Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Slow After 10.10?

Nov 27, 2010

I had windows 7 on a HDD of 1,5TB, so I installed Ubuntu 10.10 (Dual boot), I made a 300GB partition for it. Then I bought a new HDD of 80 GB, so I deleted Ubuntu from the partition I made, and then extended for Windows, so then I had 1,5TB for Windows and Ubuntu on a 80GB installed. I have 3 HDD on my computer. One for files another for Windows and another for Ubuntu. I used Ubuntu till today, then I booted on Windows, I noticed Windows is being way to slow now, it's crashing a lot (And Ubuntu is being a little bit slow too, could be faster). Here are my computer detail:

3 HDD (640(Files),1,5(C: ),80(Ubuntu))
AMD x3 445 3.10GHZ
Windows 32Bit (Patched for 4GB+)
Ubuntu 32Bit
ATI Radeon 4670

Before I had Ubuntu on my new HD installed, everything worked fine/great/perfect. But after I installed Ubuntu on a new HDD, Windows is crashing a lot and etc. I only use Windows for Photoshop and etc. I haven't manage how to install Photoshop there yet.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Windows XP Partition Is Slow ?

Jan 28, 2010

I've followed the instructions on the guide to make a triple boot for macbook 5.2 generation.

ATm I'm only with DUAL boot: OS X and XP coze of the karmic koala version of ubuntu doesn't got the package gptsync I need and I'm not expert enough to do what is said in this thread [url]

BTW my problem concern windows:

I've installed it and I've installed also the drivers from apple CD btw When I boot windows for the first 1/2 minute once I do anything its freeze like if it would be out of ram and after 1 or 2 minute it start to work without problems and doesn't freeze anymore

but I'm feared about this freeze that I get the first time I make something.

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Ubuntu Servers :: OpenVPN Slow When Windows Is Used ?

May 16, 2010

I have many openvpn implementations. Every time I use windows shares over openvpn, the speed is no more than 500KB/s, in LAN environment. When I start a copy it reaches 200-300KB/s, when I start second one it reaches 500KB/s. No more is reached after more copies simultaneously. When I use linux to copy files - the first copy reaches 700KB/s, the second copy reaches 2.5MB/s (then the first grows also to 2.5MB/s), the third copy reaches also 2.5MB/s. All of these are copied simultaneously, otherwise when only one is started it sits on 700KB/s. Moreover when 2 of the 3 simultaneous copy processes end, the one left backs at 700KB/s again.

But this is linux. When I use Windows the transfer speed is no more than 400-500KB/s (LAN environment).
The OpenVPN server is always ubuntu (any version - I've tried 6.06, 8.04, 10.04).

Tried the OpenVPN client in ubuntu (and the windows machine behind the ubuntu), in windows (directly installed the client on windows) and it is all the same - no more than 500KB/s.

I can not use this because it is so slooow. When only one file is copied at a time it reaches only 200KB/s!!! Searched all the google results - no one have an answer, although there are many people with the same problem.

Now, I am sure that the problem is in Windows, because when I use linux as a server and as a client, the client copies fast. But when I use windows as machine behind the client it copies slow. I don't know... something in the tcp/ip settings in windows or something...

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Ubuntu :: Slow Down Already Exsisting Windows Installations?

Jul 29, 2010

I switched over to Ubuntu a while ago and kept my windows installation for games. I have noticed a slight drop in FPS on all of my games ever since, could this be because of installing Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Down When Maximizing And Minimizing The Windows

Aug 27, 2010

When i minimize, maximize or resize a window, instead to do that instantly, it gets stuck for a second, i dont know why. I have disabled compiz and i have tried a few other things but is still not working as it should.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Access To Windows Shares

Jul 13, 2011

My first post, having only installed 11.04 at the weekend on one of my old PCs.Everything is up & running pretty well, I have a 100BT home network with 4 Windows XP PCs and a Synology DS211j server.I can see & access these other shares from Ubuntu, but it's so slow to connect, approx. 45 seconds each time, compared to almost instant from any of the XP machines.Could someone suggest how this performance could be improved?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows 7 Internet Connection Very Slow

Jan 3, 2011

I bought a new Laptop 2 week ago. It works well, but internet connection ist very slow. I use cable internet speed 25Mbit/s, normal with my old Laptop (Window xp) I can DL with speeds ca.1 Mbit/s but with this new ca. 15 kbit/s (same file). too much different!!! If anyone know, how to troubleshoot this problem, please tell me. And i get a advice that i should crate a new connection using the "workgroup" model instead. I've tried to do but failed. Who knows "how to" please explain it for me.

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Slackware :: Windows 7 Slow After Install ?

Apr 6, 2011

I set up a dual boot with windows 7 and slackware, but now my Windows 7 is so slow that it wont even open things.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lucid Slow Throughput To Windows Machines

Jun 16, 2010

Having finally got Samba shares and printer shares working on my Lucid Lynx server, I've noticed that the throughput from/to those shares is very slow to what I was used to when I had those shares on a W2K server.Having Googled this problem, I noted that there was a known issue with this in Karmic (believe Brian Wu was looking at it). However, I don't see any results in Google as to this being a problem in Lucid.

I know ipv6 can cause a problem in this regard but having issued the command:
lsmod | grep inet6
I know that ipv6 is indeed disabled on my Lucid server. Any further information on whether the error reported in Karmic still applies in Lucid, and can this be addressed in any way?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Slow Down Windows Side?

Oct 15, 2010

Just to make this clear after I installed Ubuntu 10.10 I downloaded everything and updated everything but when I booted into my Windows side I was shocked that the boot time was so freaking fast but after logging in the start up programs took about 10 minutes and I was able to use my windows after total of 15 minutes I know this is a lot the reason as I think is the GRUB file is actually slowing my windows because it doesn't want to harm my hard drive this is just a guess.

[The prize of the worst OS ever goes to Windows Vista!]

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Ubuntu :: Screen Resolution Is Small - Windows Slow Down System

May 25, 2011

I have a problem with Lubuntu. First of all I installed it on my old laptop (amd sempron 1.6GHz, 512MB ram, s3g vga) as windows seemed to slow down my system. Installation was good, but the problem is screen resolution which is only 800x600 and there is no higher res option. Laptop's native is 1024x768. I searched a lot about how to change it but there is no post for lubuntu (everything is for ubuntu, xubuntu, and doesn't seem to work in here). Beyond that isse i I feel Lubuntu is running much better than windows and I want to use it. Using Lubuntu 11.04. Let me add that when I tried Lubuntu 10.04 it didn't have this problem (all resolutions where available).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Torrents Very Slow While In UTorrent Under Windows 7 Very Fast

Jul 16, 2011

I'm using Vuze clients and torrents are very slow while in uTorrent under Windows 7 they're very fast. How can I fix it?

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General :: Browsing Speed On Wubi (Ubuntu 10.10) Slow Compared To That On Windows?

Feb 18, 2011

I have installed Wubi (Ubuntu 10.10) recently. It takes more time to boot than Windows. But my main concern is that my browsing speed is much slower compared to that on Windows 7. How can this be resolved?

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Debian Multimedia :: Compiz: Slow Resize Windows?

Sep 30, 2010

I am using the last Debian Lenny (506) + the last ATI Privative Driver (10.9) + Compiz + Gnome, and, I have a great Slow Resize windows problem.When I try to resize a window (Alt + middle click) is very very, VERY!! slow. I try to find the solution browsing. After search
and read forums and threads about this, couldn't find it

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General :: Windows XP Running As Guest On VirtualBox Is Very Slow

Aug 9, 2011

We had an old Windows XP server running a Filemaker database on a 2.6 GHz Intel CPU, but that server died. It's been replaced by a box with two 2.4 GHz Xeon CPUs and 5 GB of RAM that's running Ubuntu 11.04 natively, and Windows is running as a VirtualBox guest. 2GB of RAM has been dedicated to the Windows guest.Of course, these old Xeon CPUs don't have the VT-x extensions, so I wouldn't expect to be able to add CPUs to the VirtualBox guest, but the Filemaker database is running at least 2-3x slower than it did on the old server. I would expect that utilizing one 2.4GHz CPU out of four available shouldn't result in such an astounding difference.

I would also like to be able to continue using this setup, since it would also mean we'd be able to remove our Linux server from the rack, which is running on even slower hardware (not that the system requirements are high for its job though).So my question is: Why is this so slow? Is there anything I can do to change the situation? Or should I just give up now and find more suitable hardware?I understand that the "new" machine should be about 1% slower in theory, so please don't tell me this "should" be fine. I need more concrete answers (as in, "I've tried this before and you should do X") since in the real world, it appears to be about 50% slower. I'm about to blame "virtual" CPUs to multithreading on single core processors, and possibly the difference in CPU architecture between Xeon and Pentium 4 CPUs.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Wireless RaLink RT2500 - Compared To My Windows Laptop

Feb 27, 2010

My wireless on my Ubuntu desktop is really slow compared to my windows laptop. Its not a flash problem or a browser specific problem.

I have searched the forums but can't find much.

I did disable ipv6 (it now shows up as being 'ignored' in network Manager which is correct, right?) but that hasn't helped.

It doesn't make a difference whether I use DHCP for everything or just for address only with the Google DNS addresses.

After entering 'lspci' my card shows up as


Because of a problem with system freezes I have updated to the 2.6.33-020633rc7 kernal but this hasn't had any impact one way or another on wireless speeds.

My router is a Belkin WRT300n.

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Fedora Servers :: Print From Windows 7 To CUPS Printer Is Slow?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a FC12 machine installed with CUPS and a CUPS-PDF printer. Printer are shared and works fine with this URL:


I have both client machine Windows XP and Windows 7. Both has setup the above printer and print fine without any problem. I can get the PDF file from windows test print. The only problem is I face is wait for around 20 seconds for printer dialog prompt out when I press print button in Windows 7. However, my windows XP never t have this problem. The printer dialog prompt out immediately when I press print button.

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Networking :: Connectivity Using Rdesktop From Fedora11 To Windows 2003 Is Slow?

Apr 22, 2010

I have installed Fedora 11 and Fedora 8 on two differnt machines and I am doing an rdesktop to connect to a Windows 2003 server. The connectiviy is pretty fast when I try and connect the same from fedora 8 machine but it very slow when I try and connect it from fedora 11 system. I have tried using TS client but even then it is pretty slow. I have also tried using an Nvidia 8400 graphic card and Nvidia 9600 on Fedora11 OS.

I have also tried using Fedora12 OS as well. Is there any thing specific I can check on Fedora11? Or do I need to do some thing on my windows 2003 machine?

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Fedora Hardware :: Automount Windows Partition At Boot - System Very Slow

Feb 18, 2010

After a new Fedora 12 installation, i cannot automount my Windows partition. My system is setup originally at windows XP ,partitioned, then change to Fedora 10. Change to Fedora 11 through update.System very slow.

I decided to upgrade to fedora 12 by DVD installer, then i have to mount manually to access my back-up, when typing su -c '/sbin/fdisk -l' at terminal, this is the code:

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Networking :: Internet Connection Fine In Windows Extremely Slow In Fedora 14

Dec 10, 2010

I've been troubleshooting this problem for several hours now and I'm out of ideas. My internet connection is fine in Windows 7 but an older computer I resurrected (AMD Athlon 1.7 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Fedora 14 Security Lab Spin) is having the stop-and-go's with its internet connection. It will work for very briefly, then it gets extremely slow, where any page I try to navigate to in Firefox 3.6 takes forever to load.I have a DSL connection and my DSL modem is connected to a Linksys WRT54G2 router. I set up a static IP in Windows but don't know how to do this yet in Fedora 14, and I need to get my internet connection working so I can troubleshoot further, but with it being so slow, I'm having to use Windows to search for problems and then switch over to the Fedora box via KVM (IOGEAR), which I also just started using. I don't think that would be related, but who knows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Copy Files From Samba Server To Windows Seven Media Center - Speed Too Slow

Feb 24, 2010

When i try to copy files from my samba server (Ubuntu 9.10) to my windows seven media center, the speed is extremely slow. So slow that is better to download 100mb file from the internet, than from my lan. And on my lan, every card and switch is at 1000 mbps speeds on cat5 cables. And from XP or other linux machine

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Koala - Slow Jerky And Has Odd Freezes Like Windows - Applications Randomly Stop Working

Nov 7, 2010

I had been happily on Jaunty Jackalope until they stopped supporting it so I took the forced upgrade and it's HORRIBLE!

I feel like I'm back in Windows land. Within an hour of my first load I had my very first Ubuntu total-lockup. Just like Windows. In the 18 months I'd been using Jackalope I had not had a single crash. Not one.

It's slow, jerky, and has odd freezes. Just like Windows. Applications randomly stop working and die. Just like Windows.

Is there any way to fall back to Jackalope or is there any hope of them fixing Koala? 'Cause this is wretched.

I see there's another version out there...10.04.01.LTS. I'll try that. It can't be much worse.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Startup, Plymouth Not Showing, Slow Desktop Load?

May 3, 2010

I'm an Ubuntu user since Jaunty, and I've always upgraded my system (NOT fresh install). Everything went fine, but yesterday I upgraded to Lucid. My only concern -for now- deals with startup time. I'm a desktop user (Core2@3GHz) so I think I should boot in less than 10 seconds. Anyway, boot time is 30 seconds - not too much, but there is definetly something wrong with tools I don't know (ureadahead, plymouth, etc.). Attached is my bootchart: can anyone explain me what's wrong?

Also, I don't even see a plymouth Ubuntu themed bootsplash: I only see a blank (black) screen standing for seconds, then I see the bootsplash for less then half a second, then GDM appears :S Not crucial -I know- but how can I fix it? (I don't know if it's related, but I can see the animation at shutdown)Finally, GNOME desktop takes too long to load. I don't know why, but there are 15/30 seconds in between login sound and a usable desktop (with panels and icons, I mean).Please help me, I don't want to do a fresh install. Boot speed is not a dial with desktops - I know - but it can be a symptom that my system is a bit a messy (and I don't like it, since I installed Jaunty less then 1 year ago). (!Forgot! I also installed grub2 by hand

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Ubuntu :: How To Deal With My Slow Computer - Runs Desperately Slow ?

Jan 22, 2010

I just want to know how to easily speed up my computer because it runs desperately slow. I am running windows Xp which is about two years old.

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Ubuntu :: USB Disk - Slow Transfer Speeds And Slow System?

Apr 17, 2011

Whenever I transfer a movie into my 16GB USB flash disk, my whole system becomes windows-like and unusable!

When i drag the file(s) into the USB disk folder, it starts out fine and pretty darn fast (25mb/sec) then slowly decreases until it's unbearably slow (3m/sec) and as a side effect my whole system starts deteriorating. I basically have to wait for the file to finish transferring before i can use my desktop again!

This has been happening with every version since Karmic (all 64bit)- I put up with it because I don't use the USB stick that much.. but lately it's been my go to source for transfering large files to/from work.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Super Slow Windows Printer Properties Dialogue With Samba Printer

Sep 18, 2009

I have a Centos 5.3 server with Samba file shares and a shared Samba printer. I am not running a domain.

I recently changed my windows desktop pc from an XP machine to a vista 64 machine... It has a different user name. Everything went pretty smoothly - and the and the vista machine found the smba printer - and even downloaded the driver from the samba server. he printer works OK - and the file shares are fine.

The only thing which is quite odd - is that the Printer Properties dialogue takes more than 30 seconds to come up - and every action you attempt with the dialogue takes a similar amount of time.

I will include below the essence of my smb.conf:

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General :: Slow Very Slow File Download On Platform?

Jan 11, 2010

I have good experience in microsoft enviroment, now tiring to use linux, i tried Ubuntu 9.10, OpenSuse on different computers bur there is same big problem: Very slow download speed compared to microsoft.same file at same time downloaded by microsoft winxp toke incomparable short time. for example file 5.5MB attached to e-mail on Yahoo toke ~1minute to download on winxp computer,same file at same computer but with Ubuntu takes more thane 30minutes!

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General :: Will Having A Dual-boot Windows On My Laptop Cause It To Slow Down In General Use

Jun 18, 2011

I have Windows 7 on my Dell Xps laptop, and I want to install Ubuntu or Fedora as a dual-boot. Will that cause my system to slow down?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Is Fast Then Slow Then Fast Then Slow Connect Disconnect ?

May 7, 2010

My wireless seems to be fast for a good 30secs then bang takes good while to load the next page almost as if it's disconnecting and then reconnecting/scanning reconnecting. Why cant it stay connected. I have WAP PSK security here is my network setting please let me know if I should change any of them:(side not is there a way to fix this problem occuring so frequently it says on the wiki that it should only occur once in a whilce https:[url].....

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Ubuntu :: Gets Slow After A While?

Sep 21, 2010

When my computer have runned for some time (10-20 minutes maybe, not sure) it gets very sluggish and slow. It's like everything gets much slower to render. The fading effect when clicking Quit is like 2-3x slower. If I restart, everything gets as fast as it should but gets slow after a while like I told. It is not that it gets slower and slower. It is either normal or slow.The problem started a few days ago and I don't think I have done anything special except automatic updates. I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (64bit).I noticed now that all programs that uses OpenGL crashes. glxgears just shows an empty window for some seconds and then close with the text "Aborted". I don't really know what's causing the problem but I guess it has something to do with graphics stuff.

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