Ubuntu :: Desktop Display Too Big For Screen

Apr 16, 2011

My problem is about 10% of my desktop is off screen. So I cant see my task bars but they are there. If i move my mouse pointer all the way up and off screen and click, the menu will drop down into view but I can't see the task bars. The desktop displays bigger than what the screen is. Adjusting the resolution just makes the icons bigger but does not fix the problem. Is this a video card incapatablity maybe? Running ati x1650 pro. I am also using Hdtvs for monitors. Tried sony bravia 32 inch and hitachi plazma 42 inch. Svideo and dve to hdmi cables. both tvs and cables have the same problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sony FP - No Display But Desktop Accessible Via Remote Desktop?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm working on getting my myth box hooked up to my Sony flat panel display.Originally the nvidia drivers could not read the EID, so defaulted to only 640x480 over my HDMI-DVI connection.I manually updated xorg.conf with a mode for the resolution I know the thing can handle. Suddenly there are several resolutions avaialble in nvidia-settings and it seems to be communicating with the TV, as it is now listed as a Sony FP display rather than a CRT.I'm able to change the resolution now as expected.my problem, however, lies with the TV itself. I can't seem to get it to actually display the output. I'm able to remote desktop into the box and can see Gnome logged in and everything.However nothing on the TV itself.How do I troubleshoot this? Am I missing something obvious?

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OpenSUSE :: Display A Different Desktop Background For Each Desktop?

May 23, 2011

How do I get it to display a different desktop background for each desktop? I'm sure I saw this option somewhere, but I can't find it again.

Secondly, it defaults with 4 desktops in a 2X2 grid layout. I changed it to 2, then back to 4 and now it has 4 desktops in a linear layout (1x4). How can I change it back to 2X2?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Max Screen Resolution - Screen Goes Blank When Click On The Display Icon In System Settings

Jan 11, 2011

i have just put a Geforce 7300 GT graphic card into my machine the problem is the max resolution I can get is 1024x768 at 60 hz the screen is a benq fp71g+. also the screen goes blank when i click on the display icon in system settings. i know that the screen can be run at 1280x1024 so I don?t know where the problem is.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Display Only In The Middle Of Screen - Set On Full Screen?

Feb 23, 2010

we have installed centos in our organisation on vitual box.it gives display only in the middle of screen.i want to set it on full screen. when i select full screen option the back black screen become full but the display is same. how can i adjust it on full screen?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Dual Screen Launcher - Right Hand Screen Displays Everything Except The Desktop Launchers

Apr 25, 2011

I have a dual screen setup with one card NVidia 8400GS.

Both screen are identical 22" LCD LG W2246 Monitors.

I have Dual X-Display setup.

I am using Gnome Desktop.

The left hand screen displays everything, menus, panels, background and of course desktop launchers.

The right hand screen displays everything except the desktop launchers.

If I create a new launcher on the left it appears on the left desktop when created.

If I create a new launcher on the right it appears on the left and can not be dragged over to the right screen.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Does Not Display With Hi-res Nvidia

Apr 15, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell m65 mobile precision laptop w/ nNvidia card.

I booted up my system. Login screen appears. I login. I can hear the login sounds. I can hear my notifications telling me I have email. My mouse works. My keyboard works. But I don't see my desktop. All that's in front of me is the background that I had at login time. I don't see the panels nor the desktop icons. I don't see the interactive grouping/stretchy rectangle thingy when clicking and dragging on the desktop.

I've never experienced this before. I never had a problem w/ this before. I had always been running in hi-res mode.

I did update my system earlier this morning and it wasn't until this afternoon I had to reboot it.

These are the things I've tried, none of which worked.

1) Downgraded my nVidia driver version

2) Changed the xorg.conf to a generic version with basic resolution (I had been running 1900x1200)

3) Tried restarting nautilus. I did this from the command prompt. I just get "Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon.

4) Tried an older kernel

5) Turned off compiz

These are the things I've tried and they do work

1) Boot to recovery menu. Run in failsafeX mode. I can see my desktop but everything is huge.
2) Run Desktop Edition (Safe Mode). I can see my desktop but everything is huge. I also notice that my desktop icons had been moved around. I think I was doing this when I couldn't see them!!
3) When in Safe Mode, I can configure my nVidia settings to be hi-res. But I can't these settings to stick when booting to normal mode.

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General :: Ubuntu - How To Display Desktop

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using ubuntu (and compiz, though I'm not sure it's relevant) and I've been wondering something : how to display the desktop, as you would in windows using windows key+D ? In system-> preferences-> keyboard shortcuts there's an action called "hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop". What does "normal windows" mean ?

When I press this shortcut (which seems to have the same effect as if you press the bottom left corner), the desktop is displayed, but there are some small squares in the corners that seem to be pieces of windows. What are these exactly, and if they're not useful, how can I make them disappear? Plus, if I press this shortcut twice, all windows disappear from the bottom panel (I don't know the proper name).

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Screen Position - .The Top Bar Of Any Screen Image Is Just Off The Top?

May 20, 2010

I am very happy with Ubuntu 10.04 that I downloaded, burnt to CD and installed (I am a newbie to Linux), but I am finding a little problem on an old Sony lap-top, with a rather old-fashioned almost square screen.The top bar of any screen image is just off the top, and I can only see a quarter of it, which makes using the max/min and cancel buttons a bit hard to use. I know I can resize the screen, but it goes back to the original next time it is used. Is there a permanent fix?

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Ubuntu :: Display X Applications From Server On Desktop?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a karmic server and a separate karmic desktop (laptop). I want to run a few gui applications from the server to my desktop so they will be centralized. I can successfully ssh to my server from the laptop, but getting the gui stuff launched from the server to display on my laptop is where I am hitting a wall. I did:

$ ssh -Y knipknup@

enter password

and I get:

/usr/bin/X11/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/knipknup/.Xauthority

I also did :

$ sudo chmod -v 777 /home/knipknup/.Xauthority

and that results in the same message.

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Ubuntu :: Display Video As Wallpaper On Desktop?

Mar 5, 2010

i'v found a way to do it with screen save but not with normal video files like avi mpg and etc.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Time Display Not Updating ?

May 13, 2010

Ever since upgrading to 10.04 my desktop time displays the logon time and doesn't update.

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Ubuntu :: Using Only Portion Of Monitor To Display Desktop?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a Visio TV that I dropped and cracked the LCD display in one corner, for watching TV it's basically useless now. On a whim I plugged it into one of my computers and about 75% of the screen is still usable. Only the bottom right hand corner of the screen is messed up. What I'd like to do if possible is to define an area of the screen. Say for instance the top left hand corner across and down to where the screen starts getting bad.

Like a left click and drag out the good area and then make only that area "the monitor" for the OS to use. I'd then probably build a case or something to house it in and only show the "live" area to clean things up. I'd like to use Ubuntu. But if you know I can't do it in Linux but can in Windows I'd consider that option as well. I just hate to junk the TV if I can use it some how as a monitor.

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Ubuntu :: How To Display Desktop In List View

Jun 8, 2011

Is there any way I can get my desktop to display the items on it in list view? I've spent a good part of a day doing google searches and reading thread after thread on this subject and I've tried all kinds of suggested ways of accomplishing it but as of yet I haven't had any success. I just switched to ubuntu from windows and I was able to do this in windows with a program that loaded at startup. Seeing as how linux is infinitely more customizable than windows I would assume this would be easy to do but I'm having no luck. Here's what my desktop looked like in windows, I'd like to make the icons display the same in ubuntu: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: How To Have Desktop Display Contents Of HOME Directory

May 24, 2010

I am just coming to GNOME from KDE where I used the folder view desktop widget to display the contents of ~ directory (/home/<user>) rather than the "Desktop" directory itself, as that's where all the stuff I wanted to access from the desktop was. Is there any way I can do this in GNOME with the actual desktop (as opposed to a widget)?

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Display A Full Folder In Desktop?

Oct 17, 2010

i was just wondering, that, is there a way to permanently display a full folder in desktop, in gnome.for example, there is a home folder displayed in kubuntu desktop, always

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General :: Ubuntu - Keyboard Shortcut Sometimes Does Not Display Desktop

Mar 24, 2011

When ctrl alt d or the icon on the bottom left corner is pressed, it sometimes doesn't show the desktop and instead restores hidden windows. Is there a way to access the desktop directly, without only one shortcut ? I was also wondering how useful are these hidden windows (sometimes, the icon in the application bar is bar after being idle for a while).

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Display Of Mounted Home Folder On Desktop ?

Feb 9, 2010

I recently changed linux distros and switched to Karmic. In my earlier setup /home was on a separate partition.

After switching to karmic I added the following line to /etc/fstab to mount my /home partition which was on /dev/sda6 (ubuntu is on /dev/sda7) /dev/sda6 /home ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 2

After rebooting I saw that while earlier I had an empty desktop now my desktop shows the content of my home folder.

On googling I found out about how I could change the nautilus preferences.

I used gconf-editor to change: apps>nautlius>preferences>desktop_is_home_dir to false

I also changed: apps>nautlius>desktop>volumes_visible to false.

However on rebooting I still see all the contents of my home folder on the desktop.

What do I need to do to show the Desktop as blank (as in point to ~/Desktop rather than point to ~)?

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Ubuntu :: File Manager - Cant Get To Display A Background Picture On The Desktop

Jul 13, 2010

I just installed 9.10, and the "File Manager" seems to not be working. I cant get ubuntu to display a background picture on the desktop, and anything I put on the desktop is not selectable. If I try to access anything under the "Places" tab, it tries to open a window, which read "opening whatever" but nothing happens. I can access files via terminal just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Display Icons On Desktop Of Computer, Network ,bin And Other As In Windows?

Oct 8, 2010

ubuntu actually not using so muchi want to know to display icons on desktop of my computer, network ,bin and other as in windows

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Ubuntu :: No Screen On My Display By HDMI?

Oct 8, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.4.I am getting no screen on my display by HDMI. I installed after that the nvia driver but it won't work 800*600 by 60hz .My display works fine with Windows 7 on my other computer. I do my first steps with an open scoure OS so does Ubuntu support HDMI?

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Debian :: Display IP Address On The Xfce Desktop?

Mar 18, 2011

I've squeeze with xfce desktop installed. Howto Display IP address after startup automatically on the xfce desktop?

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General :: Gnome Desktop Does Not Display / Sort It?

Dec 1, 2009

I am using fedora9 os
when i logging to gnome in root user
then gnome desktop does not display ,it is white screen
i viewed log messages the message is

Resolved address "xml:readwrite:/root/.gconf" to a writable configuration source at position 0

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General :: Widget On Desktop To Display Status?

Jul 13, 2010

Is there any way where i can program a widget to display the status of different services. This widget should also be able to auto-update the service status if the service is being toggled with.

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Server :: Not Large Enough To Display The Application In Red Hat X Win Desktop ?

Jun 4, 2011

I use red hat linux es 5. I use startx to start the x-win desktop. But when I use vritual manager . The display application is too large so the bottom part for the application cannot show out. I cannot scroll down to get the display of bottm part. So, I do not know what button display at the bottom part. So, what can I do. I already set the display to 800x640 already.

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Ubuntu :: Invert Display On Laptop Screen?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a busted laptop, case that is. The internals are great. So I stripped the screen and built a large box. I used a cnc router to build a lid that would flush mount the screen, and have a lip of wood left to cover the metal edges of the screen.

Ok, what happened is that the measure twice cut once rule or one of its variants went into effect, and I put the hinge on the wrong side of the box. Normally I would say just flip the screen around, but one edge is wider than the other, so that will not do. I want have the hinge towards the couch so that I can tilt it up and be able to easily see the screen.

So I need a way to invert the screen, and I can't seem to find a way to do it. The coffee table is an Emachines N-10, and my video driver is the Nvidea one, because karmic told me my onboard card is not quite up to the task of the other one.

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Ubuntu :: Display - Black Screen Instead Of Standby

Mar 21, 2010

Am currently using 8.10 (xubuntu). The machine's "issue" (I've searched for a reference, but the one I found was a forum thread with no answers) is that when the display is set to go to sleep after 8 minutes of idleness in the power manager, it projects a black screen instead.

I'm not sure what different 'power saving modes' a display/OS usually has, but in Windows, when set to 'go to sleep' the screen goes into standby, i.e something like 'no signal', and from what I've read a lot more power is saved in that mode than by simply showing a black screen.

It was the same when I was running 8.04 with a different graphics card, if that matters. Haven't been able to try a different display. Screensaver and timing and resume normal video out works ok.

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Ubuntu :: Odd Screen Display - Unable To Login (10.04 LTS)

May 5, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and at first, everything was just fine. This issue came about yesterday, as far as I know, while my screen was locked. The login screen now displays only half of the original login screen (left side) and the other half (right side) is an odd view of a black background with a white box in the center (see this mock up). Another note of interest is that the right side pans as I move the mouse around the screen, as if the right-side view were a second view port to the login screen without displaying it properly.

I am not able to log in whatsoever. An incorrect password results in the standard error message. A correct password results in a temporary black screen, as if to load to the desktop, but then redisplays the login screen as if I hadn't logged in at all. I'm not sure where to begin, as I cannot login to run any commands and the grub menu does not give options to start in safe mode--it just loads directly to the latest instance of Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 (32bit) Screen Display Blanking Out

May 30, 2010

10.04 32bit Desktop edition. I have unchecked the "Enable screensaver when the computer is idle" option and have set "put display to sleep when inactive for" to "Never" but the display is still blanking out!

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Login Screen On Wrong Display?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm running 10.04 and whenever i go to the login screen, the username and password window is on the wrong monitor. I'm also using an ATI Radeon HD 4850 if it makes any difference.

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