Slackware :: Enabling The Compiz In 13.1?

Jun 12, 2010

i have a problem with my slack box.i want an eye candy desktop (actually i didn't need this, but i want to show my friends that linux distro eye candy desktop can beat windows).I'm using KDE desktop effect, but i didn't satisfy with this, cause i have been test compiz in my PC (using ubuntu), the effects is more smooth than KDE desktop Xorg config is using vesa (i didn't know that linux kernel didn't have my 'Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)' driver. How do i enable the driver? (cause in ubuntu, works like a charms)in my slack box compiz version : compiz-0.8.6-i486-1 how do i enable compiz (cause i want to use XFCE + compiz too)

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Slackware :: Enabling Compiz In Another Users On Same PC ?

Jun 20, 2010

I have installed compiz in slakcware 13.1 32 bit. i enable compiz in KDE + emerald (until this step, i didn't encounter a problem). But after i want to enable compiz in same PC and same OS but different username, the window decoration show same problem, it's missing !

That problem occur when i use KDE (it's same window manager that i use to install compiz in the first user). but if the second user use XFCE and i enable compiz + emerald, it's didn't show any's perfect.

But the problem is, if the second user want to use KDE desktop and enable compiz...that problem occur again...

This is my xorg-vesa.conf


I'm using VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

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Ubuntu :: Compiz And 11.04 - Enabling Desktop Cube Screwed Up Unity?

Apr 28, 2011

I installed with the image, running alongside Windows 7 on my desktop. I hadn't been in Ubuntu on my laptop for awhile, and hadn't experienced the 11.04 alpha's yet, so I didn't know there would be substantial changes. Obviously, Unity instead of Gnome surprised me a bit, but I have liked it so far.

But here lies the problem. I installed Compiz and ccsm through the software center, then went to enable the desktop cube and rotating cube. I clicked enable/disable on everything that popped up, but I think I must have disabled Unity (whoops). The whole desktop basically disappeared; that is, the dock on the left was gone and the window borders disappeared. I was able to close the windows with Alt+F4, but then couldn't open anything back up. The Super key didn't activate the dock, so it's not like it was hiding. I thought no problem, it'll start back up when I reboot. No dice. Still just the background, nothing to interact with. Only way to do anything is to reboot into with Ctrl+Alt+Dlt.

how do I fix this? Ha sorry for not reading forums beforehand, as I could've avoided this problem. Haven't found any threads on how to fix it, so I decided to start my own.

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General :: Desktop Icons Tiny After Enabling 3d Effects (compiz) / Fix It?

Apr 8, 2010

For some reason my desktop icons have decided to be very small and can't be changed (systemsettings/appearances/icons/advanced) It happened after I enabled and downloaded the files need for compiz. I have disabled compiz and now have no 3D desktop effects, but still cannot alter the desktop icon size. What have I done?

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Slackware :: Enabling Encryption Using Wicd?

Sep 26, 2010

I have been using wicd successfully for some time, lately with slackware 12. However, when traveling I sometimes find a place that gives an error message "encryption must be enabled".Probably this means that wpa-supplicant must be set up right, but I do not know how to do that.I have wicd starting at startup, then I type wicd on the command line until a prompt does not return, go to a different window, type wicd-client, then start kde and use its link to start wicd. So frequently this works fine; I get a connection to something I have a user name and password for, or am in a coffee shop where no such are required. But sometimes I get the above message. This happened to me in a coffee shop in Helsinki where I was given a user name and password, but still got the above message and could not proceed.

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Slackware :: Enabling Sleep / Hibernate - Buttons On Thinkpad X32 (13.1)

Jul 26, 2010

I have some problems getting some of the buttons on my Thinkpad working properly. Volume buttons, thinklight, etc. work through tpb. It's the other buttons (sleep, hibernate, etc.) that are causing problems. The wireless radio button also works. I can hibernate and suspend successfully from the command-line using pm-suspend, etc. I have copied the 30-keymap-module-thinkpad-acpi.fdi file to /etc/hal/fdi/policy, where it sits alongside my UK keyboard layout policy (10-keymap.fdi). In this file, I have edited the 'radio' button to call a 'bluetooth' event instead, but it seems to be ignored and pressing Fn+F5 toggles both bluetooth and wlan radios and not just bluetooth... Is there something I have to do to merge the 2 files together? Or do I have to rename the thinkpad .fdi file so I have 10-keymap.fdi and 30-keymap.fdi?

I have the tpb daemon running but it's set not to block keystrokes and when I run xev and press the key combination for sleep, it reports 'xf86sleep' correctly, hibernate reports 'xf86suspend', etc., so I know the keys are getting recognized in some form... However, it seems that the HAL daemon is not picking up these events and running the corresponding commands. I am a member of the 'power' group, nevertheless, even running as root does not seem to make any difference. Finally, I am running wmii as a windowmanager with no desktop environment, and none of these buttons is configured in the window manager. hald should be picking up the events but it seems it isn't

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Slackware :: Installing The Compiz On 13.1?

Nov 12, 2010

I have ati radeon hd2400, I downloaded drivers from ati's site and install it on mu laptop. How to install compiz on Slackware 13.1 (x64)?

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Slackware :: DBUS / Compiz In Slack 13.1?

Jul 9, 2010

i installed compiz fusion on my slack 13.1 i installed in the good order all the packages nevetheless when i try to use DBUS in command line i don't have any response from compiz
here is one example

dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.compiz /org/freedesktop/compiz/switcher/allscreens/next org.freedesktop.compiz.activate string:'root' int32:`xwininfo -root | grep id: | awk '{ print $4 }'`but no reaction .what can i check to have a functionnal DBUS ?

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Slackware :: How To Get Compiz Working In XFCE

Mar 19, 2010

Anybody got compiz in xfce working or have some apps, widgets, themes or other fun stuff to share? Like a netbook spin/remix and or a slackware edition.

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Slackware :: 3D Windows Compiz Plugin Isn't Working

Jan 1, 2011

I've just finished installing slack on my new computer, and after about 20 minutes of hair-pulling agony, I've gotten compiz working properly except for one plugin; the 3D windows plugin (windows hover over cube on rotate). I think it might be a corrupted ccsm- whenever I check the box next to the plugin, then try to rotate the cube, it is unchecked. Anyway, I know my graphics card (Geforce 6200 256Mb pci-e) is powerful enough to handle it since the driver installed properly and the effect worked on the knoppix live disk I used for partitioning. I'm running xfce and using emerald as the window decorator if it helps at all. It does the same thing with both animation packs.

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Slackware :: Error Building Compiz 0.8.4 From Source - 13

Dec 16, 2009

I've been trying to install Compiz 0.8.4 from the source code provided by the Compiz people.

However, when I run make on the first set of code (compiz-0.8.4 tar package), it halts with the following error:


As well as --disable-gconf and --disable-gnome since gnome isn't install on Slackware (I've also tried it without those, but it picks up on it anyway and throws them out). The folder I'm running this from is /root/Desktop/Compiz Fusion/compiz-0.8.4.

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Slackware :: Compiz Found Incompatible With GSB Gnome3

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to install compiz with a completely new install of slackware64-13.37. I had been using gsb gnome2 and compiz 0.8.6 under slackware64-13.1. I installed gsb gnome3 and, to my chagrin, found out that it is incompatible with compiz. I'm afraid I'm not "LEET" enough to install the old gnome (gnome2) pkg by pkg. Which version of compiz did you successfully install and in which desktop?

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Software :: No Window Borders With Compiz XFCE On Slackware 13?

Sep 6, 2009

I've been using Slackware for about five years but I've never been bothered about compiz so it's all a bit new to me. Since I installed Slackware 13 (64bit) yesterday I noticed that compiz is one of the pre-installed packages so I thought I'd give it a blast.

I should probably have done a bit more research but I read on a forum that running "compiz --replace" will replace the default window manager with compiz so I gave it a try. The problem is that now none of my windows have borders so I can't move them or do anything. The worst part about the whole affair is that I can't even figure out how to revert to whatever the old window manager was.

EDIT : Just thought I'd add that I'm using XFCE.

EDIT++ : I've managed to revert the window manager by deleting my .cache directory. XFCE obviously maintainted the apps that were running and one of them was compiz. Now just to figure out how I can get compiz working. I presume emerald is the key...

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Slackware :: Firefox - Unable To Get Correct Display After Using Compiz In 13.1?

Jun 19, 2010

after i installed compiz, and enable compiz. a problem happen... my firefox (3.6.3) display it's kinda odd, it's like the firefox graphics has been cutted every i move to another tab, this problem occur too when i scroll the web page (the graphics cutted).

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Slackware :: Compiz-Fusion 0.8.4 Causes Text Corruption In Aterm On 13.1?

May 31, 2010

From time to time, I check out the latest compiz-fusion just to play around with it. Everything compiles and installs just fine under my Slackware64 13.1 install, and I follow the build order that's been posted here and on When I switch over to compiz and emerald from Xfwm4 using fusion-icon, everything looks just fine. However, all of the text that *I* input into aterm is corrupted. Using the xfce terminal doesn't seem to be a problem. When I move the cursor using the arrow keys, a similar type of display corruption occurs. When I close aterm, an outline of the window remains until I tell fusion-icon to reload the window manager.

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Slackware :: Start Compiz And Plugins From Command Line

May 20, 2010

I've been searching for hours now on how to start compiz from command line and configure the plugins. I just want to use the compiz core package in Slackware (no add-ons for now). I've figured out starting compiz

compiz --replace
and the windows decorator

gtk-window-decorator --replace
kde-window-decorator --replace
for gtk based or kde respectively. I know how to start the plugins (by putting their names in the compiz command), but not what all of their command line names are.

What I'm looking for is all the console names of the base plugins (and eventually the others too), the order they need to be started in (if any), how to automatically start compiz when X starts, and how to change plugin settings (all without ccsm). How to do the above stuff without the use of a graphical tool.

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Slackware :: Using Compiz-fusion As A Standalone Window Manager?

Jan 13, 2011

i found this it has screenshots of exactly what i'm looking for, but i cant actually get it to work when following their instructions. i create the fusion.desktop file and the file, but they do not show up in xwmconfig or KDM. is there something in particular for slackware that i have to do to add the .desktop entry to my list of sessions?

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Slackware :: Compiz-fusion Window Focus Not Properly Switching?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm hoping that this is a stupid question with a very simple answer that I just can't find.I've been playing around with compiz-fusion on -current64. When I have two windows open, if I close the top, active window, I would expect that the next window in the stack would receive the focus. However, it does not. I have to alt-tab to it or click it with the mouse.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Won't Work Using The Compiz Ppa

Feb 19, 2011

As said here: [URl] I want the sphere deformation, but that needs the PPA apparently (I can't find it anywhere in the default compiz Ubuntu 10.10 ships with.) Compiz starts, but it says it can't load plugin 'decoration.'

Backend : ini
Integration : true
Profile : default
Adding plugins
Initializing core options...done
Initializing move options...done
Initializing resize options...done
Initializing place options...done

compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'decoration'

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Fedora :: Change Default Window Manager To "compiz-manager" Compiz Wrapper?

Nov 28, 2010

I spent *#@$ hours trying to figure out how to change my default window manager to "compiz-manger".I tried using gconf-editor and .gnomercAnybody has an idea how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Enabling CPU Frequency For 9.10?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a n2pap-lite motherboard with a AMD Sempron 2800+. My host clock is at 133mhz when it needs to at least be at 166mhz to be a AMD Sempron 2800+... I installed the system on 100mhz clock not thinking that it mattered.

I tried the following

sudo apt-get install rcconf
sudo rcconf
*Disabled "ondemand"

It says on guides that it will ask me to reboot but it doesn't, so I manually did it and put the CPU Frequency Monitor on my taskbar. It does not have the options like it shows in the screenshots to set my CPU frequency..

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enabling Zip On PHP 5.3 On 10.04?

Jun 4, 2010

Anyone could teach me what is the "correct" method to enable the php Zip extension in a PHP 5.3 on a Ubuntu 10.04?

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General :: Enabling And Disabling DCA ?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm using Linux Kernel version 2.6.33 on a server with Intel Xeon X5570.

I assume that Intel's DCA is already enabled on my system, because I see


I would like to test the effects of with and without DCA. How can I disable DCA?

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CentOS 5 :: Enabling Vga-out On A Laptop?

Mar 17, 2009

doc/tip/web page with some info on how to enable the vga-out port on my laptop?

I need it so I can hook it to a projector when I'm teaching a class or giving a presentation

I've read the centos on laptos wiki but I found nothing of assistance.

I'm using centos 5.2 on an HP 550 laptop, everything else works like a charm

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CentOS 5 :: Enabling C99 Tyes In C++?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a C application in which I was happily using stdint.h and other useful things like UINT32_MAX. Now, I am trying to move over to C++. Turns out, C++ does not support C99 and there is no equivalent header file (like climits for limits.h). So is there a way to enable C99 types in C++? Or any other equivalent header files?

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Fedora Networking :: Enabling The Network In 11?

Jul 22, 2009

when I tried to configure network I came across a problem that the enable button on top of network manager GUI is disabled. So alternatively I enabled it with ifconfig command. I also configured DNS servers. But the problem is whenever I reboot my machine. I have to reactivate the network from terminal and give the DNS servers again, because DNS settings are not saved.

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Fedora :: Enabling Libfaac In Ffmpeg?

Nov 24, 2009

Is there an easy way to enable libfaac in ffmpeg? I'm hoping to not have to compile it myself, but it appears that it was compiled without libfaac support. Not sure if what I'm using is from rpmfusion, but it's enabled.

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Fedora Servers :: Enabling Sqlite In 12?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble with a web server running Fedora 12. Apache works fine, and serves up php content without a hitch. My problem is SQLite -- I thought that it was built into php5, but support is disabled in the repo version. phpinfo shows this as part of the configure command:

'--without-sqlite' ... '--disable-pdo' ... '--without-sqlite3'

The only solution I've read anywhere is "compile php from source," but I'd like to avoid that if possible, for ease of future upgrades. Is there a way to convince php to use sqlite despite its current state?

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Fedora :: Permanently Enabling Repos ?

Feb 4, 2010

I have various repos in my yum.repos.d including rawhide, google, and various others which I can enable on specific yum commands with --enablerepo=reponame.

Question is, how come these aren't enabled by default? When I do a yum repolist they don't show up, which effectively leaves orphan programs.

I can see why you might not want rawhide enabled by default for obvious update reasons, but I might want others to be enabled by default, like google for one.

So how is the default repo anabling/disabling controlled?

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Fedora :: Enabling Wireless Without Rebooting?

Nov 18, 2010

My laptop (as many others) has a hardware switch which turns wireless/bluetooth disabled. If after booting up the system I switch on this key, the wireless would still remain disabled and I need to reboot the system to be able to connect to any network.

I have tried

rfkill unblock all
ifconfig wlan0 up

Is there any way to activate wireless without rebooting the system?

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