Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting ISO During Installation?

Jun 4, 2010

I got a question about installing Ubuntu on my MacBook. What I intend to do is to have Ubuntu either on my local harddrive or, better, an external harddrive. The installation is probably no problem, although I'm not sure if rEFIt detects when the Ubuntu drive is attached to my USB ports. My real question is. Do I really have to buy a CD and burn the ISO image in order to install Ubuntu or could I just mount the ISO from somewhere?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting Hfs Partition At Boot?

May 16, 2010

I'm currently trying to mount a hfs partition at boot as part of my quest to have a shared music folder across ubuntu and OSX. Here's the output of fdisk -l

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Mounting USB For Apple Time Machine BackUps

May 1, 2011

I'm trying to follow various ways to setup a Time Machine drive on my Ubuntu 'natty' server. I am at the stage now though where I can't seem to find the external USB HDD anywhere. I have it partitioned into two and cannot find anything to do with it. When I check ot doesn't show up in the memory either. Is there a way to mount it or find it?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting Time Capsule Drives - Connection Refused

Jan 4, 2010

I've been looking for a way to mount my time capsule drives under Ubuntu, and found some guides, but none of them work for me. Apparently what you need to do is:

sudo mount.cifs // /media/timecapsule/ -o pass=pa55w0rd

My time capsule's ip is, it's name is "Time Capsule", the drive I'm trying to mount is called Movie HD

If I input the following command:

sudo mount.cifs // Capsule/Movie HD /media/timecapsule/ -o pass=mypassword

I get a connection refused error.I tried a couple different variations such as "/"Time Capsule"/Movie HD",etc,every combination, but I get a connection refused error (111) every time.(I have two drives on my time capsule, the internal, Movie HD, and an external usb one, Media HD, I want to actually mount them both)On my time capsule I did set it guest access to read only... Also, when I go to my places> network I do see the time capsule in the list, but I get an error message that it can't access the shares when I try to open it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Access Music, Documents, Pictures, Etc. After Mounting Macintosh HD?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro 5,5 with Ubuntu 9.10 installed using rEFIt. When I mount the Macintosh HD in Ubuntu, I am unable to access any of the folders under Users, except Public. I tried changing the permissions in OSX, setting "Read and Write" for "Everyone" on a couple of folders, and, when I log back into Ubuntu, I can see that those are the permissions for the folder, but Ubuntu still tells me that I do not have permission to access the folder. I've tried setting the folder to share, thinking that this must be the reason that I can access Public with no problems, but it didn't work.

I've browsed the internet extensively, and the only thread I could find related to the issue was by someone who had the exact same problem as me (I don't know if they had the same macbook though), and it was never solved (the only advice given was to either change the Ubuntu user number, or change the permissions of the folder).

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Ubuntu :: An Error Occurred While Mounting /proc/bus/usb - Press S To Skip Mounting Or M For Manual Recovery

Apr 30, 2010


an error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb - press s to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

I'm getting this error while booting.

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Ubuntu :: Long Disk-activity-pause On Boot - Between Mounting Root And Mounting Swap?

Jul 14, 2011

Just the last day or so, I've noticed a long pause when I boot my laptop, with lots of disk activity. dmesg says:


Why would there be a 15-second pause (during which the disk is slammed) between mounting root and mounting swap? During this time I see nothing but a blank purple screen, there are no cycling dots or text scroll. Is this normal and I'm just freaking out over nothing because there's no indicator of progress? GRUB default boot options: quiet splash nomodeset video=uvesafb:mode_option=1920x1200-24,mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap vt.handoff=7

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Auto-load Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2010

This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;

When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.

Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?

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Networking :: Mounting Permissions Error / Mounting A Windows Host?

May 28, 2009

I am having permissions errors every time I try to mount a windows host. I have a linux server and all the windows computers can see that computer and its files, but we wanted to start backing up the linux machine to one of our other computers. so I tried to mount one of the computers. here is the sequence of events:

$mount -t cifs //$ /mnt/Anita-comp
password: (I have no password so I left it blank)
Mount error (13): Permission Denied
I tried all sorts of passwords we use around the office and none of them worked.

I then decided to try mounting one of our other computers. this one looked like it worked fine. no error messages at all. (I left password blank) so I look in my filesystem and the mounted drive is not in the /mnt/Anita-comp file. What gives?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ipod Not Recognized By 10.04?

Dec 4, 2010

i connected my apple ipod in ubuntu 10.04..its showing msg that" do no disconnect" but there is no trace of ipod in the system,not even any icon in desktop too

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mounting NTFS Partition In 9.10 ?

Mar 5, 2010

I am trying to mount 3 NTFS partitions, but they aren't showing up in the /dev directory. If I fdisk the drive, the partition shows up, but nothing in /dev...

Here is the output of fdisk -l as well as the results of my attempt to mount the partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error While Mounting /etc/fstab?

Apr 29, 2010

I just ugraded from karmic, and it all went without a hitch. Except now when i boot i get... Error while mounting /etc/fstab press s to skip or m for manual recovery.

Pressing s works and i have a working machine, but i would like to fix this. Not tried the manual recovery yet as i have no idea about fstab and don't want to break it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mounting Partition Not During Startup

Jun 19, 2010

yesterday I did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and this time it was a mixed experience, most thing worked, but some things like gdm, sound and other setting need(ed) corrections to work again (as in 9.10).In 9.10 I setup my system so that the second partition (data) was only manually mounted after asking for my password.

After updating 10.04 I asking me at every bootup whether I want to manually mount or skip the mounting. And when I manually mount the partition I don't need any password anymore.Why did the upgrade change my setting?Not being an linux-expert, having not documented how I have done the previous setup and being unlucky with google, I could use some pointers in the right direction.Even if I sound not so happy at the moment I really appreciate the good work that went into ubuntu. After setting up my system after each new installation or upgrade I enjoyed a carefree time with ubuntu (where I forget everything I need to setup my system because it just works as it should).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mounting Ext3 Drives In 10.10?

Nov 18, 2010

It seems to be (we have experienced) that 10.10 can't handle having an older ext3 drive mounted to a folder on the 1010 ext4 drive. The files get "corrupted", but afterwards, putting the drive back into the original older 9.04 system, the files are perfectly fine again.

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Ubuntu :: Mounting Two Hard Disk After Installation?

Jul 5, 2011

Recently I had installed "Storage Device Manager", since because my hard drive partitions were not mounted correctly during installation.

I own to hard disk "sda" 120 GB & "sdb" 1000 GB , since during boot time i had mounted the "sda" having 3 partitions of windows on locations "/partion_name 1, 2, & 3" at root, and "sdb" was not mounted during instalation.

After installation I had added "sdb" with my system and was working fine.

But "sba" was mounted at "/partion_name 1, 2, & 3", But I wanted to change this type of partion what "sdb" i.e it should prompt me for the password when I use to mount it, So I tried to change the mount type for the "sba" But wasn't able to do this beacause of error "Disk is been used by other process".

Now what i require is to mount "sda" partitions such as It may prompt for password when I try to mount and in "sdb1" having partions "sdb10" to be mounted automatically during boot time and the rest partions have to be prompted for password when I try to mount it.Is it possible..?

*Please suggest me the whole procedure in manual manner(Command line) for the same
*Also using "Storage Device Manager"
*if I remove "Storage Device Manager" in future thus it effct my system partitions
*If I mount the partition in "/media/partion_name" thus it will solve my problem.


UBUNTU 10.10
sda : "sda1" mountpoint- "/win_xp"


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installation Did Screw Up OS X On Mac

Jun 2, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a partition on my Mac Mini and everything was working fine until a couple hours ago, when I logged out to go back to the OS X side. For some reason, now in OS X it recognizes the existence of the mouse (there's a pointer I can move around) but it doesn't interact with anything and I can't click on anything. Is this something to do with Refit or my Ubuntu install? Is this something I can fix?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installation - 7.04 On IMac G3 (os 9.2.2)?

Mar 22, 2011

my partner and I have been trying to wipe the mac os 9.2.2 (UK version) and replace with ubuntu 7.04 (previous forums have mentioned this is the most stable version of ubuntu for the G3).

We bought this iMac G3 the other day, cheap, for our sons room... homework, research, music etc. He's used to the windows system that the Mac os looks both boring and confusing to him. so we thought we'd go in between and use the ubuntu os.

Any who! downloaded the iso for ubuntu 7.04, burned the iso image, alternate cd install of course. the only problem we are having is getting the disc to boot at start up on the iMac. (cd rom doesn't have a tray, I've seen this question asked before). the cd burned fine, the disc works on other systems. but when it comes to boot up on the iMac, nothing happens. press and hold down c, cd drive turns the discs a few times then carries on with the original mac os 9 start up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mounting Failed No Such Device - Win7

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu 9.10, downloaded the iso from the site and burned it on a CD, but when I boot from my cdroom drive and choose install ubuntu option I get an ubuntu grey logo for a couple seconds and the I get this error:

I tried downloading a new copy and burning a new CD but still have the same error, no matter what option I choose when booting the CD.

Does anyone now whats the problem? What I'd like to do is install linux as the only OS (formating everything else) not dual boot or anything, I'm new to linux so it'd help if you guys could give me details on how to fix it

I have installed previous versions of ubuntu on this same computer but using the wizard inside windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Strange Mounting Errors After Upgrade?

May 16, 2010

I upgraded a linux box from Koala to Lucid, and everything seems ok except at boot I occasionally get an error mounting some partitions. Here is the boot.log:

fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
/dev/sdb1: clean, 316325/17965056 files, 5723474/71844680 blocks
udevd[402]: can not read '/etc/udev/rules.d/z80_user.rules'
mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /backup busy
mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /


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Ubuntu Installation :: Mounting Partitions As User Rather Than Root?

May 20, 2010

I'm having a problem mounting a vfat partition using fstab... If I don't use fstab and mount it manually, everything works fine. But if I add a line to fstab, it will mount, but will have root permission only - so I can't write to it. can mount another partition (ext4) through fstab and everything works fine. Just not sure why there's a problem with the vfat partion. Also, if after mounting it through fstab I try to unmount it, it gives an error saying only root can unmonut it.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Wubi Installation Not Mounting To The Drive Where It Is Installed

Dec 7, 2010

I have a ubuntu 10.10 wubi installation. It is installed to drive g:. While using ubuntu it is not showing me option to mount to this drive. It is showing all other drives.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install On Pc Mounting Error?

Dec 23, 2010

I was trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 using a dvd onto an older pc i have. Specifically the pc has 512mb ram, 160 gb hdd, intel pentium 4 2.93ghz. The first time I attempted it was working just fine, then during the setup while i was entering region info the window went away and the computer shut off. I restarted it then retried the installation and got the error message "Medium does not contain live file system". I found a different type of cd and attempted to reinstall again. Now the error message says that it could not mount the cd probably because the cd is not in the drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mounting A NTFS Raid 0 Device?

Dec 27, 2010

let's say this system has 3 hard drives. Drive #1 and #2 are RAID 0 and Windows7 lives there. It is a hardware RAID, not software.

On Drive #3 Ubuntu has been installed using WUBI - it boots up and works okay - but it does not see the RAID array.

Do I just need a linux driver to be able to see & mount my "Windows" RAID0 array? Or is this even possible? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Authentication Failure After Installation ?

Feb 25, 2010

I managed to get Ubuntu installed, however, it just won't let me log in. I perform the net-install, and tell it my user name and password. However, once the install has completed, and the system rebooted, I cannot log in to Ubuntu (on X-screen or TTY). I've tried it twice - once with Karmic Koala Ubuntu installed with GNOME - the other with just CLI and they both fail.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 Installation On MacBook And Disktool

Jul 6, 2010

I just wanted to express my opinion of Ubuntu 10.4, so far I am extremely impressed with the OS. I have a Macbook with OSX and Windows 7 installed using refit as my EFI boot manager. I downloaded Ubuntu 10.4 and burned it to a CD and it installed perfectly with no problems! In fact, as far as I can tell all devices such as audio, Bluetooth, video, wireless, track-pad, and everything else I tested seem to work just great! After using disktool in OSX to resize and add another free partition and installing Ubuntu 10.4 the refit manager automatically added the Linux partition and away it it went!

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Won't Boot From Installation CD?

Dec 2, 2010

I have both a bootable USB install of 10.10 Desktop, which I've confirmed on my netbook (which runs Ubuntu) works fine, and a CD install disk, and my MacBook will not boot the USB and the CD isn't working right. I have a flaky superdrive, which is why I'm attempting the USB approach as well. I burned the CD from my son's computer and I'm sure it's fine.

I'm running Leopard 10.5.8.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Boot The New Installation?

Jul 14, 2011

I just reinstalled ubuntu to the new version in my macbook pro, I have rEFIt which properly boots mac osx but for some reason it is not able to boot the new installation of ubuntu.

I made the common installation (ext4 partition mounting / and one for the swap), then I restart I sync the partitions with rEFIt and mac osx boots well but the ubuntu gets stuck and I never get to see the grub.

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