Software :: Chromium Cannot Open Downloads When Running Without DE

Oct 24, 2010

When I'm running without a desktop environment, whenever I click a download in Chromium to open it it downloads another copy instead of opening it in an appropriate program! How do I stop this? Also, what if I just want to view a PDF and not download it to my home dir?

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Ubuntu :: Chromium "show In Folder" And Downloads In Lubuntu

Jun 1, 2010

So I recently installed Lubuntu on my netbook and I have it all working except for one hitch - when I download something in Chromium (such as a .deb or a .odt file) when I click on the finished download in the bar at the bottom of Chromium it does not open the file in gdebi/abiword as it should. Also when I right click on a file and select "show in folder" it does not work...

Not sure if this is an issue with Chromium or LXDE/PCMan but I figured it couldn't hurt to post here asking about it.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Downloads Index.php Instead Of Running It?

Jul 9, 2010

I just installed Apache2 and PHP on my computer but everytime I go to my localhost folder (ex: http://localhost/test/), firefox starts to download the index.php instead of running it. This doesn't happen in Chrome.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Non Open Source Downloads To Add?

Oct 11, 2010

Just install 10.10 on a 4 gig flash drive, I like it a lot. Is there one download I can do to add all the non open source programs such as Flash, adobe reader, and such?

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Server :: Apache Downloads Php File Instead Of Running Script?

May 13, 2010

I trashed my Karmic Ubuntu install and installed Lucid (I had heard that the boot times were much reduced and I didn't see any improvement in my normal upgrade). I reinstalled Drupal but find that my installation of Apache does not run the scripts, but rather passes the php text file to the browser. IIRC when I installed it apt configured Apache correctly without me having to edit .htaccess or /etc/apache2/httpd.conf which makes me think that I am missing a key dependency.

Does anyone know of a check list to which I can refer to make sure that I've installed everything? My installation has Postgres instead of MySQL. Failing which, in the event that my memory is faulty, where can I find which changes need to be applied to the configuration files above?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Open Downloads Folder For 2 Days Now

Apr 19, 2010

I have been unable to open my Downloads folder for 2 days now. I've tried everything. I can get into every other folder on my machine though. I also have 103GB free space on my machine. Is there perhaps a limit on the amount of data I can have per folder? I'm running 64bit Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Open Port For BT Downloads Using Transmission

Oct 19, 2010

Transmission says my port is closed. If I google the problem, it just gives me advice on how to open a port in Windows OS. There's no firewall in Ubuntu 10.10 by default, right? There isn't any router used neither. I'm living in a dorm. I just plug the LAN cable in the box fixed to the wall.

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Ubuntu :: How To Set LibreOffice To Open MS Office Downloads In FireFox

May 23, 2011

I have a very quick question (and I can't believe I can't figure this one out myself: sorry). I installed 11.04 this weekend. Now, when I download, say, a word doc using FireFox, LibreOffice doesn't by default open the file (instead, Wine tries to open it; but, alas, fails). Now, when I try to open with another application, when prompted by the Firefox download window, I have no idea how to allocate LibreOffice as the programme to open the download. I can navigate to the .libreoffice folder, for example, but then I'm presented with many other folders, with many files, etc, and I have no idea how to set LibreOffice to open the file.

I know I can save file to hard-drive, then open manually. However, I would like to be able to simply open the file directly with LibreOffice.

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Fedora :: Running Chromium - How To Turn SE Off

Jan 10, 2010

Well this is simple. I just finished installing chromium on my computer. However SElinux is blocking it. I want to allot chromium to run, but I do not know how to turn SE off.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Has Stopped Running?

Oct 8, 2010

Not sure what's happened here, I can only put it down to one of the daily updates.Chromium has stopped running, it starts, flashes on the screen and shuts down. I haven't done or changed anything as far as I know.I've unistalled it completely using Synaptic and reinstalled but no go.

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Debian :: Why Chromium Can't Open From Shell

Sep 2, 2015

Why chromium can't open from shell ?

appears [3354:3354:0902/] Gtk: cannot open display:

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Ubuntu :: How To Open Chromium From Terminal

Jul 24, 2011

In a terminal type this:


I looked all over the internet on how to figure this out and I couldn't find it.

How did I figure it out? I'm running Xubuntu 10.04 and it doesn't seem to let you just drag and drop the shortcut into a panel from the applications menu. You have to add the panel shortcut manually. To do this, right-click a panel and select Add New Items > Launcher. Then right-click the launcher click properties...

Here's where I got stuck. To make a good launcher/shortcut you need to know the command and put in an icon. I couldn't find the command at first so I put in the icon first instead by clicking on the icon icon (not a typo) in the launcher's properties. Select All Icons from the drop-down menu at the top of the icon selection window. Arbitrarily click on any icon and type chromium. Here's where you find your chromium icon and guess what the name of it is? "chromium-browser" This is how I figured out what the heck the command was to open the stupid thing.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Thunderbird To Open Links With Chromium?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm having trouble getting Thunderbird to open links using Chromium (chromium-browser).

The default browser is now set to chromium-browser in KDE system settings. I've also tweaked the Thunderbird config and https settings to use chromium-browser or /usr/bin/chromium-browser.

Despite this, Thunderbird keeps opening links in Firefox. I'm bewildered as to why.

One thought is possibly an old GNOME system setting (there are .gconf and .gnome2 directories in my home directory, though I no longer use GNOME or have it installed on my system). But I don't know and I would have thought the Thunderbird config would have overridden that in any case.

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General :: Open A File Downloaded In Chromium?

May 11, 2010

For some reason when I open a file downloaded in Chromium, it opens it in Firefox!

Similarly GNOME Do opens files in Firefox.

Why is that?

How to make it use the proper program?

Where are the associations stored?

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Software :: Open Documents In Libreoffice From Chromium

Mar 1, 2011

I am running fluxbox on Arch Linux. When using chromium, I would like associate .doc(x), .ppt(x), etc. with libreoffice by default. If I try to click on the file once it has downloaded in chromium (on bar at bottom) if i add "libreoffice:" to the end of the list of browsers it works like I would like it to.This is obviously not the best method (I am not even certain why it is trying to open the file from other browsers, xdg-open file is quite intimidating)

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Doesn't Open Embedded Flash Always

Jun 26, 2011

By a fifty fifty chance chromium doesn't open embedded flash elements. Audio works but the embedded flash element shows just black.

Refreshing the page fix this again by %50 chance.

But there's no problem with Firefox because I think it uses the Adobe Flash Player (the one in the repo) but Chromium uses the an built-in flash player.

Is there a way to fix this problem? Or a way to disable Chromium's built-in flash player and use the Adobe's flash player?

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Ubuntu :: Extremly Slow Videoplayback While Chromium Browser Running?

Apr 30, 2010

I can watch movies without problems, with the default videoplayer in ubuntu and with xbmc.but if i have a chromium web browser window open (in the background) i have about 1 frame / sec in videoplayback and no sound.the no sound problem may be related to the fact that im using sound over hdmi. i am using the nvidia proprietary drivers for my can it be that a simple webbrwoser is slowing down videoplayback in other programs?

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Launcher Messing Up - Cannot Open Multiple Chromium Windows

Jun 16, 2011

I have recently dual booted an Old Toshiba laptop with Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) It was recommended to me by a friend after XP was becoming unstable. To the Problem : I have downloaded Chromium as the web browser as I am not a fan of Firefox, but every time I launch Chromium... It launches into a random work space and not the one I am working in.. So I cannot open multiple Chromium windows.. So to find where it has launched it, I have to click work space switcher and find it.. If I click Maximise, instead of maximizing it to the work space limits... it makes it go over 2 seperate work spaces..

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Ubuntu :: Chromium - Firefox Wouid Readily Open Pdf Files Within The Browser Window Itself

Aug 8, 2010

After finding firefox too slow, i recently shifted full time to chromium. and now i know why it has such a fan following ! its seriously fast, especially as compared to firefox - which at least in my case would appear to have got bogged down because of numerous add-ons etc.

However, there are 2 things that disturb the basic functional of chromium.

- Whenever i click on the browser icon, the window that opens up is never in "maximized" size. so every time i need to double click on the title border to maximize the window. is there some way in which the browser window will open in maximized mode the first time i click the icon ?

- Firefox wouid readily open pdf files within the browser window itself. however, chromium asks me to first save the file at some location, and then only can i open it !

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OpenSUSE :: Use Dolphin To "open Containing Folder" From Firefox Downloads?

Mar 25, 2011

When I right-click on a file in my firefox downloads window and choose "open containing folder", it opens the folder in EasyTag. I tried both of the below "solutions" and logged out and logged back in to openSUSE and it still uses EasyTag! Is it because I need a restart or is it something else?

Neither one has worked yet... [URL] Open Containing Folder in Firefox under Linux

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Application Shortcuts In Unity - Not Including Most Of Chromium's Toolbars

May 2, 2011

I often use the option in Chromium to create 'application shortcuts'. These are instances of Chromium that make a website look more like an app by not including most of Chromium's toolbars. I use it for gmail and google docs and spreadsheets and calendar. In 11.04 I have set up Desktop launchers and copied them across to the Launcher (what an odd way to add something to the launcher, why no right-click 'add launcher' option?)

The problem is that the launcher thinks all these apps are chromium (which they are really, but I would like them to be seen as separate apps). If I minimize my gmail window, a little triangle appears next to the chromium icon, not the gmail icon. To get the window back, I have to click on the Chromium icon. Clicking on the gmail icon launches a new instance of it (also tied to the Chromium icon).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Run Chromium With -enable-gpu-rendering Flag Chromium's Display Looks Like It's Shattered Into Thousands Of Pieces

Dec 2, 2010

if i run chromium with --enable-gpu-rendering flag chromium's display looks like it's shattered into thousands of pieces and I can't understand a thing. This doesn't happens if I have a previous instance of chromium opened in the usual way, without any flag. In this case if I open another chromium window with the --enable-gpu-rendering flag it's display looks ok, but I can't figure out what's the problem and how could this be fixed if there's solution for it of course.

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Ubuntu :: AWN Grouping Chromium Shortcuts Under Chromium

Oct 22, 2010

I made a shortcut with chromium browser to This is great as it's almost like the grooveshark VIP desktop application like this. However AWN dock groups it with other chromium windows like this:Kuvakaappaus.jpg

Is it possible to force AWN to group this specific chromium window under the Grooveshark launcher that I have in the dock? Turning off grouping does not solve this either, as it just shows grooveshark as another chromium window.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ssh Is Running But Port 22 Not Open

Jul 10, 2010

I have two computers on a LAN. (This is history not a Bazaar question, although I have one of those too) One of them (Ubuntu 9.04) Im using as a Bazaar repository over sftp. Its been working fine for about a year. Then we had a thunderstorm that knocked out our Internet service for a couple of days. When it came back up everything is working fine accept I could no longer commit to the server. A little detective work showed that ssh was not running on the server. I started it and Bazaar then couldnt find the repository files. I still suspected an ssh problem, but port scans from both computers showed port 22 open on the server and I could do a ssh login from the client ok. Then I started fiddling with ssh on the server and now I have ssh problems on top of the Bazaar problems.

On the server I deleted then regenerated the ssh keys. Ive done
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start

I get a normal starting message and ps ef |grep ssh

shows /usr/sbin/sshd running. But the port scan does not show 22 open and I get connection refused at the client.

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Fedora :: Gnome-panel Not Running - Can't Open Any Programs?

Jan 16, 2011

I was trying to customise my desktop, and I disabled gnome-panel as I don't need it (and auto-hide wasn't working). Now when I boot up I can't open anything as the "run" dialog using alt + q (changed shortcut from alt + f2) doesn't load, nor does the terminal via shortcuts. I'm using Compiz, and disabled nautilus drawing the desktop so Compiz could do it for me.

Do you know what I can do to get this back or to get the "run" dialog to open again? EDIT: Skype ran as start up, so I got a friend to send me a link, which opened my web browser. I then downloaded a file, and viewed it in nautilus which meant I could get to the terminal and run gnome-panel from there. I can now get it back easily when needed. Do you know if there is a way I can get the "run" dialog to work without needing the gnome-panel running?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Open Suse Is Running So Slowly?

Feb 23, 2010

I have tried liveCD, but open suse is running so slowly. Will it be faster when I install it?

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General :: Running Open Office From The Command Line?

Apr 7, 2011

Yesterday I installed OpenOffice on my Linux server. But when I go to run it through the command line, it says command cannot be found. I've also tried other things like OOWriter, etc. Has anyone had this problem? Installation process went like below: root@aserver [OOO330_m20_native_packed-1_en-US.9567/RPMS]#

rpm -i *.rpm
package is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core01-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-en-US-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core02-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed


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Ubuntu Servers :: When Open Top And Look At The Running Processes - -5 In The Nice And 0 With Everything Else

Apr 1, 2010

When I open top and look at the running processes, there a bunch that are -5 in the nice and 0 with everything else.


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General :: Running Open Office Developer Version

Feb 3, 2011

What's the actual command I run to run OOo developer version download: Developer Builds and Release Candidates the last entry, "Snapshot...". I'm curious to see if some of the bugs they are saying are fixed are fixed in that version. I have it installed, and I know they do not have "desktop-integration" for a reason, but they don't actually tell you what the physical terminal command to run it is.

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Software :: Vps Running Every Minute That Checks To See Whether Or Not A Certain Port Is Open On Localhost?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a crontab on my vps running every minute that checks to see whether or not a certain port is open on localhost. If the port isn't open, it should run the php script to restart the program. However, I require the use of screen to be able to interact with the program whenever I reconnect to the vps through shell.The problem is, screen is being a pain by saying "Must be connected to a terminal."This is the php script:

#!/usr/bin/php -q


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