Ubuntu Servers :: Mounting USB For Apple Time Machine BackUps

May 1, 2011

I'm trying to follow various ways to setup a Time Machine drive on my Ubuntu 'natty' server. I am at the stage now though where I can't seem to find the external USB HDD anywhere. I have it partitioned into two and cannot find anything to do with it. When I check ot doesn't show up in the memory either. Is there a way to mount it or find it?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Script To Deal With Pseudo-hardlinked Directories In Time Machine Backups

Jun 16, 2010

Just wanted to share a script that I wrote to migrate data off of a Time Machine backup. As anyone who's tried this knows, it's not straightforward because most directories are pseudo-hardlinked according to some hare-brained scheme Apple came up with. (Hard-linked directories actually show up as zero-length regular files with bizarre link counts greater than 128. The link count corresponds to a directory called "dir_$N" (where $N is the link count) inside of a special directory at the root of the Time Machine volume called ".HFS+ Private Directory Data^M" (where the ^M is a literal carriage-return character).)

Here's the script (it's also attached, for convenience). It works pretty much the same as "rsync -av <SRC_DIR> <DST_DIR>" would, if the pseudo-hardlinks weren't in the way. In other words, it just recursively copies the first directory to the second. So the first argument (the source directory) is typically something like


if you want the entire latest backup. It can also be a relative path, if you've already changed to a directory inside the backup.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Create File Sharing Between MacBook Pro And Lucid Box For Time Machine Backups?

Mar 19, 2011

I've been trying to create file sharing between my MacBook Pro and my Lucid Lynx box for time machine backups and media server purposes. I followed this guide:[URL]..Everything seems to work with these exceptions: I can see my LucidLynx box in my finder app in my Mac but only when I run these commands from Ubuntu:

sudo /etc/init.d/netatalk restart
sudo restart avahi-daemon

If I restart my LucidLynx box then I can't see anything in finder. I can't log into my LucidLynx box from finder. I don't get a bad username or password error it just tells me the connection failed. *Note if I do enter an incorrect username or password it WILL tell me it's incorrect. I've looked at this link below since some people have used it in theses forums but it's a bit dated[URL]..

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting Time Capsule Drives - Connection Refused

Jan 4, 2010

I've been looking for a way to mount my time capsule drives under Ubuntu, and found some guides, but none of them work for me. Apparently what you need to do is:

sudo mount.cifs // /media/timecapsule/ -o pass=pa55w0rd

My time capsule's ip is, it's name is "Time Capsule", the drive I'm trying to mount is called Movie HD

If I input the following command:

sudo mount.cifs // Capsule/Movie HD /media/timecapsule/ -o pass=mypassword

I get a connection refused error.I tried a couple different variations such as "/"Time Capsule"/Movie HD",etc,every combination, but I get a connection refused error (111) every time.(I have two drives on my time capsule, the internal, Movie HD, and an external usb one, Media HD, I want to actually mount them both)On my time capsule I did set it guest access to read only... Also, when I go to my places> network I do see the time capsule in the list, but I get an error message that it can't access the shares when I try to open it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install Mac OS X Without Time Machine?

Apr 19, 2011

I cannot install Mac OS X on my MacBook. When I boot from the DVD the only option I get is to install the OS from Time Machine. I cannot do a clean install from the DVD. Why is that? And how can I change it? How do I get the computer to install Mac OS X from the DVD, and not Time Machine?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Extracting Specific File From Mac Time Machine Drive?

Mar 5, 2011

I am trying to extract just a few files/folders from a Time Machine backup, but can't seem to find them. The drive is automatically mounted in Ubuntu, and am able to access after enabling view hidden files, the HFS+ Private Data Directory. But that is a jumbled array of thousands of numbered folders, with each taking a fair amount of time to open on this aging Dell running 10.10.

I've tried running the standard Places - Search for Documents, with 'Show hidden and backup files' enabled, but that won't pull up any of the search times I'm going for (and seemingly won't find anything at all on the drive). So, is there any way to decipher the directory tree so as to be able to access this data from Ubuntu? Or perhaps a file embedded somewhere in there that lists out the original structure, so that I can use it as an index to see what number correlates to what originally named folder?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Setup - OS X Time Machine Support

Oct 12, 2010

I'm wanting to setup a file server for home. I'll probably use the following: Ebox, Firefly Media Server, TorrentFlux I'm still not sure about how to go about redundancy for the store, possibly software RAID 5. ZFS would be cool but the linux support through FUSE and large memory requirements are a bit of turn-off. I'm also not sure how to go about supporting TimeMachine on my new Macbook Pro. I've seen a couple of old guides on the web discussing Netatalk and Avahi but noting new.

I'm thinking I'll probably use a spare 2.5" 80GB SATA drive for the OS drive, and then probably 4x2TB HDD (for 6TB of useable storage in RAID 5). I'm not sure about what mobo and cpu to use yet. I was originally thinking to go with an atom based Mini-ITX mobo but to get one with 4x SATA ports is hard enough, let alone trying to get one with 5-6x (1 for OS and 4 for data) so I'm thinking maybe I should get a low power Intel or AMD based Micro-ATX mobo with 6x SATA. I'm also thinking I'll setup CrashPlan for online backup from the server (plus directly from my Macbook Pro and my Desktop).

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Server :: Setup House Mostly (for The First Time) For Backups And File Sharing?

Jan 28, 2011

**Edit: path for mount was incorrect Distro Server: CentOS 5.5


Backround I am attempting to setup a server in my house mostly(for the first time) for backups and file sharing. It is important to me that file permissions are preserved. So its my understanding that I must use idmapd in order for this to work. As of now I'm only working with the linux distros while osx will be dealt with once these two work together. portmapper is up and running, along with lockd on both machines. Firewalls are also down on both machines for now. The server side was all setup using the GUI interface with no extra options selected. Problem When attempting to "mount -t nfs4$sharedfolder /mnt" I get an error operation not permitted with no error printing in /var/log/message. If I use "mount -t -o nolock nfs4$sharedfolder /mnt" it mounts just fine. Ive checked both machines multiple times to make sure that lockd is up and running. In the idmapd.conf file I the domain as "localdomain" for both machines but I doubt that is right; like I stated above this is my first attempt at a server. I'm assuming the problem is a whole missing step that involves some kind of id mapping server I need to setup.

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CentOS 5 :: Scheduled Unattended Backups With Alerts If The Backups Fail

Feb 3, 2011

I've been a DOS/Windows guy for 20 years, and recently became a SW test lab helper. My company uses CentOS for a lot, so I've become familiar with it, but obviously not as comfortable as I am with Windows.

Here's what I have planned:

machine: Core 2 Duo E8400, 8GB DDR2, 60GB SSD OS drive, ATI 4650 video card, other storage is flexible (I have 3 1TB drives and 4 750GB drives around that can be used in this machine.)

uses: HTPC, Network Storage, VMWare server host: SMTP, FTP server, and Web server virtual machines

I've figured out how to do much of this, but I haven't figured out how to do backups in Linux. I've been spoiled with Windows, with the built in backup system so simple to use. I find myself overwhelmed with the array of backup software, and unable to determine which to use. none of them seem to do everything I need them to do, but some come close, I think. I'm hoping someone here can help me out in figuring out which program to use and how to use it.

Here is what I need the backup software to do:
1. scheduled unattended backups, with alerts if the backups fail
2. a weekly full backup with incremental every 12 hours
3. removing the old backups when the new full backup runs, I would prefer to keep 2 weeks of backups, but that's not necessary
4. a GUI would be preferable, since my arthritic fingers don't always do as I want them to do. I typo things a lot, and the label worn off my backspace can attest to that.

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Ubuntu Servers :: New RAID - Recommended Maintenance And Backups

Feb 22, 2011

I decided to create a file server for my family. I have set up a RAID 6 (4 disk) array. My thoughts were to back up the array to a hard drive monthly. Store the drive in a WiebeTech Drivebox, off site, in a "fire proof" box. (The kind for papers sold at Staples or Office Depot. After a year, I would have 12 back-ups. I would then overwrite the previous hard drive. (i.e. HDD from March 2011 would be overwritten on March 2012.)

Additionally, I was wondering if there was recommended maintenance to verify the array is working properly. Right now, I am moving data to the array so quickly that I am backing up every few days between three hard drives. (Back-up #4 was written to Drive #1 after Drive #1 was reformatted.) I am aware that I could use rsync. (Which I currently use for backing up my portable USB HDD to the RAID array.)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Method For Regular Mysql Backups?

Jul 20, 2011

I created a cron and a shell script but I'm not sure how to automatically handle the mysql password prompt. I'm sure it's simple but having trouble figuring it out

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General :: Rsync Incremental Backups Rather Than Full Backups?

Nov 12, 2009

How do you get Rsync to do incremental backups rather than full backups? At the moment I have a script that will create a backup folder (if it doesnt already exist) then copy the source files into the backup directory with the command

rsync $VERBOSE --exclude=$TARGET/ $EXCLUDE --exclude '/Ls-wtgl1c8/**' -rt --delete $source/ $TARGET/$source/ >> $LOG_FILE

Target is where the files will be backed up to Sources is the dir(s) to be backed up Exclude files is the list of files not to backup
log file is where the output will be saved to. At the moment it only does full backups, but I would only like to do incremental, how would this be achieved? Am I missing out an option in the Rsync that is required.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting ISO During Installation?

Jun 4, 2010

I got a question about installing Ubuntu on my MacBook. What I intend to do is to have Ubuntu either on my local harddrive or, better, an external harddrive. The installation is probably no problem, although I'm not sure if rEFIt detects when the Ubuntu drive is attached to my USB ports. My real question is. Do I really have to buy a CD and burn the ISO image in order to install Ubuntu or could I just mount the ISO from somewhere?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting Hfs Partition At Boot?

May 16, 2010

I'm currently trying to mount a hfs partition at boot as part of my quest to have a shared music folder across ubuntu and OSX. Here's the output of fdisk -l

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.


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General :: Use The Second Drive For Backups, Both Manual And Using Back In Time \ Noticed That The Second Drive Was Formated In FAT32?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a second hard drive in my desktop and both the main dirve and second drive are 250GB. I use the second drive for backups, both manual and using back in time. The other day I noticed that the second drive was formated in FAT32. If I go to disk utility and look at the drive it says:Usage:FilesystemPartition Type:Linux (0x83)Type:FAT(32-bit version)Is this ok? I thought in Linux it should be Ext4. So far its been working fine for a while now but if I need to move my files and re format it to ext4 and move them back I would rather do it now when there is less data on the drive.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Real-time (or Near Real-time) Folder Synchronization Among 2+ Servers

Mar 23, 2010

what the recommended way to set up real-time (or near real-time) folder synchronization among 2+ servers. I looked a rsync but that doesn't sound real-time and it looks like its something that you might put in a cron once an hour.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Access Music, Documents, Pictures, Etc. After Mounting Macintosh HD?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro 5,5 with Ubuntu 9.10 installed using rEFIt. When I mount the Macintosh HD in Ubuntu, I am unable to access any of the folders under Users, except Public. I tried changing the permissions in OSX, setting "Read and Write" for "Everyone" on a couple of folders, and, when I log back into Ubuntu, I can see that those are the permissions for the folder, but Ubuntu still tells me that I do not have permission to access the folder. I've tried setting the folder to share, thinking that this must be the reason that I can access Public with no problems, but it didn't work.

I've browsed the internet extensively, and the only thread I could find related to the issue was by someone who had the exact same problem as me (I don't know if they had the same macbook though), and it was never solved (the only advice given was to either change the Ubuntu user number, or change the permissions of the folder).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting Home Dir On Another Machine?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 .I want to mount my home dir on another machine and log in to the remote machine with the same username and home dir. The problem is that the files on the mounted dir belong to userid 99 (nobody). For example:

on the local machine:


[erezz@erez-lx:~]$ ls -ln ~/.bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 1644 2011-07-20 13:56 /home/erezz/.bashrc

on the remote machine:


[erezz@remote_machine:~]$ ls -ln ~/.bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 99 99 1644 Jul 20 13:56 /home/erezz/.bashrc

Here's what I did (and worked great for me in Kubuntu 10.04):

local machine:


/home/erezz/ *(rw,insecure,sync,all_squash,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000)
(also tried /home/erezz/ *(rw,insecure,sync,root_squash))
local user:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Notices That There Are Updates For The Server Software From Time To Time?

Mar 29, 2010

I have several file servers in our offices and I am relatively new to Ubuntu / Linux. I get notices that there are updates for the server software from time to time. Is it typical to update everything when available or should I follow "If it ain't broke, don't fix it..." mentality?I would hate for everything to be working fine and then have an update throw me a curve.

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Ubuntu Servers :: System Time Runs Slow Hareware Time Run Right?

Apr 11, 2011

I am running my Ubuntu 32 bit server on top of Windows 7 64 bit with VirualBox. It's a 2 core Atom. It's been working good for about half a year. But the last about 6 weeks the system time only in Ubuntu is going slow. About -8 per 24 hours! I can only guess because I have more things running in my Windows 7 and Ubuntu.

I can set it right by coping the hareware time to system time with this command:

hwclock --hctosys

I want to run a crontab to have that command run every minute. But it don't seem to run.


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General :: Nfs - After Mounting Client Machine Get Hang When Run Df -h

Aug 19, 2010

whenever i execute ls -ltr i get following entry. But there is no such user as 501 .What is the issue.


The problem is this folder is mouted on client machine using nfs.But after mouting client machine get hang when i run df -h.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting Shared Drive On Networked Machine [wubi]

Apr 21, 2010

I have a machine running Ubuntu 9.10 that has an external HD with shared folders music folder and media downloads folder). I have set up SAMBA on that machine.

On my laptop I am running a dual boot system with Windows Vista and using wubi install, Ubuntu 9.10.

In Windows, I am able to wirelessly connect to the shared folder and access the music folder and the media downloads folder on my Desktop Ubuntu machine. All is good.

When I boot in Ubuntu, I am unable to connect to the shared folder under Places > Network I can negotiate to the MSHOME (the name of my work group). Once selected I get the error Failed to retrieve Shared List from server error message.

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General :: Mounting Fedora Machine Drive Via USB Connection

Jun 3, 2010

I have a Fedora machine that was installed with Linux LVM. I took the drive of that machine, connect it to disk enclosure, and connect to another Linux machine via USB connection. I can see that the drive /dev/sda is there:

[root@dd ~]# /sbin/fdisk -l
Disk /dev/hda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes .....

I want to copy files from this drive. I try to mount it, but it didn't work. The /dev/sda1 is mounted fine, but it has only boot stuff.

[root@dd ~]# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/drive
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
How I can mount the drive and copy my files from this drive.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mac OsX Emulator/virtual Machine Like Wine For Windows?

Apr 27, 2011

Is there a way I can run Mac (OS X) programs on a Linux (Ubuntu) system in a virtual machine like either Wine or VMware (maybe that is the wrong term) for Windows programs?

Specifically, I want to develop an iphone app and I would like to use the simulator and IDE "Xcode" provided by Apple but they only will run on Mac.

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Networking :: NFS Shares Not Mounting At Boot Time?

Jan 15, 2010

I've got a mostly Debian Lenny network but I've set one machine up with Squeeze. One the Squeeze machine I can mount my NFS shares manually but can't get them to mount at boot time. Here's my /etc/fstab file:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'vol_id --uuid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>


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Ubuntu / Apple :: MacBook Pro Boot Time Very Slow

Nov 4, 2010

How do I speed up the Macbook Pro boot time? In OSX when I boot it goes directly to the mac logo. In Ubuntu there seems to be a 10 second or more hesitation before it access my hard drive. Is there anyway to change some settings in the BIOS / EFI?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Simple Click Mounting Method At Boot-time?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to auto-mount a couple of NTFS volumes at login (or even earlier if possible), not by editingfstab or running the (currently buggy for Maverick) ntfs-config tool, but by simulating the way that Nautilus mounts volumes when you click or double click on one. The reasons for this are not important(just to make things a little mysterious).So, I checked the output of syslog when I click on an unmounted volume in Nautilus. It seems very useful, but I can't make much out of it. So I need your help I need to make something like a script to do this thing at startup.

Feb 16 20:52:28 UBUNTU-BCM-P5Q-DELUXE ntfs-3g[3701]: Version 2010.8.8 external FUSE 28
Feb 16 20:52:28 UBUNTU-BCM-P5Q-DELUXE ntfs-3g[3701]: Mounted /dev/sdb1 (Read-Write, label


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General :: Mounting Windows 2008 Server Share On Red Hat 4 Machine?

Jun 8, 2010

I am having issues mounting a share on a Windows 2008 Server from all of our Redhat 4 machines. I am trying to back up files before wiping and upgrading them to 5. I will try and post as much information that I gathered after trying different things. I am a newer hire for this network and a Linux newbie.

The scenario is this:

1. Windows 2008 Active Directory.
2. Redhat Enterprise 4 machines

I have root access and I tried entering at the terminal:

" smbclient -L "servername" -U "username"

get the "password" prompt I enter my password and get:

"session setup failed: NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT."

I check event viewer on the 2008 box and last week was seeing:

Event ID: 4625
Keywords: Audit Failure
etc, etc
"Account for which Logon failed:
Security ID: NULL SID
Account name: anonymous
Account Domain:MYGROUP
Failure Information:
Failure Reason: Uknown user name or bad password
etc, etc

Now the last couple of days the audit failures have not shown up on the 2008 Server box even though I attempted to log in.

The end users used to just use Konquerer smb://"servername"/"share" and it worked but for some reason starting last week this no longer works. Nothing was changed that I know of, this network is in a sealed classified environment with no external access. All additions to the network are monitored and no unapproved software is installed. The lab is in a vault type environment and only a few people know the combination and alarm pass codes so no chance of somebody adding stuff without me knowing it.

I would think with the locked out message it was an issue with my user account but that works fine on the Windows side so I tried my Linux credentials with no success when trying to mount the directory.

Is there something anybody can suggest Linux or Windows side to check? No user accounts work connecting to the Windows share.

p.s. I am aware the above command is only to see the Windows shares but i get the same thing when I just try and mount using CIFS or SMBFS.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Machine Running Maxed Out In Order To See Where Things Can Be Improved

Sep 21, 2010

So now I've got my iMac G3 running nicely I was wondering how I go about running a burn in test so that I can see if I can improve the cooling in places by manipulating airflow, I have a thermal cam but I want the machine running maxed out in order to see where things can be improved.CPUBurn in the repos isn't coded for PPC, only x86 x86_64.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Disk Takes A Lot Of Time Mounting?

Jun 13, 2010

My DVD drive start working bad recently in KDE 4.4.3 - openSUSE Forums , but this is another very annoying thing happening in my openSUSE box. I have several flash drives, from several sizes and all have the same problem: When I plug them, the drive simply takes a LOT of time mounting and showing the data, but really, a LOT, and meanwhile the flash light blinks the desktop environment its FREEZE, until it shows the mounted drive. Some output from a recently plug that takes again a lot of time:


[ 4685.082027] usb 1-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
[ 4685.579461] usb 1-6: New USB device found, idVendor=0325, idProduct=ac02
[ 4685.579480] usb 1-6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3


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