Slackware :: Installing The Compiz On 13.1?

Nov 12, 2010

I have ati radeon hd2400, I downloaded drivers from ati's site and install it on mu laptop. How to install compiz on Slackware 13.1 (x64)?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Compiz 0.9.0 From Source?

Jul 4, 2010

installing compiz 0.9.0 from source

ive downloaded the source tar.gz from here,

but i do not know how to install it (USUALLY USE .debs, ppa, .sh

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Slackware :: Enabling The Compiz In 13.1?

Jun 12, 2010

i have a problem with my slack box.i want an eye candy desktop (actually i didn't need this, but i want to show my friends that linux distro eye candy desktop can beat windows).I'm using KDE desktop effect, but i didn't satisfy with this, cause i have been test compiz in my PC (using ubuntu), the effects is more smooth than KDE desktop Xorg config is using vesa (i didn't know that linux kernel didn't have my 'Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)' driver. How do i enable the driver? (cause in ubuntu, works like a charms)in my slack box compiz version : compiz-0.8.6-i486-1 how do i enable compiz (cause i want to use XFCE + compiz too)

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Ubuntu :: Icons Changing On Their Own After Installing Compiz?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm using an Acer Aspire One with ubuntu 10.10 Desktop/Netbook and Kubuntu 10.10 installed.I'm using Compiz for the window manager and Emerald for the decorator. I know my problem has something to do with compiz because after uninstalling it, the problem went away, so I'm hoping I'm just missing a setting somewhere.After installing compiz, my icons/system theme (not my window decorations) will change on their own,(Please see attached screenshots) and even when I choose, let's say, 'ambiance' in the appearance menu, the panels for gnome will change, but the icons will not. the only way i can get the ubuntu mono-dark icons to reappear is to logout/restart, etc. However, it will still switch to unity icons on a seemingly random basis. It is a little thing, but it is driving me crazy

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Ubuntu :: Only Desktop Wallpaper After Installing Compiz?

Jun 23, 2011

installed compiz but it didn't work! , i rebooted and logged in again..all menus disappeared .i can't access my apps,net ..... any idea what caused that and how to fix please?

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Slackware :: DBUS / Compiz In Slack 13.1?

Jul 9, 2010

i installed compiz fusion on my slack 13.1 i installed in the good order all the packages nevetheless when i try to use DBUS in command line i don't have any response from compiz
here is one example

dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.compiz /org/freedesktop/compiz/switcher/allscreens/next org.freedesktop.compiz.activate string:'root' int32:`xwininfo -root | grep id: | awk '{ print $4 }'`but no reaction .what can i check to have a functionnal DBUS ?

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Slackware :: Enabling Compiz In Another Users On Same PC ?

Jun 20, 2010

I have installed compiz in slakcware 13.1 32 bit. i enable compiz in KDE + emerald (until this step, i didn't encounter a problem). But after i want to enable compiz in same PC and same OS but different username, the window decoration show same problem, it's missing !

That problem occur when i use KDE (it's same window manager that i use to install compiz in the first user). but if the second user use XFCE and i enable compiz + emerald, it's didn't show any's perfect.

But the problem is, if the second user want to use KDE desktop and enable compiz...that problem occur again...

This is my xorg-vesa.conf


I'm using VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

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Slackware :: How To Get Compiz Working In XFCE

Mar 19, 2010

Anybody got compiz in xfce working or have some apps, widgets, themes or other fun stuff to share? Like a netbook spin/remix and or a slackware edition.

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Fedora :: Installing Simple Compiz Config Manager?

Sep 11, 2010

Going through the forums I read a post, where it was told to rebuild a package... But unfortunately, I didnt understand a thing which was mentioned in the building rpm tutorail that I reffered... The replacement to that package which was mentioned in the same post was unavailable.

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Ubuntu :: After Installing 10.10 Widget Layer In Compiz Is Missing?

Oct 16, 2010

I backed everything up and did a complete re-install of the system to 10.10. I had a widget layer with compiz before I did this and now it is not even an option in the preferences. Am I missing something?

I was running 10.10 before as well and it was there.

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Slackware :: 3D Windows Compiz Plugin Isn't Working

Jan 1, 2011

I've just finished installing slack on my new computer, and after about 20 minutes of hair-pulling agony, I've gotten compiz working properly except for one plugin; the 3D windows plugin (windows hover over cube on rotate). I think it might be a corrupted ccsm- whenever I check the box next to the plugin, then try to rotate the cube, it is unchecked. Anyway, I know my graphics card (Geforce 6200 256Mb pci-e) is powerful enough to handle it since the driver installed properly and the effect worked on the knoppix live disk I used for partitioning. I'm running xfce and using emerald as the window decorator if it helps at all. It does the same thing with both animation packs.

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Slackware :: Error Building Compiz 0.8.4 From Source - 13

Dec 16, 2009

I've been trying to install Compiz 0.8.4 from the source code provided by the Compiz people.

However, when I run make on the first set of code (compiz-0.8.4 tar package), it halts with the following error:


As well as --disable-gconf and --disable-gnome since gnome isn't install on Slackware (I've also tried it without those, but it picks up on it anyway and throws them out). The folder I'm running this from is /root/Desktop/Compiz Fusion/compiz-0.8.4.

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Slackware :: Compiz Found Incompatible With GSB Gnome3

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to install compiz with a completely new install of slackware64-13.37. I had been using gsb gnome2 and compiz 0.8.6 under slackware64-13.1. I installed gsb gnome3 and, to my chagrin, found out that it is incompatible with compiz. I'm afraid I'm not "LEET" enough to install the old gnome (gnome2) pkg by pkg. Which version of compiz did you successfully install and in which desktop?

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OpenSUSE :: No Window Decorations On Compiz (Gnome 2) After Installing 11.4 64bit / Get It?

Sep 10, 2011

After installing opensuse 11.4 (64bit- gnome 2), enabling compiz effects makes windows' decorations disappear.
I can solve this by doing

gtk-window-manager --replace

but I have to do this every log in.

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Software :: No Window Borders With Compiz XFCE On Slackware 13?

Sep 6, 2009

I've been using Slackware for about five years but I've never been bothered about compiz so it's all a bit new to me. Since I installed Slackware 13 (64bit) yesterday I noticed that compiz is one of the pre-installed packages so I thought I'd give it a blast.

I should probably have done a bit more research but I read on a forum that running "compiz --replace" will replace the default window manager with compiz so I gave it a try. The problem is that now none of my windows have borders so I can't move them or do anything. The worst part about the whole affair is that I can't even figure out how to revert to whatever the old window manager was.

EDIT : Just thought I'd add that I'm using XFCE.

EDIT++ : I've managed to revert the window manager by deleting my .cache directory. XFCE obviously maintainted the apps that were running and one of them was compiz. Now just to figure out how I can get compiz working. I presume emerald is the key...

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Slackware :: Firefox - Unable To Get Correct Display After Using Compiz In 13.1?

Jun 19, 2010

after i installed compiz, and enable compiz. a problem happen... my firefox (3.6.3) display it's kinda odd, it's like the firefox graphics has been cutted every i move to another tab, this problem occur too when i scroll the web page (the graphics cutted).

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Slackware :: Compiz-Fusion 0.8.4 Causes Text Corruption In Aterm On 13.1?

May 31, 2010

From time to time, I check out the latest compiz-fusion just to play around with it. Everything compiles and installs just fine under my Slackware64 13.1 install, and I follow the build order that's been posted here and on When I switch over to compiz and emerald from Xfwm4 using fusion-icon, everything looks just fine. However, all of the text that *I* input into aterm is corrupted. Using the xfce terminal doesn't seem to be a problem. When I move the cursor using the arrow keys, a similar type of display corruption occurs. When I close aterm, an outline of the window remains until I tell fusion-icon to reload the window manager.

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Slackware :: Start Compiz And Plugins From Command Line

May 20, 2010

I've been searching for hours now on how to start compiz from command line and configure the plugins. I just want to use the compiz core package in Slackware (no add-ons for now). I've figured out starting compiz

compiz --replace
and the windows decorator

gtk-window-decorator --replace
kde-window-decorator --replace
for gtk based or kde respectively. I know how to start the plugins (by putting their names in the compiz command), but not what all of their command line names are.

What I'm looking for is all the console names of the base plugins (and eventually the others too), the order they need to be started in (if any), how to automatically start compiz when X starts, and how to change plugin settings (all without ccsm). How to do the above stuff without the use of a graphical tool.

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Slackware :: Using Compiz-fusion As A Standalone Window Manager?

Jan 13, 2011

i found this it has screenshots of exactly what i'm looking for, but i cant actually get it to work when following their instructions. i create the fusion.desktop file and the file, but they do not show up in xwmconfig or KDM. is there something in particular for slackware that i have to do to add the .desktop entry to my list of sessions?

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Ubuntu :: After Installing Fglrx, Kde4-window-decorator Crashes When Run Compiz?

Sep 24, 2010

I was using the open source ATI drivers and KDE's compositing worked, so I hadn't installed compiz. I wanted to try fglrx because I thought a) I might be able to get temperature readings, and b) it might stop Kubuntu from making my computer incredibly hot (in Windows 7 it stays cool). So I installed fglrx by enabling it in the restricted hardware drivers thing, and things worked, but compositing was disabled and no matter what I did I couldn't enable it. So I installed compiz. When I run compiz, I get the following output:

toby@tensile:~$ compiz --replace
Starting kde4-window-decorator


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General :: Installing Compiz - /var/cache/apt/archives/udvev-151-3-i386.deb ERROR

Apr 4, 2010

I was installing compiz on my machine and towards the end of installation i got an error saying:
dpkg:error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/udev-151-3-i386.deb

The program returned valude 1 or something towards that direction. I rebooted my X server however i got an error saying X server encountered a problem. I did apt-get install compiz and found out that many dependencies were missing so i tried apt-get -f install but i got the same error message at the end of the day. Im currently booted on windows XP.

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General :: Installing Slackware On IDE Hard Rive Boot From Slackware DVD?

Jan 23, 2010

I try to install Slackware to my IDE hard drive and boot first from Slackware DVD. After I loaded huge.s kernel, and tried to partition the hard drive using fdisk by entering "fdisk /dev/hda", I found out that the partition size is max to 3 Gigs instead of 80 Gigs.

I think the kernel is looking at my boot disk, which is around 3 Gigs. How can I make so that it looks at my IDE drive instead at my boot drive? Is there any manual that shows me how to install Linux from scratch this means I want to wipe out all my hard disk and install Slackware Linux there?

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Slackware :: Installing NVIDIA 256.53 Driver In Slackware 13.1 - Unable To Get It Moved

Oct 9, 2010

I started a thread asking for advice in the hardware forum. I didn't want to post a duplicate thread, but I was unable to get it moved here, so I'm kindly asking you slackers to help me install the aforementioned driver.

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Slackware :: Compiz-fusion Window Focus Not Properly Switching?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm hoping that this is a stupid question with a very simple answer that I just can't find.I've been playing around with compiz-fusion on -current64. When I have two windows open, if I close the top, active window, I would expect that the next window in the stack would receive the focus. However, it does not. I have to alt-tab to it or click it with the mouse.

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Slackware :: Installing New Software On Slackware 13 X64 / Especially Python

Mar 26, 2010

I'm now up and running on slackware 13 x64. I have noticed that the version of Python installed was 2.6.2 but there were a lot of bug fixes between this and 2.6.5. What is the best way to get 2.6.5 running on my machine. Do I have to install from source or is anybody aware of any packages that have been released?

Again, I'm not too familiar with package management systems on Slackware as I have always installed from source but this became a bit of a bind recently as updating software to newer versions involved a lot of hard work. Can anybody give me an ideas on the packaging systems available, the best ones to use, and where I can find information about the packages related to the package managers?

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Slackware :: Installing 13.1 Over Windows XP - Run Slackware And Slackware Only

Dec 19, 2010

I have been given the task to install slackware 13.1 over windows. I have downloaded and copied slackware 13.1 on to a disk, and rebooted the computer, but i am not getting what all the tutorials have shown. I have been looking for tutorials that specifically instruct me as to how to install slackware 13.1 on to a windows xp. I am not trying to dual run I just simply want to run slackware and slackware only.

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Slackware :: Installing A VM Slackware On RHEL5.5?

Oct 11, 2010

When i install slackware12 on xen,no matter in http or ftp,there is always a error as follows.

[root@lx xen]# virt-install --prompt
What is the name of your virtual machine? slk
How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 1024
What would you like to use as the disk (file path)? /xen/slk
How large would you like the disk (/xen/slk) to be (in gigabytes)? 10
What is the install URL?


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Slackware :: Installing Alsa On Slackware?

May 11, 2010

How should I go about installing alsa and making it start on boot?

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Slackware :: Installing Flash In Slackware 13?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to install the latest version of Flash in Slackware 13 on a 32 bit machine. Adobe seems to have rpm and deb installers, but there's no TXZ. Normally, tar.gz wouldn't be a problem, but the package they have there only contains a shared library. No installation script, no readme, no nothing. Further, the SlackBuild is for an outdated version, and the installation doesn't work.

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Slackware :: Installing Msttcorefonts In Slackware-13?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a problem with the cyrillic and writing in Bulgarian in text files (In the Pidgin I have not problem). I saw that if I install the windows fonts this will resolve the problem, but I can't find slackware package and even source package.

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