Ubuntu :: Internet Very Slow On 10.10 64-bit

Mar 20, 2011

I got ubuntu 10.10 64 bit and I really do like it. My only problem is that the internet is very slow. It takes ages to load a page. i got Ubuntu as my second system on my computer and the internet works fine on my windows 7 partition. I already disabled the ipv6 and my DNS. I dont think the problem comes from firefox either.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Internet Connection In 10.04?

Sep 30, 2010

I have dual boot OS and I'm using Ubuntu with Win 7. Previously I was using Fedora but I thought to change the flavor! So I installed Ubuntu, but now I'm truly facing problem with my Internet connection! Its too slow in Ubuntu, the both surfing and downloading speed! Usually in windows I get 200-400 kbps download speed when downloading a file and if I download the same file in Ubuntu using flashget I'm getting only 60-70 kbps speed! Also the surfing is too slow! My broadband's bandwidth is 2.1 Mbps!

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Ubuntu :: Slow Internet Under 10.04 After Update?

Mar 20, 2011

I have been using 10.04 since quite a long time now. and everything was working smooth until last update and all of a sudden my firefox and chrome are slow, really slow on internet. At first I could not believe that ubuntu could be so slow so I called my ISP provider and fight with them. later on I found that my XP runs fast, and Finally the problem is on my ubuntu system. I looked online and disabled my ipv6 but still the issue is not solved. I even tried openDNS and that did not help. What's going on on recent update?

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Ubuntu :: 11 New Install - Slow On The Internet

Jul 21, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11 on my Acer timelineX 5820T, core i3, 2.4ghz, 4gb ram, 250gb hard drive laptop.

I installed it side by side with Windows 7.

After the install Ubuntu works really, really slow on the internet. Internet speeds of like only a few kb per second. It took about 10 minutes to download a 21.2MB file whereas on Win7 I'd be done in a minute or two. Also seems to run much slower as well...

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Ubuntu :: Internet Is Unbearably Slow

Jan 3, 2011

So I just installed ubuntu on my pc. I love it, with one exception. The internet is unbearably slow. I had windows on there before, and never ran into an issue, so I assumed, when it auto connected to my ethernet, that everything was a-okay. Apparently not so much. Download speeds and browsing speeds are both affected

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Ubuntu Networking :: Why Is Internet Speed Is So Slow?

Feb 10, 2010

When using launchpad and the ubuntu daily build website it is very slow. I get 1.2mb/s normally and the speed drops quickly to 0kb/s This is the case from any version of ubuntu that is installed on my laptop.In windows it is no problem, equally there is no problem from a live cd or an install on my external hard disk. Is canonical blacklisting/slow listing my ip?

I am behind a university network but am sure this problem occurs at home .I did a clean install and had no problem until about an hour ago. When I tried to re download a project using bzr my speed instantly ropped.I had downloaded it fine a couple of hours ago. I hope that someone can shine some light on this, its very hard to work on projects if I can't download them.

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Very Slow On 9.10 But Fast In XP

Mar 23, 2010

Like the title, that is my problem. I'm using cable modem with 3mbps. It is Linksys Docsis, wired networking. When I download a file using ubuntu 9.10, my latency time (ping time) sky rocketed to 2000ms average, while in XP none of this happens; I tried to download the same file from the same website. In ubuntu 9.10 my network setup will be, well... nothing. I'm using DHCP automatic detection. Same thing in XP.

I don't want to go back and forward using XP for the internet. Funny thing though, none of this happens while I first started ubuntu 9.10. I didn't configure anything with networking. It is the way it is from the beginning. The only thing I tried was ubuntuone. But that like months ago, and the problem I have with slow internet connection only appear this March.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Speeds

Apr 10, 2010

I'm finding that the internet speed in Ubuntu 10.04 is over twice as slow as the speeds that I am getting in Windows 7.I've tried disabling IPv6 through Grub and Firefox but it didn't really help much.. anything else I can try?Connecting through wireless at 54 Mbps.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Running Very Slow

Jun 16, 2010

my computer ran on windows now is duel boot runs fine with vista internet wise (wireless) but ubuntu is very slow just like a lo of people are saying but just now i thought i will hook it up wired to modem and it is not any faster at all very confused and dont know where to go or what to do

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrading - 10.04 - Internet Connection Is Very Slow

Jul 5, 2010

After upgrading, my internet connection is very, very slow. Some sites pop up like always, but most take a very long time to load. Some as much as 3 to 5 minutes for a site that should just "pop" up.

It is not the internet connection, if I boot into windoze it is as fast as ever and I have a quite fast connection. It has just started this with the upgrade.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Satellite Internet - Should It Really Slow This Much?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm staying out at a friend's house in the middle of nowhere, and she's been complaining about how slow her satellite internet has been of late. So I decided I'd take a look. If I ping my server at home, I end up with these statistics:

// @ 1 ping probe per second
60 packets transmitted, 36 received, 40% packet loss, time 59172ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 639.915/799.882/1209.119/104.763 ms, pipe 2

Compare that to driving 70 down the highway tethered to my cell phone: I see latencies in the 3000's and out-of-order packets, but practically none get dropped. If you ramp it up to 5 ping probes a second, the loss climbs to around 75%. To me, that seems quite excessive. The interesting thing is that all the packet loss seems to be occurring on download traffic - I set up tcpdump to monitor the packets on my server during the ping test, and all but 1 of the pings to got there, so the other 25 lost packets wondered astray on the return trip. I tested it with the client directly connected to the modem (it had the public IP).

So I'm quite certain that it's the satellite link itself that is the issue here. I've attached the complete logs from the ping test for your enjoyment. Of course, TCP corrects for the loss of packets, but with a latency of 800ms, resending packets takes a significant amount of time, not to mention services like DNS that just wait for a timeout to elapse (which is usually way too long). It can take 15 seconds to load a webpage. So I guess my question is, should it be this bad? I know satellite is generally terrible, but I didn't expect to see such rampant packet droppage.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SLOW Updates And Internet ?

Sep 11, 2010

I just installed dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 on my WinXP laptop. The laptop is a Compaq v2552us.

In windows mode, the internet works plenty fast.

In Ubuntu, I can't download a single update for hardware drivers or for ubuntu (it says there are 74 though).

It starts to DL, but max speed is about 800B/s, but that only last for a couple seconds before it switches to unknown. I am connected to my wireless router via cable, can't even get wireless to work (I suspect the aforementioned hardware drivers, which is why I need this to work).

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Is Sometimes Blocked Or Very Slow

Dec 12, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10,04 with a gnome interface on an ASUS K70IJ. It all works well, just the internet connection is sometimes blocked or very slow. I have tried it on several places (offices, hot spot, friends) with wireless lan and ethernet. I thought it might be a problem with the pilot for the internet connection. Can anybody tell me where I could find such a pilot and how I do to install it?

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Ubuntu :: PPTP VPN Connection - Internet Really Slow

Jan 29, 2011

I recently installed Kubuntu 10.10 on my machine, and I configured the PPTP VPN connection through which I connect to the internet. I can successfully connect, but it works really slowly. Slower than it does on Windows 7 on the same computer, with the same settings for the PPTP dialer. In about 20 minutes after I connect, the connection fails and even the modem restarts itself. I tried setting the MTU for the pptp connection to 1400 (I checked, and 1372 is the maximum value before the packets start to fragment + 28 bytes for the IP/ICMP headers), but nothing seems to help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Internet Is Utterly Slow?

Jan 29, 2011

Here it is:I do several things, involving a lot of different software (coding, image manipulation, drawing, video editing, etc).And where I live, internet is utterly slow, so instead of actually benefiting of the quick Ubuntu install, I am doomed to spend countless days re-downloading my packages each time.Before my last format, having gained a slightly greater understanding of how Linux works, I saved all the content of apt archives, so synaptic would pick the packages already downloaded from there.But it does not! It re-downloads every package.What should I do to have synaptic recognize packages that are already there?

Note: I am NOT looking to create a mirror repository, aptOnCd and whatnot. I also DO NOT want to install packages by hand, one by one or all together.All these solutions are certainly valuable (and I've tried a good bunch of them), but then I have to update manually my mirrored repository and/or install updates manually. Furthermore, it leaves me with two directories with packages, apt archive and ~/my-repository, which is just messy (in my view at least).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Very Slow VLC Internet Radio?

Feb 1, 2011

I am using VLC to listen to a radio stream online. It works ok, but always takes ~2min to actually connect to the stream. I opened VLC up via a terminal and got the following output:Quote:

natman@flame:~$ vlc
VLC media player 1.1.4 The Luggage (revision exported)
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")


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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Slow When 2nd Computer Is Off

Jun 15, 2011

I have 2 computers connected to my linksys router via ethernet cables.

My main computer is running Ubuntu while the other is Xubuntu.

When both comps are on, the internet works fine, but when my second computer is off, my main computer has super slow internet. Sometimes it takes 2 minutes and I get "This webpage is not available", and then I refresh that and it finally loads.

Why does it work when both comps are on? What could cause this?

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Ubuntu :: Internet Working Incredibly Slow?

Jun 18, 2011

I have been noticing recently that my net speed has been getting slower and slower. I have disabled IPV6, cleared all caches and cookies but am not seeing any great difference. Last week I installed Knoppix 6.4.4 to have a look at it, and was amazed at the speed of the net -- one major difference was a 10 Mb pdf I was trying to download. In maverick using Firefox the download failed 10 times at between 1.2 and 1.4 megs. In Knoppix it completed first time in about 4 minutes. I have compared page loading speed and pages load on average 6-8 times faster than in Ubuntu. I have not altered any other settings.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Internet And No DNS Response?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 server here, and this week internet sharing got too slow... i dunno if it is a squid problem... but it's too slow. And when i try to registar a domain for that server, bind gives do response. If i dig my server inside lan, it's working pretty well.

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General :: Internet Slow In Ubuntu 10.04 - Firewall?

Jul 19, 2010

I am currently using Release Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
Kernel Linux
Gnome 2.30.2

My question is: How can I tell if my fire wall is on? The reason I asked this is because My internet is running really slow and choppy.....I have 3.5MBPS but I feel like its Dial-up. I have a New Lap top with 1gig-mem,1.6 processor and 320gig Hd.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Internet Slow ... Tried Disabling Ipv6

Feb 1, 2010

Is karmic is slower for you all: if you're running windows ping a server on windows/ubuntu and compare. 9.10 is consistently slower for me. I've seen enough "slow internet" posts to suspect that someone screwed up bad. Everyone says it's ipv6, but none of the fixes work for me. Pretty sure it's ipv6 (or at least a dns-related problem):


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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet And Webcam Does Not Work

May 12, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 inside Windows 7 (demo version) for 2 weeks or so now and I really loved it. So much so that, last night I decided to burn the boot cd and put a full installation of it on the computer, instead of using Windows 7. After doing so, I started getting some small problems.

First problem was with aMSN, the webcam doesn't work anymore. It used to work when I was using the demo version of Ubuntu, but not anymore. I had to use meebo to get it to work, don't think that's a problem with Ubuntu though.
Secondly, Firefox is running really terribly. Whenever I try to watch a video, it stutters REALLY bad, as if it's maxing out my CPU.

Third, I'm getting an error message whenever I start Google Chrome, it says:
"Your profile could not be opened correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Please check that profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents."
It plays videos well but half time the audio doesn't work and I have to restart Chrome. (I tried uninstalling and reinstalling through synaptic, but that didn't work, the problem was still there).

Fourth and finally, the internet is just really really slow. Since the moment I installed the full version of Ubuntu it's be REALLY slow. I tried a download through bittorrent and the speeds were terrible, I ran a speed test while downloading (upload was limited to 5 kb/s) and I was still getting speeds of just around 10kb/s. So I closed bittorrent ran a speed test again and I had 1mb download and .75mb upload with 31 ping. I ran the test again and got 42 ping with same download and same upload. While I was downloading, the ping was 309. My normal speed is supposed to be 6mb download and 1mb upload

I guess version 7.0X had internet issues aswell because, when I did a google search for a solution, it turned up several results on how to fix it for 7.0X, which didn't work because the alias list didn't have anything in there. (the fix had something to do with ipv6). I tried direct connecting my internet and the speedtest results were normal, so I've concluded that it has something to do with my router. However, I don't know how to do a firmware update or troubleshoot the issue on Ubuntu. I finally decided to give up on Ubuntu and switch back to Windows 7. However, my drive is currently formatted into ext4 and I need to go back to NTFS, how do I do that? Could I just use gparted?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow WiFi Internet Speeds

May 12, 2010

I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm having problems with internet speeds on wifi. I have tried the two available networks on my university campus and both of them are very slow with 10.04. I'm not having problems with Windows 7 running on these networks. Although, the wired network works perfectly fine, with normal speeds. I've looked around for help but I could not find anything specific to this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade Causes Slow Internet Connection

May 19, 2010

I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 lts yesterday. The upgrade went smoothly. but now I have a very slow internet connection. It is as if I am on a dial up when I have a broadband speed of 20 MB. What can I do to fix or perhaps roll-back the installation to the previous proper working state.

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Version 10.04 - Internet Is Very Slow - Even More Some Videos

May 22, 2010

im using the netbook last version on my Acer One D250. But i have some issues with internet. It doesnt matter how i get connected, internet is very slow, even more some videos. i let videos charge at 100% and then reproduce them, but still slower. also, some video pages dont charge on Mozilla firefox.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Extremely Slow Or Not Working At All?

Jun 10, 2010

so i had Jaunty installed last week with no problem. But then i decided to install winxp, erasing it. I hated it, and reinstalled ubuntu, this time lucid.However, the internet has stopped working properly. I've tried wireless and wired connections and they either dont work or will load half a web page after a few minutes. A good deal of the time the browser will time out or fail to find server.The ethernet is working, so I'm assuming the issue is with a missing driver or the such. I have 10.04 32bit installed on Gateway MD2614u laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Internet Slow - Web Surfing At Crawl Speed

Jun 16, 2010

I have been having come problem, my surfing speed has gone to zero. I can download at full speed but surfing is crawl speed or just timing out. I am pretty sure it's because firefox is clogged, I just want to know is there a way to clear the clog w/o losing my settings? I fixed this before by making a new user, but I don't want to loose all my saved form's and bookmarks.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Becomes Extremely Slow When Using Static Ip?

Jul 23, 2010

I am currently facing a weird problem, It's that the internet connection becomes extremely slow when using static IP instead of DHCP when Im connected through a cable! The local network seems okay with both, but differs when using the internet!

I've ran a ping test and got the following results!

using static IP

$ ping -c 3 google.com
PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=42 time=343 ms


When I used static IP i received only one packet while when using DHCP i received all three!! Also I lost 66% of the packets when using the Static IP connection! And most importantly, the speed, DHCP connection was 8 times faster than Static IP connection!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Slow After Upgrade To Kernel 2.6.32-24?

Jul 27, 2010

I have just built a PC based around an i7-860 and Asus P7P55D mobo. It was running fine until the big update that happened today and now the internet is like treacle. I did the same update to my other (different hardware) PC and all is fine with it.

When I load the earlier 2.6.32-21 kernel instead of 2.6.32-24, the new system works as it should and the Internet is very fast. This suggests to me that the kernel update is the problem, most likely the NIC driver. This motherboard has a Realtek 8112L NIC fitted.

Has anyone else had this issue and what is the best way around it other than loading the older kernel and hoping that the next update will fix it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gateway Changed And Now VERY Slow Internet?

Sep 23, 2010

Previously had 2 Ubuntu computers setup Computer A ( <=> Computer B ( -> Internet Computer B was the gateway, and it is dual boot, one drive Ubuntu, one drive XP. I'm using XP as the gateway now, but Computer A is extremely slow, virtually nothing getting through.

Have checked sysytem logs, verified /etc/hosts file, and all the network side of things. Can ping either IP adddresses from either computer. On the XP side, have modified hosts and lmhosts, and the XP computer has very fast internet connection.

Did have Commodo firewall running on the XP, disabled that, and checked that no Windooze firewall was running. Have restarted the network on both computers a number of times. Can't figure out what the problem is. It's obviously on the XP side, as when I booted to Ubuntu (previously) on Computer B, the gateway worked just fine. Have checked the whole tcp/ip side of things on XP; seems to be okay.

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