General :: Scripting - Try To Passing Arguments To For Cycle - Inside A Function
Apr 26, 2011
The code:
Problem: I need a method to maintain the $i variable. In fact, actually, this variable get lost when executed. I think that an escape can preserve this variable and permit its execution inside the function, but I've no idea about.
I'm using gdb to debug my program. My program requires arguments (e.g., ./prog -dfile).But if I use gdb as in gdb ./prog -dfile, gdb wants to interpret the -d argument. How do I pass an argument to my program via gdb?
The script receives multiple files as parameters and it is supposed to count the number of lines in each of them and write that number in another file.
This is my script:
while [ -n "$1" ] do lines=`cat $1 | wc -l` echo "The number of lines in file $1 is $lines." >> lines.txt shift done
Is there any other way to do the same thing, without using shift?
I wrote a simple bash script to let me treat any set of programs like a deamon. For example if I configure the script a certain way I can start/stop/get the status of apache, mysql and php all from one command. I am having a bit of a problem though. I am passing commands as strings to a function and then depending on the arguments to the script it might run one of these commands or another. Some of these commands need to beun in the background though, such as deluge-web. When I send "deluge-web &" to the function and it execute it deluge-web does not start in the background. I can't figure out why this is. I have tried escaping the & with ''s and with a , but nothing seems to work. I know that this is some idiotic thing that I am overlooking, but I am a bit stumped. Here is the script configured to start/stop/get status of deluged and deluge-web.
processArgs $* If I call this script with Code: ./script first second third it'll print each of the argument on a new line - exactly what I would expect. However if I call it with
Code: ./script "Single Argument" "Second-Argument" it splits the first argument in two using the space as a delimitor. The problem appears to be the call to processArgs, where $* doesn't honour the quotes around the variables sent to the script.
I am doing some Linux kernel programming for my research project. I need to record the timestamp (by using cpuid and rdtsc) when an interrupt handler (top half) is first invoked. Due to the time critical nature of the problem itself, I have to do the timestamping inside the interrupt handler itself (the first operation when the handler is called). However, I understand that tasks that are not so time critical should be deferred to a tasklet function (bottom half) for processing because other interrupts are disabled in a (top-half) interrupt handler. I am currently out of idea on how I can pass the timestamp information that I have obtained in the interrupt handler to the corresponding tasklet function.
what I am trying to do is to pass an argument to the standard input stream of a child process. I mean I create two programs .. first one invokes the other. second one contains something like
scanf("%d", &n);
now I want my first program to be able to pass a value to the second one so that it gets stored in n.
I am calling another executable in my application (C programing) using "system" command which is user interactive program. now i want to pass those args in system command only.
system(" executable ");
Executable will expect 1,2 or 3.
1 is to continue 2 for do changes in settings 3 exit from application
I want to write a little time-saving alias for my .cshrc file that will move files and then cd to the directory I've moved them to. What I can't quite figure out is the syntax to say 'move all the arguments except the last one.' Here is what I have:
alias follow 'mv !:1-$-1 !:$; cd !:$'
This actually seems to work, but it also gives me an irritating error:
mv: cannot stat `destinationdirectory/-1': No such file or directory
Similarly, I tried:
alias follow 'mv !:*$#argv-1 !:$; cd !:$'
Again the move and cd are successful, but again there is an error:
mv: cannot stat `destinationdirectory/0-1': No such file or directory
It seems incrontab wont see spaces properly at all. I setup a script to echo the arguments passed to it by incrontab to a file, and no matter what I put around the arguments on the incrontab file it will count a space as the next argument.
I have written a script to automatically retrieve imdb artwork for a given filename. Here is the script:
You can ignore all the commented "echo" commands that was just me testing. Anyway, the script work fine, however I am trying to use incrontab to monitor a folder, when a new (video) file is moved into the folder, it should execute the script and retrieve the artwork. My problem is, when incrontab passes the $# argument to my script, the script wont work because the spaces aren't escaped.
Here is some more detail:
The problem is, the script GetArtwork, doesn't see "Bangcock Dangerous" it just sees "Bangcock"
I have tried putting quotes around the $# in the incrontab - this just makes the script see "Bangcock (notice the single quote character)
I need to write a wrapper function around the mvprintw function, like so:
int smvprintw( ? ) { // Do various checks/modifications on the first two arguments (int y, int x) first, // and then return mvprintw ( ? ); }
How should I write the args for smvprintw so that I can pass all the data correctly to mvprintw, and also do my checks on the first two args (for example, to modify them)? I'm confused by the prototype of mvprintw: This is mvprintw as listed in the man pages:
I believe the "..." refers to the unknown number of items after const char * fmt. Will it suffice to do something like "int smvprintw(int y, int x, const char * fmt, void * etc)" and then "mvprintw(y, x, fmt, etc)" inside the function?
As you can see, I want to pass arguments depending on the option(s) chosen by the user; ie. --snooze, or --channel. By default, if no options are chosen, I'll display a usage message; though in the future I'll provide some sane defaults. I'd like to create a case statement to handle passing arguments to any number of options; something like:
Code: --snooze 20 --message 'wake up!'
and for the other arguments, it would have a default set. The case statement I provided fails with a syntax error "syntax error near unexpected token `$2'" near the '--snooze' in the statement, so I take it you can't pass a parameter in this way; but I'm confused as to how I'm supposed to pass different parameters to different options without the options being confused as parameters.
how to use QGLviewer. I want to give my program a file name as a command line argument. All of the sample programs I find have a main.cpp file like this:
#include <QApplication> #include "window.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Then the Window class, which is derived from QGLViewer, does all the program's actual work. If I want access to argc and argv, for example, to open and read a file that's passed as an argument, what would handle that? Is there a built-in way to get the arg variables to the window class, or do I need to just write a loadfile function and pass them?
I have trouble with using an alias inside aash function. I would like to ssh into multiple machines by executing:ssh machine To achieve this, I put something like the following into my ~/.bashrc:
I'm at the bottom of the bash learning curve, looking up, hoping someone can toss me a line. I need to update tracker on my system but this will erase the metatag database I've been building up over the course of months for the purpose of indexing a news archive. So the solution seems to be, 1) save the output of tracker-tag to a text file for all relevant files within a directory, 2) upgrade tracker (since the version in the Ubuntu repositories is very much out of date) and then 3) use a script to parse the text file and pass appropriate arguments back to tracker-tag to rebuild the database. It sounds as though it ought to be simple enough, but I need a push in the right direction, which hopefully will not be off the cliff. Before I confuse my metaphors any further, here's what the text file looks like.
I need to shift the positional parameters of a script inside a function, but any call to "shift 1" inside a function shifts only the parameters of that function. Is there some way of accomplishing that? I tried another approach using an alias. The problem is that I have to take the result of the alias. So I call in my script:
At first time, it works correctly, but after that it does not shift the parameters anymore.
The first call to "somefunction" works as expected. The function prints "endfunction" and a process in background sleeps 30 seconds. In the second call I thought it should work in the same way, but the script sleeps 30 seconds before it prints "endfunction".Does someone know the reason of this behavior? Is there another way to do a command substitution of a function that has a background process without have to waiting for that process?
I wanted to make an alias with arguments (like in cshell) which is in bash done by functions. The function must simply perform a command (nedit), append the arguments from the cli and make it run in the background (adding &).
So here is the function in a naive attempt:
when using the command
How can i use arguments and still start it in background? In cshell it was like:
I'm having problems with bash quoting. Maybe someone can tell me what's going on.. Basically, I need to create a command line inside a bash script that contains arguments that contain spaces and bash variables that need to be expanded.
I am very new to shell scripting.How does one pass a command-line parameter to a shell script?for the below program #/bin/bash mount -t cifs -o user=ramkannan,password=Linux123@ // /MT cd /MT/test date=`/bin/date "+\%Y-\%m-\%d-\%H-\%M-\%S"` mysqldump -uroot -pram2@ employeedb > $date.sql gzip $date.sql
I want to pass parameter for everything,i tried in google and did but iam getting error while passing parameter to all
#/bin/bash mount -t cifs -o user=$1,password=$2 // /MT cd /MT/test date=`/bin/date "+\%Y-\%m-\%d-\%H-\%M-\%S"` mysqldump -uroot -pram2@ employeedb > $date.sql gzip $date.sql
i was getting error while passing parameter to all.
I'm trying to compile the hidtouch driver, but hit a snag. The error I get is
Context: this is the driver for the touchscreen attached to an LTSP client. The server uses the AMD64 arch, the client uses the 1386 arch, both Debian. The client does start, but lacking a pointer device the pointer is useless. The build takes place on the server, in the i386 chroot of the LTSP setup. Basically, I'm stuck now...
In the above example, the functions take no input arguments. Can they take a different number of arguments, for example, function_a(int), function_c(int, int), function_e(int, char, int)? How can I do that?
I need to pass a large number of arguments to a function which takes variable number of arguments, such as gtk_list_store_new. But it doesn't look nice if i write something like gtk_list_store_new(NUM,TYPE_A,TYPE_B,TYPE_C,...,TYPE_OMEGA); because of large number of arguments. And, it will be a trouble to change number of columns because of need to manually change arguments to large number of such functions. So, how can i pass all the arguments to a function using a loop? Something like
I am trying to pass an array to thread program. Its printing the val[0] value but its not printing value at val[1]. Can somebody help me with this problem.
I am very new to shell script, and my requirement is --
1. open the apache access log, use "cut" and "grep" to find the numbers. 2.put the result in a file 3.then compare the same result with day before result 4. send the result via e-mail.