Ubuntu :: 11.04 Screen Display - Visuals Do Not Correspond

May 2, 2011

I have recently installed Ubuntu onto an older PC of mine (Pentium 4, duel-boot using wubi). The only screen I have for it is a TV screen (about a year old with VGA input). The screen works fine when Windows XP is live, but when I boot into Ubuntu things go downhill.

Its hard to describe exactly what is happening... Basically I have no control over which window is visible at a given time. Functionality still works, the machine can tell which window has focus and where I can click, but the visuals do not correspond. If I try to open a menu or drop-down it flickers in and out of sight and when multiple windows are open it is a crapshoot as to which will be visible.

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Correspond Exactly With Add / Remove Software Package Manager?

Jul 18, 2010

When I call (in CentOS v5.4) the Package Manager through menu
Applications->Add/remove Software
Do I get exactly the same information (as GUI) as when I use "yum" (as cmdline)? Do both tools show essentially always the same info about installed software? Or is it possible that yum does not something about software which is installed by GUI Package manager or vice versa? Do they share the same software repository database?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Doesn't Correspond To /home/user/Desktop?

Sep 25, 2010

While I was trying to drag the Desktop icon to the places sidepane in nautilus file browser so that I can have it above Documents icon, I accidentally dropped it in Documents icon. I immediately deleted the "Desktop" shortcut that was created in "/home/user/Documents" but it was too late already and the damage has been done. When I try to create a new document on my desktop, it says "Error while coying to Desktop There was an error getting information about the destination. Show more details Error stating file '/home/user/Documents/' Desktop':No such file or directory" Now, I know that my desktop now is pointing me to a location in Documents folder which doesn't exist at all. I tried looking for any available settings/options in gconf-editor, but only in vain.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Max Screen Resolution - Screen Goes Blank When Click On The Display Icon In System Settings

Jan 11, 2011

i have just put a Geforce 7300 GT graphic card into my machine the problem is the max resolution I can get is 1024x768 at 60 hz the screen is a benq fp71g+. also the screen goes blank when i click on the display icon in system settings. i know that the screen can be run at 1280x1024 so I don?t know where the problem is.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Display Only In The Middle Of Screen - Set On Full Screen?

Feb 23, 2010

we have installed centos in our organisation on vitual box.it gives display only in the middle of screen.i want to set it on full screen. when i select full screen option the back black screen become full but the display is same. how can i adjust it on full screen?

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Ubuntu :: No Screen On My Display By HDMI?

Oct 8, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.4.I am getting no screen on my display by HDMI. I installed after that the nvia driver but it won't work 800*600 by 60hz .My display works fine with Windows 7 on my other computer. I do my first steps with an open scoure OS so does Ubuntu support HDMI?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Display Too Big For Screen

Apr 16, 2011

My problem is about 10% of my desktop is off screen. So I cant see my task bars but they are there. If i move my mouse pointer all the way up and off screen and click, the menu will drop down into view but I can't see the task bars. The desktop displays bigger than what the screen is. Adjusting the resolution just makes the icons bigger but does not fix the problem. Is this a video card incapatablity maybe? Running ati x1650 pro. I am also using Hdtvs for monitors. Tried sony bravia 32 inch and hitachi plazma 42 inch. Svideo and dve to hdmi cables. both tvs and cables have the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Invert Display On Laptop Screen?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a busted laptop, case that is. The internals are great. So I stripped the screen and built a large box. I used a cnc router to build a lid that would flush mount the screen, and have a lip of wood left to cover the metal edges of the screen.

Ok, what happened is that the measure twice cut once rule or one of its variants went into effect, and I put the hinge on the wrong side of the box. Normally I would say just flip the screen around, but one edge is wider than the other, so that will not do. I want have the hinge towards the couch so that I can tilt it up and be able to easily see the screen.

So I need a way to invert the screen, and I can't seem to find a way to do it. The coffee table is an Emachines N-10, and my video driver is the Nvidea one, because karmic told me my onboard card is not quite up to the task of the other one.

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Ubuntu :: Display - Black Screen Instead Of Standby

Mar 21, 2010

Am currently using 8.10 (xubuntu). The machine's "issue" (I've searched for a reference, but the one I found was a forum thread with no answers) is that when the display is set to go to sleep after 8 minutes of idleness in the power manager, it projects a black screen instead.

I'm not sure what different 'power saving modes' a display/OS usually has, but in Windows, when set to 'go to sleep' the screen goes into standby, i.e something like 'no signal', and from what I've read a lot more power is saved in that mode than by simply showing a black screen.

It was the same when I was running 8.04 with a different graphics card, if that matters. Haven't been able to try a different display. Screensaver and timing and resume normal video out works ok.

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Ubuntu :: Odd Screen Display - Unable To Login (10.04 LTS)

May 5, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and at first, everything was just fine. This issue came about yesterday, as far as I know, while my screen was locked. The login screen now displays only half of the original login screen (left side) and the other half (right side) is an odd view of a black background with a white box in the center (see this mock up). Another note of interest is that the right side pans as I move the mouse around the screen, as if the right-side view were a second view port to the login screen without displaying it properly.

I am not able to log in whatsoever. An incorrect password results in the standard error message. A correct password results in a temporary black screen, as if to load to the desktop, but then redisplays the login screen as if I hadn't logged in at all. I'm not sure where to begin, as I cannot login to run any commands and the grub menu does not give options to start in safe mode--it just loads directly to the latest instance of Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 (32bit) Screen Display Blanking Out

May 30, 2010

10.04 32bit Desktop edition. I have unchecked the "Enable screensaver when the computer is idle" option and have set "put display to sleep when inactive for" to "Never" but the display is still blanking out!

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Login Screen On Wrong Display?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm running 10.04 and whenever i go to the login screen, the username and password window is on the wrong monitor. I'm also using an ATI Radeon HD 4850 if it makes any difference.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Use A MBP Screen As An Extended Display?

Jul 18, 2010

My current set up in OS X has an external monitor (Acer H243H) and my MBP 13" screen as an extension. The only way for me to currently get the menus and panes on the external monitor is to turn the Macbook display off. is there any way for me to change this?

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Ubuntu :: Locked Screen Then Blank Display Came About

Feb 10, 2011

I went to lock the screen when I got up from my computer. I came back and there was a black screen. I tried hitting different buttons nothing worked. I rebooted and still went right to black screen. I can get into recovery mode but I can't figure out what's wrong with the computer. Can someone give me a hint. My father is very good with ubuntu but he said that he would just reload the os on it. But I really don't want to go thru that process all over again.

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Ubuntu :: No Laptop Screen After Connecting External Display

Jan 2, 2010

I have tried to connect my GMA500 based Acer 751 to an external dsiplay via VGA connection. I couldn't get the right resolution on the external screen (1920/1080) so I disconnected it and rebooted. Now there is only an "unknown" screen in the display menu. I have rewritten the xorg conf file per instructions for enabling GMA500 but to no avail - conf file looks right but screen is "unknown", low resolution and 4:3 aspect ratio, instead of 16:9. How to restore to laptop monitor - I think I can take from there to enable the right resolution.

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Ubuntu :: X Dies Randomly / Screen Goes Blank And Will Not Display Anything?

Mar 17, 2010

I am running 9.10 on a HP Compaq. Every few days X will die. The screen goes blank and will not display anything. I have to SSH in, but even trying various commands like gdm restart does not help. I eventually have to reboot the box. Below is a snippet (hopefully not too large) of dmesg:

/dev/sr0 on /media/cdrom0 is a CDROM, but I dont think thats the issue.

[707515.629800] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
[707515.629806] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current]
[707515.629811] Info fld=0x45d18, ILI
[707515.629813] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Illegal mode for this track

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Ubuntu :: ATI Display Driver On Laptop - Screen Goes Black

Apr 19, 2010

Got a problem with Ubuntu 9.10 and a Lenovo T400 with an ATI Radeon Mobility HD3400 and ATI drivers /ATI contol center. Whenever the laptop wakes up from power-saving mode, the screen goes black (with some jagged mulicolored lines).

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Ubuntu :: No Display On Screen After Upgrading Nvidia Drivers?

Sep 26, 2010

Recently I upgrade to the latest Nvidia driver for Linux. I checked that it was compatible with my Ubuntu 10.04 x64 system and my geforce gt 220 graphics card. I decided to go with the newest beta ver 260.1904. Installation went well, better actually than other times I tried to install the newest driver from their site. After installation was finished I restarted and let my system load up. As soon as it got past the ubuntu logo, the screen just went blank as if there was no signal.

I determined that everything but the display was working. When I pressed ctrl-alt-F1 the numlock light turned off (this usually happens) and was still toggle-able. When I went through the other x-servers (ctrl-alt-(F2-F6)) the light went out but could be turned off and on by hitting numlock. When booting in from recovery mode, the screen displayed up to the point where it would show recovery options with no noticeable error showing before the screen turned off. This is what worries me the most.I don't think it is my Xorg.conf because I replaced with a backup and still have the same problem.Does anyone have any ideas about why this is happening or how I can at least see the terminal. As a side note, its definitely not the card because the card worked fine before, works in windows and live cds, and I tried with an older nvidia card and had the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Video Display On Second Screen Shows Whatever Was Last There Even After Closed?

Dec 20, 2010

I've had this problem for ages and decided to try to tackle it. It occasionally also occurs on my laptop but only intermittently. The video on the second screen seems to go haywire. On boot, it doesn't display the background image. It only will display a fading black and gray picture. Then anything that is put on the screen is captured like a screen shot on the background. It is just hard to know if things were closed

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen/display Insist On Going Blank?

Jan 1, 2011

Why is it on Ubuntu/Maverick that my display insists on going BLANK after a certain period of computer inactivity EVEN THOUGH I have NO screensaver functions set and the put screen to sleep function in power management is set to NEVER and ALL functions in BIOS are all set to not have display go into suspend mode ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add A Screen With Startech Usb VGA Display Adapter?

Jan 31, 2011

Before being an Ubuntu user I bought a startech USB display adapter which alowed me to use a second screen. It was working on Windows XP.Now I don't know what to do because ubuntu seems not recognising the peripherical.
I am sure someone knows the way to get it.

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Ubuntu :: Use A Live CD To Reset Xorg And Screen Display?

Feb 18, 2011

Can I copy the setting of the live cd in my current 10.10 build? If Not can I do a new clean install of 10.10 over my current upgraded 10.10 build? My display is screwed & I don't know how to fix it

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Ubuntu Installation :: FAIL After Update - No Display On Screen?

Mar 2, 2011

i updated and now the bar at the top of the screan does not extend all the way across my 2 screans and most of my icons have failed, ill upload a picture

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade - Display - Getting A Small Box On Screen Saying OUT OF RANGE

Apr 30, 2011

I have just spent hours upgrading 10.10 to 11.04 Natty and when I rebooted at the end, all I'm getting is a small box on screen saying OUT OF RANGE.

I do not have grub or windows or anything else to boot into, ubuntu was my main system, what can I do?

I have just tried another monitor and get the same thing.

Is there anyway I can boot in safe mode or something?

I am able to boot PC with a live CD (Karmic) but cant acess most of my files because I am not the owner apparently? Cant change permissions either?

Is there a way I can change something using the live CD so that Natty will boot properly?

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Ubuntu :: IBook Display \ Screen Is Split Up In A Rather Strange Way?

Jun 22, 2010

I've been working on getting Linux on this iBook I have.It's running fine HOWEVERThe screen is split up in a rather strange way.I've drawn a diagram, but I can't post it due to the fact I haven't made 15 posts yet.I have a full working desktop in the top left.About 2 inches of the right are just black, and I can't move my mouse over it.Under the address bar, there is a mysterious white line, that extends into the black.Under that, there is the top 2 inches of my desktop being shown again.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic - Date/Time Display On Top Of Screen Panel

Feb 12, 2010

I have just updated to karmic. For some odd reason, the time/date indicator on the top panel now spreads the data over two lines, rather than placing them side by side. There doesn't seem to be any option in the preferences program to control this.

This means that the panel cannot be reduced below a two line minimum. Not only have I lost desktop space, but the panel icons have expanded to suit the new thicker panel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Display Screen Resolution Settings (Cannot Set To 1200 X 800)

May 4, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.4 on Virtual Box, I have installed it successfully, the only problem is when I check the display settings it only have 2 options : 600 X 400 and 800 X 600 and this makes it difficult to work on Ubuntu as 800 X 600 is half the size of my desktop. How I can increase / configure the display settings so that atleast I can fit ubuntu screen into my screen size.

I did install the addition application, restarted the OS but still I don't see any display resolution 1200 X 800, tried pressing ctrl+D nothing happens, after installing I saw it updated mouse cursor now i don't have to press ctrl key again n again to enter into the ubuntu OS but still struggling with the resolution as it's too small, please guide me (here is the screen shot of my screen after installing the addition app).

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Ubuntu :: Notification Dialog To Display Script For A Screen Cast?

Jun 12, 2010

Is there a program there that can display screen cast commentary as text in a transparent window centered on screen ( in a window that looks like a GNOME-Do window or Growl notification window).

Feature am looking for is almost like the alossage mode in emacs. But instead of showing what is being typed, each press of a shortcut key displays in a notification dialog in the lower 3rd of the screen one line at a time from a predefined text file.

So now - I can define a text description for each step in the screen cast in say ~/castScript.txt During screen-capture press the shortcut key to display each line of the text from the file onscreen

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Ubuntu :: Resolution With Lucid 64 - Display Isn't Quite Filling The Entire Screen

Jul 2, 2010

I have Lucid 64 connected to my 27" TV with 4:3 aspect ratio via s-video from an nVidia NV4 GeForce 6200SE TurboCache 256 MB card using the 173 driver set at 800X600. After hours (don't get on my case, this is the first time I've had hardware that would run well on a TV) and hours of tinkering I've gotten a feel for how to do this and have some pretty good results. However, I have two problems.

.01 The display isn't quite filling the entire screen. It's leaving about a .25 inch black bar all the way around the screen. This is negligible and if I can't fix it with only minor adjustments then so be it. I can live with it.

.02 This one isn't so minor. Many of the Windows are opening with portions of themselves cut off of, usually, the bottom of the screen. This makes, among other things, getting to the Close button rather impossible.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Display Doesn't Fill The Monitor Screen?

Jul 15, 2010

I have an Nvidia card and I am using ubuntu 10.04. Before installing the ubuntu nvidia restricted drivers, the boot screen with the ubuntu logo would cover the entire display area of the monitor. But now, after installing the Nvidia driver and fixing the display resolution of the boot screen with the Plymouth fix, the boot screen doesn't expand to fit the entirety of the monitor display area. How can I fix this? There is a good 2 inch off from either side of the display while booting.

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