Ubuntu :: Slow Connection Under 10.04

Sep 2, 2010

I have a Acer Aspire Revo 3600 running under Ubuntu 10.04

I have a 5 mb bandwith connection but when I'm doing a speed test its not even 1 mb and when im on firefox the web page are loading really slowly. The inbound traffic goes up and down too!

My girlfriend running on windows xp dont have any problem with the connection.

I disable the ipv6 of firefox and grub but it still doesnt change anything.

I'm not a linux expert so if you want any report juste tell me how to do it and I will try to give you more information.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Connection Over LAN?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Karmic on my desktop machine which is connected to my wireless router (via LAN cable).

I have two laptops on the LAN as well. One is my wife's Windows 7 laptop and the other is my Ubuntu Karmic laptop.

They both connect wirelessly to the LAN and all three computers have static IP addresses assigned.

So here's the issue. The desktop serves the laptops over the LAN with Samba file sharing, SSH, VNC and DAAP.

From the Windows 7 laptop, the connection over the LAN is fine. I generally use it to connect to the Samba shares and occasionally use it for VNCing to my Desktop's....desktop. It is fast and responsive.

From the Ubuntu laptop though, everything seems very slow. Connecting to the samba shares results in a wait of at least 30-60 seconds, even if they have only recently been accessed. Once it has connected (i.e. once the share opens up and you can see files) actually opening the files themselves is delayed too, but not to the same extent.

Also, connecting to the desktop via VNC is intolerably slow, with mouse movements being so delayed that it is almost impossible to click on anything.

SSH takes a long time to connect too (up to 30 secs) but obviously once connected it is fine. In a similar vain, FreeNX connection takes a long time to connect but once the desktop has loaded it is fine too.

I can use FreeNX instead of VNC but actually like using both for different functions. I understand VNC is slower than FreeNX but over a 100Mbps LAN connection I wouldn't expect it to be slow at all.

This laptop used to be a Windows Vista/Win7 laptop prior to being replaced with Ubuntu and it was able to connect to the server with no speed problems.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Internet Connection In 10.04?

Sep 30, 2010

I have dual boot OS and I'm using Ubuntu with Win 7. Previously I was using Fedora but I thought to change the flavor! So I installed Ubuntu, but now I'm truly facing problem with my Internet connection! Its too slow in Ubuntu, the both surfing and downloading speed! Usually in windows I get 200-400 kbps download speed when downloading a file and if I download the same file in Ubuntu using flashget I'm getting only 60-70 kbps speed! Also the surfing is too slow! My broadband's bandwidth is 2.1 Mbps!

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General :: Slow Pppoe Connection Using Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario CQ61, instaled Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7 on it.

It works great except the PPPoE connection in Ubuntu, when i dial in Windows my download speed reach up to 91 Mb, rebooted in Ubuntu, downloaded same file from the same server with a speed of maximum 3 Mb, cheked in Windows again 80 - 90 Mb constant. I can't figure what slow's the internet connection in Ubuntu.

(NO iptables configured, NO HTB, CBQ ...etc configured) .

EDIT: I don't have any modem or router. I am using PPPoE directly from my PC. I didn't mentioned that I instaled Ubuntu two times but didn't figured out what was causing the problem, so I instaled Fedora 12 (64), this works fine and the speed reached 85 Mb. I instaled latest Ubuntu 10.4 on the same Laptop, the problem is not solved, the speed reaches up to 3Mb, when in Windows or Fedora reaches up to 95 Mb (yesterday).

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - WiFi Connection Very Slow

Jan 11, 2010

I've just installed the ubuntu 9.10. I have one problem with it. I have a home net in configuration: Windows XP on a cable, Ubuntu on a cable and Windows on wifi. When I'm surfing on the net on Ubuntu, Wifi isn't work how it should. It's very slow and I don't know what to do with it. Windows XP on a cable is OK, it works good. What happen and how can I repair it?

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Very Slow On 9.10 But Fast In XP

Mar 23, 2010

Like the title, that is my problem. I'm using cable modem with 3mbps. It is Linksys Docsis, wired networking. When I download a file using ubuntu 9.10, my latency time (ping time) sky rocketed to 2000ms average, while in XP none of this happens; I tried to download the same file from the same website. In ubuntu 9.10 my network setup will be, well... nothing. I'm using DHCP automatic detection. Same thing in XP.

I don't want to go back and forward using XP for the internet. Funny thing though, none of this happens while I first started ubuntu 9.10. I didn't configure anything with networking. It is the way it is from the beginning. The only thing I tried was ubuntuone. But that like months ago, and the problem I have with slow internet connection only appear this March.

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Ubuntu Servers :: VPN Connection To Work Is Slow

Apr 7, 2010

then I connect into work through a secure vpn connection that used to be reasonably fast. Sometime in the last year or so it has slowed down dramatically as if they added a one minute delay between pages. Everything works fine otherwise. It's just slower. At work they use all microsoft software, server software, etc. and if I connect in my friend's laptop with Windows 7 it works quite well and the pages load quickly like my Kubuntu laptop used to. What I'm wondering is if this is some kind of compatibility issue between Windows explorer and Firefox browsers or just a sour grapes issue on Microsoft's behalf where they slowed things down on purpose?

My laptop system monitor readout:

release 9.10 (karmic)
Kernel Linux 2.6.31-20-generic
GNOME 2.28.1

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Slow In 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

Since I've updated from 9.10 to 10.04, I'm having some difficulties to use the internet. Even though I can connect to my home wireless network, the connection is really slow. I've got a Dell Inspiron 1545, and here comes the configuration:

sussa@sussa-laptop:~$ sudo lshw -C network
[sudo] password for sussa:
description: Wireless interface
product: Wireless WiFi Link 5100
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 0 .....

Apart from that, I must say that Ubuntu 10.04 is fantastic. Easy to use, elegantly designed and working perfectly on my PC

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Ubuntu Networking :: No More Dropping Connection But Really Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately I have been using my window's partition due to the fact that 10.04 drops my wireless signal every 5-10 minutes, but today I downloaded the new updates and that seems to have fix the issue with the dropping of the wireless connection. Now the only problem is the internet is so slow when trying to go to webpages it times out. I have opened up firefox gone to about:config and changed the necessary lines, but still dreadfully slow.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Is Too Slow

May 21, 2010

I am running Kubuntu 10.04 (32-bit) on a Sony VAIO VPCCW23FX, when I connected to my router through Wireless the connection is too slow and random, 3 kB - 50 kB. But when connect to the router through Ethernet cable I get the normal speed 265 kB. I read many posts but can't find solution, and already updated all packages. the Wireless card is:

02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)
the output of iwconfig:

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"zzzzplw9"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:25:68:9B:0D:FE
Bit Rate=1 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off


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Ubuntu :: After Upgrading - 10.04 - Internet Connection Is Very Slow

Jul 5, 2010

After upgrading, my internet connection is very, very slow. Some sites pop up like always, but most take a very long time to load. Some as much as 3 to 5 minutes for a site that should just "pop" up.

It is not the internet connection, if I boot into windoze it is as fast as ever and I have a quite fast connection. It has just started this with the upgrade.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wi-Fi LED Flickers And Has Slow Connection

Oct 8, 2010

It has a button next to the power to show the wireless status, on or off. If I turn the laptop on with the wireless active, it keeps flickering between on and off states, and gives me a really slow connection.It happened in 10.04 if I booted with the wireless activated, but could be fixed by resetting the wireless. Now in 10.10, it happens constantly, and I just wont stop.My laptop is a CompaQ Altec Lansing running 64 bit.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless BCM4322 Slow Connection

Oct 13, 2010

I am having problems with the wl driver for the BCM4322 on 10.10.

It seems with two different routers the connection is really slow and jumpy and web pages barely want to load. I have tried a usb wireless device, and it seems to work much quicker.

Is anyone else having problems with their broadcom cards with the new update?

10.10 64 bit. Using Broadcom restricted drivers (wl)

ifconfig :

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 0c:60:76:0e:35:07
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::e60:76ff:fe0e:3507/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Is Sometimes Blocked Or Very Slow

Dec 12, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10,04 with a gnome interface on an ASUS K70IJ. It all works well, just the internet connection is sometimes blocked or very slow. I have tried it on several places (offices, hot spot, friends) with wireless lan and ethernet. I thought it might be a problem with the pilot for the internet connection. Can anybody tell me where I could find such a pilot and how I do to install it?

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Ubuntu :: PPTP VPN Connection - Internet Really Slow

Jan 29, 2011

I recently installed Kubuntu 10.10 on my machine, and I configured the PPTP VPN connection through which I connect to the internet. I can successfully connect, but it works really slowly. Slower than it does on Windows 7 on the same computer, with the same settings for the PPTP dialer. In about 20 minutes after I connect, the connection fails and even the modem restarts itself. I tried setting the MTU for the pptp connection to 1400 (I checked, and 1372 is the maximum value before the packets start to fragment + 28 bytes for the IP/ICMP headers), but nothing seems to help.

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Ubuntu Networking :: AR5008X Not Working - Connection Very Slow

Jan 2, 2010

I recently installed ubuntu on my laptop and the wifi is horrible. The connection was very slow and dropped every 5 minutes or so. I have tried enabling the proprietary madwifi drivers - however then it wouldn't connect at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Very Slow Apt Network Connection - Can't Narrow Down

Mar 10, 2010

It may have something to do with my recent installation and removal of tor, but I can't narrow down when exactly it began. I'm getting no better than about 5000B/s download rates for apt. This means just a download of the package list takes a good 5 minutes. Other networking seems to run fine, but synaptic and apt are crawling.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Very Slow Connection Speeds But Okay On Win7

Apr 5, 2010

I am currently staying on a university campus in Taiwan. Internet on Ubuntu Lucid 64bit here is often painfully slow, except for connections to Taiwanese websites. I dual boot with Windows 7, and there is no problem there. For instance, I downloaded the same piece of software (Spideroak) on both Win and Ubuntu, with Ubuntu I had to try repeatedly as the download would not complete, and in the end it took several hours to download. On W7, it took 10 minutes. What is Windows and Ubuntu doing differently?

I tried disabling ipv6 for this session by running sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1, as a number of posts mention improving connection speed that way, but no effect.

I know that websites from Taiwan are working well, because I am getting my Ubuntu updates from a Taiwanese mirror: updates are fast, except for packages in the 'partner' repos (presumably not loaded from the mirror) which take hours to load, if at all. I don't want to depend on Windows for large downloads... (I don't want to depend on Windows for anything).

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade Causes Slow Internet Connection

May 19, 2010

I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 lts yesterday. The upgrade went smoothly. but now I have a very slow internet connection. It is as if I am on a dial up when I have a broadband speed of 20 MB. What can I do to fix or perhaps roll-back the installation to the previous proper working state.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Download Speed On Wireless Connection

Jun 5, 2010

Basically the problem is a slow download speed over my wireless connection that does not occur in Windows Vista. The reason I'm so annoyed is that the speed is not constantly slow. It bursts at around 600kb/s (good for my internet connection). The problem is that while trying to download a file it bursts for about a second,then total throughput decreases to +/- 1kb/s for a few seconds, then another burst and so on. Note the file I'm downloading is a http:// download, not p2p or anything. I've attached a screenshot of the System Monitor.
Screenshot-System Monitor.png
Some additional info. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with all available updates installed. The browser in use is Google Chrome.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow/unstable Internet Connection On 10.04

Oct 27, 2010

I have Ubuntu running on my HTPC and for the longest time all this was working fine. Now all of the sudden my Internet connection is all sorts of slow. Chrome browser, transmission bt, apt-get, all have the same speed issue. I tried disabling IPv6, changing my DNS and installing all the latest updates. Nothing works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Randomly Seems To Massively Slow Down

Nov 30, 2010

I am running the newest version of Ubuntu on my laptop. The connection randomly seems to massively slow down. After a speed test is run it registers at .05 download and Ubuntu crashes before it gets to upload. I reboot from the crash and it runs fine for a while, then it suddenly does the same thing. The connection is running fine on my Windows 7 desktop, I don't know what is going on. In transmission the upload speeds are running at ~100kbps though. If I try downloading a mere 400kb .torrent file it stops half way through, usually at 200-300kb done, downloading at 1.2kbps the entire time. This is getting very frustrating and I really don't want to go back to Windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows 7 Internet Connection Very Slow

Jan 3, 2011

I bought a new Laptop 2 week ago. It works well, but internet connection ist very slow. I use cable internet speed 25Mbit/s, normal with my old Laptop (Window xp) I can DL with speeds ca.1 Mbit/s but with this new ca. 15 kbit/s (same file). too much different!!! If anyone know, how to troubleshoot this problem, please tell me. And i get a advice that i should crate a new connection using the "workgroup" model instead. I've tried to do but failed. Who knows "how to" please explain it for me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Connection With WL-138g V2?

May 12, 2011

I've installed recently Ubuntu 11.04 and the first problem that I had was with my wireless lan card Wl-138g V2. The card was not enabled by the system, however after following one of Ubuntu's forum thread I managed to solve it, but... and there is always a but the internet speed is very low.When I had windows installed I faced the same problem and it was solved with an update in the driver, does any one experienced the same in Ubunutu? How did you solve it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Connection To Server Over SSH/Proxy?

Jul 31, 2011

Im running Ubuntu 10.04, currently living out of the country from where my server is located. We have a 4 Mbps dsl connection that speedtests fine to the closest server, and if we test from our present location to the speedtest.net server closest to our server the speed is great as well. When I SSH in to my server and setup a socks 5 proxy the speed goes through the floor. We barely get .2 Mbs. Whether I use putty or terminal from our mac, they both get the same slow speed. I've searched the forums and google extensively, but I haven't been able to come up with anything yet.

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Networking :: Does Connection To Box Slow To A Crawl?

May 2, 2011

I have a linux server that has seemingly random network slow downs. This server is mainly my dvr. I'm starting to think it's a hardware problem, but that's just a gut feeling. I don't really know how to determine if it isn't.

Slow summary:SSH, HTTP, VNC incoming traffic are all affected
Outgoing traffic seems ok. I haven't tested this as much.
Rebooting mostly helps.
Stopping/starting network doesn't help
Load average is below 1.0
Updated Kernel with no change


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Networking :: Internet Connection Really Slow In LAN

Dec 15, 2008

I use Slackware 12.1 and I have a big problem that I can't solve by myself. I'm connecting to a LAN where there are almost 20 PC connected, all with static IP.

my ip:
DNS server:,

I configured manually it but it doesn't works well. I set up the DHCP server on Windows 2003 so I tried to configure it with dhcp too. It gives addresses from to there are no PCs connected with DHCP at the moment, so my IP is only mine.

My problem is the following:
bash-3.1# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1e:68:3d:1b:ad
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21e:68ff:fe3d:1bad/64 Scope:Link
Up Broadcast Running Multicast MTU:1500 Metric:1
RX packets:77 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:7041 (6.8 KiB) TX bytes:6282 (6.1 KiB)
Interrupt:17 Base address:0xc000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:1810 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1810 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:90500 (88.3 KiB) TX bytes:90500 (88.3 KiB)

bash-3.1# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
localnet * U 0 0 0 eth0
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo
default UG 1 0 0 eth0

bash-3.1# ping www.google.es
PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=78.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=243 time=84.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=243 time=75.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=243 time=82.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=243 time=82.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=243 time=79.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=243 time=82.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=243 time=75.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=243 time=80.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=243 time=84.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=243 time=75.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=243 time=82.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=243 time=85.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=243 time=80.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=243 time=87.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=243 time=87.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=243 time=83.2 ms

- www.l.google.com ping statistics -
49 packets transmitted, 48 received, 2% packet loss, time 560804ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 73.624/80.945/87.725/3.823 ms

It takes a lot of time connecting to a internet web site! It's really strange because downloading a file the transferring rate is good, it takes some time starting, but it works normally. I wait almost 7 seconds after seeing a web site. All the others PC's (windows xp) can connect perfectly to network using static and DHCP. Trying with another wire in another room I've got the same result. My /etc/resolve.conf is configured with the IPs specified upper in this page.

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Networking :: Slow Internet Connection

Jan 17, 2010

I set up my linux router as a simple NAT router. I use CentOS 5.4. When I set up ISP proxy IP in the browser of client PC, Internet access is fast. When I remove ISP proxy IP from the browser, Internet access is slow.

ISP use transparent caching but I can use manual caching as well. Clients on my network with transparent caching get slow internet access and using ISP proxy get fast internet access.

ISP announce that we can use transparent caching or manual caching.

So, I set up my linux router with squid. I set up cache_peer TAG point to ISP's proxy IP. But the problem is the same. Using my squid proxy is slow and using ISP proxy directly is fast. All other network settings are correct.

How can I improve my internet connection using transparent caching. I don't want to set up proxy IP address on all clients.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Download Speed - Establishing A Connection With The Tracker ?

Feb 11, 2010

I am currently using Ktorrent on Ubuntu9.10, the torrents either have a slow download speed or have trouble establishing a connection with the tracker. I have no such problems when I was using utorrent on Win XP.

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Ubuntu Networking :: XMedia It-wl542 Won't Connect, Or Connection Is Slow?

Feb 18, 2010

I just installed karmic from a live cd. When on the live cd, my USB adapter worked perfectly. But once my system was up and running, my device connection was really (and I mean reaaaaaaally) slow.As I mentioned, it's an XMedia IT-WL542.here's the output to lsusb

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 07b8:6001 D-Link Corp. WL54
when doing iwconfig I get


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