Server :: Access From A Browser To The Squirrelmail Configtest Page In Server?

May 10, 2010

I was trying to have access from a browser to the squirrelmail configtest page in my server, making some changes, I accidentaly remove the directory webmail. After I replace it with a backup apache2 can not start. This is what I have. Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of [URL].. closed. But I am sure there is a ?> at the end of this file.Base on what I read on [URL]...-with-the-tag/ I test without the ?> also, but I got the same error.

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Server :: Apache / PHP - Getting Blank Page In Browser

May 8, 2010

I have created a php page with only
PHP Code:
<? php echo "OK"; ?>
in the code. When I go to that page in a browser, I get a blank page. Is that normal, or am I suppose to see the word "OK" displayed in a browser? When I became curious, I open up Wireshark to capture the packets, I see that my server is giving out a "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error".

Here's the entire tcp stream:
GET /services/test.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 .....

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Server :: Config Web Server To Be Access By Other Machines With Browser?

Jul 19, 2010

I installed a server called Oracle VM Manager, which is actually a web based application to manage Oracle VM server.After successfully installed everything, it suppose to be access by browser using But strange thing is, I can see web pages from the server itself with but any other machines to access it with hostname or ip address all failed.

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Ubuntu :: Using Web Min To Access Server \ Unable To Access Email Account From A Web Page?

Sep 12, 2010

ok so i ran into a problem, im using web min to access my server, and im setting up postfix and, dovecot first problem is i want to be able to access my email account from a web page, with log in, so my question is how can i do that?

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General :: Access Server Via Browser

May 10, 2010

I have a linux server , there are many files in it , I want to let the user to use browser ( windows ) to access the files to upload / download files , as below command , the user can access the path in the server "linuxserver".

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Server :: Subversion Web Access Will Not Allow To Log In With Web Browser

Sep 7, 2009

I'm running Fedora 10 with apache and I installed mod_dav_svn so that I could set up a secured remote code repository. It appeared to be working ok until I turned on SSL and basic Authentication.I even verified in my subversion.conf httpd configuration file that it is pointing to the correct password file. When I attempt to access it from my web browser, it prompts me for a user name and password, but it will not let me log in. I tried to disable SSL thinking that that might have been the problem, but I get the same results either way. Can anyone please help me resolve this problem?

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Server :: Httpd2.2.15 Access To Localhost Test Page ?

Jun 13, 2010

Can't access localhost test page, but opens localhost page when I use full dns, at least from local network machines?

Running slackware13.1, Httpd2.2.15, 2wire gateway. Firewall web&http pinholes for ports 80,443. Port 80 is working.


Returns error:




Added to Resolve DNS on 2Wire Gateway(Never had to do this before to access httpd test from same machine or network machine?

Changed HTTPD.conf




"It Works!"

Never encountered this before, usually httpd test worked for "localhost" with minimal effort. I am concerned to procceed with this odd behavior. Has anyone else encountered this configuration is?

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Server :: Subversion Web-access, Not Able To Login From Any Browser?

Mar 9, 2011

tried to subversion webaccess from browser,it is asking username and passwordsnter both.its asking again. how to login.configuration shown below

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/subversion.conf
<Location /svn>
DAV svn


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Programming :: Web Page On Apache Server Query MS Access Database

Jan 18, 2010

I have an access database and I would like to build a website on the slackware 12.2 server running apache 2.11.14 to let users query data from the MS Access database. I am thinking that I could just do it in jscript and make a jdbc connection and that should be good. What do you guys think.

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General :: Terminal Server Site Access From Browser?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm going away for the weekend and will only be able to bring my laptop that has the latest release of Ubuntu on it. My question is: will i be able to access my company's Terminal Server site [URL] from browser in Linux, and be able to launch the applications? (Outlook, etc.) Seems to connect to Windows Server 2008. If this works in Linux, that would make my life a lot easier..

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Server :: Can't Access Squid Proxy From Firefox Browser

Oct 18, 2010

I have Fedora Core 13 running. I have successfully (I think) installed squid, although I may have it configured incorrectly. I can ssh into the box from work via putty, but I can't use the proxy. I get a message "the connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" I can use the proxy from my home network, and have watched the tcpdump for port 3128 while using the proxy. I have turned off iptables completely (I'm not sure yet how to just allow squid)...

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Ubuntu :: FAFSA Page Doesn't Allow Any Browser Access To Financial Aid Forms (in Firefox)

Dec 27, 2010

As you've probably found out if you searched for this on Google, the new FAFSA page [URL] does not allow any Linux browser access to financial aid forms. The solution I found is to install User Agent Switcher for Firefox [URL] and restart the browser. Right click a toolbar, like the navigation toolbar near the back button, and click 'Customize'. Find the User Agent Switcher icon and drag it to the toolbar. Now you can change the browser's identity by clicking the little globe on the toolbar and select, for example, Internet Explorer 8. You should now be able to get beyond the first page of the new FAFSA website.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Access Server Apache Test Page Externally

Nov 15, 2010

i'm setting up apache on 5.3. i can access the apache test page without a problem from the server via URL... But i can't figure out how to access this page from another computer within the domain (for when i upload my home page.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Authentication From Ftp Server To Access In Its Directory From Browser?

Jun 15, 2010

I installed pure-ftpd over ubuntu 10.04.
I want to know how can I remove authentication from ftp server to access in ftp directory from browser.

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OpenSUSE :: Run LAMP In A Virtual Machine And Access The Web Server Via A Browser On The Host?

Aug 31, 2010

How can I run LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) in a virtual machine (Ubuntu in virtual box) and make it so the web server is accessible locally (and ONLY locally) on the host OS via an ip address?

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Server :: Access The Servlet Engine's Web GUI Just Fine Over Its Dedicated Port Via Browser?

Nov 26, 2010

Been a while since I last posted here, though I stop by often. Unfortunately I find myself in a bit of a pickle again. Here's the situation. I have an RHEL3u5 server running Apache 2.0.48 and an equivalent of Tomcat and JBoss. IBM's WebSphere Application Server 6.0.2 to be exact, the Apache also being one of their flavors (IBMIHS).

Everything's been going dandy since forever, but lately the httpd processes seemingly just hit a brick wall of some unknown kind. Checking the /server-status page reveals a whole lot of piling up "waits".

The funny part is that the load average rarely goes higher than 1.0, I/O seems within limits, memory usage as far as I can tell seems fine, disk usage appears all good... I would've felt more at ease if something did shoot through the roof, but there's just nothing to go on. It's definitely Apache getting its knickers all in a twist as well since I can access the servlet engine's web GUI just fine over its dedicated port via browser.

Here's what I noticed so far: Apache processes rise steadily to over 35 or so, after which it all goes south fast. As a result and as a temporary fix, I've enabled a cronjob that checks the amount of httpd processes and just restarts Apache if they're above 28. So far this seems to keep things sort of happy, but obviously I'm still twitchy with the overall state of affairs. I do not have the settings immediately at hand, but here are some further details so far:

Server spec:
8 x Xeon CPUs

I'll post further details probably on Monday, specifically key portions of the httpd.conf file.

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Software :: Squirrelmail Doesn't Load Index Page?

Jan 20, 2010

i have a machine with RHEL 5.1 sendmail-8.13.8-2.el5, uw-imap2007-e-7.el5, php 5.3.1, and apache/2.2.3, but i have a problem, i installed Squirrelmail 1.4.19, but i can't access my index.php page, when i load http://localhost/squirrelmail/ i get the image (main.png), and when i click the index.php link i get this:Quote:

* index.php


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General :: Restarting Web Server Apache2 Fail - Error Log "sudo Apache2ctl Configtest" Said "syntax Ok"

Jun 12, 2009

I was stupidly trying to setup apache for virtual hosts using two different tutorials and something got mucked up along the way. Apache will now not start and I just need a some help fixing it. My error logs show nothing and running "sudo apache2ctl configtest" said "syntax ok".

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Server :: Unable To Login In Squirrelmail?

Apr 8, 2011

when i mail form backend to my gmail account my id looks like this- beside i had configured dns server and mail server in centos5.2. iam not geting why

also iam not able to login in error "invalid user name and password"

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Server :: Enable A Password Policy For Squirrelmail?

Jul 29, 2011

My organisation is running squirrelmail on a redhat server. When users are created , at that time the admin sets a password. Thereafter the user can login to his account using the password. But he can't change it as is the case with gmail or yahoo mail. Also the password for any account is known to the admin in addition to the user himself - a weak security arrangement !So what I wish to do is provide a way for users to change his password anytime he wants and also during the first login - as is normally done in banking sites, etc

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Server :: Clean My Address Book Of SquirrelMail

Sep 19, 2010

I would like to clean my address book of SquirrelMail, due to display issue, but I have no idea how to clean it or someone can tell me the file location of addressbook.

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Server :: Squirrelmail Does Not Support Chinese Characters

Jan 17, 2011

When try to deployed squirrelmail, configured display language to "Chinese Simp" or "Chinese Trad", it could not display mail folder and reported "Reason Given: GB2312 character set is not supported." Checked locale/zh_CN[zh_TW]/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po, file charset encode is utf-8, also locale/zh_CN[zh_TW]/setup.php charset to utf-8, but at functions/i18n.php, it used charset of zh_CN/zh_TW to gb2312/big5. after changed it to utf-8, it working fine.However, all messages received is corrupted characters in chinese
Either the title is corrupted characters, or information is corrupted characters.

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Server :: Squirrelmail With Secure Login Plugin

Sep 20, 2010

I am quite new to Squirrelmail but got it working at the first place. Then, with the intention to secure login and data flow, I downloaded and installed the secure login plugin. However, just right after that, I started to get "the connection was interrupted" messages in firefox. I guess that it has something to do with SSL, probably I need to configure that in Apache, not sure. Unfortunately the README and INSTALL files are rather compact in the plugin and I struggle to find a step-by-step tutorial on what needs to be done in order to make it work.Would someone be able to give me a hint on where to find such an information or tell me what else I need to do besides the 3 points written in INSTALL?

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Server :: Postfix + Courier + Squirrelmail Tutorial - Can't Get Into Mailbox

Jan 1, 2010

i followed this tutorial to the "T", [URL]. I am not able to login to the mailboxes with squirrelmail, it says "connection dropped by imap server" I used the whole address as a login just like it said to do. I can sucessfully authenticate with outlook express but it throws an error that say's [URL], no such file or directory. i can telnet into it remotely but when i type ehlo [URL] it just keeps showing all the 250 lines and wont let me generate a message.

from what i saw on the comments on the tutorial and googling there are many other people with this problem, however i found no solutions. This is fresh work and i have not touched any config files since finishing the tutorial

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Software :: Suitable Mail Server Installation And Using SquirrelMail

Apr 12, 2010

I am new to linux, just completed with configuring webmin on my new ubuntu server. I have installed myql, acpache etc. Now I wish to install the mail server. With which mail server should I go for the following use and I wish to also use squirrel mail.

The mail server would get connected to my online mail server from where it would fetch up emails and keep it here something like what mdaemon does in windows. And also send emails from this machine using smtp and pop3. How to do this kind of config and the best mail server

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Server :: Squirrelmail's Blank Screen After Editing Motd In Config.php?

May 31, 2010

When i tried to log in, i get blank screen on the login page, even the src/configtest.php This can be solved by reverting whatever was edited for the motd option to its original paramater. anyone experienced this before and found a solution? The only reason for me to use php 5.2 is to install roundcube alongside squirrelmail. Using: centos 5.5 32-bit, squirrelmail 1.4.8, php 5.2

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Software :: ERROR: Connection Dropped By IMAP Server. Squirrelmail

Mar 22, 2011

I have configured postfix and sendmail in my fedora11 i phased some problem i added before installing 2 users they can able to logged in squirrel mail but when i create a user they cann't able logging into squirrel mail they are getting bleow error

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

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Server :: Postfix Cannot Send Email From Thunderbird/Squirrelmail To Recipient Behind Firewall

Mar 22, 2011

My company email server has been working flawlessly for the last 5+ years. Recently, one of our clients put their email server behind a firewall (an assumption on my part; details below). Ever since, email sent from within the company ( internal address; all computers and server is behind a NAT firewall [Netgear FVX538]) is either being sent to the client after some delay (if email is sent using Outlook) or is being deferred until the messages expire (Thunderbird, Squirrelmail, etc.). Email sent to the client from anywhere outside the company (using Thunderbird, Outlook or any other email client) is also delivered without any problems (usually after a short delay).

All other emails to the World are being sent without any problems at all (both inside and outside the company; using any email client or webmail). I did contact the client's postmaster, but the client, being a large government agency, will probably not address the problem (if it is on their side) anytime soon. I am not sure if I can do anything from my end to solve the problem. Ever since the problem with the client began, I added two statements to the postfix configuration file (smtp_pix_workaround_delay_time = 20s and smtp_pix_workaround_threshold_time = 0s); this seemed to a bit - it reduced the delay for emails sent via Outlook to a few minutes (as opposed to 30+ minutes); emails sent using Thunderbird/webmail are still being deferred.

Server details: Dual quad-core processor machine, 32 GB RAM, dual 1 gbps network, running Fedora 14 (64-bit; loosely modeled along the lines of Perfect Server (with ISPConfig2) as described on the howtoforge website). Running Postfix (v. 2.7.1), Dovecot (v. 2.0.9).

Postfix details:

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mbl-body-deny
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin


I emailed the client's postmaster suggesting they disable smtp fixup. But still, what bothers me now is that Outlook works (both within and outside the company) while Thunderbird, webmail, etc. (used by ~90% of the users) do not. In addition, all email clients from outside the company can send email (authenticated via the company server) to the client without any problems. Is there anything I can do on my end to make non-Outlook clients work within the company (webmail is hosted on the company server; so, it would have an internal address as well)?

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Server :: Login Page Enough To Work Dhcp Server?

Nov 4, 2010

\Actually i lost the login details of my server so im recovering it in rescue mode.what i want to ask here is if i restarted my server what i need to do in order to work as it was before.on my server samba and dhcp server is configured.will my client users can access there network if login page comes or i need to do something else such as restarting services or not.

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Networking :: WebMail I.e. Squirrelmail Setup / Error Connecting To IMAP Server: Localhost?

Apr 11, 2010

To configure webmail in linux5, I�ve followed below procedures:

-Squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.gz and unzipped under the folder /var/www/html
-cd squirrelmail-1.4.2
-cd config
-within this directory, ./
-From main menu, I did choose 2 for domain (i.e. This is my official domain
-Then save and exit
-For IMAP setting, I did choose D
-Selected uw and save, then exit
-Then from command line, I wrote chown �R apache.apache /var/www/html/data (I created folder data in the above path)
-I created a folder named as attach to keep attachment in /var/www/html i.e. /var/www/html/attach
-Then typed grep �R apache /var/www/html/attach
-Then typed chmod 730 /var/www/html/mail/attach (Here squirrelmail-1.4.2 directory has been moved to mail directory)
-Then from web browser/Internet explorer, I typed http://localhost/mail/
-Here Username & Password appears. Previously I have created username.
-But when put Username & Password, below error message displays

Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost
13: Permission denied
But I gave permission by chmod 777 /var/www/html/mail and by using 555 but no result.

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