Ubuntu / Apple :: Installation Did Screw Up OS X On Mac

Jun 2, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a partition on my Mac Mini and everything was working fine until a couple hours ago, when I logged out to go back to the OS X side. For some reason, now in OS X it recognizes the existence of the mouse (there's a pointer I can move around) but it doesn't interact with anything and I can't click on anything. Is this something to do with Refit or my Ubuntu install? Is this something I can fix?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Did I Just Really Screw Up Computer?

Nov 19, 2010

my friend partitioned some of my hard drive (vista) and installed ubuntu 9.04 on it.for a while, I didn't really use it too much.But recently I've started to see that it's a better coding environment for me (cs major).i was having a few problems here and there, so i decided to update to 9.10 through the update manager.i was no longer able to use my mouse pad after doing this, but i eventually found a solution online that worked.then i decided i might as well go up to 10.04.when it was installing, it asked me if i wanted to change a "menu", or keep the current one.I said to change it (stupid, i know).after the installation was complete, i have a few problems that i have NO idea how to fix.i've searched all over the internet, but nothing has worked so far.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythembox Screw Up Iphone / Ipod Touch?

Dec 25, 2010

I tend to buy music on my iPod touch directly, then synchronize it with iTunes later. After goofing around with Rythembox by trying (unsuccessfully) to import some mp3s onto my iPod, I noticed that my recently purchased 'Fame Monster' Lady Gaga album would not synchronize with iTunes, although the music was still playable and indexed correctly on the ipod itself. I also noticed that Rhythembox can't seem to find that album either. It is quite strange.

So I browsed around the file structure on the ipod to try to hunt down these m4a files and found them in a folder called 'Purchases' - they were all there along with a few other recent purchases. These m4a files are different though - they don't seem to have any of the audio tracks' meta-data embedded in the files themselves, that info is instead in associated 'plist' files that are just xml files with all the info about the tracks you'd expect.

When you sync an ipod touch with itunes, it copies your 'on-the-go' generated playlists - so I tried to trick itunes into finding these files by adding my gaga album to a playlist, but sure enough after synching, that playlist simply disappeared. I tried it again, but this time also adding other songs that are not having any problems, and sure enough the playlist was successfully copied to itunes... SANS any of the gaga tracks! This is so weird.

So basically I have these tracks that are paid for, not cheap might I add, that are playable on my ipod touch, but simply refuse to synchronize with itunes. Why not just grab it m4a off the ipod directly? Well thats true, they play on my computer just fine that way, but the files don't have any of the album and track information embedded...

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Debian Configuration :: Installing LottaNZB Screw System?

May 14, 2010

Okay so a newb question but I typed the simple command sudo apt-get install lottanzb to install lottanzb after adding the testing repositories (currently using Lenny stable) and got a huge shed load of things updated including AWN from the testing source as a result (pages of them flashed by) and it removed some things like Epiphany browser.

Got a load of errors at one point during this including
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
Usage: /etc/init.d/cron {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}.
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
Status of Common Unix Printing System: cupsd is running.
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
checking separate queue runner daemon...done (not running).


Am I being dumb here or does that mean I`m now basically using Debian testing as a result and if so how can I undo it yet keep LottaNZB? With the errors am concerned in case I reboot and the system goes from stable to unstable. I chose Debian for the stability so don`t want the testing versions, and have no idea why a simple install command updated so much stuff. EDIT: It bigtime messed it up, when I logged out and logged back in system was unusable and I had to reinstall as tried apt remove but it didn`t undo it. Quite surprised that Linux breaks easier than Windows though

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OpenSUSE :: SCIM Stuff That Seems To Screw Around With Normal Text Input?

Apr 8, 2010

I was recently surprised by this SCIM stuff that seems to screw around with my normal text input. I try to be curious and approach my issues with an open mind, so before I try to remove SCIM, I want to know what the hell it's supposed to do.but it's not obvious to me

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Slackware :: Managed To Screw Up Remote Server Directory Ownerships?

May 26, 2011

managed to screw up the ownership of many directories on a remote server whilst installing a piece of new software. Basically I have set all ownership from / downwards to apache:apache.

Spotted the error quite quickly and managed to abort it, but am now unable to change to root to put anything right. Is there any way to restore ownerships of the underlying Slackware to 'factory default' as it were? Had a quick google and found some links for a script that is supposed to work, but it appears broken,

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General :: How To Check Availability Of Ethernet Card In Redhat 5.2 Without Using Screw Driver?

Jun 27, 2011

please anybody tell me how to check the availability of ethernet card in redhat 5.2 without using screw driver.

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General :: WARNING: "BTRFS Will Screw Your Debian / Ubuntu System"

May 6, 2011

Things were fine for a couple months until this most recent dist-upgrade. The new grub has an incompatibility with BTRFS which nearly caused me to lose everything, as grub couldn't set up the boot system since it can't see the BTRFS partition. I worked for days trying to get help in the linux-btrfs listserv, but they don't seem to understand Debian/Ubuntu, and they kept referring me to Debian and grub devs. I asked them how those devs will know any more about BTRFS than they do, but there was no reply.

They said the new grub (1.99~rc1-13) will fix it, but unfortunately the Debian package management system was jammed by BTRFS as well and I couldn't install/deinstall anything. I finally had to unpack the grub-pc .deb and manually install it, but guess what? It didn't fix the problem. I've now had to completely rebuild my system without BTRFS. This has cost me days, which I cannot spare. I realize it says 'experimental' on the BTRFS website, but it is in the stable kernel, and there is not a word anywhere about it being completely non-functional in Debian/Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Want To Install Win7 / Don't Want To Screw 11.2

Mar 14, 2010

i currently have XP 32bit and Opensuse 11.2 64bit installed, i would like to install win7 64bit but don't want to screw up my opensuse installation. If i format my win partition, and install win7 should i still get a grub menu?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Auto-load Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2010

This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;

When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.

Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ipod Not Recognized By 10.04?

Dec 4, 2010

i connected my apple ipod in ubuntu 10.04..its showing msg that" do no disconnect" but there is no trace of ipod in the system,not even any icon in desktop too

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting ISO During Installation?

Jun 4, 2010

I got a question about installing Ubuntu on my MacBook. What I intend to do is to have Ubuntu either on my local harddrive or, better, an external harddrive. The installation is probably no problem, although I'm not sure if rEFIt detects when the Ubuntu drive is attached to my USB ports. My real question is. Do I really have to buy a CD and burn the ISO image in order to install Ubuntu or could I just mount the ISO from somewhere?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installation - 7.04 On IMac G3 (os 9.2.2)?

Mar 22, 2011

my partner and I have been trying to wipe the mac os 9.2.2 (UK version) and replace with ubuntu 7.04 (previous forums have mentioned this is the most stable version of ubuntu for the G3).

We bought this iMac G3 the other day, cheap, for our sons room... homework, research, music etc. He's used to the windows system that the Mac os looks both boring and confusing to him. so we thought we'd go in between and use the ubuntu os.

Any who! downloaded the iso for ubuntu 7.04, burned the iso image, alternate cd install of course. the only problem we are having is getting the disc to boot at start up on the iMac. (cd rom doesn't have a tray, I've seen this question asked before). the cd burned fine, the disc works on other systems. but when it comes to boot up on the iMac, nothing happens. press and hold down c, cd drive turns the discs a few times then carries on with the original mac os 9 start up.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Authentication Failure After Installation ?

Feb 25, 2010

I managed to get Ubuntu installed, however, it just won't let me log in. I perform the net-install, and tell it my user name and password. However, once the install has completed, and the system rebooted, I cannot log in to Ubuntu (on X-screen or TTY). I've tried it twice - once with Karmic Koala Ubuntu installed with GNOME - the other with just CLI and they both fail.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 Installation On MacBook And Disktool

Jul 6, 2010

I just wanted to express my opinion of Ubuntu 10.4, so far I am extremely impressed with the OS. I have a Macbook with OSX and Windows 7 installed using refit as my EFI boot manager. I downloaded Ubuntu 10.4 and burned it to a CD and it installed perfectly with no problems! In fact, as far as I can tell all devices such as audio, Bluetooth, video, wireless, track-pad, and everything else I tested seem to work just great! After using disktool in OSX to resize and add another free partition and installing Ubuntu 10.4 the refit manager automatically added the Linux partition and away it it went!

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Won't Boot From Installation CD?

Dec 2, 2010

I have both a bootable USB install of 10.10 Desktop, which I've confirmed on my netbook (which runs Ubuntu) works fine, and a CD install disk, and my MacBook will not boot the USB and the CD isn't working right. I have a flaky superdrive, which is why I'm attempting the USB approach as well. I burned the CD from my son's computer and I'm sure it's fine.

I'm running Leopard 10.5.8.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Boot The New Installation?

Jul 14, 2011

I just reinstalled ubuntu to the new version in my macbook pro, I have rEFIt which properly boots mac osx but for some reason it is not able to boot the new installation of ubuntu.

I made the common installation (ext4 partition mounting / and one for the swap), then I restart I sync the partitions with rEFIt and mac osx boots well but the ubuntu gets stuck and I never get to see the grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Regular Osx On A Non-apple Computer?

Feb 3, 2010

i am trying to triple boot xp, osx and Ubuntu. Here is my set up:

hd(0,0) windows xp
hd(0,3) ubuntu
hd(1,1) osx

I am trying this on a dell precision workstation 530. (yes i know that i can't install regular osx on a non-apple computer, but this is patched and works fine)

My problem: I am using grub to boot everything. I have added osx to the list by this: title mac osx tiger root hd(0,3) kernel boot/boot_v10 when i press this, i get: error 17 can't mount partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like URL...

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Ubuntu / Apple :: When Try To Boot Installation Cd It Doesnt Work

Aug 10, 2010

I installed linux on my imac G5(i did not dual boot) and now i want to install os x again on my mac but when i try to boot the installation cd it doesnt work.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installation Hangs On A Black Screen

Aug 20, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an iMac G4, and I had a promising situation the first time through but I botched the install due to my newbishness and haven't been able to boot from the install CD since.

Here's the situation:

800 Mhz G4
256 MB RAM
15" LCD display
32 MB GeForce2 MX Video Card
"Standard" Airport Wireless Card
(more details here)

What Happened: After poking around on the forums some and reading through some of the wiki pages, I decided that 8.04 would be a good place to start, so I downloaded and burned an install disc. My first attempt booted almost perfectly, but I confused the "booting from the CD" with "installed Ubuntu" (Iknow, I know...), and promptly rebooted back into OS X.

Since then, I've been unable to successfully boot from the CD. Using the 8.04 disc, I'm prompted for what style of install I'd like, and I feebly type "live," the ramdisk loads, and then the screen goes blank, reads "loading" in the upper left for a second, the optical drive whirs for a bit, and then everything hangs on a black screen with a white cursor in the upper left. I thought I might just be impatient, so I let it sit overnight, but there was no change in the situation.

I know this isn't much information to work with. Is there a way to enable a more robust boot description? Something that will let me know what's going on when the screen goes blank and the optical drive whirs?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Convert Current OSX Installation To Guest?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm about to change colleges soon, and my new college (Full Sail University) requires us to have MacBooks. The university distributes the MacBooks to us with loads of class-related software pre-loaded. I'm unsure if they give us recovery discs for the Mac installation and the software.I have used Macs before, but I'm not all that Savy with them. What I need is a walkthrough on how to do certain things:

I want to backup the hard drive of the Mac, including the OS, and all the included programs.I want to wipe the hard drive, and install Ubuntu as a single OS.I want to take the backed up OSX and run that in VirtualBox, with full functionality: (internet, video making, graphic work, multimedia, etc)After that, I want to install Windows 7 as another guest OS, but I think I can handle that.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.10 IBook G4 PPC Blank Screen After Installation?

May 17, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 alternate PPC on my iBook G4. I have to used this command upon installation or else it went to white screen which doesn't go away:

install video=ofonly

Installation went smooth till the end.

After reboot, it did prompt me to pick l or c, then yaboot screen appear. However, after I entered 'Linux' and hit Enter, nothing happened - blank screen.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fresh Installation - Receiving Sync Error?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm trying to run Mac OSX Leopard + Ubuntu on my Macbook White 4,1. I've read multiple user guides, but for some reason it screwed up when I hit the partition button on rEFit. I received the 'gpsync' (sp?) error. I couldn't delete any of my partitions or make them go back to normal... As we speak I'm wiping my hard drive. I would really LOVE to start over FRESH. With Mac OSX, then to install Ubuntu. How can I go about installing Ubuntu on my Macbook without getting the sync error, and screwing up my partitions. Yes I read the user guide, and yes.. I did it step by step and still received the errors. I would love to fool around on Ubuntu, but the errors were stopping me.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Poor Responsiveness In Flash Drive Installation

May 13, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on an 8GB flash drive, and through much effort, was able to boot it on my white MacBook (2Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM). I find that responsiveness is really poor, for example, the display frequently freezes when I switch windows, or load a web page. Is this expected for Ubuntu that's running from a flash drive? Are there ways to improve this?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Disk Drives Detected / New Mac Mini And 10.04 Installation

Jul 20, 2010

I am installing Ubuntu 10.04 on my new Mac Mini. It has 2 500GB hard-drives, and I have created a partition for Ubuntu. During installation, however, Ubuntu is not able to detect my disk drive, neither my network interface. So I am not able to 'Partition Disks' which is part of Ubuntu installation. Did any of you encounter this problem? Any solutions or workarounds? Should I setup my disks in anyway before installation or use boot args?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Disks Disappear Suddenly While MacBookPro Installation

Mar 2, 2011

Im trying to install Ubuntu on my Intel MacBook Pro 13". When booting from the livecd, Im experiencing strange issues. Sometimes the partiontable and disks/partitions are not readable straight away, sometimes you can read them once (when opening gparted or the install-routine), but then they disappear after it. Sometimes they remain quite a while and "survive" all parted and other tools, and then produce I/O errors during install (after successfull partitioning).

I want to know... are these issues well known or am I the only one with such errors? Im not doing anything wrong, AFAIK. The devices just disappear sooner or later until only loop0 (cd-rom) remains.

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