Server :: Squirrelmail Does Not Support Chinese Characters

Jan 17, 2011

When try to deployed squirrelmail, configured display language to "Chinese Simp" or "Chinese Trad", it could not display mail folder and reported "Reason Given: GB2312 character set is not supported." Checked locale/zh_CN[zh_TW]/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po, file charset encode is utf-8, also locale/zh_CN[zh_TW]/setup.php charset to utf-8, but at functions/i18n.php, it used charset of zh_CN/zh_TW to gb2312/big5. after changed it to utf-8, it working fine.However, all messages received is corrupted characters in chinese
Either the title is corrupted characters, or information is corrupted characters.

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General :: Pdf Reader Does Not Support Chinese Characters?

Mar 24, 2010

I am a starter ,though there are lots of software installed almost for everything, I found that it is uneasy for a Chinese learner to use it.Almost every PC user prefer sip to linux around me. it is likely that there is still a long way to go.but I have every confidence in myself! one of my question is:Why my pdf reader does not support Chinese characters?What should I do to improve this situation?

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Ubuntu :: Delete All ASCII Characters In File - Leave Chinese Characters Only

Jul 8, 2011

What command could I use in terminal to delete all ASCII characters? That is, delete a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and all punctuation? I have a file containing Chinese characters, and I want to remove everything else and leave just the Chinese.

I can use grep to leave only the lines that have Chinese in them, but this still leaves a lot of non-Chinese stuff on those lines. Does anyone know how I could actually remove everything that isn't Chinese?

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Debian :: DOS Era CDROM In Chinese Characters

Mar 19, 2016

This is to do with accessing Dos era CD rom under Linux.The characters in directory and file titles appear as "chinese".As I know that I've loaded and installed programs from these CD roms onto a Windows 2000 machine, I'm wondering why I can not read the file names now. They are definitely in English.I've research and found the mount -o "characterset" but I shouldn't need to do that as they are not foreign language CD roms.The only other thing I can think off is that they are both degraded, but I would not have expected that of commercial CD roms.

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Fedora :: KDE Cannot Display Some Characters (Chinese)

Jul 21, 2009

I update system today. Just before , everything is normal. Once it finished , I found that my KDE can't display some characters. I am a Chinese user. The English words are normal,. Just some Chinese characters can't be displayed. When I refreshed the browser, they can be displayed again but some of them are font default and some of them are font Yahei. And they are displayed messed together. It is not pretty. AND it is not only in browser, anywhere displayed Chinese characters looks the same as browser. How to change them back to default font as one font not two types of font messed together?

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Server :: Add Support For German Characters?

Jul 8, 2010

I have one java web application deployed in Linux environment by which I am trying to download file's from Linux server. These files have samba mounting from windows server. While downloading any file, if the file name contains simple english characters it works fine but if that file name contain German character's like then file corrupt while downloading. After analysis I found that after samba mounting these Germen characters get replaced with '?' in Linux (May be Linux unable to identify characters).Linux environment is set to LANG=en_US.UTF-8.

And we have done mounting with below options,
and also try with iocharset=utf8.
Also try by installing following package,
but it doesnt help us.

The same application works fine in windows environment. I check it on internet, and I found that for this issue you have to add support for German characters in Linux environment. Anybody know how to add German character support to Linux or How to resolve this issue??

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Does Not Display Chinese Characters ?

Jun 30, 2010

I have no problems displaying Chinese characters in IE in Windows and I just switched over to Ubuntu.

I have gone to view-> Character Encoding and set it to simpified Chinese but the screenshot still looks like the attachment.

I see only squares. What should I do?

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General :: Input Chinese Characters On Slakware 12.0?

Feb 6, 2010

My installation of slakware linux 12.0 seemed Ok, I can see the beautiful KDE Window and I can also read Chinese homepages by Foxfire browser. But I don't know how I can input Chinese characters. I in fact installed everything from the DVD-package. It appeared that SCIM was installed, and I don't know if I have CLE.

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Display Chinese And Japanese Characters

Dec 13, 2008

I just installed CentOS 5.2. I have both fonts-japanese and fonts-chinese installed. But I cannot see characters displayed correctly. All Chinese and Japanese characters are displayed as blocks of hexadecimals, except Japanese kana. How can I make them displayed correctly?

*** Appendix 1: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ***
# Xorg configuration created by system-config-display
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "single head configuration"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Synaptics" "CorePointer"
EndSection .....

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Ubuntu :: Get Document Viewer To Display Chinese Characters In A Pdf?

Feb 28, 2010

Is there a way to get Document Viewer to display Chinese characters in a pdf? Adobe Viewer does but I would prefer to avoid proprietary software. I cannot get either Document Viewer or Okular to properly show Chinese characters in pdf documents downloaded from my college class homepage.

I have all the Chinese language support files, bells and whistles (both traditional and simplified) loaded and operational. When I create a Chinese document in OO Writer and save it as a pdf, both DocViewer and Okular display the the Chinese characters properly. I just cannot get either DocViewer or Okular to display Chinese in pdfs that are downloaded from the website of my course's online textbook/workbook.

Running 9.10 full boat version on an EEE 1000HD netbook.

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Slackware :: Display Chinese Characters In File Browser ?

Jan 27, 2011

Using Fluxbox, have tried this in XFCE and KDE. Chinese characters display properly in whatever browser I use online. I do need to see some in the file manager and this is not working.

I have installed the following chinese display files from Slack -

No results so far.

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Ubuntu :: FBReader Doesn't Display Chinese Characters Properly?

Dec 16, 2010

On Linux Mint FBReader (both the latest version and the one in the 10.04 repositories)displays Chinese characters as boxes(see screenshot) for some reason, but on Windows it works fine. Is there any way to fix it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Chinese Simplified Support For 10.04?

Oct 8, 2010

Ive had my server up and running for a few weeks now, everything has been good. My one small hitch is that while in the console I need to be able to see Chinese Simplified characters. I dont really need to type them, but I do need to be able to read them. How do I go about adding support for simplified chinese?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install Chinese Language Support In 10.10

Nov 9, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.10, When I click Language Support, then I click install/remove Language, I click Chinese (simplified) and Chinese (traditional). then I click apply changes. But still can not be installed. it seems, the source can not be downloaded.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Squirrelmail - ERROR: Mysql Database Support Not Present

Oct 8, 2010

I am trying to install squirrelmail on Ubuntu 10.4 and at some point in the instalation process I get the following error:


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Fedora :: New App: SopCast Player For It And Ubuntu - Support For Japanese And Chinese

Jan 11, 2009

It features a built-in player and a channel guide with the ability to bookmark favorite channels. Currently the only available language is English, but I'm working with a few people to try and bring support for Japanese and Chinese as well. Let me know what needs improvement, and please, be honest. [URL] btw. Be sure to read the Installation notes on the website before you install.

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Server :: Access From A Browser To The Squirrelmail Configtest Page In Server?

May 10, 2010

I was trying to have access from a browser to the squirrelmail configtest page in my server, making some changes, I accidentaly remove the directory webmail. After I replace it with a backup apache2 can not start. This is what I have. Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of [URL].. closed. But I am sure there is a ?> at the end of this file.Base on what I read on [URL]...-with-the-tag/ I test without the ?> also, but I got the same error.

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Fedora Installation :: Multiple Language Support (including To Enter Complex Characters)

Jun 10, 2009

I quit using Fedora when FC4 came out, but I decided to switch back now that F11 has come out. I'm liking everything so far, though it is different from what I became used to (Ubuntu). My main question so far has to do with language support, and I cannot seem to find an answer anywhere for this. I need to have language support for several languages (including support to enter complex characters) for all applications for which it they are available. How do I install all the language files at once for, say, Korean, rather than installing each library one by one?

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Server :: Unable To Login In Squirrelmail?

Apr 8, 2011

when i mail form backend to my gmail account my id looks like this- beside i had configured dns server and mail server in centos5.2. iam not geting why

also iam not able to login in error "invalid user name and password"

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Server :: Enable A Password Policy For Squirrelmail?

Jul 29, 2011

My organisation is running squirrelmail on a redhat server. When users are created , at that time the admin sets a password. Thereafter the user can login to his account using the password. But he can't change it as is the case with gmail or yahoo mail. Also the password for any account is known to the admin in addition to the user himself - a weak security arrangement !So what I wish to do is provide a way for users to change his password anytime he wants and also during the first login - as is normally done in banking sites, etc

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Server :: Clean My Address Book Of SquirrelMail

Sep 19, 2010

I would like to clean my address book of SquirrelMail, due to display issue, but I have no idea how to clean it or someone can tell me the file location of addressbook.

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Server :: Squirrelmail With Secure Login Plugin

Sep 20, 2010

I am quite new to Squirrelmail but got it working at the first place. Then, with the intention to secure login and data flow, I downloaded and installed the secure login plugin. However, just right after that, I started to get "the connection was interrupted" messages in firefox. I guess that it has something to do with SSL, probably I need to configure that in Apache, not sure. Unfortunately the README and INSTALL files are rather compact in the plugin and I struggle to find a step-by-step tutorial on what needs to be done in order to make it work.Would someone be able to give me a hint on where to find such an information or tell me what else I need to do besides the 3 points written in INSTALL?

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Server :: Postfix + Courier + Squirrelmail Tutorial - Can't Get Into Mailbox

Jan 1, 2010

i followed this tutorial to the "T", [URL]. I am not able to login to the mailboxes with squirrelmail, it says "connection dropped by imap server" I used the whole address as a login just like it said to do. I can sucessfully authenticate with outlook express but it throws an error that say's [URL], no such file or directory. i can telnet into it remotely but when i type ehlo [URL] it just keeps showing all the 250 lines and wont let me generate a message.

from what i saw on the comments on the tutorial and googling there are many other people with this problem, however i found no solutions. This is fresh work and i have not touched any config files since finishing the tutorial

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Software :: Suitable Mail Server Installation And Using SquirrelMail

Apr 12, 2010

I am new to linux, just completed with configuring webmin on my new ubuntu server. I have installed myql, acpache etc. Now I wish to install the mail server. With which mail server should I go for the following use and I wish to also use squirrel mail.

The mail server would get connected to my online mail server from where it would fetch up emails and keep it here something like what mdaemon does in windows. And also send emails from this machine using smtp and pop3. How to do this kind of config and the best mail server

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Server :: Squirrelmail's Blank Screen After Editing Motd In Config.php?

May 31, 2010

When i tried to log in, i get blank screen on the login page, even the src/configtest.php This can be solved by reverting whatever was edited for the motd option to its original paramater. anyone experienced this before and found a solution? The only reason for me to use php 5.2 is to install roundcube alongside squirrelmail. Using: centos 5.5 32-bit, squirrelmail 1.4.8, php 5.2

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Software :: ERROR: Connection Dropped By IMAP Server. Squirrelmail

Mar 22, 2011

I have configured postfix and sendmail in my fedora11 i phased some problem i added before installing 2 users they can able to logged in squirrel mail but when i create a user they cann't able logging into squirrel mail they are getting bleow error

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

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Ubuntu :: Server Display Chinese When Installing

May 16, 2009

I'm a Chinese user and installed ubuntu server. I choosed Chinese when installing and the console could display Chinese, but when finished installation and rebooted, the console couldn't display Chinese filename. Any body knows why and which terminal was used when installing?

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Server :: Postfix Cannot Send Email From Thunderbird/Squirrelmail To Recipient Behind Firewall

Mar 22, 2011

My company email server has been working flawlessly for the last 5+ years. Recently, one of our clients put their email server behind a firewall (an assumption on my part; details below). Ever since, email sent from within the company ( internal address; all computers and server is behind a NAT firewall [Netgear FVX538]) is either being sent to the client after some delay (if email is sent using Outlook) or is being deferred until the messages expire (Thunderbird, Squirrelmail, etc.). Email sent to the client from anywhere outside the company (using Thunderbird, Outlook or any other email client) is also delivered without any problems (usually after a short delay).

All other emails to the World are being sent without any problems at all (both inside and outside the company; using any email client or webmail). I did contact the client's postmaster, but the client, being a large government agency, will probably not address the problem (if it is on their side) anytime soon. I am not sure if I can do anything from my end to solve the problem. Ever since the problem with the client began, I added two statements to the postfix configuration file (smtp_pix_workaround_delay_time = 20s and smtp_pix_workaround_threshold_time = 0s); this seemed to a bit - it reduced the delay for emails sent via Outlook to a few minutes (as opposed to 30+ minutes); emails sent using Thunderbird/webmail are still being deferred.

Server details: Dual quad-core processor machine, 32 GB RAM, dual 1 gbps network, running Fedora 14 (64-bit; loosely modeled along the lines of Perfect Server (with ISPConfig2) as described on the howtoforge website). Running Postfix (v. 2.7.1), Dovecot (v. 2.0.9).

Postfix details:

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mbl-body-deny
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin


I emailed the client's postmaster suggesting they disable smtp fixup. But still, what bothers me now is that Outlook works (both within and outside the company) while Thunderbird, webmail, etc. (used by ~90% of the users) do not. In addition, all email clients from outside the company can send email (authenticated via the company server) to the client without any problems. Is there anything I can do on my end to make non-Outlook clients work within the company (webmail is hosted on the company server; so, it would have an internal address as well)?

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Networking :: WebMail I.e. Squirrelmail Setup / Error Connecting To IMAP Server: Localhost?

Apr 11, 2010

To configure webmail in linux5, I�ve followed below procedures:

-Squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.gz and unzipped under the folder /var/www/html
-cd squirrelmail-1.4.2
-cd config
-within this directory, ./
-From main menu, I did choose 2 for domain (i.e. This is my official domain
-Then save and exit
-For IMAP setting, I did choose D
-Selected uw and save, then exit
-Then from command line, I wrote chown �R apache.apache /var/www/html/data (I created folder data in the above path)
-I created a folder named as attach to keep attachment in /var/www/html i.e. /var/www/html/attach
-Then typed grep �R apache /var/www/html/attach
-Then typed chmod 730 /var/www/html/mail/attach (Here squirrelmail-1.4.2 directory has been moved to mail directory)
-Then from web browser/Internet explorer, I typed http://localhost/mail/
-Here Username & Password appears. Previously I have created username.
-But when put Username & Password, below error message displays

Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost
13: Permission denied
But I gave permission by chmod 777 /var/www/html/mail and by using 555 but no result.

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Server :: Driver Support - QME2572 - Qlogic - Card Became Support By The Kernel

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to find out when QME2572 (Qlogic) card became support by the kernel. We have a RHEL 5.1 system that is moving to new hardware, however the kernel at this release doesn't support the new hardware, due to the Qlogic card change. I tired the Redhat KB and Bugzilla. Is there a Kernel change list etc I can search. Never really played around with the kernel too much so I'm just after some pointers for looking up this information. Offically its not supported until Redhat 5.3, I'm trying trying to research kernel info so I can tell the customer they have to upgrade.

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