Slackware :: No Internet With 13

Nov 18, 2009

I'm attempting to make an install of Slackware 13 connect to the internet using an Ethernet card plugged into an Ethernet to wireless converter to use 802.11g. The converter makes it like plugging any Ethernet card directly into my internet gateway/router after the converter is set up to access it once. It works for the same computer when using Windows ME installed on another partition or booting an Ubuntu 8.04.3 live cd. It also works plugging the same converter into another computer with Windows XP. So I doubt the converter is the problem.

I I've checked in rc.modules- under the Ethernet card section and everything was commented out. In Windows ME it said my Ethernet card is en1207d-tx. Some Googling of that led me to trying to un-comment out /sbin/modprobe 8139too then failing that /sbin/modprobe tulip with no help. I then pulled the card out and the chip said MPX en5038a1. I couldn't determine any other lines to try un-commenting out from that so I put in a 3com 3c905-tx and un-commented out /sbin/modprobe 3c59x with no help.

I should mention that through Googling I came across something that says if the Ethernet card's address starts with 169.254 "it is not connected OR there is no device on your network giving out automatic IP addresses". I went into K Info Center > Network Interfaces with the MPX card in and 169.254 is what it started with by eth0. I looked after putting in the 3com and there was no eth0 at all. I reinstalled the whole Slackware 13 OS then looked again. It showed the 3com card and it also started with 169.254 .

Also, I tried the network setup during installation and netconfig after with no luck.

Through the use of a long phone line cable, I just tried to boot into Slackware 13 and use Firefox while the computer was connected to the gateway directly with an Ethernet cable with no luck.

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Slackware :: Slackware 13 64 Come With Internet Proxy Server?

Apr 11, 2010

does Slackware 13 64 come with internet proxy server? Or I need to download Squid separately?

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Slackware :: Connecting Slackware 13.37 To The Internet

Jun 17, 2011

I'm having some trouble getting my new copy of slackware connected to the internet. I'm new to slackware, so I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting. So far, I've run netconfig and tried to set up a DHCP and a Static-IP connection, both to no avail. I know my internet connection is working since I'm currently using the same box with a hard-drive that has crunchbang on it. I've read chapter 5 of the slackbook up to the section on PPP and have thus far gotten lost in my /etc/rc.d folder looking at lottsa neat files.

Using ifconfig -a gives me information about an eth0, an eth1, and a lo connection thing. From what I understand from the book, this means that slackware has registered my network card but does not have the right configuration necessary to connect.

I tried getting information about my connection from crunchbang, which was as simple as right-clicking a certain icon and copying down my interface, hardware address, driver, speed, security, ip address, broadcast address, subnet mask, default route, and primairy DNS. Since setting up DHCP didn't work after startup, I assumed I was using static I.P. I put in my IP address, mask, default route, and DNS, but it has not yet connected.

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Slackware :: Can't Connect To Internet On Slackware

Apr 25, 2011

I can't connect to Internet on Slackware. I've blacklisted the modules rt2800usb, rt2x00usb and rt2x00lib in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf.

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Slackware :: No Internet On 13.1

Nov 20, 2010

I installed slackware on my pc and before i had internet (last time) But i have run networkconfig and nothing has changed. If anybody could help that would be awesome. Is there something i can do different from when i install.

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Slackware :: No Internet In VMware

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to try Slackware on VMware just so I would know what it is and the differences between it and others. I installed it in VMware, and I am having two problems:

1. X does not start automatically for some reason.

2. I can't make the internet work. I tried typing knetworkmanager in terminal, but it tells me there is no such command. Then, I typed ifconfig in terminal, and it told me that wasn't a command either.

Did I install something wrong, or does Slackware KDE come with nothing in it?

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Slackware :: 13 - No Internet Connection ?

Oct 10, 2009

I installed slackware 13 in virtualbox (full installation), but I have not internet (ADSL). I tryed adsl-setup, but there aren't that commant. Tryed pppoe-setup, netconfig, but again I have not connection. Where is the problem? And I have one more question about Fluxbox. I have not display, wallpaper, icons...only menus.

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Slackware :: Internet Working But Not Always

Mar 10, 2011

I am a newbie in Slackware. This is my first try to make working system on slackware. I made internet connection by help netconfig. Internet is working but not always. To example I try download page but it doesn't. I push Update page .. and one more time Update page and after 3-4 times my page is downloaded. When I work with windows on this computer, I don't have any problem.

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General :: Connect To Internet Slackware 13.1 ?

Jul 19, 2011

I installed slackware 13.1 to my laptop.I i use my e220 HSDPA usb dongle to connect internet.I previously i used ubuntu and it auto detected and connect to internet.But i could not connect with slackware .

I tried it and i got following output

Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.

Don't know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best.

But its not connecting to internet.

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General :: Slackware 13.1 - Cannot Access The Internet

Jan 8, 2011

So this has been going on for weeks now. Usually doesnt happen till friday-saturday. My internet breaks down on slackware, im able to play an online video game, and sometimes if i'm lucky, use pidgin to get on Gchat. However other than that, I cannot access the internet. I've tried multiple browsers, resetting my router, and resetting my modem. It's connected through an ethernet cord, and I am getting an IP from my router.
My first thought was that it was a bandwidth limit, but I'm at my house, on a windows computer typing this right now. I'm not an expert on bandwidth caps so maybe it is this. The weird thing is,I have a laptop running slackware as well. Even over wireless it doesnt work.

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General :: Slackware - Not Connecting To The Internet

Apr 23, 2011

I'm new to slackware (and the forums) and I just installed it onto my laptop. I have previously used linux mint, and I like it but I feel that slackware might give me more experience with the terminal, and more original linux ideas. I have kde up and running as far as a window manager, and everything seems to work except connecting to the internet. I have a linksys router. I usually use wifi, but I even tried connecting through an ethernet cord and that didn't work either. I have searched many different threads, but either they didn't address my specific problem, or I couldn't understand what was going on. I tried to configure using "netconfig", but I didn't understand what many of the prompts wanted. I entered a name and a domain name, and selected DHCP, but this did nothing.

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Slackware :: Automatically Connecting To The Internet?

Nov 21, 2010

im kind of a novice at this type of thing, but i've gotten into it alot lately (coding that is) I was wondering how i might go about making a boot process that automatically connects to the internet. I've currently got a boot script that connects me to my home network, but will fail if I'm at work/school. so i was thinking there had to be a way to list all possible network connections, and then pick out one of them and automatically connect.Almost completely new to the world of linux.Im running slackware 13.1

I want to make a boot script that automatically identifies wireless networks in the area, and connects to one, I currently have a boot script that connects to my home network automatically but fails at work/schoool. So i figured theres got to be a way to identify networks, pluck one from the list, and use it.

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Slackware :: Firefox Can't Connect To Internet

Oct 11, 2010

I have a dual boot Linux system with Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and Slackware 12.1. I have a USB modem Huawei 1261 that I am using with Ubuntu with the usb_modeswitch package. I would like to get that working with Slackware 12.1. The usb_modeswitch seems to be working fine and also the "wvdial cdma" seems to working but Firefox can't connect to the internet.

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Slackware :: Internet Connection Drops Out ?

Oct 18, 2010

Every now and again my internet drops out for no apparent reason. I try dhcpcd -k eth0/dhcpcd eth0 and nothing. I try modprobe -r <driver> modprobe <driver> dhcpcd blah blah and nothing. /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1/2/d restart. Nothing. The only thing that works is rebooting my system. how to reset my connection without rebooting?

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Slackware :: How To Configure Lenovo T60 To Use Internet

Sep 21, 2010

Does anybody know how to configure a lenovo t60 to use internet?I installed Slackware fresh and I chose not to configure the network when it prompted me during installation. Now I have cable so I ran netconfig and picked DHCP and entered "darkswamp", "", and I left the last one blank.I can't research how to configure my internet because I don't have internet. I can only come to library to figure it out.

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Slackware :: No Internet Conection On Absolute 13.1.6?

Jan 30, 2011

I got the system installes. But it seems that I can't connect to the internet. Trying to pdate the system via gslapt doesn't work. Always says the repositories can't be reached. I use a home network with a skydsl modem and a router. All my other pc's can connect without a problem. It seems that something is not working right here with my Absolute install. I can't even set up a browser or add the Gnome BSG as said with lynx.

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Slackware :: Can't Connect To Internet In The Virtual-box

Dec 27, 2010

I have successfully installed Slackware though in virtualbox.I thought to learn first before falling into any pitfalls. Will do hard disk installation after learning more in virtualbox..But, I see now that I can't connect to the internet in the virtualbox... The host OS is Windows 7 and Virtualbox guest additions are installed and configured too.

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Networking :: Internet Is Very Slow With Slackware 13 Router

May 16, 2011

I just installed and configured Slackware on an old computer I am using as a router.

The internet works fine on the slackware box (router) but all of the computers behind it are having issues. When browsing, some websites work perfectly fine, while others are slow to load, and a few don't load at all. I'm not really sure where to start on diagnosing this, so any help would be appreciated.

Also whenever I restart the computer, I have to use this command before the DHCP server will start. What do I have to do to get it to start up with the computer?


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Networking :: New Slackware 13 Install - Slow Internet?

Jan 24, 2010

After installing Slackware 13 and configuring it as a router, I'm getting very slow internet speeds on my clients. It takes forever to connect to a website or downloading 100mb bin file also takes forever. On the Slackware box the speed is fine though. When I boot from my previous Slackware 12 drive, the speed on the clients is ok again.

I have compared config files from my old and new installation and haven't found a difference. from other posts I learnt that disabling IPv6 by adding it to the blacklist could help. But this didn't help me either. I have also compared a traceroute on both installations. This also doesn't show a (big) difference.

The only difference I have found is that in my Slackware 13 setup the following modules are loaded while with my old Slackware 12 lsmod is empty.


The only thing I can think of is a missing option in the kernel. I have used the huge-smp from the Slackware DVD, assuming this would have all the important stuff enabled by default. It this right?

Some additional info:
eth0: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Gb onboard Gb NIC, connected to LAN (static)
eth1: 3COM 3C2000 Gb NIC, connected to cable modem (dhcp)
dhcpd is running to configure clients in the network
arno-firewall installed

Files I have compared with my old (working) system:

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General :: Cannot Connect To Wired Internet In Slackware 13

Nov 2, 2009

I have installed slackware 13 but I am not able to connect to wired internet connection from BSNL in slackware while this connection is working fine in Fedora,Opensuse,Mandriva,Debian and Windows-XP.

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General :: Using Netconfig With Slackware 13.37 To Connect To The Internet

Jun 17, 2011

I successfully installed the latest version of slackware, but much to my chagrin it does not auto-connect itself to the internet like my crunchbang does. I read a little from ch.5 of the slackware book, so I know what command to run, but I don't know what to do after running netconfig. I'm using crunchbang right now to get access to the forums, so I know my internet works with this computer. I tried to set up a DHCP connection, but that didn't do anything. So I have two questions:

1.) How do I tell if I have a Static-IP, DHCP, or Loopback connection?

2.) Can I use Crunchbang to get the information I will need, since it connects to the internet like a pro?

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Slackware :: Connect To Internet With Wireless Adapter?

Jun 10, 2011

I recently moved out of state and don't have access to the net, however the neighbor of where I am staying is nice enough to let me leech off of her network till I get going. I know next to nothing about slackware and wireless networks since I have never had to mess with it. I have done my reading and have gotten this far.

1) wirelss card is installed and recognized, its a PCI b/g card that uses the ath5 module. The module is loaded and seems to be working.

2) I have heard wicd is easy so I installed it from /extra and it found my essid and accepted the wep password and it says connected at 45% and shows an IP.

however when I launch firefox or try to ping out nothing happens.

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Slackware :: Connect To Internet In Slack Ware KDE?

Dec 19, 2010

Recently i install slack ware 13.1 KDE into my laptop.Before that i used Ubuntu genome as my Os.
I am using my mobile broadband dongle to connect Internet.In the Ubuntu gnome, network manager applet appear and with that i can easily connect to Internet.
But in the slack ware KDE i couldnt find any way to connect my dongle.

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Slackware :: Install Firefox Add-Ons Without Internet Connection?

Mar 28, 2010

Does anyone know how to install Firefox Add-Ons without an Internet connection? I need to install Firebug on a Slackware 13 machine that's not connected to Internet

The version of Firefox is 3.5.2.

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Slackware :: Share Internet Via Cross Cable?

Jul 5, 2011

i have 2 laptop first one run fedora14 and Second run slackware 13.37 can i share internet via cross Cable?

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Slackware :: Internet Dropping For Short Burst

Jan 1, 2010

I'm running Slackware 64 on an HP AMD Turion X2 Dual Boot with Vista. I'm using WICD from KDE 4.?. I am having trouble with my internet connection dropping. Any software that it internet based seems to hang. After 45 to 90 sec the net seems to come back up. If the software doesn't hang I've been able to check WICD and the connection appears to be fine, but it isn't very descriptive, just that I am still connected. It can be an inconvenience for Firefox but is horrible for any online game.

The game drops you in the middle of a fight or lock the game up. I don't know that I've always had this issue but I can't recall these inconveniences at the beginning of my Slack install. I also can't make a connection to a given install or system tweak. Lastly I haven't seen anything in my searches on the net. But hopefully this isn't the only incidence. AND much as I hate to say this, I am not seeing this from Vista and my family has been on line all week from Windows and aren't having the issue.

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Slackware :: Unable To Connect To The Router Or The Internet

Feb 21, 2011

I am running Slackware -current. Every thing was working fine and suddenly it stopped. I am unable to connect to the router or the internet. Which is a problem since I'm using it right as a server.


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Slackware :: 3.0 - Unable To Connect To Internet Automatically

Jul 23, 2011

I'm running Linux, and when I upgraded to 3.0 by Mr. Hamaleers page here:


Everything worked fine. My computer was working too, but my internet wasn't. Since it works on the original kernel, I know that maybe it's something I was supposed to install as part of "make [variable]config" The network icon is there, but it doesn't connect automatically as does if that helps as a part of the description.

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Slackware :: Monitor And Log Internet Bandwidth Usage

Jan 2, 2010

I'm looking for a simple way to monitor and log my internet bandwidth usage. Not total network device usage, just internet usage.Something that provides a simple chart of daily, monthly, and yearly usage, but ignoring all bandwidth on my internal LAN.I notice several possible tools, such as vnstat, ntop, iftop. Yet all of them seem focused on tracking the entire network interface. I want to ignore LAN usage. I do not really care about LAN bandwidth.iftop seems intended only for on-the-fly usage and not cumulative logging. I can't tell whether vnstat or ntop can be configured to log only internet usage rather than all traffic through the network device.

I do not want to log every connection like squid. The utility should only log stats on a daily basis, but also be able to display cumulative totals from those daily entries.I don't need DNS resolution, port monitoring, etc.I prefer something that runs in the background as a service or daemon, but can provide statistics quickly with a terminal window. All I want is to view total daily, monthly, and yearly internet usage. Perhaps even pipe the output to a local email each day too.

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Slackware :: Cannot Even Ping Address Of Internet Provider

Dec 5, 2010

I have currently installed Slackware 13.1 64bit version on a laptop Acer computer. This computer is connected to my cable service (comcast) modem via a dlink router. This computer has linux and Windows 7 dual boot systems installed. Initially I was able to connect to the internet with either linux or Windows. Now I cannot get on the internet with linux, but I can with windows.

I cannot even ping the address of my internet provider,which I can obtain through windows 7 by running the program ipconfig. When I ping the address, in linux,it gives me the message that "network is unreachable".I can ping it in windows 7.If I run on linux the program ifconfig, it does not even show an ethernet, like it does on my other computer connected to this network.I set the thing up initially with netconfig and used DHCP.As I said, initially it worked.I did not use this computer for some time, and now it has the previously described problems.Where should I start, trying to run this down?I have already done everything I can think of,like powered things off, and reset the cable modem etc.

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