Software :: Referencing Cells In OO Calc Data Range

Jun 17, 2010

This is supposed to be possible right and better than naming each single cell?How do you do it?Also, maybe my approach is wrong as it's going to lead to a very big nested IF statement.There is a list of numbers which are price ceilings and another list of numbers containing the fees applied to these. I want to a formula that checks the item price against the ceilings and if it's less than or equal to that ceiling uses the fee in the adjacent row (which is the other data range).The only way I know how to do this is a big nested IF statement but does anyone know better?

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Fedora :: Cannot Find - Define Print Range In Calc?

Feb 23, 2011

I must say I am newby using Fedora, but cannot find solution how to define print range in calc. I am using oo for almost ten years in windoze, but this is first time I have this problem. I'm using Fedora 14 L, on my lap compaq 6715b. During install, everything went just fine, only problem in last month, since I install F14 L I have find, was using oo calc. I need that rather quickly because I need to apply my tax income until end february,

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Fedora :: Lost All Most Every Data In Calc

Dec 6, 2010

One of my friend ask me a favour. He asked me to download stock exchange's one year equity shares data and transfer into sql. So i downloaded all csv file saved in a calc file after done all most I saved it and closed calc. After that I found openoffic.bin was using my 50$ memory and cpu so I manually ended the process now when I open the file I get shocked I lost all most all data of 9 months have only 2 month's data but in file's properties it's still showing last modified time and size.

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Software :: Setting Data Types In OpenOffice Calc?

Mar 3, 2010

you are using Calc to hold data, and you have a column of surnames. You enter True and it turns into TRUE: OO has decided you wanted a Boolean. Similarly, you enter a date as 12 Jan 09: it may appear in that format, but you can't search for Jan 09, only for 01/09. Is there any way one can set the data type of a cell as text, or prevent OO from carrying out unwanted type conversions? I suspect the answer will be no; I can't find anything in the pages, and I suspect the developers would say I should be using Base. Well, I don't want to use Base: I want my data displayed spread-sheet style There is a solution: to insert non-breaking spaces in dates and after words like "true", but it would be nice if the problem could be fixed just once.

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Debian :: LibreOffice - How To Sort Row And Columns By Clicking On Cells

Sep 27, 2015

I want to be able to sort row and columns by clicking on cells? The Libreoffice docs don't provide much information ...

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Software :: OpenOffice Spreadsheet - How To Unhide Cells Properly

Nov 13, 2010

I have a spreadsheet I have been using for years not and as I go I hide some of the cells. Today I unhide those cells and they came up but very thin and hard to read. I have tried to highlight the "thin" cells and do some type of format but I can not seem to get them back to the normal size.

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Spreadsheet Slowdown When Copying Multiple Cells

Dec 13, 2010

Does anyone else find that Openoffice 3.2's spreadsheet app becomes unresponsive when copying and pasting multi-cell selections? I've had this problem ever since I started using Ubuntu 10.04, which comes with OO.O 3.2. The problem becomes noticeable whenever I make a selection more than about 8-10 columns across. Once the flashing border appears around the selected cells, the spreadsheet app becomes very sluggish. The mouse still moves normally, but it takes several seconds after a click until the highlight moves to another cell, or to un-select the cells, or copy them. These slowdowns happen both in old spreadsheets and in freshly created ones. They didn't happen with Openoffice 3.1 or earlier. Haven't tried it under Windows, so I'm not sure whether this is an issue specific to Linux OpenOffice 3.2. Other apps don't seem to be affected.

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Networking :: What Are Short Range Link And Long Range Links In Routing

Jun 23, 2009

get me understand the short range and the long range links from routing (and routing protocols') point of view.

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Software :: Gnuplot - Combining A Linear Range And Log-scale Range In The Same X-axis?

Apr 24, 2011

I want to plot a set of data in only one plot.The problem is that some points of the data should be better plotted in a linear scale (lets say 0 to 100,000) but there are other data points that, exceding the value 100,000, would be better plotted in a logarithmic scale, as they goes in the range 100,000 to 500,000,000. Let's say the data is:


0 100
10000 80
20000 75


Is there a way to plot all these points in the same plot in only one X-axis showing two different ranges in that axis: linear: 0-100,000 logarithmic: 100,000 - 1,000,000,000?The axis would be read, for example, as:

0 20k 40k 60k 80k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1G

(The abbreviations k-M-G are not the important point. Just shown for clarity)

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Programming :: Bash Script To Ping A Range Or Own IP-range?

Apr 11, 2011

I want to build a bash script, which can ping a range IP adresses which will be filled in by the admin. If there is no IP-adress filled in, then the script must ping the subnet where the system is logged on. So if my ip is, then the script must ping from till Or else, if there is given a beginning and ending ip it must ping that!

The first part of the bash script is to ping a given range (see below). But there is one problem, how can I tell the script to ping from $begin till $end, [..] is of course wrong! But what must be filled in there???

echo "Enter beginning IP-adres:"
read begin
echo "Enter ending IP-adres:"
read end
ping -c 1 $begin [..] $end

The second part is to find my own ip and ping the whole range.. How to do that? I only can find my own IP, but I cant ping the whole range,, how to do that?

ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:' | grep -v '' |
cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }'

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Programming :: Referencing In Latex Isn't Working?

Jun 28, 2009

I have some strange behavior in Latex. I have added labels to all of my tables (currently there are 3) and my figure (currently there is only 1). So far I only notice this behavior with tables, though it may happen with figures as well...I will have to add another figure to test that.However, what is happening is that my list of tables is correctly generating the numbers of the tables (which are 3.1, 3.2, and 4.1). In the resulting PDF document, the tables have the correct numbers in the captions as well. The odd thing is that when I attempt to reference them using ef, it is printing the Chapter.Section[.Subsection] number the table is located in instead of the table's number itself.Right now I have two tables inside of Chapter 3 Section 3. They are as follows:



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Software :: Referencing Non Exported Kernel Symbol In LKM

Aug 21, 2010

So after much intense reading of linux documentation and posts I can't find an answer to my question. Maybe someone can help.I am trying to access a kernel symbol that isn't exported (the symbol exists in /proc/kallsyms but not in Modules.symvers). Is there a non intrusive way (by avoiding compiling the kernel with CONFIG_KALLSYMS and parsing /proc/kallsyms in my LKM) to reference kernel symbols that are in /proc/kallsyms and not in Modules.symvers i.e. not exported symbols.

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Programming :: Java: Referencing Image Within Package

Jan 30, 2009

I am running into a small bit of difficulty with images I want to use in a Java program, keeping them bundled with the program in a JAR file and accessing them within the package.For those who are thinking it, this is definitely not homework.In my program, I have several images I would like to use on buttons on a toolbar.I have Googled, and I found something that comes close, but it deals with fetching images from a URL - nothing that deals with local files, more specifically, local images kept inside of a JARchive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Applications Referencing Old User Name After Reinstall

Oct 17, 2010

I have /home on its own partition.I reinstalled ubuntu Intrepid with a different user name.Now when I use F-Spot for instance i get a error "Could not open /home/olduser/.file".But how can i remove all references to /home/oldusername in all applications and point them to my current /home/username?

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Programming :: Bash Scripting Arrays And Indirect Referencing

Feb 23, 2010

I've got a situation. I'm having GNU bash version 3.00.16(1) on Solaris 10. I need to declare an array say arr1 which will be populated by an output of a command.

declare -a arr1
arr1=( $(/some/command) )

Supposing it will eventually (after executing the command) have element values as -


Now, I need to declare another set of arrays, one for each of the element values above - e.g.

declare -a arr1_1234
declare -a arr1_5678
declare -a arr1_7890

And I also need to populate elements of each of above 3 arrays with output of another command in a loop. So, these arrays will hold values something like -



I'm able to declare and populate arr1[*]. My question is how do I declare, populate and print the subsequent arrays and their elements?I am feeling rather thick to get this working.

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Networking :: Referencing Hosts By (special) Hostname For IPv6 Link Local Address

Apr 30, 2010

I can reach other hosts by means of their global addresses by either the IP address or hostname (that has the global address). What I want to (also) do is have a hostname that references the IPv6 link local IP address (an AAAA record in DNS, or just the fe80::<whatever> address in /etc/hosts) and use that host name in commands to access that host. The problem is, an interface ID is needed when making such a reference.

It sure looks like the programs just pass the host name string on to the resolver library, which does not understand the significance of the '%' even though it could find and see that the name preceding the '%' is consistent with that being an IPv6 link local address (e.g. the logic could have been "split at first % and see if preceeding name is found as a link local address and accept that if so, or ignore the split otherwise" ... but it isn't). Is there a different syntax for this ... or was it overlooked in the design of programming around IPv6?I want to be able to address a host by its link local address, while still using a mnemonic instead of having to type the IPv6 address.

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Programming :: Preferred Method For Obtaining Harvard Style Referencing In LaTeX Document?

Mar 30, 2011

What is the preferred method for obtaining Harvard style referencing in a LaTeX document?

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Software :: Clicksor Infestation In Firefox - Trots Out A Popup Referencing And Leading To A Junk Website

Mar 7, 2010

I always thought that Linux was immune to this sort of thing, but I've gotten an infestation of the Clicksor malware. When I bring up a page in Firefox from some websites (not this one, fortunately), it highlights words that it recognizes and then trots out a popup referencing that word and leading to a junk website. I've also had this problem in Chrome. How can I make that nasty beast go away?

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Ubuntu :: Use Calc For Simple Calculations?

May 25, 2010

i am trying to use Calc for simple calculations. How can i do so that a whole column uses a number from previous row? for example i want D2=B2+C2+D1 and the next row to be D3=B3+C3+D2?

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OpenSUSE :: Convert PDF To Open Office Calc?

Jan 24, 2011

I don't know if such a thing exists but I would like to do convertion a PDF file to a spreadsheet. Do You know of any application to do this ?

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Ubuntu :: Libreoffice Calc 3.3.3 Causes System Freeze

Jul 29, 2011

I frequently (i.e. after 10-20 minutes of use) get a complete system freeze when using LibreOffice Calc 3.3.3, on Ubuntu 11.04. At the time, I have an *.ods file open, and the freeze happens at various times, for example just after pressing the Page Up button. After the freeze occurs, nothing responds, not even Ctrl+Alt+F1, and I have to force power off my laptop.

how to debug this problem, as there's no error message, no error log (that I know of??)..

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Fedora :: Fill Series Window In OpenOffice Calc?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm using OpenOffice from repo. In Calc I want to fill in 2 cells under eachother, consisting of a name, space and a digit. Then, after selecting both cells, drag them down to get a list of this name, with only the digits being different. When using OpenOffice from original download, this gave no problem. Now however, I'm presented with a Fill Series window that gives me some options like Direction, Series type, etc. And whatever I fill in, it says �nvald value. How can I get rid of this Fill Series window. The Help function in OpenOffice doesn't give a clue on Fill Series.

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OpenSUSE :: OpenOffice Calc Page Break Preview?

Oct 30, 2010

In OpenOffice spreadsheet, using the Page break preview you should be able to move the thick lines that indicate the separation between pages. Some versions ago you could do it normally. But now it's impossible. You can just move the thick line that indicates the limit of the print area.Has anybody noticed this? Is there any solution? In Ooo for Windoze it's possible, but I prefer not to use it unless is absolutely necessary.

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General :: How To Delete Empty Lines In OpenOffice Calc

Jun 17, 2011

How can I delete empty lines in OpenOffice Calc?

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Ubuntu :: Repeat Rows In Open Office 3.2 Calc?

Oct 28, 2010

I have been trying to repeat the first two rows in a Calc document but I keep getting an error.

Here are the instructions that I used.

Printing Rows or Columns on Every Page If you have a sheet that is so large that it will be printed multiple pages, you can set up rows or columns to repeat on each printed page. As an example, If you want to print the top two rows of the sheet as well as the first column (A)on all pages, do the following:

1.Choose Format - Print Ranges - Edit. The Edit Print Ranges dialog appears.

2.Click the icon at the far right of the Rows to repeat area. The dialog shrinks so that you can see more of the sheet.

3.Select the first two rows and, for this example, click cell A1 and drag to A2.
In the shrunk dialog you will see $1:$2. Rows 1 and 2 are now rows to repeat.

4.Click the icon at the far right of the Rows to repeat area. The dialog is restored again.

5.If you also want column A as a column to repeat, click the icon at the far right of the Columns to repeat area.

6.Click column A (not in the column header).

7.Click the icon again at the far right of the Columns to repeat area.

Rows to repeat are rows from the sheet. You can define headers and footers to be printed on each print page independently of this in Format - Page.

And here is the error.

"invalid sheet reference"

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Ubuntu :: ClamAV Finds Infected Calc Spreadsheet

Mar 4, 2011

ClamAV tells me that three of my Calc spreadsheets may be infected (status "MBL_144360.UNOFFICIAL", if that means anything). This seems not entirely implausible, since yesterday I used a USB stick to transfer files from a Windows system. Anyway, I'd really like to keep these spreadsheets. Can I disinfect them somehow?

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Software :: Excel Files Have Empty Comments In OO.o Calc

Jun 24, 2010

Imported an Excel file into OO.o Calc. EVerything is fine except the comments are all blank. It knows that comments should be there, but they're all empty. how to recover the contents?

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Software :: Filter By Color In Open Office Calc?

Jul 21, 2011

Is it possible to filter data using color in Open Office Calc?? It's very easy to use this function in MS Excel.

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Software :: Looking For System (Ubuntu) OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet?

Jul 11, 2009

I'm looking for a Linux Open Office Calc Spreadsheet template to replace Intuit's Quicken. I prefer a spreadsheet over a stand alone. Anyone?

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Software :: Openoffice Calc Not Running MS Excel Macros

Oct 18, 2010

I prepare an MS Excel 2007 spreadsheet which includes macros and user defined functions on a Windows machine. I transfer that file to a Mandriva 2010 machine and I load the file with OpenOffice Calc 3.2.0 and it runs the macros properly. I transfer the file to a Fedora 13 machine and I load the file with OpenOffice Calc 3.2.0 but it doesn't run the macros. I set "Tools/Options/Security - Macro Security" to Low in both cases.I am very new to OpenOffice - is there any other setting of which I am not aware?

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