Ubuntu :: Slow Game Play With 11.04?

Jan 30, 2011

When I upgraded to 11.04 games like Postal 2 and Lugaru do not play right anymore. I find them very choppy and the game sometimes just stops working. Now when I was using 10.10 the games were working fine.

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Debian :: Game Performance - Impossible To Play - Open But Everything Is So Slow And Choppy

Feb 20, 2011

My last laptop was replaced (I gave it to my step-dad, his laptop broke and I bought myself a new one).

I am running Squeeze (as I was on my other laptop) and everything is fine except for the games. On my other laptop games like OpenArena and Warzone 2100 ran perfectly fine, but on this laptop, they are impossible to play. The game will open, but everything is so slow and choppy that it takes a couple of minutes to even move the cursor to the exit game buttons.

My current laptop is an HP ProBook4525s with the current specs:

AMD Athlon Dual-Core P340 2.2 GHz processor
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 Graphics Card

I'm not sure what other information to put here, I've tried searching how to fix this and most people say to lower the resolution and details for the games but that doesn't work, heck, even Tux Kart is too slow to play!

When I installed squeeze I was informed that I didn't have the rtl8168d-2.fw firmware for my laptop, I'm not sure if that helps here at all (can't seem to find what it is for, the only things that google gives me are very technical with fixes that involve re-compiling the kernel).

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Fedora :: Unable To Use The NFL Game Center On Nfl.com To Watch The Play-by-play?

Nov 26, 2009

I used to be able to use the NFL game center on nfl.com to watch the play-by-play when I was using Fedora 10.Now that I am on Fedora 12 it no longer works. I am able to click into a game and see all the info but the play-by-play drive chart no longer displays anything. Does anyone out there know how to get this working?

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Ubuntu :: How To Play Windows Game?

Apr 5, 2011

I had windows 7 and I was addicted to play GTA san andreas multi-player. It is still in my computer > C:/ PROGRAM FILES/ROCKSTAR GAMES/samp.exe I want to play that now but when I click on samp.exe it opens with File Roller

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Play A Game Under Wine Without Using The CD?

Jul 26, 2010

I have been struggling to find a way to play a game under Wine without using the CD, so looked if it was possible in Wine. I came across this commmand: Code: sudo mount /home/joseph/BIONICLE.iso -o loop /media/cdrom0/ which I tried. It didn't work, and gave me an error about how there was no "cdrom0". I assumed that it was created whenever something is mounted. Out of desperation, I removed cdrom0 from the command, and then things got funky. Doing so replaced all the contents of /media (there were no files, only useless floppy folders, since I have no floppy drive) with the contents of the ISO file. I tried using sudo to delete the files, but it said that it was a read-only filesystem. I tried changing the permissions using sudo chmod +w /media, but it didn't work, and complained about being read-only. I am unable to mount anything now! Can someone help, both with deleting /media, and possibly with running Wine games without the CD?

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Ubuntu :: No Game Launch - Play Song - No Sound

Mar 6, 2010

currently running mint 8, and have installed both spotify and steam via winedoors. both installed no problem and "work" ok when i open them. my problem is, in steam, it connects, updates, shows my games etc, but when i go to open it it tells me it is lauching my game but nothing happens, no game launch. with spotify, i connect, can see all my playlist etc, buyt when i play a song, no sound! also, im having issues with a program called tuxguitar, which is a midi based guitar tool. where everything is playing through but also no sound.

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Debian Multimedia :: Game Crashes When I Try To Play With Sound / Fix It?

Jan 22, 2011

I have been trying to play this game dawn-rpg.sourceforge.net and it immediately crashes whenever I try to play sounds. The only other sound in this system I have are the sounds for the bash/dash terminal.

So my questions are:-

a. How do I test if the sound system is working alright.
b. Do I need to increase some kind of priorty/niceness to sound systems to make sure they get the available resources (cpu, memory ) whatever it needs ?

On the same topic, while I was searching on the Net I got this link http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/low-latency_kernels .

I know this is actually for people who want to make sounds/music but can some of these ideas/instructions be useful for me as well ?

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General :: Sound Can Play But Music Can't In Game Second Life On Ubuntu / Sort That?

Mar 7, 2010

Sound can play but music can't in the game "second life" and I'm using it on ubuntu. I don't know how to fix the problem or where to begin and I had asked a tech in that game and they said it might have to do with the firewall, but wouldn't help me out because I wasn't premium. The first sentence is the problem.

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Software :: Flash Games Run Fine On First Play But Slow Down With Repeated Play

May 1, 2011

I've had this problem on a few flash games (a couple of EA's sports management games on Facebook, and the Pokemon Dream World.) When I first use them everything's fine, but as I continue coming back to them, they seem to run a little slower each time. Ultimately in the case of the former two it got so bad that they were unusual.

Why is this happening? If they were slow from the start I could understood, but what could be making them go wrong on repeated plays?

I'm on 32 bit Kubuntu Lucid, firefox is my browser, and it's the official flash plugin.

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Ubuntu :: Goes Very Slow - When Try To Open A Game Screen Blacks Out Can't Move My Mouse - Crashes

Aug 12, 2011

I have some problems with my Ubuntu 11.04 x64 Maybe it's the video card because moving the windows goes very slow Wine is also doing very strange because when I try to open a game the screen blacks out and can't move my mouse and then it crashes. I have the drivers installed of my ATI Radeon HD5650 ( fglrx)

PC/Ubuntu Info:


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Fedora :: Play Akane's New Death Note Game - 'Failed To Initialize DirectX Audio' And Closes The Window

Oct 25, 2009

I downloaded the latest version of DirectX and installed it through Wine. It seemed to work, but whenever I try to play Akane's new Death Note game, it says 'Failed to initialize DirectX Audio' and closes the window. How can I fix this problem? I need my fan service!

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Ubuntu :: Play Some Fullscreen Games Such As Trackballs - Bottom Part Of The Game Gets "chopped Off"

Jun 29, 2010

When I play some fullscreen games such as Trackballs, the bottom part of the game gets "chopped off". If I choose not to play in fullscreen (via the game options), I can see the whole game.

I'm guessing this could be a bug in the nvidia graphics driver?

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit with the latest nvidia driver. I know it's a "closed source" driver, but it was the only one I was offered to install.

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Slackware :: After Rebooting The Game Works, But On Ending The Game Several Notification Boxes Remain?

Jun 1, 2010

This game is Java based. After rebooting the game works, but on ending the game several notification boxes remain. If these boxes are not closed in the reverse order that the game opened them, it is no longer possible to close them. Only by killing the Java processes can these notifications be made to close. Also after playing the game, even if all these notifications are closed it is many times necessary to kill the Java process(es) in order to get the game to load again at a later time. I am currently using Slackware 1.30, but a similar problem has existed in several of the past releases.

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Programming :: Game Engines Or Game Studios?

May 6, 2011

Do you know any game engines or game studios that can make adventure games, for instance in the style of Myst (1st person) or in the style of old Sierra games (3rd person), like King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.?I've seen AGI Studio, but it is too old, I'd like to use more modern graphics (although there is no need for 3D).

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Ubuntu :: Vlc Too Slow To Play MKV Files?

Feb 6, 2010

from what i've heard, VLC doesn't support multi-threading, whatever that means, and so plays MKV files with much more CPU use.is there any alternative? i know windows as COREAVC, but i don't believe that software is available for linux.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Play A 32bit Game On F14-64 - Error "cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory"

Dec 19, 2010

You may know the Humble Indie Pack 2, which is a set of crossplatform indie video games. There's one game in the bundle that doesn't offer a 64bit build and therefore it fails to load. It's called Braid and that's what you get when you try to run it: $ ./braid ./braid: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Of course the 64bit libs for OpenGL and the propitiatory nvidia drivers are installed, but the game asks for the 32bit ones, at least to my understanding. I do know that why can install 32bit libraries on a 64 bit linux system (we do that for the sake of crappy Adobe Flash), but I don't know where to find these libs (searching the repo with keywords like .i586 or ia32 led me nowhere).

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Fedora :: Play High Resolution Videos - Appears To Slow Then Becomes Choppy

May 2, 2010

I'm having issues playing HD videos ( some with 720p level, much more apparent with 1080p level one) The video appears to slow then becomes choppy, becoming de synced from the audio that carries on as normal. This occurs with both VLC player and XBMC, though the latter is better. My specs: Fedora 12 3.2 Ghz P4 processor 1Gig ram Radeon 9800 xt gfx card (I couldn't get the 9.3 ati driver to work)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dvd Drive Doesn't Play Store Bought But Does Play My Copies Of Them

Mar 10, 2010

After many days of trying to tweak Ubuntu 9.10 desktop i386. This subject will focus on my dvd drive. ...Here is what I have done, but I'm not sure what I did or still need to do, or to do different. ...

Basically the problem is, I can't play store bought DVDs, but I can play my copies of them.

When using MDPlayer that I added to Ubuntu, I can play the copies of my store bought DVDs, but not the originals. However, when using Ubuntu 9.10's movie player, it wont do anything and I'll have to do a force quit to close it.

I learned that this may because there is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution, as I'm sure you already knew.
...Yet, Most people have worked around these issues.

I came across the Medibuntu site: [url]

Running the Terminal, I added the bash command that adds Medibuntu's repositiry to Ubuntu. It also adds Medibuntu's GPG key to the keyring.
(The sudo wget - etc etc etc --quiet update)

Then I jumped down to the... "This command should be run in the Terminal, after adding the repository:" ...And did that. (sudo sed -e 's/ etc etc etc /medibuntu.list)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Media Player Won't Play Real Dvds But Will Play Burned?

Oct 15, 2010

i just installed 10.10 on my girls laptop (Acer Aspire 5735z) hoping it would fix the old problem i had with playing real dvd's. it didnt. it keeps saying "Could not read from Resource". when i try with VLC is say "Could not read from file". but if i put in a burned movie, it plays fine. i checked and it has libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, and libdvdread4 installed. i get the same problems with my laptop (toshiba portege m400 tablet) which runs fedora 13.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Iplayer Video - Clicking The Play Button Does Nothing

Feb 28, 2010

Anyone else struggling to play iplayer video? I've got the proprietary Flash plugin, which means it's probably not this "SWF Authentication" thing that there's been so much talk about.

I've rebooted, tried all sorts of tinkering, it loads the applet (I can see that Flash is loading OK because other things work, and right clicking on the applet gives the Flash menu)

However, clicking the play button does nothing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Midi Play Back On Windows 7 To Play That One Of The 2?

May 2, 2010

is it possible to configure my midi play back on windows 7 to play that one of the 2:[URL]..

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Ubuntu :: Slow Startup, Plymouth Not Showing, Slow Desktop Load?

May 3, 2010

I'm an Ubuntu user since Jaunty, and I've always upgraded my system (NOT fresh install). Everything went fine, but yesterday I upgraded to Lucid. My only concern -for now- deals with startup time. I'm a desktop user (Core2@3GHz) so I think I should boot in less than 10 seconds. Anyway, boot time is 30 seconds - not too much, but there is definetly something wrong with tools I don't know (ureadahead, plymouth, etc.). Attached is my bootchart: can anyone explain me what's wrong?

Also, I don't even see a plymouth Ubuntu themed bootsplash: I only see a blank (black) screen standing for seconds, then I see the bootsplash for less then half a second, then GDM appears :S Not crucial -I know- but how can I fix it? (I don't know if it's related, but I can see the animation at shutdown)Finally, GNOME desktop takes too long to load. I don't know why, but there are 15/30 seconds in between login sound and a usable desktop (with panels and icons, I mean).Please help me, I don't want to do a fresh install. Boot speed is not a dial with desktops - I know - but it can be a symptom that my system is a bit a messy (and I don't like it, since I installed Jaunty less then 1 year ago). (!Forgot! I also installed grub2 by hand

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Ubuntu :: How To Deal With My Slow Computer - Runs Desperately Slow ?

Jan 22, 2010

I just want to know how to easily speed up my computer because it runs desperately slow. I am running windows Xp which is about two years old.

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Ubuntu :: USB Disk - Slow Transfer Speeds And Slow System?

Apr 17, 2011

Whenever I transfer a movie into my 16GB USB flash disk, my whole system becomes windows-like and unusable!

When i drag the file(s) into the USB disk folder, it starts out fine and pretty darn fast (25mb/sec) then slowly decreases until it's unbearably slow (3m/sec) and as a side effect my whole system starts deteriorating. I basically have to wait for the file to finish transferring before i can use my desktop again!

This has been happening with every version since Karmic (all 64bit)- I put up with it because I don't use the USB stick that much.. but lately it's been my go to source for transfering large files to/from work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Music On Amarok It Just Won't Play?

Jun 30, 2010

when I try to play music on amarok it just won't play, it just loads lyrics and then, nothing. on rytmbox everthing works fine but amarok don't work.

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Ubuntu :: Game Similar To WOW For 9.10?

Jan 12, 2010

Can anybody tell me if there is a game similar to WOW for ubuntu 9.10? if there is I would like the source code so i can download it from the terminal.

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Ubuntu :: KQ Game Have No Sound / Get That?

Apr 12, 2010

I installed the KQ game on my Ubuntu. The game starts well but there is no sound.

fix this. I am a bit addicted to KQ.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Play MIDI / Play Or Preferably Convert (MP3) Old SNG Files?

Aug 11, 2010

I need to play or preferably convert (i.e. to MP3) old SNG files, which contain voice records. From what I could find, it's basically a MIDI created by synthetiser. I think it was recorded by some ancient VLC player. I failed so far to play it on anything I could download.

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Software :: Play Videos In Redhat 5.0 - Unable To Play Video And Still Giving Error Message

Feb 2, 2010

when i try to play a video, from internet it is showing the message 'Either javascript turned off or download and install latest adobe flash player'. But eventhough I downloaded and installed adobe flash player I am unable to play any video and still it is giving the above message. what is the reason?

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Ubuntu :: How To Removing Software / Game

Jan 13, 2010

iv'e installed a game that i've downloaded from a site, now i want to remove it, how?

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