Software :: Check Which Processes Are In Wait Cpu Cycle?

Aug 10, 2010

My mail server is presenting a high wait time (see attachment) that sometimes reaches 80%. How can I check which processes are doing that?

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Programming :: Shell Script: Wait On Two Processes At The Same Time?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm writing a script that needs to spawn 2 or more processes and wait for their return status. I have a method to do this by waiting on each process individually like this:

process1 &


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Server :: How To Check Multiple Processes?

Jun 13, 2011

I have running license server on my server. Right now I would like to write small status script and check if software is running.My software include 3 deamons:

1) daemonA
2) daemonB
3) daemonC

My script should check, if each of this deamon is running. If all deamons are running then script should print short output: "License server is running" if one of this daemons is not running, output should "License server is not running". Is it possible to write small loop to check it ? Let say, loop will take new daemon name from deamons pool and will check if its running. Sometimes I need to check more than three daemons of one Program and I dont know how to write good script for this. Maybe somebody could help me with this loop that in the future I could also use; daemonD, daemonE, daemonF.etc.etc. if all daemons from pool is running then..."Software is running"

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General :: Command To Check Specific Processes That's Using The Most IO/disk Usage?

Apr 12, 2011

Is there a command to check specific processes that's using the most IO/disk usage? I know sar and ps but I want more specific details on IO on individual processes

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Ubuntu :: Cycle Desktop Backgrounds In 11.04?

May 24, 2011

I just updated to 11.04, and noticed in the "Background" tab of the appearance app, that there was what looked like a default option to cycle a set of backgrounds. However, when I selected it, the only background that appeared was the first one in the series, and it never cycled.

1) Is cycling backgrounds possible?

2) If so, can I create my own series of them?

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Programming :: PID Of A Process Changes During Its Life Cycle?

Jan 27, 2010

Is the PID of a process changes during it�s life cycle in linux ?Or it�s PID is fixed throughout of process�s life cycle.

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Debian :: Breaking Ordering Cycle (systemd)

Nov 8, 2015

When I boot my debian desktop, I get these errors:

Code: Select allnov 08 22:05:12 Luca-PC systemd[1]: Job deleted to break ordering cycle starting with
nov 08 22:05:12 Luca-PC systemd[1]: Job rpcbind.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with
nov 08 22:05:15 Luca-PC systemd[1]: Job deleted to break ordering cycle starting with
nov 08 22:05:15 Luca-PC systemd[1]: Job deleted to break ordering cycle starting with
nov 08 22:05:15 Luca-PC systemd[1]: Job rpcbind.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with

The system works perfectly, but I'd like to understand why I get these errors, and how I can fix them.

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Ubuntu :: Endless Boot Cycle With Xp In Grub2

Mar 23, 2010

I have recently been unable to boot into windows xp, which is on a drive separate from my linux installation. When I select the windows installation, the computer starts back at the bios screen and returns to grub endlessly. I am running an updated 9.10. The linux will boot fine; however the most recent kernel does not show up on the list of available options, which may indicate something. I have searched the forum and found nothing that helps. There are plenty of posts asking if you have stopped using windows altogether and other non tech related posts though.

The results of sudo fdisk -l are below:

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 CD Mount Error In Boot Cycle?

May 26, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04.Now, when I boot up, I encounter an error in the boot cycle "An error occurred while mounting /media/cdrom0" "Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"Pressing S does work to get me through the cycle and does not affect CD-ROM use once the OS loads. How would I find out what is causing the error or is there a safe way to stop it from trying to mount a drive with no media in it?Quote:GNU nano 2.2.2 File: /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>


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Ubuntu :: Continuous Reboot Cycle After Hibernation?

Aug 29, 2010

I have Unbuntu 10.4 installed on a netbook. It is the only OS installed so no GRUB menu.

It hibernated last night, and now when I try to boot it hits the initial few steps in the boot process and then reboots.

Any thoughts on how to fix this problem. I have tried to access a GRUB menu w/ the ESC key but no dice.

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Ubuntu :: Endless Cycle Of Logging In And Out Error?

Aug 31, 2010

i updated the compiz fusion plugins and decided to try some out, and when i tried the reflected windows, it logged me out and i had to log back in. but now as long as it's active, i can't login long enough for me to disable it, Edit: nvm, i managed to fix it. login under Failsafe GNOME session, and it'll be in safe mode, with all add-ons disabled, so you can manually turn them off

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Kernel Panic Following Bad Power Cycle

Apr 20, 2010

I have a client who has for the last four years been running a Red Hat 4.1.18 Server with absolutely zero problems. Yesterday somebody had a problem with one of the attached Windows PC's and some genius decided to reboot the server. By genius I mean idiot and by reboot I mean pull turn off the power to the box.

When they tried to reboot, they get a kernel panic. This is what the screen says;
Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.
audit(1009912323.849:0): initialized
Red Hat nash version 4.1.18 starting
File descriptor 3 left open
Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
/dev/hda: open failed: No medium found
No volume groups found
File descriptor 3 left open
/dev/hda: open failed: No medium found
No volume groups found
File descriptor 3 left open
/dev/hda: open failed: No medium found
No volume groups found
mount: error 6 mounting ext3
mount: error 2 mounting none
switchroot: mount failed: 22
umount /initrd/dev failed: 2
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

The server runs the database for their entire POS system so they are now dead in the water. I'm stuck, I've never come across this before. What do I do to recover this?

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General :: Cycle Between Three Directories, Always In The Same Virtual Console (VT)?

Nov 18, 2010

I want to cycle between three directories, always in the same virtual console (VT). Just the case of 'cd -' but with three dirs instead of two dirs. Can this be done by simple means?

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General :: Keyboard Shortcut To Cycle Through Windows?

Jun 22, 2011

On the Mac, I use Command + ` (the tilda) to cycle through windows in the current application (eg terminal or chrome). It's like alt + tab except only for the current application's windows. (possibly on compiz but without any flashy exposee like graphics)?

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Debian :: System Slow After Successful Hibernation Cycle

Feb 2, 2010

I'm running Debian Sid amd64 on a Vostro 1320. Both hibernate and suspend works fine using the kernel hooks, but after the system resumes from hibernation, it starts to get really sluggish. Iceweasel hits 100% CPU use, and I have to close it and open it again to get it working, and generally the system is just must slower than before the hibernation. I have to reboot to get performance back, and even doing swapoff and swapon does not solve the problem.

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Debian :: Testing Rpc.statd Broken In Last Update Cycle?

Apr 8, 2011

I rely on NFS shares to mount home directories and the shared apt cache on my home workstations. Since the last update, rpc.statd has broken and the service fails to run at boot. When init encounters nfs-common, the system shows: Starting NFS common utilities: statd failed!

and then it hangs on trying to mount /var/cache/apt

if anybody who uses testing has any clue as to whether there is a fix coming from the upstream, or if there is a config fix for it.

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Ubuntu :: Live Wallpapers For ComPiz - Changes By A Night Day Cycle ?

Nov 7, 2010

I've got the galaxy live wallpaper but I'm wondering if anyone know's of other ones? like the one that changes by a night day cycle?

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Ubuntu :: Infinite Boot Cycle Loop After Grub

Jan 26, 2011

When I boot one of my machines, it gets as far as GRUB, then proceeds to a blank screen for a second, and then repeats the cycle all over again - ad infinitum. I have tried previous kernels on the list with the same results Also, I cant boot into recovery mode either.

I have run Memtest successfully from the GRUB options and no errors appear in the results. I have tried booting from a Live CD and here I get as far as the "OS choosing screen". When I then select one and hit Enter, the screen goes blank and the machine reboots as before.

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Ubuntu :: When Set CompizConfig To Cycle Wallpapers Nothing Happens - The Background Stays The Same

Jun 30, 2011

I've set all the wallpapers I want to cycle, I've set the time to 15 sec checked the "Cycle" box but nothing happens. The background stays the same. Log in-out didn't work. I'm on Ubuntu Classic

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General :: Loop Terminates / Quits After Single Cycle

Jul 14, 2011

I tried to find an answer to whatever is happening with my sh, tried a few approaches, but none is working the way I planned... the loop quits with exit 0, runs once, if I comment out 'ffmpeg' line, it runs N times as it should - ffmpeg does not error out other than 0.

find . | grep .mp3 | while read filename do
newfilename=`echo "$filename" | tr ".mp3" ".ogg"`
ffmpeg -i "$filename" -acodec libvorbis -ac 2 -aq 4 -y "$newfilename"
echo inside #4debug
echo outside

This sh runs once, echoes "inside" 'n "outside" once, exits with '0'... unless ffmpeg commented out. I also tried to feed the loop with: done < /tmp/fname.list. BTW, this works well - but I am very interested in the >while read< loop giving up.

for i in *.mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -acodec libvorbis -ac 2 -aq 4 -y "$(basename "$i" .mp3).ogg"; done

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General :: Unix - 'man' Command: Search For A Word/phrase And Cycle Through?

Jun 29, 2011

When looking for a certain word or phrase in the man page of linux command, one can type '/' followed by the word/phrase to search for it. What I'd like to be able to do is to search for the next occurrence of the word/phrase without having to type it out again. Kinda like when you use 'ctrl+f' in a browser to search for a word, and then press 'enter' to find the next occurrence of that word.If this is possible to do, how do I do it?

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Ubuntu :: Login Cycle Loop After Username / Password Entered

Aug 12, 2010

The login cycles- I already have a problem with mounting something connected with USB (long term minor annoyance, but everything works), but suddenly I cannot log in. When I put my username and password in, the screen flashes black for about half a second, then the login screen re-appears. If I put the wrong password in, I get an authentication error message (as expected) without turning black and then cycling again.

I have no problems going into terminal mode and logging in. I've tried all sorts of suggestions related to this problem- reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, apt-get clean, sudo startx, and the last indicates that x-windows is already running. I've found a couple more things to try, but I'm not too sure how well they'll work. It seems to be connected with x-windows, but I don't know what is causing it. Last night I had a big problem that required reinstalling nautilus (couldn't set up a connection to a remote server), and that problem was fixed- but this developed when I booted this morning.

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Ubuntu :: How To Protect Hdd From Heavy Load Cycle Count When Using Battery

Oct 25, 2010

I just want to tell laptop users how they can protect their hdd from heavy load cycle count (spin up/down of the hdd) when using battery.If you are not sure then just type this command several times in interval of 1-2 minutes, and you will see how much the hdd head spins down, and up: Code: sudo smartctl --all /dev/sda | grep -i load_cycle.Change /dev/sda with appropriate hdd path for your pc.

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General :: Scripting - Try To Passing Arguments To For Cycle - Inside A Function

Apr 26, 2011

The code:


Problem: I need a method to maintain the $i variable. In fact, actually, this variable get lost when executed. I think that an escape can preserve this variable and permit its execution inside the function, but I've no idea about.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Laptop Hard Disk Load Cycle

Apr 26, 2009

A while back I decided to use CentOS as my main day to day operating system :) Previously I was mainly using Fedora (old Red Hat <9.x) and occasionally Debian / Debian based distros.Since I am running CentOS on a Dell M1530 laptop I am concerned by the Load Cycle issue that plagues many laptop hard disks due to aggressive default power management. For those of you who are not aware of the Load Cycle issue please refer to the following link from Ubuntu forums which documents it really well:URL...

In Fedora and various other distros I have successfully used Laptop Mode Tools URL... to help set the hard disk APM value meaning the hard disk would stop rapidly increasing the Load Cycle value when running on mains. The setting I choose to use was hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda when the laptop is running off of mains power and set in scripts supplied with the Laptop Mode Tools RPM which will run as a service.

The problem I am having with CentOS is I can't get Laptop Mode Tools to run as a service either from the RPMForge repo (old version) or by installing the latest Fedora version from Laptop Mode Tools site above. I am therefore having to manually set hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda when running which I occasionally forget An error is seen during boot but which changes the CentOS boot to verbose mode but I am unable to locate the error in any of the /var/log files so I can put it in here.Can anyone suggest a way of creating a script suitable for CentOS which will auto apply the above (or other) power saving value for when a laptop is running off of mains power?If anyone can also advise how I can confirm what the error is I can also forward it to the author of Laptop Mode Tools.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Into Single User Mode Or Escape Out Of This GDM / X11 Fail Cycle?

Jul 3, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 and it refuses to show me a boot menu so I can select single user mode. When it does boot, it continues to cycle as X11 fails, but will not let me change into any of the consoles via control+shift+1-7 or control C or any command. X11/GDM continues to cycle as I hear my video card keep spinning up and down. In every version prior, after 3-4 fails it would give you a shell and say, ok it failed. how to boot into single user mode or escape out of this GDM/X11 fail cycle?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04: RC Vs Wait Til The 29th

Apr 23, 2010

I read recently that, if I install the 10.04 RC on my laptop I dont have to worry about reinstalling the 10.04 'official' version that comes out on the 29th.

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Debian Configuration :: Reboot Cycle Running 64bit Squeeze On Intel T3200 Dualcore

Mar 13, 2011

running Debian Squeeze (standard 32bit squeeze Kernels linux-image-2.6.32-5-486 and linux-image-2.6.32-5-686) happily without trouble on a 64bit capable Samsung laptop featuring an Intel T3200 Dualcore processor. However, when I try to boot using the squeeze 64bit kernel (linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64) the system proceeds through a few text lines immediately after Grub, and then performs a warm start.

The text output I get immediately after Grub look similar to the ones I get booting the 486 and 686 kernels, without any indication for the reboot behavior. The rebooting also seems to happen before any entry is written into the boot/system log files (logging is enabled). This behavior also occured when I first tried to prime the machine from the Debian squeeze install CD using the amd64 kernel. I'm generally happy with the 32bit kernels, but I'd like to use the amd64 support to do some Java compatibility testing for 64bit architectures.

The Laptop is a Samsung R510-Aura T3200 Delfina with the following Hardware and Setup (using Grub as boot loader):

- Intel Pentium Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz (see for details)
- NVIDIA GeForce 9200M GS
- 3GB RAM + 1GB reserved for GeForce
- Konfiguration Details:
-- Phoenix Bios


Maybe a strange BIOS-Setting that works with the 32bit kernels but not with the 64bit kernel? I've seen a post on here that indicates someone is running the amd64 kernel on a T3200 successfully, and the chip is definitely 64bit capable, so the reboot behavior is a complete mystery for me

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Fedora :: Proliant G4 Becomes Non-responsive @ 100% Wait?

Jul 1, 2011

I've installed both Fedora 15 x64 and Fedora 14 x64 on an HP Proliant DL380 G4 with the HP SmartArray SCSI controller, 2x146GB UW320 SCSI drives.The server was running RH v4 with a hardware RAID 1 with uptime of 400+ days with no issues.I broke the HW RAID and made 2x volumes and software RAID. I have another identical server with 4x 146GB UW320 SCSI drives with Fedora 12 x64 and SW RAID, so I figured 14/15 should be the same process.What happens is the server runs great for a while, but when I leave it for a few hours, it becomes non-responsive. I've re-installed 15 and 14 multiple times now and also installed NRPE, which shows load increasing to the point to where the server is non-responsive. It hits high load levels (as reported by NRPE). The load levels appear to be increasing over time. Such as last night:

log off at midnight, load average 0/0/0
2:03 am - WARNING - load average: 9.91, 8.85, 6.75
3:03 am - WARNING - load average: 16.91, 15.86, 14.47


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Ubuntu :: Shutdows Should Wait On Process?

Aug 24, 2011

I have a small question.We use a backup program, that start an sepparat process with the name SIDB.When the server get an shutdown command. The normale back-up process is stoped. But the SIDB is not stopped correctly. But the shutdown proces should wait till the SIDB proces is stoped, and then proced with the shutdown process

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