Slackware :: How To Add Mod_scgi To Apache

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to add mod_scgi to apache to use it on rutorrent (a interface to rtorrent).

How I do this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Install Mod_scgi ?

Jan 23, 2010

I want to install mod_scgi. I have install the libapache2-mod-scgi package and changed the httpd.conf. When I try to restart the apache2 server, I got a syntax error :


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Slackware :: Error Compiling Apache Fop- 1.0 On 64 13.1

Mar 26, 2011

I em trying to compile fop-1.0 on Slackware64 13.1. I have ant 1.8.1 Slackware package.

Here is the output of ant build:


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Server :: Acess Apache Remotely On Slackware 13.1?

Nov 9, 2010

I have installed apache on slackware (I was isntalled slackware without apache) and "It Works" but when I try to access it remotely it returns "404 error". Apache server work pretty well localy either for localhost or IP adress.

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Slackware :: How To Configure Apache Virtual Hosts

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to configure Apache to handle virtual hosts. For this I un-commented the line in httpd.conf that say

Include /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Then I included the following in httpd-vhosts.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Directory /var/www/git.localhost/gitorious/public>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow, deny
Allow from All .....

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Server :: Apache MIME Icons Is Missing - Slackware 13.1

Mar 5, 2011

Apache 2.2 on Slackware 13.1 seems to be missing the MIME icons when i visit a directory containing files.

This command returned nothing related to httpd

find | grep /icons

Where do i find the icons and how do i enable them ?

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Slackware :: Failure To Start Apache / Cannot Find Libltdl

Dec 5, 2010

I am new to slackware and linux at all. Today I have installed slackware 13.1 on my PC. Everything seems fine. Furthermore, I successfully installed mysql and edited the http.conf file throughout vim(this was also new to me). I discommented the line where it says "Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf" and moreover changed "DirectoryIndex index.html" to "DirectoryIndex index.php".

I assumed that the library "" is missing. When I tried to google it, I cannot find a proper version for slackware.I sincerely apologize if I have posted the thread in the wrong section.

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Slackware :: Upgrading Apache - PHP And MySql From A Default Version

Apr 1, 2010

I want to upgrade Apache, PHP, and MySql from a default version I'm having in my installed Slackware. What is the proper step to do this? Will it cause some problem if I upgrade them?

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Server :: APACHE VirtualHost Not Working On Older Slackware Machine

Jan 25, 2010

I am trying to add a virtual host to my machine by name to the IP here.It absolutely refuses to is a mess server I hope to upgrade soon, but it has 2 versions of apache running together on it.The first one (php3) just proxies all the requests from 80 to 8080 which has another instance of apache running php5.I don't know what else to do, it keeps defaulting to the host header error virtual host.

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Slackware :: Running Apache / Php / MySQL On Startup And Install PhpMyAdmin?

Dec 29, 2008

After a new install of Slackware 12.2, I carried out the following procedures to get everything working successfully right out of the box. The server is a standalone system, used for testing and educational purposes, so please bear that in mind. NB: Throughout this post when you see a single # at the start of a line it means you are typing the commands as root user. You should not include the #, only the text after it.

### setup Apache with php enabled
Login as root user on your Slackware box and type:
# pico -w /etc/httpd/httpd.conf


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SUSE / Novell :: Clear Apache Cache Without Restarting Apache Server?

Feb 4, 2010

Any one have an idea How to clear apache cache without restarting apache server.

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Server :: Tunnel Apache Virtual Host To An Internal Apache?

Jan 24, 2010

I am upgrading my server and I have a lot of sites. Since I cannot take my server down for a few days, maybe a week until I manage to migrate all the sites to the new machine, I figured I could migrate them one by one. After migrating one, I would somehow tunnel the requests of that name virtual host to my internal machine. When everything is migrated, I would then switch the machines, update ip's and stuff and everything will work just fine.

However I cannot seem to find a way to do this tunneling. is this at all possible? If not, what alternatives do I have?

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CentOS 5 :: Apache Error 403 - "Forbidden You Don't Have Permission To Access /bb/ On This Server" - 5.2 With Apache 2.2.3

Jan 20, 2011

I am installing Big Brother on a CentOS 5.2 running the default Apache 2.2.3. When I try to access any web page I get the following error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /bb/ on this server. Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at fmsubbnix Port 80 So far I have:

1) Set the Directory options to FollowSymLinks
2) Verified all directory and file permissions are at 755
3) Set permissions temporarily to 777 and received same error so I am assuming the issue is in a config file somewhere
4) in hhtpd.conf verified <Files ~ "^.ht"> is correct
5) verified the "default" directory is correct (/var/www/html)

I have read and tried several ideas in posts listed on the web but to no avail and am at a loss as to what to look for next..

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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache 'server-status' 404 Not Found + Munin Apache Stats?

Oct 14, 2010

I am trying to solve a problem where Apache stats aren't displaying correctly in Munin. I've ran through quite a bit of checks and tests regarding Munin setup, but I think my issue is related to Apache, but my skill set there is lacking.

first, system info:
monitored server:
CentOS 5.3 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5


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General :: Apache Command And Terminal / Command With Apache Through Web Browser And It Is Not Working?

Aug 18, 2009

I want to run a linux command with apache through web browser and that's is not working. and it's working properly when I execute this command through terminal, where is the problem?

NOTE: apache have the privileges to execute the command

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Slackware :: Installing 13.1 Over Windows XP - Run Slackware And Slackware Only

Dec 19, 2010

I have been given the task to install slackware 13.1 over windows. I have downloaded and copied slackware 13.1 on to a disk, and rebooted the computer, but i am not getting what all the tutorials have shown. I have been looking for tutorials that specifically instruct me as to how to install slackware 13.1 on to a windows xp. I am not trying to dual run I just simply want to run slackware and slackware only.

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Slackware :: Forwad X11 From A 32 Bit Slackware To A 64bit Slackware?

May 7, 2011

I have a couple questions about Xfoward.

1: How much does it affect securty, over a lan network?
2: Will it cause any other security issues?
3: The most important is can I forwad X11 from a 32 bit slackware to a 64bit slackware

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Slackware :: Compile 2.6.37 Kernel Patched With The Autogroup Patch On A Slackware 13.1 System?

Jan 13, 2011

it's possible to compile the 2.6.37 kernel patched with the autogroup patch on a Slackware 13.1 system running with headers? I just compiled and installed the 2.6.37-autogroup kernel from AUR on my ARCH setup and I like it especially when using firefox with lots of tabs open and other background apps also running. I did notice a speed and smothness difference in my ARCH testing setup with this kernel patch and I can get same results in 13.1??

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Slackware :: Failed To Initialize NVIDIA Graphics Device On Startx With Slackware 13.1

Aug 24, 2010

I installed slackware 13.1 x86_64 bit with multilib, and its been about a month already, I'm really enjoying slackware but I am being troubled with my nvidia card, and I need to get my 3D acceleration working. And I've been looking around the net for information and kept on trying to make my nvidia card to work but to no avail. I cant get X to start, once I put in a xorg.conf stating to use the nvidia card. After troubleshooting for almost 2 weeks and now at my wits end, I now come humbly looking for help in linuxquestions slackware community forum.I've installed nvidia 64 bit kernel, drivers from slackbuilds (version 256.44). The laptop model I'm trying to get it working is an -ASUS K52J Intel Core i3 2.40Ghz with 2GB RAM and with an Nvidia Geforce 310M with 1GB dedicated VRAM.

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Slackware :: Enable Windows Wireless Drivers In Slackware 13.1 And How To Install XFCE

Aug 22, 2010

I recently installed Slackware Linux 13.1 , and my Wireless is down. I've only installed 3 Linux disto's on my main laptop (Ubuntu 9.10 , 10.04 , and Crunchbang Linux 9.04 , just had Crunchbang), and they all had the same problem. In all three , I was able to enable Windows Wireless drivers and every thing worked. Now , I'm assuming I have to the same ting in Slackware? Sorry , but I have no idea what my wireless card is. But I know that my laptop is a Dell Insprion E1705. One last thing , I did ifconfig and that wlan0 is my Wi-Fi interface. I typed ifconfig wlan0 up to see if that was the problem. After I did that , I got and error message. Then I typed ifconfig wlan0 down to see if it was down and it made wlan0 down. I tried bringing it up again , but I got an error saying it couldn't find the device specified. Also , how do I install XFCE? I really don't like KDE for some reason and would like to install XFCE. I chose XFCE over GNOME (my favorite) because I want to try something new.

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Slackware :: Linvo 2009.1rc6 - Slackware-based LiveCD With GNOME

Jan 6, 2010

I'm happy to announce Linvo 2009.1 rc6. It's a full-featured Linux distribution with a lot of applications by default, including an office suite ( extended with plugins), a good internet browser (Firefox extended with plugins), a music player that supports music collection and a lot more - Exaile, a video player, and all the available codecs. It can open all types of file formats. It's a LiveCD, which means that you can test it without installing and after this optionally install it - it has a nice easy graphical installer.

It's the first Slackware-based LiveCD distribution with GNOME by default. It includes NetworkManager and initng in place of sysvinit. It also features accessibility tools. It is also the first release with the innovative portable applications system. This allows you to download application from the site (modules section), place it where you like, and use it. It's just a single file, no directories. You can also use this application without installing it, directly from the internet. However, after this, the speed of the application is limited by the speed of your connection, of course. Check out the "Applications" section on the website.

Besides this, you can install software with the apt-get-like system "slapt-get" and it's graphical front-end: GSlapt. It also contains src2pkg and sbopkg in case you want to compile something from source or existing SlackBuild Depfinder is included to find dependencies of packages. Click here for a guide on how to use those. I also managed to put development tools in there, like GCC, G++, svn, cvs, so on... This is a release candidate, and despite that it's OK for using. It has a bit more things to do until the release (like language selection on the boot menu), but I decided that it's important to put it here for testing.

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Slackware :: Lost Wireless Keybord And Mouse Upgrading Slackware Current

Oct 24, 2010

Lost my wireless keyboard and mouse upgrading slackware current.Boot seems to be normal.I just can't login, cause have no keyboard.

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Slackware :: Pkgbuild - Modern, Multi-architecture, Package Builder For Slackware?

May 25, 2010

We are pleased to present one of our new creations: pkgbuild, a tool written in standard C++, using libCURL, ZLib, BZip2 and libLZMA (part of XZ). It is a modern Slackware packages builder, network-transparent, multi-architecture, designed to greatly simplify the creation of a package, automatically executing the required post processing.

What does it do? Recognize and build packages for the following architectures: i386, i486, i586, i686, x86_64, IA64, IA32e, s390, s390x, sparc and sparc64.


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Slackware :: Enable Ling Separate X Sessions With Dual Monitors In Slackware?

Jun 29, 2011

how to on enable ling separate X sessions with dual monitors in slackware? In rhel all I have to do is enable it under the nvidia-settings... In slackware it does not work that well... to what I understand you have to configure a separate x session...

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Slackware :: Slackware 13.1 VIA VT1708S Audio Driver - Get Working Without Rebuilding The Kernel?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to bring my Slackware system back to life as my XP HDD is dying... I've got everything working except for my audio. I got a new motherboard (ASRock P43DE3) and it has a VIA VT1708S as the onboard audio. Is there any way I can get this working without rebuilding the kernel?

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Slackware :: Static Libraries - Why Aren't They Shipped In Official Slackware Packages

Aug 12, 2010

I noticed that the official Slackware packages don't contain static libraries. The SlackBuild scripts from or from Slackware DVD usually contain --disable-static option to prevent building the .a file. And if configure script doesn't allow such option, the .a file is deleted before the package is created.I am wondering what is the reason for that? Is it just the matter of conserving disk space? Are there also other reasons?

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General :: Installing Slackware On IDE Hard Rive Boot From Slackware DVD?

Jan 23, 2010

I try to install Slackware to my IDE hard drive and boot first from Slackware DVD. After I loaded huge.s kernel, and tried to partition the hard drive using fdisk by entering "fdisk /dev/hda", I found out that the partition size is max to 3 Gigs instead of 80 Gigs.

I think the kernel is looking at my boot disk, which is around 3 Gigs. How can I make so that it looks at my IDE drive instead at my boot drive? Is there any manual that shows me how to install Linux from scratch this means I want to wipe out all my hard disk and install Slackware Linux there?

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Slackware :: Alfa AWUS036h Rtl8187 Adapter Not Working On Slackware 13.1

Oct 13, 2010

I recently bought the Alfa AWUS036h which uses the Realtek rtl8187 chipset. I am able to load the module and connect to any network, but its almost as soon as I try to load a page the connection drops. It never stays connected for more than 30 seconds. My other computers using the same adapter in the same spot work fine, unfortunately there not running slackware. I've tried compiling the newest stable kernel and checked the rd.inet1.conf settings.

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Slackware :: Alfa Awus036h Slackware Current Dhcpcd Won't Connect

Feb 5, 2011

slackware-current kernel for instance if i just want to connect to wep ap. i done


it says waiting for carrier and it just time out, im wondering why i read somwhere that its not working good with slackware 13.1

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Slackware :: Installed Multilib Support In 64bit Slackware 13.37 Installation?

Jun 28, 2011

I have installed multilib support in my 64bit slackware 13.37 installation than I proceed it to install google earth from slackbuilds... and did ln -sf /lib/ /lib/ when I try to run google earth I get:[ 760.092745] googleearth-bin[3647]:segfault at 984f7d31 ip 00000000984f7d31 sp 00000000ffbfe100 error 4

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