Ubuntu :: Get Secret Maryo Game Controller?

Jan 6, 2011

Do any of you have kids who play Secret Maryo? And can any of you recommend a game controller?

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Debian Hardware :: Get Game Controller Like Playstation / XBOX For My Computer?

May 29, 2010

I was wondering is it possible to get a game controller like the Playstation or XBOX
for my computer?

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Slackware :: After Rebooting The Game Works, But On Ending The Game Several Notification Boxes Remain?

Jun 1, 2010

This game is Java based. After rebooting the game works, but on ending the game several notification boxes remain. If these boxes are not closed in the reverse order that the game opened them, it is no longer possible to close them. Only by killing the Java processes can these notifications be made to close. Also after playing the game, even if all these notifications are closed it is many times necessary to kill the Java process(es) in order to get the game to load again at a later time. I am currently using Slackware 1.30, but a similar problem has existed in several of the past releases.

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Programming :: Game Engines Or Game Studios?

May 6, 2011

Do you know any game engines or game studios that can make adventure games, for instance in the style of Myst (1st person) or in the style of old Sierra games (3rd person), like King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.?I've seen AGI Studio, but it is too old, I'd like to use more modern graphics (although there is no need for 3D).

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Secret Key?

Aug 2, 2011

I was in the process of registering with the ubuntu bug squad. As i was finishing the UbuntuCodeofConduct agreement form, I ran this command to create a signature key to sign the form.

#sudo gpg --clear UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt

After the program ran I got this message.

gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available

Apparently, I don't have a default secret key. How do I create one?

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Ubuntu :: Proper Analog Controller With Joypad/controller Mupen64plus?

Sep 15, 2010

Basically i want it so that the analogue stick on my PS2 controller, which connects via a USB adaptor and is recognized, correctly controls in game characters. It seems to work fine enough in platformers, at least it does with Banjo Kazooie, but with games like perfect Dark it seem to be trying to move forward and look down at the same time, also backward and look up simultaneously and look sideways and move sideways simultaneously , rendering the game all but unplayable.

I have tried running jscal and, apart from the fact that it seems a bit beyond me, it reports "jscal: missing devicename" when i try to run "jscal -c". Do others out there have there analogue sticks working correctly with games like Perfect Dark, or the James Bond games, for example?

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Ubuntu Security :: Import Public PGP Key Which Is Secret Key?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an encrypted document (with my key) which I should decrypt. After the generation of my key, my computer is formated and new reinstalled. Now GnuPG find my key public and I can't use it for decryption!

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CentOS 5 :: Eucalyptus Node Controller And Cloud Controller Apps Won't Bind To IP

Jun 18, 2010

I can not get the node or cloud controllers to startup using the init.d scripts. I have a fresh install of CentOS 5.4 with Eucalyptus 1.6.2 I have compiled Eucalyptus and all packages using the RPM supplied from Eucalyptus and utilizing yum installer. I do not currently have any processes or applications listening currently on the ports on the boxes as well. I think it may be a permissions issue or something because I get a "permission denied error", but I am not sure if it is Eucalyptus or CentOS. It looks as if it is not binding to the address on the interface of the NIC. It may be something else however. I have the Node controller, Cloud controller, and Cluster controller on seperate physical boxes. When I try to run either the cloud controller or the node controller I get this message:

Cloud Controller:

[root@cluster-cont ~]# /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc start
Starting Eucalyptus cluster controller: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8774
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address


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Ubuntu Security :: Configuring A New Stored Secret In Seahorse?

Oct 16, 2010

how can I configure a new "stored secret" in Seahorse? Or System > Preferences > Passwords and encryption keys, in a free translation from Brazilian Portuguese "Senhas e chaves de criptografia"? For instance, let's say I want to add a stored secret to be used with Skype: in Seahorse (Ubuntu 10.10), I clicked on Files > New > Stored secret, select the "login" keyring, type "Skype" in the description field and my skype password in the "Password" field and finally click "Add". But when I right-click the new secret > Properties, I can't change or type anything in the "Details" or "Applications" tabs, So, how can I inform Seahorse how, when or with what should it use my secret?

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Fedora :: Gpg - Exporting Secret Keys Not Allowed ?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a problem with export a secret key with Fedora 12.

When i did this command:


I had an error:


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Server :: Send Secret Copy Of Sent Mail?

Jul 2, 2010

I have SMTP POSTFIX on my server and users are connecting there over outlook from windows. I would like to receive every mail that is sent from specific mail address to the Internet. Is that possible?

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Fedora :: Getting Error Message - Can't Hit On Secret Mount Syntax - Make At Least To 1400x1050?

Nov 26, 2010

I am not ready to upgrade my Fedora 13 to 14 yet, but I wanted to test some things in 14. So, using the live CD, I installed Fedora 14 under Virtualbox. But some things are not working and the Virtualbox Help files aren't helping. I have added my Fedora 13 /home/jjj/ folder as a shared folder with the name Home_jjj. The instructions say that in Fedora 14 I must mount it with "mount -t vboxsf share mount_point." So (as root in Fedora 14). I used the command "mount -t ext3 vboxsf Home_jjj /media" but I got an error message. I tried varying the command different ways, but haven't hit on the secret mount syntax. I would really just like to add it to Fedora 14's fstab file to make it auto-mount. I have an external monitor, which Fedora 13 sees, but Fedora 14 cannot see it. The main display for Fedora 13 is 1680x1050. Fedora 14 installed itself with 1024x768 as the max. I tried changing it with xrandr -s, but the only resolutions xrandr will take are 1024x788, 800x600 and 640x480. How can I make it at least, say, 1400x1050?

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Fedora Networking :: Windows Sever 2k3 Domain Controller / Use Machine With Samba As Secondary Domain Controller?

Apr 28, 2009

At the school i work in i have a server2k3 server that provides a domain to all the windows clients, aswell as a fedora server that acts as an imaging machine and webserver.

Im rather concious of the fact that if for any reason the Server2k3 server was to die there is no backup of active directory, or anything that can take its place whilst a replacement is found.

So is it possible to use a fedora machine with samba as a secondary domain controller? so it can be used as a login server, and has a copy of AD.

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Ubuntu :: Game Similar To WOW For 9.10?

Jan 12, 2010

Can anybody tell me if there is a game similar to WOW for ubuntu 9.10? if there is I would like the source code so i can download it from the terminal.

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Ubuntu :: KQ Game Have No Sound / Get That?

Apr 12, 2010

I installed the KQ game on my Ubuntu. The game starts well but there is no sound.

fix this. I am a bit addicted to KQ.

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Ubuntu :: How To Removing Software / Game

Jan 13, 2010

iv'e installed a game that i've downloaded from a site, now i want to remove it, how?

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Ubuntu :: No Permissions - Cannot Install Game From DVD ROM

Jul 23, 2010

I recently put Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, and now I have my account set to "Administrator" but it won't let me install a game from a DVD rom, I installed the original game and it's first expansion with no problems, but the account says I don't have permissions to install the second expansion. I am sure it's because it's a DVD rom, but how can I give myself "root" permissions, or set up a root password so I can permit myself to install things?

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Ubuntu :: Rip My Psx Game To An Image File?

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to rip my psx game to an image file so that i can convert it to play on my psp. i have installed Gtk Popstation and that seems to be working no problem. but i read on another forum that to rip my psx game i need to go to terminal and do the following. code...

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Ubuntu :: Install Game From Cd Through Wine?

Sep 6, 2010

install game from cd through wine?

i would like to run install disks via WINE, but there is a problem. the CD's are by default not executable, and the cd is read only, so when I try to change that I cant.

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Ubuntu :: Add A Game In Applications -> Games?

Nov 22, 2010

I'v installed Counter-Strike through Wine, now I want to add a .sh that opens it at Applications -> Games.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get The Version For Game Compatibility

Nov 30, 2010

I'm going to install Ubuntu 64bit, currently run 10.10 32bit. I'm thinking about going back to 10.04 in combination with a previous version of wine(maybe 1.2?) to get some games working again.

Do any of you know if games are still working well with this combination? I'm looking to play WoW at some point, Oblivion + Expansion/Mods, any FPS available.

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Ubuntu :: Installing A Game From Terminal?

Dec 21, 2010

[URL] at the bottom it says run that command in terminal but in terminal it says E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? what do I do?

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Ubuntu :: How To Play Windows Game?

Apr 5, 2011

I had windows 7 and I was addicted to play GTA san andreas multi-player. It is still in my computer > C:/ PROGRAM FILES/ROCKSTAR GAMES/samp.exe I want to play that now but when I click on samp.exe it opens with File Roller

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Ubuntu :: Install Game From .bin File?

Apr 24, 2011

I really just need to know what stupid thing I'm doing to cause this. I've extracted the files, and when I try to run the setup program, if I click on it from a file browser window in GNOME it just doesn't do anything. If I attempt to run the file (it's a .sh file, if that makes any difference) in the terminal, it says "command not found", even though I'm in the directory, and can clearly see the file when running ls.

If I try to run it in the file browser, and click on "Run in Terminal" then the terminal pops up, and goes away instantly.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Game Play With 11.04?

Jan 30, 2011

When I upgraded to 11.04 games like Postal 2 and Lugaru do not play right anymore. I find them very choppy and the game sometimes just stops working. Now when I was using 10.10 the games were working fine.

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Ubuntu :: Java App To Run A MUSH (mud-like Text Game)

May 4, 2010

I recently set-up a MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination), which is kind of like a MUD (Multi-User Domain/Dungeon/etc.). Basically, it is a text-based RPG for roleplaying games the old fashioned way from back before the dawn of GUI/graphic user interface. I would like to embed an application into my website to allow players (who don't want to download and run a separate mud/mush client program) to connect directly from the website. I came across this: [URL]

Though, I have not been able to set it up to work with my site. Perhaps because that is a MUD app and not a MUSH app? I don't know if that is relevant. It is basically a telnet type of connection, and that uses Java, though I'm not sure what else there is to it. Does anybody have any input on how I can get the text-based RPG accessible from a website?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows-platform Game?

May 9, 2010

i've installed 'ghost recon' which i downloaded via torrent. i open the executables with right-click and clicking executable, i guess this just used WINE automatically. it seems to download fine. i downloaded into a folder i called 'c:desktop' which i thought would make the files end up on my regular desktop, but i can't find them anywhere. when i run autorun.exe from the cd it opens, but when i click 'play ghost recon' is gives a dialog box saying it can locate the cd.

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Ubuntu :: Putting The Game In A Different Directory To What Is Default?

Jun 6, 2010

I am having trouble trying to install a game which has to be sims 3 the loader and everything loads fine. i am having trouble putting the game in a different directory to what is default.

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Play A Game Under Wine Without Using The CD?

Jul 26, 2010

I have been struggling to find a way to play a game under Wine without using the CD, so looked if it was possible in Wine. I came across this commmand: Code: sudo mount /home/joseph/BIONICLE.iso -o loop /media/cdrom0/ which I tried. It didn't work, and gave me an error about how there was no "cdrom0". I assumed that it was created whenever something is mounted. Out of desperation, I removed cdrom0 from the command, and then things got funky. Doing so replaced all the contents of /media (there were no files, only useless floppy folders, since I have no floppy drive) with the contents of the ISO file. I tried using sudo to delete the files, but it said that it was a read-only filesystem. I tried changing the permissions using sudo chmod +w /media, but it didn't work, and complained about being read-only. I am unable to mount anything now! Can someone help, both with deleting /media, and possibly with running Wine games without the CD?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Compatebility For Running A Game?

Sep 12, 2010

HOw do i make my game work on wine when it is blocked?

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