Ubuntu Security :: Configuring A New Stored Secret In Seahorse?

Oct 16, 2010

how can I configure a new "stored secret" in Seahorse? Or System > Preferences > Passwords and encryption keys, in a free translation from Brazilian Portuguese "Senhas e chaves de criptografia"? For instance, let's say I want to add a stored secret to be used with Skype: in Seahorse (Ubuntu 10.10), I clicked on Files > New > Stored secret, select the "login" keyring, type "Skype" in the description field and my skype password in the "Password" field and finally click "Add". But when I right-click the new secret > Properties, I can't change or type anything in the "Details" or "Applications" tabs, So, how can I inform Seahorse how, when or with what should it use my secret?

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Ubuntu Security :: Import Public PGP Key Which Is Secret Key?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an encrypted document (with my key) which I should decrypt. After the generation of my key, my computer is formated and new reinstalled. Now GnuPG find my key public and I can't use it for decryption!

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Ubuntu Security :: Seahorse Personal Key Import From Old Home Folder?

Jun 29, 2010

last week I decided to not just run dist-upgrade, but give the Lynx a completely fresh install. Before that I've only copied my home folder to an external hard-drive.

Now that I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 I have no clue how to import my old personal key and the passwords from the backup (my old home folder).

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Ubuntu Security :: Seahorse Export Menu Is Always Disabled - Export The Passwords To Restore It After Formatting Machine?

Jun 12, 2010

seahorse export menu is always disabled. I need to export the passwords to restore it after formatting my machine.

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Ubuntu Security :: Iptables - Where To Find IP's That's Stored With RECENT

Apr 18, 2010

I'm playing around with iptables on Ubuntu 10.04 Beta2.


That's what I got so far. Accoring to iptables man pages: "/proc/net/ipt_recent/* are the current lists of addresses and information about each entry of each list." There's nothing like that there on my Ubuntu installation. There's a file that's called /proc/net/ip_tables_matches. However, it doesn't contain the information I'm looking for. It contains:


where I can find the file where iptables stores the matching IPs? Also, can anyone verify that I have put the rules in the right order for them to work?

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Ubuntu Security :: Checking If Anyone Is Viewing Passwords Stored In FireFox?

Jun 16, 2010

As I am a paranoid bastard, I made a bash screencap-script for my Ubuntu-computer, so I can check if anyone uses my computer for things I don't want them to do (eg. checking if anyone is viewing passwords stored in FireFox, looking at private files, or other things I find disturbing). There might be other people than me that is paranoid and want to monitor what's going on on their computers while they are away or letting someone else use their computer when going to the bathroom.

This is a small script, I'd like to hear if there is any improvements that can be done, so I can learn more and become better at such scripting.

The script requires Imagick (sudo apt-get install imagemagick) and a folder in the ~-directory (/home/username) called ".screen" (hidden, as this makes it more difficult to "intruders" to find it and it looks more like a system-folder than a monitoring-folder).

The script:



Add this script to /usr/local/bin and then go to keyboard-shortcuts in GNOME and add a shortcut-key-combination of your own choice for the script. Call it whatever you'd like, and the command you want to run is simply "screen". To add a shortcut for stopping the script, you add another shortcut-key-combination to the command "killall screen".

This enables you to monitor activity on your computer while you're away, saving png-screenshots of your desktop every three seconds in the folder /home/username/.screen/date.

NOTE: I'm not taking any responsibility for what you do with this script. Remember that monitoring someone's activities is never the right way to handle anything. Also, it's illegal many places. Take care and use it only for educational and testing purposes.

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Security :: Change Location Of Stored Audit Files?

May 5, 2011

We have setup a separate partition to keep our audit files, but I am at a loss to figure out how to redirect the log files to be stored there instead of the default.

I am sure it is a simple matter but I have been unable to locate the information.

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Fedora :: Where Are Stored PWs For Remote Desktop Viewer Stored?

Oct 20, 2010

I have machine that I used to VNC to on my network with Remote Desktop Viewer from my Fedora 12. When I first connected I checked the checkbox that I wanted to store the pw. Now the pw on the other machine has changed but Remote Desktop Viewer does not ask for a new password, it just gives me a black screen, like I am connected but I can't see anything. I'd like to know if anyone knows where this pw data is stored on the system so I can start fresh. I already tried uninstalling Remote Desktop Viewer and installing it again.

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Ubuntu :: Get Seahorse To Work?

Dec 1, 2010

I got seahorse installed. However, when I right-click any file or folder, there is no option to encrypt it. What can I do to get it to work?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Secret Key?

Aug 2, 2011

I was in the process of registering with the ubuntu bug squad. As i was finishing the UbuntuCodeofConduct agreement form, I ran this command to create a signature key to sign the form.

#sudo gpg --clear UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt

After the program ran I got this message.

gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available

Apparently, I don't have a default secret key. How do I create one?

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Ubuntu Security :: Configuring Iptables To Allow VNC And OpenVPN?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as a VM in Hyper-V, and accessing it via VNC with a machine in the same broadcast domain. I'm using OpenVPN to connect to XeroBank. I have instructions for configuring iptables to permit establishing and using the XeroBank connection, while blocking all other traffic on eth0. I've followed them successfully. I need to also permit the VNC connection, and haven't managed that. FWIW, the VM is at and the workstation is

The attachment to this post lists the recommended contents for each Shorewall file. Which files need changed, and what do I add to each?

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Ubuntu Security :: Errors Re-configuring Bastille?

May 21, 2011

I recently installed Bastille as one of several programs to protect my new install. When I was going through the configuration, I was under the impression selecting to disable single user login would still allow me to login using my root password. On the graphical login screen it does not work.When I boot in recovery mode (I had a dual-boot installed), I can login in fine, but this is in a command line/terminal like screen. I attempted to re-configure Bastille using this screen, and here are my lackluster results.Command:/usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille -cThis command takes me through the questioning phase, but at the end I receive this error message when trying to save the new configuration.Failed to open log file /var/log/Bastille/action-log: Permission Deniedand ERROR: couldn't not write to etc/Bastille/config (exact wording!)I am not sure how to remedy this. I am tempted to try to uninstall Bastille and try something else, but I do want to have a security package as I file share.

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Ubuntu Security :: Configuring Firewall To Be Restrictive By Default

Jan 17, 2010

I am currently trying to make my computer as secure as it can possibly be. I am configuring the firewall to be restrictive by default, but I have some programs that are still unable to connect to the internet.

1. Pidgin Internet Messenger (I use AIM and MSN)
2. Skype

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Ubuntu :: Get Secret Maryo Game Controller?

Jan 6, 2011

Do any of you have kids who play Secret Maryo? And can any of you recommend a game controller?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Update Something Called Seahorse?

Feb 13, 2011

I went to update my software and I saw the system wants to remove three programs. I googled them and they seem important but I can't update without removing them so I'm stuck. I've included a screen shot of the items the system wants to remove.

Also for the past month I haven't been able to update something called seahorse, the system says it's a broken package but I don't know how to fix it. Is this an essential program or can I un-install it?I want to upgrade to 10.10 but I am reading how all updates must be done before and these issues are holding me back.

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Networking :: Configuring IPtables Security Of CPU

Mar 3, 2009

I new in Linux, I have a Centos5 since sunday and well I have to configure the iptables security of this cpu, I read a lot of examples of iptables in the internet and also another Thread from here but Really a don't know what to do, I saw lots of codes but first of all I don't know where I have to write that and my teacher don't want to help me in this homework. I tried to write the codes in applications --> accessories --> Terminal

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Fedora :: Can't Create PGP Key With Seahorse

May 31, 2011

When I try to create a new PGP key with Seahorse ("Passwords and Encryption Keys"), the combobox for selecting the key type doesn't get filled and the button to advance the dialog is thus disabled. No errors are reported. I've included a link to a screenshot that illustrates the problem. Creating a key with command-line GPG works fine. Upon reinstall of Fedora and an update, with nothing else done to the system, the problem persists. I tried recompiling the latest version-controlled Seahorse commit and the problem persists. Key import/export/signing/etc work fine in Seahorse. I've done a Google search and a search of this forum and can't find evidence of this problem. Works fine in Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on the same system. Fedora 15 x64 (, Seahorse 3.0.1.

"gpg --version":


gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.11
Home: ~/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:


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Fedora :: Gpg - Exporting Secret Keys Not Allowed ?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a problem with export a secret key with Fedora 12.

When i did this command:


I had an error:


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OpenSUSE :: Can't Unlock My Password In Seahorse / Sort It?

Mar 11, 2011

I just did a fresh install of 11.4
My system auto-logs in and I know there's a bug in seahorse that doesn't like that method.

Anyway, I tried to unlock my "Passwords: login" in seahorse, but it won't budge.

The details about this user are that I re-used an 11.3 /home/$user directory. Could that be the reason?
I logged out of the Desktop and back in using my password manually.
I can sudo with my password. I can change the system with my password everywhere except in seahorse.
The password is exactly the same in 11.4 as it was in 11.3.

The .gnupg/ directory is 600 and its contents are all 600 except for agent.info which is 644.

Following a year old post, I got this from shell code...

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Server :: Send Secret Copy Of Sent Mail?

Jul 2, 2010

I have SMTP POSTFIX on my server and users are connecting there over outlook from windows. I would like to receive every mail that is sent from specific mail address to the Internet. Is that possible?

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Fedora :: Getting Error Message - Can't Hit On Secret Mount Syntax - Make At Least To 1400x1050?

Nov 26, 2010

I am not ready to upgrade my Fedora 13 to 14 yet, but I wanted to test some things in 14. So, using the live CD, I installed Fedora 14 under Virtualbox. But some things are not working and the Virtualbox Help files aren't helping. I have added my Fedora 13 /home/jjj/ folder as a shared folder with the name Home_jjj. The instructions say that in Fedora 14 I must mount it with "mount -t vboxsf share mount_point." So (as root in Fedora 14). I used the command "mount -t ext3 vboxsf Home_jjj /media" but I got an error message. I tried varying the command different ways, but haven't hit on the secret mount syntax. I would really just like to add it to Fedora 14's fstab file to make it auto-mount. I have an external monitor, which Fedora 13 sees, but Fedora 14 cannot see it. The main display for Fedora 13 is 1680x1050. Fedora 14 installed itself with 1024x768 as the max. I tried changing it with xrandr -s, but the only resolutions xrandr will take are 1024x788, 800x600 and 640x480. How can I make it at least, say, 1400x1050?

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Ubuntu :: Where Are Programs Stored?

Nov 29, 2010

GWhere does Ubuntu store installed programs?I need to go into a program and add a .dll.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Mail Stored?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm using the default email that comes with Ubuntu.What I had:

- 10.10 installed onto a terabyte hard drive with email organized into individual folders under the main folder

What I did:
- bought a new terabyte hard drive and installed 11.04 on it
- set up old terabyte drive as backup drive but kept everything on it

So how do I dig into the old drive to get the email off of it and into my 11.04 install? I didn't overwrite any files, I need to get the mail off before I can do that.

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Ubuntu :: Where The Cron Tables Are Stored

Apr 2, 2010

Where the cron tables are stored?

IE crontab -e (or -l)


the system one :-
sudo crontab -e (or -l)

I need to retrieve them from a system backup, don't know where to look.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Where Are The Updates Stored

May 22, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 on my two machines. I installed the restricted extras on one machine along with all other updates. Is it possible to just copy those updates into the other machine, without wasting time and bandwidth in entire new update?

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Printer's Info Stored?

May 30, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome.I have a hpDeskjet 940c. It ran great since 8.04 and still works great on 10.04. However, I had to shut down the computer it is on to do some hardware repairs to the powersupply of the computer. So, I moved my printer to another Ubuntu 10.04 machine and discovered I didn't know the settings, such as baud rate, flow control, parity, etc. Ubuntu had never asked me for them....nor was I lucky at guessing them. I then found the hp installer which said it supported my printer and would automatically do the install job, but after trying it, I found it only supported USB and my printer has only a parallel connection.

I then moved the printer to a 9.04 Machine, thinking I only needed to drop back in time, since my printer worked great during that era also, and discovered the same problem! Evidently my printer hasn't been supported for some time! Yet it has happily worked with each new version of Ubuntu.This brought me to the realization there must be a file in my home directory which survives each new full install that I do, and that contains everything my printer needs to be automatically set up, as with each new version of Ubuntu, the wizard has worked great automatically setting it up.Does anyone know the name of that file, so that I can copy it to the new machine?

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Ubuntu :: Where Are Sunbird Records Stored?

Jul 6, 2010

Where are Sunbird records stored?

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Ubuntu :: Where Nautilus Scripts Stored

Oct 30, 2010

Where are Nautilus scripts stored? After I installed jEdit, I now have an "Open with jEdit" option on the right-click context menu, and I want to modify that to reuse the existing jEdit view rather than create a new one. However, both my ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and ~/.nautilus folders are completely empty, so where are the scripts stored?

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Ubuntu :: Where Do 'Startup Applications' Get Stored?

Nov 21, 2010

I've just moved to Ubuntu and using Linux on the desktop in general. I use RHEL on a daily basis for work so don't really have much experience with window managers etc but like to understand how I'm doing what I'm doing. In that regard, I've configured a couple of scripts to be run when I login using 'System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications' but what I want to know is where do these settings actually get stored within the file system?

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Ubuntu :: Where Are All User Files Stored ?

Dec 27, 2010

If anyone of you guys could tell me where does ubuntu saves user prefference/settings/application settings/menus/themes all that effect only user loged in so i can transfer all of this to another account and have them be the same. Or maybe there is an app for that ?

I setup my ubuntu to have no users and only root account, but i found that its not made to work correctly with being root at all times, so i created an account and want to export my root prefferences to newly created account, just like i could with windows by exporting files/registry keys etc.

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