Slackware :: Mouse Not Working \ Jumps Alot And Usually Ends Up At The End Of The Screen Unable To Move?
Jan 4, 2010
slackware and am infact running Vector Linux which is slackware based. I used to use fedora on my old laptop got a new on and tried vector. The mouse on the new one doesn't seem to want to work properly, it jumps alot and usually ends up at the end of the screen unable to move, however does manage to click almost every icon on the screen and change desktops.A USB mouse works fine its just the touchpad.It's a Zoostorm Freedom and I can't even find the windows drivers for it let alone what i need for this. I tried editing the xorg.conf to stop the tab button, which doesn't do anything, installed the latest synaptics and still nothing, tried using what someone else uses and still nothing, I cant even find out what kind of mouse it is!?
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Oct 10, 2010
For about a month now, my mouse has been jumping to one of the corners of my screen every few minutes (normally the top-left). I also had a problem where the right mouse button would double-click 90% of the time.
I just replaced my mouse a few minutes ago, and now the right button works fine, but the cursor keeps jumping to the corner of the screen.
I'm fairly certain this is not a hardware problem, since switching mice did not fix the problem.
Both were PS2 corded laser mice.
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a dual-screen set-up with Ubuntu 10.10. I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 video card. I use my lower-resolution laptop screen on the left and a larger monitor on the right. The monitor is also physically higher than the monitor. See attachment for a screenshot.I have correctly set up my displays so that if the mouse is in the middle of the screen it can move from one screen to the other without jumping. The jumping happens when moving off of one screen in an area where the other screen is not directly next to it (some people call this 'the void').
Example: (See the attachment for a visual example of this.) My mouse is in the external monitor (right monitor). As I move the mouse to the top-left of the monitor (position 1), I by mistake go a little too far and instead of hitting the Ubuntu applications menu, I ended up at the top-right of the laptop monitor (left monitor; position 2). I quickly realize my mistake and move the mouse back to the right monitor, but now the mouse is at the middle-left position (position 3).This same error occurs by moving the mouse on the laptop monitor (left monitor) passed the bottom-right position. This is a big problem when scrolling vertical scroll bars on the laptop monitor (left monitor).I am looking for a fix that if the mouse is at position 1 in the attachment and I move the mouse left, it stays at position 1 and does not go to position 2.
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Jun 22, 2010
Biggest one that make game unplayable is mouse. Mouse isn't moving smooth it jumps around. I cannot shoot anything. So i asked for help, and everybody just say install windows. And where is fun in that. If people when ever run into problem with some software on linux just install windows. Linux would never go forward. I m not some great gamer, but i would like to be able to play this game. Probably somebody run into same problem. I sow that people talk about something like dis on WOW and wine but simptoms doesn't seem same to me.
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Mar 23, 2011
I have problem with my Slackware 13.1. When I run system under log in is "user" after 5 minutes system is hung! I can't move mouse and use keyboard! I didn't have this problem when I run system under log in is root. How I can decide this problem ?
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Apr 2, 2010
I installed SalixOS on my laptop just to play with when I'm bored. My laptop is nothing special, it's a couple of years old has a pentium dual core t2390 at 1.86Ghz and 3 GB ddr2 RAM with Intel video.
I then have a beast i7 920 clocked to 3331Mhz 6GB RAM, and an NVIDIA GT220. Full screen ..... at 720p is fine unless I move the mouse, then the whole picture freezes. Persistant mouse movement will freeze the screen for a few minutes. This machine runs both slack64 current and slack13 32 bits.
The slack box does much better with 32 bit flash than 64, but it still doesn't do nearly as well as the laptop.
With Salix and Slack being so close to each other supposedly I can't figure out why the hardware seems to be irrelevant. The only thing I can think of would be the video codecs installed by Salix, whereas I built a bunch of codecs myself for Slack.
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Jun 17, 2009
I have install fedora11 live and the mouse work well when installing.When you reboot the mouse works ok until the welcome screen apears then the mouse stops working and I cannot continue with the postinstall. I have a 1TB usb externalHD that I am installing fedora11 and have partitioned it so that I have 500Gb free for fedora, system is doucore 2.4,4gb RAm, I tryed doing this with three differend mice and connectting the mouse to different usb ports
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Jul 3, 2010
when im scrolling webpages via scroll wheel the pages MOST of the time will move the direction they're supposed to
however occasionally it will blip and in the middle of a downward scroll it will abruptly scroll upward one or two clicks
( lol not the physical mouse ! but the page )
ive checked the forums and everyone has problems w the 6th and 7th buttons ... and not the scroll wheel
oh and there are specific drivers on the razer website .. but are those safe to use on ubuntu?
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Oct 28, 2010
I am running 10.10 Netbook Edition. I added Terminal Server Client to the Unity Menu and I typically run it in Full Screen mode to manage serveral windows based servers. The problem is that TSC displays perfect in full screen (unity tool bar hidden) but when i move the mouse over to the left side of the screen i get the pop-up text balloons from the unity below it. I cannot click on any items along the left edge of the remote desktop window including the windows start key. I want to confirm if this is a bug? and how to report it if so.
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Aug 12, 2011
I have some problems with my Ubuntu 11.04 x64 Maybe it's the video card because moving the windows goes very slow Wine is also doing very strange because when I try to open a game the screen blacks out and can't move my mouse and then it crashes. I have the drivers installed of my ATI Radeon HD5650 ( fglrx)
PC/Ubuntu Info:
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May 21, 2010
I'm after fresh install of Fedora x64, did all updates. I have wireless pci card TP-LINK TL-wn510G (Atheros chipset) which was detected correctly.
Everything is working smoothly until I start to download from internet in firefox (or in konqueror - no difference). On increased network activity my mouse cursor starts to lag/jump when moving - it's almost impossible to do anything using mouse when there is file download. On minor traffic, like browsing webpages, I don't notice such behaviour.
I checked if its rather because of hdd activity not the network, but no - when copying big file on hdd everything works fine.
I'm also experiencing huge ssh lag/jitter despite the ping is low.
I fired top when downloading, but there is no process eating cpu in suspicious way.
I have a regular usb mouse.
On the same computer I have installed Win 7 and OpenSuse and nothing like this happens on that systems.
I think there might be a some kind of conflict between wifi card and usb mouse (they share resources) but don't know how to check/repair. Could you please tell me how should I proceed to check what is going on. I haven't modified any hw settings, the installation went w/o any errors.
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Jul 14, 2010
whenever I hold a key inside or outside of an application my mouse doesn't respond for several seconds then jumps. (this is a big problem in First Persion Shooters) I assume its a problem with xorg.conf
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Jun 11, 2009
I downloaded the Fedora 11 KDE livecd, installed it, and after the reboot when I get to that "firstboot" screen, I can't move the mouse, the keyboard doesn't work, I have to hold down the power button to turn off the computer.
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May 3, 2011
I'm not sure what to call the semi-transparent sidebar with a random collection of unconfigurable icons, but I don't think it's working properly.
1. When I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes I have to move my mouse back and forth, back and forth, several times.
2. What it's doing right now is even worse... it appears, but as soon as I move the mouse a *little* bit to the right to actually click an icon, it disappears.
What is causing this? Surely it's a bug? How do I make the sidebar the absolute top priority for the screen edge so that it always catches it and appears? how do I configure it? I can't right-click on the sidebar itself. I can right-click and remove some icons. Other icons, like the grayed-out (but still active) "recent files" thing cannot be removed.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a fedora 11 machine set up in a class room. Every time I plug the Smart Board in, the mouse jumps to the top left corner and every time I move the mouse it jumps back there again.As soon as I unplug the Smart Board the mouse goes back to normal.I have used the exact same Smart Board with a Fedora 10 machine without any problems.ideas on what could be causing this problem and how I could fix it
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Dec 15, 2009
I attempted to do the upgrade from 11 to 12 with the Preupgrade Assistant. Unfortunatly something went terribly wrong. Everything went well, excluding the size of partition error, untill the reboot. I did have to remove two previous installs. Now grub gives me an option to upgrade to Fedora 12. When I select this the screen runs code quickly and the screen goes blank with alot of disk activity. Then nothing. Is there a method of recovering this install? I am fairly new to Linux Administration and I am just knowledgable enough to mess things up.
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Jun 11, 2011
i just installed openSuse and i have very little experience with linux OS. I used this guide to setup my two monitors and they are both running ok but i have the following problem:My mouse pointer can go to the second monitor without a problem, but i can't move a window there. When i move the window to the edge of the screen it just resizes it. it doesn't move it to the next screen.
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Mar 18, 2010
using any sort of rxvt-based terminal with TERM set to rxvt (or rxvt-unicode) then ^L will not clear the screen, only act as newline. This is not the behavior I see on Debian or CentOS. I have the same user environment at each site. Using urxvt on centos, ^L will clear the screen like readline(3) says it should. If I then ssh to slackware, it won't. exporting TERM=xterm will cause the correct behavior after having logged in to slackware, but I'd rather understand why this is happening. I've tried moving aside all the shell startup scripts, setting clear-screen explicitly in .inputrc, setting stty sane nothing doing. Am I missing something?
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Jan 31, 2011
Kernel, GNU/Linux (Slackware 12.0)
xfce 4.4
Qt 3.3.8
KDE 3.5.7
KGet v. 0.8.5
I've just installed all of the packages in disks 1 and 2 of the slack 12.0 distro so, among them, I have the slack series kde/ installed. I run xfce as the desktop environment, which is able to run KDE apps. In main menu>Network there is kget, a download manager and also supposedly a p2p client. I ran it and it said "It is the 1st time you run kget. Do you want to make the default download manager?". I replied "No". As nothing happened I restarted X (the startx command ends up running xfce), ran kget again, and it made the same question, which this time I answered in the affirmative.
Again nothing happened. So I tried to download some file from the web, in the hope that a kget window would open. But no window opened nor anything else happened! In the console, I did 'ps -e' and there it was, however. So I began the search for documentation. First I ran khelpcenter, and was presented with the kget help. It was all about menus. However, typing kget --help-all in a console, gives almost two screens of information. And I tried several commands, from the GUI, following the syntax displayed by this command, but it was no use. So, I finally had to fall back on LQ, like so many times.
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Apr 6, 2010
I've upgraded from Slackware 11 to 12.2 and now my mouse cursor just sits there in the middle of the screen! I've managed (using the keypad to move the mouse cursor) to edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config config file, but all to no avail. I've googled for an answer but I don't understand all the talk about "blacklist". I've got a Pentium 4, 101 keyboard, ps 2 mouse.
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Sep 30, 2010
so, I compiled the kernel yesterday and used the config from doing make oldconfig,etc
its the vanilla kernel with BFS, BFQ[*], Tuxonice, aufs2, & squashfs-lzma patches after compiling and rebooting I have noticed that the mouse freezes whenever the pc cpu is running high cpu % this didnt happen before with any other kernel and as I said, I used the config Has anyone else had issues with kernel? hardware is amd athlon64 3300+ 2.4ghz 1GB RAM, on 32bit Slackware -current I am going to compile the vanilla kernel now and see what happens.
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Mar 16, 2011
I just installed the brand new 11.4 on an old Dell Optiplex GX280 box. After the proxy been set, I tried to open firefox but then, all jumps back to the log in screen. The same happens when I try to open pgadmin. After logging in, all the open windows are gone.
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Aug 21, 2010
I installed 10.04 on new computer for office, got everything working great at home with old 15" monitor, took to office hooked up to Multisync 97f monitor, and not recognized 640x480 is best. I Have onboard Geforce 6150se/ 430 and have the newest driver installed from Nvidia 256.44. I tried to install everything that said multisync in synaptics but screen jumps around when trying to click on anything because it don't fit right.
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Dec 13, 2009
I'm running a Fujitsu Lifebook T5010 with Linux Fedora Release 12 and the mouse is way too sensitive, jumps all over the screen when I touch it, especially if 2 fingers touch at the same time. I've tried all the system settings and nothing helps. It works fine with Windows XP Professional.
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Sep 19, 2010
After upgrade to Slackware 13.0 (then 13.1, then -current) I still have problems using the secondary video output on my old and trusted Toshiba Satellite (Intel chipset 852GM/855GM). This used to work with Slackware 12.x! The problem manifests itself by jumpiness on the secondary port. The jumps appear with any video update (eg. window focusing, but also with the updates from the Clock or the CPU graph).
This is very annoying, particularly because I use this machine to teach. In only one combination (with a NEC NP-100 projector) I can solve the problem by reprogramming the Framerate to 70 or 75 Hz. After reading many mails and references on the 'net, testing a lot of the solutions to no avail, I'm more confused than ever. And no visible improvement either. Here are a couple of the tests I did:
1) I added i915.modeset=1 to LILO. This helped in the sense that now, in text mode, the 2nd video output remains working, which is slightly useful. But no improvement after startx.
2) Xorg.0.log says:
(II) intel: Driver for Intel.....
then, continues with:
(II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa
Why are both drivers signalled here? (solved this by generating a new config with Xorg -configure, but no difference)
3) The intel driver says (in Xorg.log): compiled for 1.7.6, while X -version says 1.7.7 (is this significant?)
4) After this, the line
(EE) intel(1): No kernel modesetting driver detected appears in the Xorg log. This wasn't there when no xorg.conf was present.
5) On the other hand, without an xorg.conf, there was a line complaining about a missing 'fbdev', this seems solved afterwards.
6) Just in case, tried software cursor on/off.
7) Maybe unrelated: After enabling modesetting (which should have been enabled by default),LCD brightness resumes correctly after 'sleep'(before, it would switch to low brightness every time).
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Oct 10, 2010
I just recently installed Slackware onto a virtual machine(I'm planning on buying a new disc drive and 1 TB HDD with-in the next couple of months and plan on Slackware being my primary OS[right now Mac OS X 10.6 is]), and everything went great.
I then went onto edit the /etc/inittab file in emacs and changed the run-level to 4. I don't know why it's decided that I'd want to boot into KDE when XFCE is installed and in the configuration I selected XFCE but it's not really relevant(I have a WM guide thing open in another tab and will probably be able to change it).
The problem is, as the vague title may suggest, is that it basically freezes when I'm at the log-in screen. The input field for the username is highlighted and blinking, and the cursor it self is visible in the centre of the screen, but it simply doesn't pick up on any input from my keyboard or mouse.
I tried booting up the install CD and logging in as root, mounting sda4(which is the root partition) and editing said file but sudo isn't installed(to my knowledge) on the install disc and when I do the command,
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Nov 27, 2010
I decided to install Ubuntu on my desktop after the setup went well on my laptop and I liked the OS. I already had Windows 7 and Backtrack 9 installed on my HDD, so when I was in setup I took the 200gb partition for BT9 and formatted SDA5 to ext3 with "/" as the root. Then checked "format" and selected SDA5 from dropdown list and continued to install.Everything went smooth in the installation and I was prompted to reboot which I did assuming I would soon see a GRUB screen. Instead I got an error saying
"Grub loading stage1.5.
Grub loading, please wait...
error 15"
and then the computer just freezes. I've tried to boot from CD but I just get "CD-ROM Boot Priority ...Boot Ready" and then after about 30 seconds it tries to boot from the HDD and I get the same error.I've read that I need to configure GRUB somehow but I have no idea how to do that and I can't boot anything from a CD because it just waits and then jumps to the HDD. I guess what i'm asking is if there is a way to configure GRUB from the BIOS menu or make it possible to be able to boot from a CD.
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Jan 25, 2011
I got a problem with my opensuse 11.3 machine. Sometimes it doesn't boot up correctly and ends with a frozen white screen. It's not just x that is broken the whole pc is frozen as I can not ping or ssh into my machine
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Jun 6, 2009
I'm on a LG E500-VAP36P, with 3gb RAM, 250 Gb SATA HDD (Kubuntu Hardy kernel 2.6.27-9-generic), and my keyboard and my usb mouse don't work at the login screen. My touchpad works and my keyboard works in command-line session. This is my xorg.conf. I also attach a relevant part of my syslog.
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier"Generic Keyboard"
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Dec 19, 2010
I installed Ubuntu a couple of months ago using the Wubi installer.Today, I went to restart my PC, but soon after hitting 'Restart' the computer became unresponsive. I couldn't get any keyboard/mouse input to register on screen, so I did a force shut down by holding down the power button. When I turned the computer back on, I selected Ubuntu from the boot menu. The computer printed some messages that passed by relatively quickly so I'm not sure exactly what they said, but it was something along the lines of "NTFS3: wubibuilder failed to load", and then it went straight back to the boot menu. Tried again and again with no success, so I loaded my Windows 7 install to investigate from there. I found a link to Explore2fs on these forums, so I loaded it up, but it apparently can't locate my Ubuntu partition, or at least I don't see my files. I ran the Wubi installer again to see what it would say, and it tells me that a previous installation was detected, and gives me the option to uninstall. Does anyone have an idea of what went wrong,
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