the LAN and all three computers have static IP addresses assigned.

So here's the issue. The desktop serves the laptops over the LAN with Samba file sharing, SSH, VNC and DAAP.

From the Windows 7 laptop, the connection over the LAN is fine. I generally use it to connect to the Samba shares and occasionally use it for VNCing to my Desktop's....desktop. It is fast and responsive.

From the Ubuntu laptop though, everything seems very slow. Connecting to the samba shares results in a wait of at least 30-60 seconds, even if they have only recently been accessed. Once it has connected (i.e. once the share opens up and you can see files) actually opening the files themselves is delayed too, but not to the same extent.

Also, connecting to the desktop via VNC is intolerably slow, with mouse movements being so delayed that it is almost impossible to click on anything.

SSH takes a long time to connect too (up to 30 secs) but obviously once connected it is fine. In a similar vain, FreeNX connection takes a long time to connect but once the desktop has loaded it is fine too.

I can use FreeNX instead of VNC but actually like using both for different functions. I understand VNC is slower than FreeNX but over a 100Mbps LAN connection I wouldn't expect it to be slow at all.

This laptop used to be a Windows Vista/Win7 laptop prior to being replaced with Ubuntu and it was able to connect to the server with no speed problems.

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Ubuntu :: Web Browser Runs Very Slow

Jan 9, 2010

I've been having issues with my laptop. It's a Vostro 1700..My web browser runs very slow and every now and then the computer will become unresponsive. Sometimes it will not open application and will get: couldn't exe command GCACTOOL.I decided to go back to Windows XP to see if Ubuntu was the problem but it wasn't.I got error messages regarding the HD, soo I bought a new HD but the problem is still there.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Is Slow To Mount

Jan 10, 2010

I'm experiencing something pretty weird with single partition of a physical disk that contains other partitions. I have observed twice already that after a boot that particular partition is not available, i.e. it does not appear to be mounted. When I tried to manually mount that partition, I got the message "not mounted or device busy". Unmounting the device showed that it was actually not mounted, although I cannot fathom what would keep the device busy. It is the only partition on that physical disk that has this problem, which is good because my root partition is also on this disk.

The first time I had this I tried rebooting a couple of times (after, unsuccessfully, trying the manual mount) and it seemed to work. The partition became available again.This time I was still busy googling for it when suddenly the partition became available, i.e. it had mounted. After a reboot it stayed that way.As I am unable to comprehend this and quite convinced that it will pop up again in the future, I wonder if someone else has seen this or knows what is going on.All partitions are formated as ext3 and I'm currently running karmic (clean install), although the offending partition has not been touched since 8.04. My machine is a Dell Studio 17 laptop.

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