Ubuntu Installation :: Applications Referencing Old User Name After Reinstall

Oct 17, 2010

I have /home on its own partition.I reinstalled ubuntu Intrepid with a different user name.Now when I use F-Spot for instance i get a error "Could not open /home/olduser/.file".But how can i remove all references to /home/oldusername in all applications and point them to my current /home/username?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall The Games Package Or Reinstall The Update?

May 2, 2010

So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.

Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.

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Programming :: Referencing In Latex Isn't Working?

Jun 28, 2009

I have some strange behavior in Latex. I have added labels to all of my tables (currently there are 3) and my figure (currently there is only 1). So far I only notice this behavior with tables, though it may happen with figures as well...I will have to add another figure to test that.However, what is happening is that my list of tables is correctly generating the numbers of the tables (which are 3.1, 3.2, and 4.1). In the resulting PDF document, the tables have the correct numbers in the captions as well. The odd thing is that when I attempt to reference them using ef, it is printing the Chapter.Section[.Subsection] number the table is located in instead of the table's number itself.Right now I have two tables inside of Chapter 3 Section 3. They are as follows:



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Software :: Referencing Non Exported Kernel Symbol In LKM

Aug 21, 2010

So after much intense reading of linux documentation and posts I can't find an answer to my question. Maybe someone can help.I am trying to access a kernel symbol that isn't exported (the symbol exists in /proc/kallsyms but not in Modules.symvers). Is there a non intrusive way (by avoiding compiling the kernel with CONFIG_KALLSYMS and parsing /proc/kallsyms in my LKM) to reference kernel symbols that are in /proc/kallsyms and not in Modules.symvers i.e. not exported symbols.

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Programming :: Java: Referencing Image Within Package

Jan 30, 2009

I am running into a small bit of difficulty with images I want to use in a Java program, keeping them bundled with the program in a JAR file and accessing them within the package.For those who are thinking it, this is definitely not homework.In my program, I have several images I would like to use on buttons on a toolbar.I have Googled, and I found something that comes close, but it deals with fetching images from a URL - nothing that deals with local files, more specifically, local images kept inside of a JARchive.

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Ubuntu :: Access To Applications On A Per User Basis?

May 23, 2010

I'm wondering if it's possible to control what applications are available to certain users on a per user basis.

My motivation:

I have separate logins for audio production and general admin. Under Applications > Sound & Video I have tonnes of audio apps, but as I never use these under my general admin account, there's little reason to list all of them.

how is the applications menu configured? I'm wondering because I'd like to create some custom sections.

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Software :: Referencing Cells In OO Calc Data Range

Jun 17, 2010

This is supposed to be possible right and better than naming each single cell?How do you do it?Also, maybe my approach is wrong as it's going to lead to a very big nested IF statement.There is a list of numbers which are price ceilings and another list of numbers containing the fees applied to these. I want to a formula that checks the item price against the ceilings and if it's less than or equal to that ceiling uses the fee in the adjacent row (which is the other data range).The only way I know how to do this is a big nested IF statement but does anyone know better?

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Programming :: Bash Scripting Arrays And Indirect Referencing

Feb 23, 2010

I've got a situation. I'm having GNU bash version 3.00.16(1) on Solaris 10. I need to declare an array say arr1 which will be populated by an output of a command.

declare -a arr1
arr1=( $(/some/command) )

Supposing it will eventually (after executing the command) have element values as -


Now, I need to declare another set of arrays, one for each of the element values above - e.g.

declare -a arr1_1234
declare -a arr1_5678
declare -a arr1_7890

And I also need to populate elements of each of above 3 arrays with output of another command in a loop. So, these arrays will hold values something like -



I'm able to declare and populate arr1[*]. My question is how do I declare, populate and print the subsequent arrays and their elements?I am feeling rather thick to get this working.

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Applications :: Replacement For Hotmail For A User?

Jan 16, 2010

i'm currently using gmail as my general and main mail service provider and hotmail for my daily mailing!I hate yahoo, it's really unsecure!!I want a email service provide as secure as possible that shows i'm using linux!hotmail and microsoft and windows are chained together!

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Backs Up Applications And User Data?

Oct 12, 2010

I have searched and searched for answers to this question, but I can't find what I'm searching for anywhere. At least with the search terms I'm using.So, my question is, is there a backup software for Linux that backs up not only a user's home folder, etc, but also the user's applications, and its associated data.

I am about to upgrade my mother's computer to Lucid, but I don't want to do that until I can find a backup solution that will ensure she doesn't lose any of her application data. She has a lot of apps on her netbook, so just finding out where each individual app stores its data and backing it up is kind of out of the question. Unless every app that the end-user uses (that isn't run as root, obviously) stores its data in the home folder, then it would be easier.Honestly, I use a Mac and I guess I'm just used to the simplicity of Time Machine, which certainly backs up applications, application data, user data, and even extra executables in all the /bin folders (which Macs don't typically use to store most applications). I've heard TimeVault is like Time Machine, but when I tried to use it on her computer, it wouldn't work because it wasn't compatible with the version of Ubuntu that was (and still is) on her computer.

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General :: Way To List CLI Applications That Are Installed By User

Jun 10, 2011

I have installed a lot of CLI applications and it would be usefull if I had another one of these that lists and organizes ;in different ways ,what has been installed without a GUI. I tried this (rpm -qa | less) and it was lack luster and enormous. Is there a GUI or a CLI application that will list User installed CLI application and allows ways to list them , alphabetically or otherwise etc?

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Networking :: Referencing Hosts By (special) Hostname For IPv6 Link Local Address

Apr 30, 2010

I can reach other hosts by means of their global addresses by either the IP address or hostname (that has the global address). What I want to (also) do is have a hostname that references the IPv6 link local IP address (an AAAA record in DNS, or just the fe80::<whatever> address in /etc/hosts) and use that host name in commands to access that host. The problem is, an interface ID is needed when making such a reference.

It sure looks like the programs just pass the host name string on to the resolver library, which does not understand the significance of the '%' even though it could find and see that the name preceding the '%' is consistent with that being an IPv6 link local address (e.g. the logic could have been "split at first % and see if preceeding name is found as a link local address and accept that if so, or ignore the split otherwise" ... but it isn't). Is there a different syntax for this ... or was it overlooked in the design of programming around IPv6?I want to be able to address a host by its link local address, while still using a mnemonic instead of having to type the IPv6 address.

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Programming :: Preferred Method For Obtaining Harvard Style Referencing In LaTeX Document?

Mar 30, 2011

What is the preferred method for obtaining Harvard style referencing in a LaTeX document?

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OpenSUSE :: Launching KDE Applications From Dolphin Super User?

Mar 8, 2010

In Dolphin Super User mode trying to launch an application such as Kwrite gives the alert

KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kwrite

"use Konqueror super user"
"launch from terminal su"

This is present in Opensuse 11.2 with KDE 4.3.5

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Applications :: Program Works As Root But Fails As User

Jan 21, 2010

I can't get a program (wbar) to run directly from my user account, it fails saying "Image not found -> maybe using a relative path?". But if I run su -c "wbar", it shows up and manages to load the image. I think it has something to do with ImLib2 or whatever loads the image. I checked permissions on libImlib2.so.1 and it's world-readable and executable. Can libImlib2.a be causing this problem, set to 644? What else should I be checking?

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Applications :: Trace User's Command Input History?

Jul 15, 2010

I wanna trace user's command input history. but I dont plan to use "history", "lastcomm" becauze there is not detail of the user command history. if there is some software use to log user command to one file or database, it's suit for me.

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Programming :: Create A Device Driver For User Applications?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user Application for transferring the data from one PC to the other PC using Ethernet Port, can we create a device driver for that ?? that means it should act like a virtual device, if we write data into /dev/some file, it should go the other PC

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Ubuntu Security :: Scripts Or Applications Cannot Install Without The 'sudo' Prompt And User Input?

Feb 12, 2010

Would it be safe to say that if I build a restricted user: "Desktop" or "unprivileged" user I will be ok? From what I understand - most scripts or applications cannot install without the 'sudo' prompt and user input.

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Software :: Clicksor Infestation In Firefox - Trots Out A Popup Referencing And Leading To A Junk Website

Mar 7, 2010

I always thought that Linux was immune to this sort of thing, but I've gotten an infestation of the Clicksor malware. When I bring up a page in Firefox from some websites (not this one, fortunately), it highlights words that it recognizes and then trots out a popup referencing that word and leading to a junk website. I've also had this problem in Chrome. How can I make that nasty beast go away?

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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Applications Cannot Start Sound After Switch User?

Nov 5, 2010

With OpenSuSE 11.2, I would have a guest account running skype, and a media account running mythtv (both users logged in at the same time using switch user). I had skype on auto answer incoming calls, and I remember watching a movie when I suddenly heard my Dad's voice appear calling my name. That was cool!

Now that I'm using OpenSuSE 11.3 (both were using KDE), skype only plays audio when that user's session is active. Switching to the media account will prevent skype from starting to play any sound. Switch back, sound is normal. If I remember correctly, now the skype audio cuts out as soon as I switch user.

I also have a tv capture card which only STARTS to captures analog audio when the media session is active, mythtv being run by the user media. Once the show is started to record with sound, we can switch users and the show continue to record with sound.

The only thing that should be configured differently from the default install is that I compiled mythtv (it wasn't available as an rpm when I upgraded to 11.3, and haven't bothered to check since).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall Windows 7 But Its A Pain To Reinstall All Programs?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall Grub After A Windows Installation Deleted It?

Jul 23, 2011

This is partly a note to myself for the future and a guide to anyone who experiences similar issues.

So, I had to reinstall Windows XP since my previous installation gave me a blue screen error due to reasons unfathomable. Naturally, this deleted the GNU Grub and I could not login to my Fedora.

I read that apparently booting from a DVD installation offers an option to enter the rescue mode. I did not have a DVD, I only had the LiveCD so I had to figure out a way to reinstall Grub from the LiveCD. The following method seemed to do the trick.

Run the LiveCD and open Terminal.

1. Find the partition where the Grub Stage1 is code...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reinstall Grub After Reinstall Of Win 7

Dec 6, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found

my hd is a 80gb with partions like this
/dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved
/dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit
/dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
/dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install / Reinstall Win 7 From 9.10

Feb 16, 2010

My buddy passed me a CD of W7 I installed & everything was o.k. But then I activate it and reboot it.! It gave me some stinkin error BOOT MSG some like that.! and that I had to press ctrl,alt & delete. Now I cant access or enter it. I wonder if I can install or reinstall from ubuntu 9.10. Cause I cant do it from the bios cause it asks me a password. Which I never had before. Any suggestions linux pros. One more thing I tried recovering it form the win7 repair disc but nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Or Reinstall From 8.09?

Apr 10, 2010

Should I upgrade from 8.09 to 9.10 or does this require a clean reinstall? If the latter, then how do I go about doing this as I dual boot Win XP and Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Don't Want To Go Through The Hassle Of A Reinstall?

Jun 7, 2010

Background: So i am running ubuntu 10.04 on a amd computer, and this is the second time i have run into this problem. last time i was playing around with os's, trying to get around some annoyances, and i did a reinstall and it worked just fine, but since i have my computer the way i want it and i really don't want to go through the hassle of a reinstall.problem: when i boot up my computer i get a no grldr. exact print out:Try (hd0,0) Fat16: No GRLDR

Try (hd0,1): invalid or null
Try (hd0,2): invalid or null
Try (hd0,3): invalid or null
Try (hd1,0): EXT2: _

I have already tried once to reinstall grub, but i rebooted without unmounting the hd, though i don't think thats the problem, but since that first attempt, i have been unable to boot into live CD mode.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Over The Current Installation?

Jun 15, 2010

I had recently upgraded my 9.0.4 ubuntu to the latest version, but something must have gone horribly wrong during the upgrade. On boot, it says it has problems and errors loading stuff and when it gets to the desktop, it gets no input from the keyboard or the mouse. Same goes for recovery mode. When trying to run from a live CD the keyboard and mouse work just fine. I have the CD and I wanted to simply reinstall but problem is I don't know how to reinstall over the current installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Unresponsive, Can't Reinstall?

Jun 16, 2010

I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04, and most things appear to be fine. However, after a day or two of inactivity (apart from remotely logging in for SSH), the computer goes into a state where the screen is blank and it is unresponsive (and no longer allows access by SSH, FTP, or SVN server access). I have to reboot the computer to use it again, which I can't always do when I'm traveling. I inquired about this previously -but I'm convinced the solution may be more complicated than suggested because I don't have compiz turned on and the computer's power management is already set so that it's never supposed to sleep. I tried to install 10.04 fresh from a Live CD, but it freezes where it asks me how I want to use my partitions so I can't even reinstall

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Authorized On Second Hdd After Reinstall

Sep 25, 2010

That second 320GB HDD that I'm not authorized to mount is where my backups are. Now that I've reinstalled over the Lucid that I trashed on my first HDD I need those. The drive appears under "Places" in the side pane of Nautilus, but not sudo Nautilus. If I could see it under sudo Nautilus I think I could just right click and change permissions.

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