Ubuntu :: Evolution Has Stopped Processing Filters?

Jun 12, 2010

Evolution has stopped processing my filters and just moves all incoming mail to the trash folder!

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Applications :: Evolution Mail Filters - Several Keywords Possible?

Jan 19, 2010

I use filters for the incoming messages, based on the subject. I wanted to know if I could give several keywords at once just by filling one field. I want the filter to place the message in a folder if just one keyword fits. How could I fill the field <subject> <contains> and separate my different keywords, saying that it's not an "and" but an "or".. I tried like that:
<subject> <contains> : x | y | w | z
<subject> <contains> : x ; y ; w ; z
<subject> <contains> : x , y , w , z
but none of these worked. Is there a way or should I create several and same conditions for each different word?

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General :: Evolution 2.28.3 Message Filters Not Filtering To Assigned Folders?

May 27, 2010

I have created custom rules following: edit > message filters > incoming filter > (custom filter), none work. Also, by right clicking a message and, create rule from message > filter based by subject, sender, and recipients. Accepting all default (auto populated) conditons. None of the filters work at all? Seems this is a popular problem that has not found a solution except to use Thunderbird. not including ThunderbirdWhen I select a message that is supposed to be filtered to a specific folder and go to Message > Apply Filters. message goes to the assigned folder, but I want it to skip the inbox all together.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Message Indicator Stopped Working?

May 16, 2010

Not sure exactly when this happened.I noticed (and posted here) several days ago that notification SOUNDS had stopped working but now the indicator isn't working at all with evolution.I get pop-up OSD notification things saying I have a new message but the indicator doesn't change to green and there is no entry for new messages or message counter in the menu, though the arrow is there to indicate evolution is running.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Evolution Mail Stopped Working?

Aug 11, 2010

Evolution e-mail has stopped working. Un-installed everything evolution using Synaptic and re-installed. No change: address book comes up but mail, calendar etc do not work. Clicking on any causes gray out and leads to a force quit. So how do I un-install evolution completely and then re-install as a completely fresh install. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.

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Ubuntu :: Receiving Mail In Evolution (stopped Happening)?

Mar 1, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.4 with happiness and Evolution both for 4 months and always have been able to 'receive' mail by pushing button listed as such; but NOW it is all greyed out. I cannot find or discover how to make it come back 'alive' , so to speak. I have not changed anything that I know of to cause this.

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Fedora :: F10 - Evolution Stopped Sending Email To Exchange Server

Jan 7, 2009

I am working happily with Fedora 8, evolution chatting happily to exchange 2003, calendar sync the works...impressed. This continued through Fedora 9 (though a little bumpy as all odd numbered Fedora releases are). On to Fedora 10, yes works a treat out of the box (DVD). A couple of updates to evolution later, through yumex (fedora updates), and evolution has stopped sending email to the exchange server. It's also touch and go whether I can read email using OWA.

On pressing 'Send/Receive' evolution pops the error,
Error while performing operation.
Exchange transport can only be used with Exchange mail source.
How could I back out these evolution updates?

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Ubuntu Networking :: DNS Died - Karmic Desktop Stopped Connecting To The Internet (Firefox & Evolution)

Apr 1, 2010

This morning my Karmic desktop stopped connecting to the internet (Firefox & Evolution). Network is all ok and other machines can connect fine - in fact I am typing this from a Windows 7 virtualbox running on the offending machine. Investigation shows that this is definitely a DNS problem as I can connect to sites / mailservers by using the ip address. Have tried several reboots which did not help. PowerDNS is installed. When I restart it the ff output is send to syslog:


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Fedora Installation :: How To Use Processing.org's Processing-1.0.9 As Application?

Mar 1, 2010

New to Fedora (from Windows), I am up and running ok with packages from the repository but only half ok with Processing, the Java graphics programming front end from processing.org.Their download gave me a .tgz file which Package Manager extracted for me into a location of my choice and where there is now a "processing" shell script.This works ok and I have managed to create a launcher on the desktop. That starts ok but always with processing's default action of giving you a new and automatically named work file.In Windows an existing Processing file (.pde file) could be "opened-with" Processing. Trying to do similar in Fedora I find that I am expected to nominate an Application to open with but Processing has not installed as an application.I guess the question is how do I promote Processing to be an Application?Or is there a different approach?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Improve Quality Of Video Using Filters

May 23, 2010

I've some videos with poor quality.It has pixelation and such problems.Can somebody suggest me some filters to be used with avidemux for correcting the pixelation and maybe deblocking it

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General :: Odd Bug With BPF Filters On FC/Dell Hardware?

May 24, 2010

I have a FC12 OS installed on a Dell PE1850. I am setting up a snort/tcpdump sniffer interface on eth1.This is typically a very simple process - but I ran into something really funky. When I a generic tcpdump or snort dump on eth1, I see all the traffic I expect to see. I see dst 80, dst 443, dst 445 etc.However, as soon as I specify any BPF filters, it only shows applicable "src" traffic. (Ie I see a.a.a.a -> b.b.b.b:80, but none of the return - only the outbound.) If I remove the filter, its there again, all the bidirectional traffic. The same things applies when running the snort command. I can see both directions on a basic snort dump - but once I apply any BPF filters, I see either only source or nothing at all. My BPF syntax is correct.

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Security :: IPTables Rules And Output Filters

Aug 25, 2010

I put together the following filter set :
#To understand this script, reference the No Starch Press Linux Firewalls Book.


### flush / drop policy sets
echo "[+] Flushing existing rules with DEFAULT of DROP [+]"
echo "[+] IPv4 [+]"
$IPT -F -t nat

echo "[+] IPv6 [+]"
$IPT6 -F
$IPT6 -F -t nat
$IPT6 -X
###OUTPUT rules: LOG rule
$IPT -A OUTPUT -o ! lo -j LOG --log-prefix "DROPED OUTBOUND" --log-ip-options --log-tcp-options

I wanted to know how to allow certain applications through the outbound tables. For example, I wish to be able to use tools such as nmap,tracepath, and traceroute. However, I am not sure where to look to understand the ports to open. I was starting to think that maybe rather than ports to open it would need to be somehthing like tcp flags that would ned to be allowed. Any way, I have tried google and am still haing problems. I started wanting to use these tools due to getting ready for my network+ and security+ certs.

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Software :: Rsync: Exclude And Include Filters?

Jan 28, 2011

Is there a way to rsync only some of the .(hidden files)? I tried, but couldn't figure it out, and was wondering if this was possible. I want to back up some of my /home/joe/ directories as well as a few of the . files and directories, but not all.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Make Filters In Thunderbird Permanently Delete Filtered Mail?

Mar 1, 2010

Does any one know a way to make the filters in Thunderbird permanently delete filtered mail? I tried "Mark Read" then "Delete" (or "Move to Trash") then "Delete". But most of them do not get deleted out of the Trash. I have had the same address since about 1997 and there are certain spams I know I will get every day no matter what and I would like them gone for good. I know I could just Empty the Trash but I sometimes search for things in there, and it has come in handy having all those emails.

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OpenSUSE :: Kmail Filters In KDE 4.4 Do Not See Entries In Address Book

Feb 28, 2010

I just installed kde 4.4 and I noted that a filter I had built before does not work as before. The filter classified incoming mail into a "unknown" folder if the "From" and "To" fields matched "is not in address book". Some messages go to the unknown folder that did not before. Has anybody seen anything related to this? I has a look a kde bugs but could not find this described. The addresses are present in kaddressbook, it seems that kmail does not see them?

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General :: Postfix Relaying Mail To 2 Spam Filters?

Apr 21, 2011

Does anyone know if it is possible to set up Postfix to receive all email coming to mydomain.com and forward them to 2 different spam filters? All mail needs to go to both spam filters then onto our Exchange server

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OpenSUSE :: Version Of Evolution - Running The Evolution Mail System Under Fedora - 15 / KDE

Jul 26, 2011

I've been running the Evolution mail system under Fedora-15/KDE for about a month now, and it has some very serious problems. I just noticed that it is available for SUSE, and figured that since KDE is the principal desktop supported by KDE the SUSE version may be fixed. Before I go through the very tedious process of getting the SUSE version to compile on Fedora, I'd like to know whether anyone has seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution:It ignores font control from the KDE Settings->Applications Appearance window, both KDE font control and GTK+ font control, also its own internal font control window.

It has trouble sending messages to an SMTP server, sometimes taking a l-o-n-g time, sometimes timing out. This can be temporarily cured by restarting it It crashes when a filter attempts to refile an outgoing message. It often asks if I want to recover messages that have never been lost. It often locks up receiving mail from a remote POP3 server. I can live with these, except for items 1 and 2, since I have workarounds. If you are fairly sure that you have not seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution

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Fedora :: Error While Fetching Email. Evolution Version: Evolution 2.28.0

Apr 5, 2010

I had configured the evolution to send/recive email. After it had been configured, it could receive emails. Suddendly it can't fetch email anymore. In the inbox of evolution, there were about 200 emails. There are maybe 5K emails in the server, I guessed. I'm not sure whether it's the problem that there's one email in the server too big, so the evolution can not fetch it. The error of evolution is: error while fetching email. Evolution version: Evolution 2.28.0. OS version: Linux xxx2.6.32.9-70.fc12.i686.PAE #1 SMP Wed Mar 3 04:57:21 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux I'm sure my network is fine, I use pop3 to receive email.

nslookup result:
$ nslookup pop3.163.com
Non-authoritative answer:
pop3.163.comcanonical name = pop.163.com.
pop.163.comcanonical name = pop3.163.idns.yeah.net.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Evolution 2.30 (after Removing Evolution 2.32.2)

Apr 1, 2011

i tried to update my evolution from 2.30.? to 2.32.1 usning


Because the exchange plugin didn't work i uninstalled evolution and removed the ppa. Now when i try to install evolution from the software centre i get this: Package dependencies cannot be resolved This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.
it asks me if I want to repair the catalog, i say yes.

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OpenSUSE :: Restoring Evolution Settings Into Evolution 2.30

Feb 20, 2011

I have been using Fedora 14, which has Evolution 2.32.1 but have recently also installed openSUSE 11.3, which has Evolution I would like to make openSUSE my primary distribution, and so I would like to restore my Evolution settings from Fedora, but Evolution complains that the backup file is invalid. I have tried copying the folders in the backup to their appropriate locations in openSUSE with no luck. I have also tried manually copying with instructions for older versions of openSUSE, but with no luck.

An obvious guess at what might be the problem seems to be that I am trying to restore settings from a newer version to an older version? An obvious thing to try would be to upgrade to Evolution 2.32, but Evolution has a long list of dependencies so before jumping into that fun I thought I would ask if anyone else has had similar problems and found a straight-forward solution. I still have access to my emails in Fedora so this is not hugely pressing, and if upgrading to 11.4 will do the trick then I can just wait for that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Evolution Mail / Setting Up Evolution E Mail Account / Enter Password?

Jul 22, 2010

I have wiped Windows and am running 10.04 exclusively. 32 bit, when setting up evolution e mail account i dont see where to enter password....where is it? anyone have link with screenshots? i know i can use regular hotmail but want to know how to use default ubuntu programs.

I still can't find a spot for password. options are, login, set preferences and a remember password checkbox but nowhere to enter a password

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Software :: Evolution Won't Use 'evolution' Directory

Nov 29, 2010

I moved all my files in my home directory to a new computer. This old machine is Ubuntu 9.10 and the new one is Ubuntu 10.10. These files included my original ".evolution" directory. But on the new computer, when I run Evolution, it seems to ignore or not understand this directory, and wants me to set up all new accounts. There is a lot of email saved locally in that ".evolution" directory I need to keep. How can I get this newer version of Evolution to use those old files?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution - Getting "Invalid Evolution Backup File"

Aug 10, 2011

I have an issue with evolution I use it on two computers. A Eee-Pc 1000h with '11.04' during the week (agenda / mail), and on the weekends a do a back up on a Toshiba Qosmio G20 '10.10' I press import or is it restore and everything is good. Except for today I am getting 'Invalid Evolution backup file' each time. I have tryed purging evolution. Even uninstalling it but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Using Terminal While Processing A Program?

Apr 20, 2010

I start a program from terminal, say gedit. The terminal will be recognized as processing, and I cannot use the same terminal for other tasks until I close the gedit.

So without opening another terminal, how can I use the terminal while processing the program?

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Ubuntu :: Boxee Errors While Processing?

Oct 11, 2010

I just recently installed 10.10 and now I'm trying to install boxee from a .deb file the following is the result.

dave@dave-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo dpkg --install boxee-
(Reading database ... 170826 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace boxee (using boxee- ...


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Ubuntu :: How To Prevent Sleep During Processing

Jun 19, 2011

If I set my Ubuntu 10.10 to sleep after an hour of inactivity, I can't leave Blender to render overnight. The processing that Blender is doing seems to be ignored, and the computer goes to sleep after an hour. How can I prevent this from happening? I don't want to set Sleep to Never, I would like the computer to sleep after Blender is done.

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Ubuntu :: Errors Were Encountered While Processing:

Nov 7, 2010

I recently rebuilt my system and did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04. Now, everything I try to install returns the following errors. I have tried installing the troubled packages but I get the same errors. Any thoughts?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid And Jaunty - Different Processing Speeds?

Jun 27, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Lucid an my Celeron 2.4 Ghz laptop but for some reason I find it slower than Ubuntu Jaunty which is on my Pentium 4 3.00Ghz desktop (especially Gdebi Package Installer. Could this be because of the different processing speeds of the processors, or just Ubuntu 10.04 or because Jaunty has been updated so many times and Lucid is still quite new. It is not just slower, much slower.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Processing - How To Set Working Directory

Feb 8, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu onto a old Dell Dimension 2400, with a Intel Celeron and i845GV chip. I am trying to install Processing and it says:
"If you set up a launcher (e.g. in Ubuntu), be sure to set the working directory to the folder that contains the shell script. It's not smart enough to find its own path."
How do you set up a launcher and set the working directory? Also, I have no idea about the chips in PC's but processing.org says it should run on. Ubuntu Linux 9.04 (on i686 and x86_64). Can i845GV support processing?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Suplement GPU Processing Power

Feb 25, 2011

About 2 years ago I was trying to figure out a way to use high end GPUs to supplement server processes. I made a post about it:URL...It seems like somebody was able to do this and create a super computer which ran purely on GPUs:URL...It would be interesting to see if this was possible to set up the server kernel to use high end GPUs to add processing power.It should be possible as long as the kernel would handle this as it would a multiple core processor.

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